Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Frankenstein - 1009 Words

Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein seems to be an exact representation of the ideas of the 17th century philosopher John Locke. In Locke’s â€Å"An Essay Concerning Human Understanding,† he talks about the idea that we as humans are all born with a ‘blank slate’ that contains no knowledge whatsoever and that we can only know that things exist if we first experience them through sensation and reflection. In Frankenstein, the monster portrays Locke’s ideas of gaining knowledge perfectly through worldly experience of learning his surroundings. Locke states â€Å"†¦from experience; in that all our knowledge is founded and from that it ultimately derives itself† (Locke 186). He is saying that the only way the human mind can learn and gain knowledge is if it is†¦show more content†¦We as humans reflect on our past unconsciously. We are constantly telling ourselves what we would’ve done differently in a certain situation or maybe what was done well. Using this tool of reflection helps shape and form our future selves for the better. The second example that is more specific is when the monster is staying in the small hovel attached to a small cottage. â€Å"I had been accustomed, during the night, to steal a part of their store for my own consumption; but when I found that in doing this I inflicted pain on the cottagers†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Shelley 137). In this experience, the monster started to reflect on what his actions have caused the poor family by stealing their goods they used to survive on. He fe els guilty and decides to redeem his actions by providing wood at their door step each night. This use of reflection has taught the monster that his freewill has limitation and that he cannot do certain things without impacting other people around him thus shaping and forming him into a smarter being and at the same gaining knowledge through these experiences. When the creature Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is born, his mind is a ‘blank slate’ with no instinctive principle of life or knowledge. All the knowledge that the monster learns was derived only from his personal experiences and interactions throughout the book. Through my examples, Frankenstein can be easily connected to the ideas and principles about gainingShow MoreRelatedFrankenstein, By Victor Frankenstein988 Words   |  4 PagesLane Johnson Mr. Jones English 12 Honors/4th Period March 15, 2015 Victor Frankenstein and his creation surprisingly share many of the same characteristics. Even though Frankenstein is an ugly, unwanted creature, he and Victor withhold an obvious connection throughout the novel. However, Victor and Frankenstein also share their differences as well. Victor was raised in a very caring and loving home. His parents gave Victor everything he wanted and Victor grew up with great friends. Victor’s parentsRead MoreFrankenstein And Frankenstein Essay1474 Words   |  6 Pagesfictional characters, most famously in John Milton’s Paradise Lost, in 1667, and Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, in 1818. The complexity of the characters in these texts creates the theme of nature versus nurture before they diverge and arrive at differing conclusions. Many critics arose over the years to contest the main character of Milton’s epic. Shelley, arguably Milton’s greatest critic, wrote Frankenstein to contrast her views on the conflict between creator and creation. She also uses an unconventionalRead MoreFrankenstein1112 Words   |  5 Pagesas a reflection of context. The capacity of thematic concerns to transcend time are manifested within Mary Shelley s 19th century gothic novel Frankenstein (1818) and Ridley Scott s dystopian science fiction film Blade Runner (1992) as both pose markedly similar existentialist discourses regarding the fate of humanity. Through Frankenstein , Shelley s romantic approach condemns humanity s intrusive assumption as creator during an era where scientific hubris prompted people to abandonRead MoreFrankenstein: Technology1728 Words   |  7 PagesFrankenstein: Technology In Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus, written in the late nineteenth century by Mary Shelley, Shelley proposes that knowledge and its effects can be dangerous to individuals and all of humanity. Frankenstein was one of our first and still is one of our best cautionary tales about scientific research.. Shelleys novel is a metaphor of the problems technology is causing today. Learn from me. . . at least by my example, how dangerous is the acquirement of knowledgeRead MoreFrankenstein Critique866 Words   |  4 PagesAs Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein, she poured much time into portraying her characters and making them believable and life-like. Her scenes are painted with beautiful, descriptive words that are colored with vivid emotions and applicable morals. Her life experiences were strategically placed in her writing to convey a sense of reality and completion of plots and subplots. Her experience with failed love ties in with the emotion that she expresses the loneliness of Frankenstein’s creation. She developsRead MoreCharacters in Frankenstein1261 Words   |  6 PagescenterbExamine the way in which characters are portrayed in the novel./b/center br brIn the novel Frankenstein, written by Mary Shelley, the characters have been portrayed effectively. Much of the interactions between characters, and characteristics of the characters have been based on events which have occurred in Shelley s own life, or th ey represent what she believes is important. For example, Victor is portrayed as having a strong passion for science, and a poor understanding ofRead MoreFrankenstein : The Way Frankenstein, And His Creation1275 Words   |  6 Pagesprevalent in Shelly’s novel is the way Frankenstein, and his creation, are controlled by their emotions. Frankenstein is continually ruled by his feelings of fear, guilt, and love throughout the novel. For instance, he works for nearly two years to accomplish his goal of creating life, only to immediately flee because of fear when his work comes to life. This was a major illustration for the reader that despite being an experienced scientist Frankenstein was still ruled by emotions. In a largeRead More Mary Shelleys Frankenstein - Victor Frankenstein is to Blame1046 Words   |  5 PagesVictor Frankenstein is to Blame Can an intense appetency for the pursuit of knowledge result in fatal consequences? In most situations when a strong desire is present consequences are seldom taken into consideration. In the novel, Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein pursues knowledge in an obsessive manner that blinds him to the possible effects. Victor Frankenstein is the primary cause of his creatures desolation. Indeed, Victor Frankenstein is at fault for the creatures isolation andRead More Victor Frankenstein is the Monster in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein566 Words   |  3 PagesVictor Frankenstein is the Monster in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Through out the novel we are under the assumption that the demon in the novel is the man who is disfigured and hideous on the outside. While we view Victor Frankenstein as the handsome and caring victim, even though sometimes a monster cannot be seen but heard. Looks can be deceiving but actions are always true.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  We first view Frankenstein’s ignorance while he is busy in his work. He had not visited his family forRead More Frankenstein Essay572 Words   |  3 Pages In Marry Shelley’s Frankenstein, the powerful creature represents the physical manifestation of the ugliness and selfishness of Victor’s desires as well as being the solution for his need to escape from the elements that threaten his way of life. Victor chose to embark on the arduous task of creating what he perceived as perfection. To him, this creation was intended to be both intelligent and powerful, immortal and beautiful. He was seeking the perfect humanoid entity that he thought would be

Monday, December 23, 2019

Harry Truman, The President Of The United States - 1334 Words

Aaron Siegler Mrs. Rapp English/P6 30 November 2015 I. Introduction President Harry Truman, the 33rd president, was a honorable man as shown in this quote, The heroism of our troops was matched by that of the armed forces of the nation s that fought by our side they absorbed the blows and shared to the full in the ultimate destruction of the enemy.† This quote shows how the president was caring. He was a great man and is able to do many things such as ending World War II and he has also used the world most powerful weapon, the atomic bomb. Harry Truman, the 33rd president of the United States, has made many accomplishments, and that’s why he learned and adapted to how his work was done. II. Early Years and Education Harry S. Truman was born in Lamar, Missouri on May 8, 1884. He and his two siblings, the boy, Vivian, and the girl, Mary Jane, worked on a farm for twelve years. (He got a received, a ideal religious education and studied the piano. When he was young he wanted to become a pianist. He could not play sports because of his thick glasses. He was influenced by a book called â€Å"Great Men and Famous Women† which showed him how to govern, and to follow in the footsteps of the great and famous people. After growing up the farm where he was born, he had done various jobs to help support his family. He was once a timekeeper for a railroad construction firm and he also worked as a clerk for a bank in Kansas City. In 1906 he returned to the city of Grandview to help runShow MoreRelatedTrumans Domestic And Foreign Policies1094 Words   |  5 PagesPresident Harry S. Truman was born in Lamar, Missouri on May 8, 1884. â€Å"The son of John Anderson Truman a nd Martha Ellen (Young) Truman.† Truman’s father worked as mule trader and a farmer while Martha was a musician and homemaker. Young Truman had three siblings growing up and eventually married his childhood love Bess Wallace on June 28, 1919, (Truman Biography†, n.d.). President Harry S. Truman assumed the responsibilities and duties of an American President after the death of President FranklinRead MoreHarry S. Truman s President Of All Time1478 Words   |  6 PagesHarry S Truman was the 33rd president of the United States and according to the Harry S Truman website, the 5th most popular president of all time. Truman played a big part in ending World War II and beginning the Cold War. He was elected in 1945, after the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt, in April 1945. He also ended racial segregation in the civil service and the armed forces in 1948. Which will all be covered in this topic of Harry S. Truman, also discussing his presidency, personal accomplishmentsRead More Harry S. Truman Essay954 Words   |  4 Pagesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Harry S. Truman was born on May 8, 1884 in Lamar, Missouri. 2. Childhood nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;John A. Truman sold and bought livestock form a lot adjacent to their house when Harry was first born. When Harry was ten months old the Trumans sold their house and stocklot to move to Harrisonville, Missouri. From Harrisonville they moved to Belton, then to Grandview, and finally settled in Independence, Missouri when Harry Truman was six years old. President Truman was the oldestRead MorePresident Harry S. Truman762 Words   |  4 PagesPresidential Research Paper President Harry S. Truman wasn’t only just a president, he was a US army soldier, a democratic senator, presiding judge, and a vice president. Before his presidency, he fought in World War 1. Recapping his roles before the presidency, once the war ended, Truman got discharged from the army and then went to attend Kansas City school of law. This is when he was on the road to becoming president. In 1933 Franklin d Roosevelt was elected 32nd president. Harry S. got elected presidingRead MoreHarry S. Truman: A Tremendously Influential President Essay1696 Words   |  7 PagesHarry S. Truman was born in Lamar, Missouri on May 8, 1884 and was at first just an average boy and then man, with dreams in the music field and interests in reading and history. His mother greatly supported his ideas and desires and wished him the best. Truman worked a series of clerical jobs and worked on the Santa Fe Railroad as well (â€Å"Harry S. Truman†). Truman’s first encounter with politics was when he served in WWI and was a captain in the Field Artillery in France. When he returned from FranceRead MoreTruman s A Man Of Great Success And A Natural Born Leader939 Words   |  4 PagesTruman’s Battle Harry Truman was a man of great success and a natural born leader. Following the death of Roosevelt, Harry Truman stepped up to be America’s president. His simple life growing up on a farm prepared him in more ways than one could begin to understand. He was not an expert on foreign policy, but he understood how the government worked and had a vast knowledge on American history. His time fighting during World War I in the Vosges Mountains in Northern France had prepared him for theRead MoreThe Atomic Bomb : A Significant Period Of Time That Molds The United States980 Words   |  4 PagesThe Atomic Bomb in Japan President Truman, decision over booming Japan is a significant period of time that molds the United States. The crucial decision that was made on August of 1945, brought World War II to an end. While bringing the WWII to an end, it attracted a lot of debates over the use of the atomic bombs in the war. Even though the WWII has ended decades ago debates still lingers to this point. Having people in both sides of the debates, makes people wonder if the use of the first atomicRead MoreThe Dropping Of The Atomic Bomb1207 Words   |  5 PagesThe dropping of the atomic bombs in Japan was a very helpful source for the United States during the WWII. President Truman, took the responsibility of dropping and creation of the atomic bomb. For the reason that The United States was seeking revenge on Japan for the attack at Pearl Harbor. The atomic bomb caused a high number of innocent Japanese deaths and also awful sickness. The atomic bombs left a big impact in the Japanese empire; also effec ted the Japanese at the time of the atomic bombRead MoreEssay on The Decision of the Century1031 Words   |  5 PagesOn August 2, 1945, Harry S. Truman made the toughest decision of his life. He knew that if he made the right decision, he would save hundreds of thousands of American lives. In making this decision, he would also be responsible for the deaths of hundreds and thousands of Japanese lives. If he made the wrong decision, the war would drudge on as the death count rose higher and higher as each new battle was fought. Japan would not surrender unconditionally, as the United States wanted. With GermanyRead MoreCurrent Events And U.s. Diplomacy1412 Words   |  6 PagesDecember 6, 2015 â€Æ' Current Events and U.S. Diplomacy Over time the United States has had many different presidents, each serving one or two terms in office and that same tradition still continues today. Once elected the president spends the majority of his time in the White House with his family while serving the people of his country, and when his presidency is over, he goes back to living his normal life. While in office presidents deal with more than their share of problems and conflicts of interest

Sunday, December 15, 2019

The USPS Problem Free Essays

It has come as no surprise that the United States Postal Service lost money in the first two quarters of 2010. $8. 5 billion to be exact. We will write a custom essay sample on The USPS Problem or any similar topic only for you Order Now Next year they, plan to lose even more. Somewhere in between $9 billion to $10 billion dollars. The problem will not be as simple to fix, but it is a problem that can be resolved with a few simple implementations and cost cutting options. Overspending and undercharging has led to needing to cut cost and raise prices. The USPS is trying to do both, but it requires Congressional approval and some simple economics. Here is what should be done in solving this problem. 1. Raise prices.  Allow modest price changes without Congressional approval. If the prices change within the cost of living change or close the USPS should be able to implement them without wasting time and taxpayer money on a Congressional approval. The United States Postal Service does not charge enough for the service they provide. It does not cost 44 cents to move a letter from San Antonio, Texas to Hawaii, Alaska, or Puerto Rico. It does not cost 44 cents to move a letter to the next town let alone cross country with today’s raising fuel cost. Even with today’s new Postal pick up service the cost of fuel outweighs the cost of flat rate packaging. 2.  Service. Service is part of the United States Postal Service name. End the Casual implantation of temporary workers. To many times customers complain to me that they saw a worker delivering mail without a uniform, and do not trust them in picking up the mail or package. Mail carriers should promote the business and make every interaction with its customers a positive one. I do many routes at my station and time and time again customers complain of the grumpy old letter carrier acting rude when approached, this has to come to a halt and management should be more involved in implementing ways to improve customer interaction and promote it. If a station manager gets complaints on a mail carrier, the station manager should make a note of it and speak to the mail carrier at the end of day or first thing in the morning. Allow private business to run kiosk machines. Co-location works, and it is what the customers want, pay flat rate prices and do so fast and quickly, not waiting 20 to 30 minutes in line at the local Post Office. 3. Either end the retirement and health care pre-funding or make all government agencies abide by the same rule the United States Postal Service does. Although this has little impact on mail delivery, it has a huge impact on postal profitability. The United States Postal Service officials think if given the same approach as other government agencies, they would save $5. 6 billion a year in revenue. If it weren’t for the cost of pre-funding future retiree’s health care benefits the service would have seen a profit of more than a quarter billion dollars. In other words, from an operational standpoint, the United States Postal Service made money. Understanding that the United States Postal Service is to break even, and any profits gain are to be made into the retirement and health care fund. Pre-funding is a Congressional candy jar anyway. 4. Cut money wasting ideas. Management time and time again has cost the United States Postal Service revenue. Looking at some ideas management came just make no sense, like the idea to emplace a GPS system in every United States Postal Service vehicle. This idea was implemented to track and follow where the letter carrier goes during his delivery route. Along with that comes the idea to emplace 12 barcode scan points along the delivery route which the carrier must scan in increments of 45 minutes. Rather than spend that kind of money and ways to spy on the letter carrier, someone in upper management should have suggested the idea that most of the United States Postal Service competitors have, which is continuous visibility of parcels. A idea that can make the United States Postal Service prove to their customers and competitors, that the United States Postal Service can provide the same service if not better than the other agencies. Currently the United States Postal Service cannot show the time of delivery of any package until the letter carrier returns to the office and downloads the information into the system. Also batteries on the scanners fail and data is lost as well as the cost of a scanner brought to the letter carrier to be replaced. Instead of a GPS in every truck it would wise to spend revenue on something the United States Postal Service can improve its operational needs and improve visibility for every parcel scanned. After all it is what the business side of customers wants to see. The United States Postal Service is established so that every citizen could have an affordable means to move packages, and letters and to ensure timely delivery of mail to each home is delivered. The Postal Service has tremendous business potential in the future, but Congress has to allow the United States Postal Service to use its own money in a businesslike fashion to get over the short term challenges,† NALC President Fredric Rolando said. With the ever-changing market the United States Postal Service must focus on the parcel side of business mailing, and ensure every interaction with its customers is a positive one. After all it is the United States Postal Service customers that can fix the revenue problem the service is having. How to cite The USPS Problem, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Lasers and Their Uses Essay Example For Students

Lasers and Their Uses Essay We have all at some point in our lives used or seen someone use a laser. They are used in compact disc players for stereos or computers, laser surgery,laser printers, holography, cutting and borring metals, communication, bar-codescanners, etc. Over the past three decades lasers have become a tool useddaily by many people and they have become very useful in scientific research. As you can see lasers are a very useful and important tool which is why I havechosen this topic to write about. The term laser is an acronym. It stands for light amplification bystimulated emission of radiation. They produce a narrow, intense beam ofcoherent light. In a laser the atoms or molecules of a crystal, like ruby or garnet-orof a gas, liquid, or other substance-are excited so that more of them are athigher energy levels than are at lower energy levels. If a photon whosefrequency corresponds to the energy difference between the excited and groundstates strikes an excited atom, the atom is stimulated, as it falls back to alower energy state, to emit a second photon of the same frequency, in phasewith and in the same direction as the bombarding photon. This process iscalled stimulated emission. The bombarding photon of the emitted photon maythen strike other excited atoms, stimulating further emission of photons, allof the same frequency and phase. This process produces a sudden burst ofcoherent radiation as all the atoms discharge in a rapid chain reaction. Thelight beam produces is usually pencil thin and maintains its size and directionover very long distances. Lasers vary greatly in the way they look and what they are used for. Some lasers are as large as buildings while others can be the size of a grainof salt. There are many parts to lasers. I will now explain what they are andtheir uses. 1) Pumping systems:The pumping system is used to transmit energy to the atoms or moleculesof the medium used in the laser. a. optical pumping systems uses photons provided by a source such as a Xenongas flash lamp or another laser to transfer energy to the lasing material. Theoptical source must provide photons which correspond to the allowed transitionlevels of the lasing material. b. collision pumping relies on the transfer of energy to the lasing material bycollision with the atoms or molecules of the lasing material. Again, energieswhich correspond to the allowed transition must be provided. Thisoften done by electrical discharge in a pure gas or gas mixture in a tube. c. chemical pumping systems use the binding energy released in chemicalreactions to raise the lasing material to the metastable state. 2) Optical Cavity: An optical cavity is required to provide the amplification desired in thelaser and to select the photons which are traveling in the desired direction. As the first atom or molecule in the metastable state of the invertedpopulation decays it triggers (by stimulated emission) the decay of anotheratom or molecule in the metastable state. 3) Laser Media:Lasers are usually classified by the lasing material used by the laser. Thereare four types which are solid state, dye, gas and semiconductor. a. solid state lasers employ a lasing material distributed in a soloid matrixsytem. Accessory devices which may be internal or external may be used toconvert the output . b. gas lasers use a gas or a mixture of gas within a tube. The most common gaslaser uses a mixture of helium and neon with a pimary output of 632.8 nm whichis a red visible colour. .u68a711380e5d03647be1f092ead5da2a , .u68a711380e5d03647be1f092ead5da2a .postImageUrl , .u68a711380e5d03647be1f092ead5da2a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u68a711380e5d03647be1f092ead5da2a , .u68a711380e5d03647be1f092ead5da2a:hover , .u68a711380e5d03647be1f092ead5da2a:visited , .u68a711380e5d03647be1f092ead5da2a:active { border:0!important; } .u68a711380e5d03647be1f092ead5da2a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u68a711380e5d03647be1f092ead5da2a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u68a711380e5d03647be1f092ead5da2a:active , .u68a711380e5d03647be1f092ead5da2a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u68a711380e5d03647be1f092ead5da2a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u68a711380e5d03647be1f092ead5da2a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u68a711380e5d03647be1f092ead5da2a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u68a711380e5d03647be1f092ead5da2a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u68a711380e5d03647be1f092ead5da2a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u68a711380e5d03647be1f092ead5da2a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u68a711380e5d03647be1f092ead5da2a .u68a711380e5d03647be1f092ead5da2a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u68a711380e5d03647be1f092ead5da2a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Connectio Between Animal Cruelty And Human Vio Essayc. dye lasers use a laser medium that is ususally a complex organic dye in aliquid solution or suspension. The most striking feature of these lasers istheir tunability. Proper choice of the dye and its concentration allowsproduction of laser light over a broad range of wavelength in or near thevisible spectrum. d. semiconductor lasers are not to be confused with solid state lasers. Semiconductor devices consist of two layers of semiconductor material sandwichedtogether. Laser ApplicationsLaser SurgeryThe small, intense, bright beam of light can be focused with lenses to providea point of energy intense enough to burn through living flesh. Laser Welding, Cutting BlastingOnce again the lasers intense energy when focused make it ideal for providingconcentrated welding and cutting. Laser ShowsThe intense color of laser light has opened up a whole new world for laserartists to weave a new kind of art using different coloured lenses, mirrors andcrystals. Power GenerationLaser-powered fusion holds hope of generating tremendous amounts of electricitythrough the use of lasers. Information TechnologyUsing fiber optic bundles to carry them, modulated laser beams can transferhuge amounts of information(internet). Lasers in compact disc players read tinyreflections on CDs and laser discs to play back audio and video. Someday yourhouse could be fitted with fiber optics to carry cable tv and phone service. Category: Science

Friday, November 29, 2019

Article Review A Universal Healthcare System Is It Right for the United States By Marleise Rashford Essay Example

Article Review A Universal Healthcare System: Is It Right for the United States? By Marleise Rashford Essay Abstract The prevailing healthcare system in the United States has drawn many criticisms – from healthcare professionals and citizens alike. The American system fares badly compared to nationalized public health systems of Western Europe. Even in terms of overall costs, the American model is more expensive, which is significantly inflated by bureaucracy costs. All comparative evidence points in one direction – that the country would benefit through an overhaul of the healthcare system. Single payer and universal insurance coverage are the cornerstones of the optimal system. Posing hurdles for this noble objective are vested private interests in the form of private insurance companies, ideologically entrenched politicians and to a lesser extent, healthcare providers. We will write a custom essay sample on Article Review A Universal Healthcare System: Is It Right for the United States? By Marleise Rashford specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Article Review A Universal Healthcare System: Is It Right for the United States? By Marleise Rashford specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Article Review A Universal Healthcare System: Is It Right for the United States? By Marleise Rashford specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Why is the article relevant to our course discussions on the U.S. Healthcare system? The issue of healthcare is a pressing social problem in the United States. All healthcare practitioners, hospitals, policymakers and the citizens all have a stake in the healthcare system. Of all these stakeholders it is the citizens who end up getting a raw deal. In fact, despite being the richest country in the world, the United States has close to 50 million of its citizens uninsured. That is nearly one out of six people in the country cannot even get access to basic healthcare if they fall ill. If any member of this group is unfortunate enough to get a grave malady, his/her chances of survival itself are very low. This situation bespeaks of various vested interests acting upon the healthcare system. There are so many profit-oriented parties at various stages of healthcare delivery that only the well-to-do can never worry about healthcare costs. Considering that documented American population is now nearly 300 million and there are millions who are illegal immigrants, there is much at stake for the continued cohesion of American society. This makes the research paper by Marleise Rashford very relevant for all stakeholders, especially students of health sciences. The article is relevant to course discussions for other reasons as well. For example, the wide coverage given within the article – which is organized under various subheadings – makes it an overview of the current healthcare situation in America. Students can refer it to get a concise yet precise picture of core problems and factors bearing upon the healthcare system. What are the major themes of the article and how were the conclusions and findings derived? Do you agree with the conclusions or findings, why or why not? One of the major themes of the article is finding supporting evidence for universal health coverage in America. As it stands, 50 million Americans have no insurance coverage whatsoever. Even among those who have coverage, depending on the premiums they can afford, they get varied coverage. This means even many insured Americans may not have insurance support for grave or chronic illnesses. This brings into question the moral basis of social policymaking in the country. This lacuna is made more conspicuous by America’s rich history of legislature. A proponent of democracy and plurality for more than two centuries, the current inequities in its healthcare system stands in contradiction to the spirit of its liberal history. Author Rashford evaluates the American health system by contrasting it to nationalized health coverage offered in several European democracies. The strongest argument Rashford makes is this: Why can’t America replicate the successful systems of B ritain, Canada and Germany when it has more resources and a bigger population to take care of? It is a persuasive argument and something I quite agree with. As part of her literature review, Rashford also peruses a comprehensive survey of registered physicians in America. The results of that study show that a majority of the participants favor a nationalized health care arrangement. Although the surveyed were less favorable toward a single payer system, they are mostly in agreement with the European public health care models. Those who defend the existing healthcare model often cite the heavy burden on the tax-payer that a public system will impose. But this is not such a big burden as is made out to be. For example in advanced industrial societies such as Britain, France and Germany the total expenditure on healthcare as a percentage of the GDP is still smaller than what it is in the USA. The crucial difference though is the number of private business that are involved at various stages of healthcare delivery. In the United States this is markedly higher. Another reason why the nationalized health care models of European democracies are cost-effective is due to the simplified bureaucracy (a benign by-product of a single-payer arrangement). Article Review A Universal Healthcare System Is It Right for the United States By Marleise Rashford Essay Example Article Review A Universal Healthcare System: Is It Right for the United States? By Marleise Rashford Essay Abstract The prevailing healthcare system in the United States has drawn many criticisms – from healthcare professionals and citizens alike. The American system fares badly compared to nationalized public health systems of Western Europe. Even in terms of overall costs, the American model is more expensive, which is significantly inflated by bureaucracy costs. All comparative evidence points in one direction – that the country would benefit through an overhaul of the healthcare system. Single payer and universal insurance coverage are the cornerstones of the optimal system. Posing hurdles for this noble objective are vested private interests in the form of private insurance companies, ideologically entrenched politicians and to a lesser extent, healthcare providers. We will write a custom essay sample on Article Review A Universal Healthcare System: Is It Right for the United States? By Marleise Rashford specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Article Review A Universal Healthcare System: Is It Right for the United States? By Marleise Rashford specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Article Review A Universal Healthcare System: Is It Right for the United States? By Marleise Rashford specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Why is the article relevant to our course discussions on the U.S. Healthcare system? The issue of healthcare is a pressing social problem in the United States. All healthcare practitioners, hospitals, policymakers and the citizens all have a stake in the healthcare system. Of all these stakeholders it is the citizens who end up getting a raw deal. In fact, despite being the richest country in the world, the United States has close to 50 million of its citizens uninsured. That is nearly one out of six people in the country cannot even get access to basic healthcare if they fall ill. If any member of this group is unfortunate enough to get a grave malady, his/her chances of survival itself are very low. This situation bespeaks of various vested interests acting upon the healthcare system. There are so many profit-oriented parties at various stages of healthcare delivery that only the well-to-do can never worry about healthcare costs. Considering that documented American population is now nearly 300 million and there are millions who are illegal immigrants, there is much at stake for the continued cohesion of American society. This makes the research paper by Marleise Rashford very relevant for all stakeholders, especially students of health sciences. The article is relevant to course discussions for other reasons as well. For example, the wide coverage given within the article – which is organized under various subheadings – makes it an overview of the current healthcare situation in America. Students can refer it to get a concise yet precise picture of core problems and factors bearing upon the healthcare system. What are the major themes of the article and how were the conclusions and findings derived? Do you agree with the conclusions or findings, why or why not? One of the major themes of the article is finding supporting evidence for universal health coverage in America. As it stands, 50 million Americans have no insurance coverage whatsoever. Even among those who have coverage, depending on the premiums they can afford, they get varied coverage. This means even many insured Americans may not have insurance support for grave or chronic illnesses. This brings into question the moral basis of social policymaking in the country. This lacuna is made more conspicuous by America’s rich history of legislature. A proponent of democracy and plurality for more than two centuries, the current inequities in its healthcare system stands in contradiction to the spirit of its liberal history. Author Rashford evaluates the American health system by contrasting it to nationalized health coverage offered in several European democracies. The strongest argument Rashford makes is this: Why can’t America replicate the successful systems of B ritain, Canada and Germany when it has more resources and a bigger population to take care of? It is a persuasive argument and something I quite agree with. As part of her literature review, Rashford also peruses a comprehensive survey of registered physicians in America. The results of that study show that a majority of the participants favor a nationalized health care arrangement. Although the surveyed were less favorable toward a single payer system, they are mostly in agreement with the European public health care models. Those who defend the existing healthcare model often cite the heavy burden on the tax-payer that a public system will impose. But this is not such a big burden as is made out to be. For example in advanced industrial societies such as Britain, France and Germany the total expenditure on healthcare as a percentage of the GDP is still smaller than what it is in the USA. The crucial difference though is the number of private business that are involved at various stages of healthcare delivery. In the United States this is markedly higher. Another reason why the nationalized health care models of European democracies are cost-effective is due to the simplified bureaucracy (a benign by-product of a single-payer arrangement).

Monday, November 25, 2019

Volcanoe Damage essays

Volcanoe Damage essays HOW DO THE FOLLOWING THINGS AFFECT THE DAMAGE ON A COUNTRY BY VOLCANIC ERUPTION: (A) Population density can affect the results of a natural hazard in several ways. Depending on how large a population is the amount of damage can vary. The larger the population the more people there are to get hurt so there is more chance of death for a larger population and the death rate would probably be higher. For a small population there are less people so there are less of them to get hurt. The higher the population is the more hoses and buildings there are likely to be surrounding a volcano so the more damage there will be to property and possessions. For a smaller population there is less property to be destroyed or lost so the chances are that less damage will occur s a result of the hazard. (B) The more economically developed a county is could be a good or bad thing in the time of a volcano. If the country is very developed e.g. Japan then there are more things to destroy that could be of use to the country. There are more buildings and probably a large population, so there is a large chance that this hazard will affect them a great deal. If a country is less economically developed there would be less damage sustained because e there is less to damage. On the other hand if a country is more economically developed then there is more chance that the country will have the equipment t o monitor the place which would give them time to evacuate the area making it safer for a larger population. (C) If a country is monitored then it could save thousands or even tens of thousands of lives. Mostly rich countries and countries with the most active volcanoes are monitored. Because the movements of the crust and the characteristics of the volcano are watched closely then it is easier to see when a volcano will erupt and with modern technology there is enough time to evacu ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Budgeting & Forecasting Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Budgeting & Forecasting - Assignment Example The restaurant is intended to sell diverse products, which include buffet, pizza, soup, sauces and desserts. In addition, the restaurant will have a self-service soda bar. Although there are other companies such as McDonalds serving the area, the prices of their products are not affordable to most people in Florida. Moreover, these companies do not have physical locations in the area but rely on suppliers. This means that Papa Geo has the potential of competing effectively in the market and possibly gaining competitive advantage (Jeffries & McGrath, 2008). The fact that the products of the company are rare in the market consequently highly demand makes the company more competitive. This will ensure that the company records high sales volume. Moreover, the company will register high sales volume because they produce variety, which gives consumers the ability and freedom of choice. Finally, the company strategy is effective because it attracts children too, which will boost sales since it will be assumed to a family restaurant (Jeffries & McGrath, 2008). The offers given by financial lending institution will be enough in setting up the business and repayment period is reasonable, which will grant the owner the opportunity to repay comfortably. Therefore, the business can be set up but it requires effective analysis and forecasting due to uncertainties in the business environment. Proper financial budgetary planning is fundamental in achieving the company’s strategy. Sale forecast forms the most critical part of this budget proposal because, it is through proper and accurate forecasts in sales that the entrepreneur would be able to determine the amount to repay either in monthly or annual basis. The above sales forecasts are made with the assumptions that one unit in the company goes at $7, and each individual in the 15-minute area purchases one unit

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Construction Law (Agency) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Construction Law (Agency) - Assignment Example If certain guidelines of the law were over-stepped, Dick can/could be assessed as having committed a Fraud or Theft by Deception with his dealings. In fact, if Costcutters knew that Dick would be representing ‘Dick’s Dealings’ in a manner that might imply Dick was still in-charge, Costcutters may be investigated for perhaps a criminal theft conspiracy. (Barrett v. Dere) In any event, Barrett v. Dere would be a good starting point if more information about Costcutters knowledge and the liability, although the contract between Dick and Costcutters was breached by Dick’s failure to stay under spending limits and pocketing the difference (hiding the profit), seems to point towards ‘Implied Authority’ for Dick making Costcutters liable. Question #2 Dick does have the right to engage the Architect since the ‘representation element by the Principal’ is written very clear for all to see; Dick’s Dealings. ... Question #3 The courts must find there is an agency agreement between Dick and Costcutters. The agency was sold (suggesting an exchange of money) which explicitly implies a contract. Costcutters gave Dick a job title (General Manager) and his agreement with Costcutters, though maybe even oral, is a contract nevertheless. If Dick’s contract suggest immediate termination in case of breach, the ‘reasonable amount of time for communicating this to Dick has not been met. Egregious behavior has not been addressed so it is a non sequitur. The Tripartite agreement maintains that Costcutters can be sued leaving room for an open suit directed at Dick which cannot stand on merit. The Principal-Costcutters-own the responsibility though the name, ‘Dick’s Dealings’ tends toward the opposite. It is in this purchase and facilitation where Costcutters is at fault. Costcutters enabled these transactions by default once they bought the name ‘Dick’s Dealings ’ and worked to make a profit from it using Dick as a named associate (General Manager). Dick may be sued but the direction of liability, according to the rules given, lay at the feet of

Monday, November 18, 2019

Group dynamics Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Group dynamics - Term Paper Example Purpose of a group forms its background and the process through which this is achieved makes it operational. Team is structured, requires coordinated interaction to reach the set goal and all the members stand responsible for its activities. A congregation of individuals qualifies to be called a group based on Kurt Lewin’s parameters, which specify that the members should interact, are interdependent, influence each other, the members feel belongingness, have a structure, work towards a common goal and are recognised as a group by others. Task and relationship-based interactions develop in groups, through which people connect and affect each other. 2. Group as a social system Groups are social entities with a membership of 2 or more persons. They are viewed as units of socialization, interaction, centres of intellect and learning. Group is a locus for connecting with people and hangers for emotional support. People group in order to support the realisation that they share simi lar ideologies. Interdependence and cooperation, which are interpersonal and social qualities are essential for the formation of groups. They never exist in vacuum, but are related and dependent on other groups. Groups may be classified as primary or secondary(classified by Charles Horton Cooley) and planned or emergent ones. Close and personal interactions occur frequently among primary group members. They form the basis for socialising and platform for showcasing the ideas, values and opinions of members. Secondary or nucleated groups are sized big, formal and the size may not permit one-to-one relation among members. They are help members socialise, but not as much as primary groups. Planned groups work for a common goal. Their formation is initiated from an exterior source, organisation or individual or other groups. Emergent groups, as the name suggests, emerge as the people find themselves bound by circumstances, location or situation (Corey, Corey, and Corey ). T-groups, a pr oposition by Kurt Lewin, are interpersonal training groups, that facilitate bonding among members, building trust and interact on both work-related and personal issues. The source of learning and improvement is feedback from the other members of the team. 3. Group Development In order to comprehend group dynamics, it is important to study the process and theories related to their development (Forsyth ). Lot of studies and research addressed the concept. Tubb has phased group development into orientation, conflict, consensus and closure and Fisher suggested orientation, conflict, emergence and reinforcement model. Bruce Tuckman suggested 4 stages of group development, which consists of forming, storming, norming and performing. Adjourning has been appended later. a. Forming During this phase, individuals mingle with each other and communicate, in an attempt to arrive at their purpose of association. They assess their respective comfort zones. Leaders play a vital role in facilitating this understanding and walking them towards the next stage. b. Storming Here, the members share their views, assemble with others sharing similar thoughts and socialise. Leader persuades them to open up and streamlines their ideas, differences etc towards the group goals. Socialisation is the process of adaptation of the members to the purpose, situation and other members. Active involvement on the part of members is crucial at this stage.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Uses Of Nuclear Energy In Agriculture

Uses Of Nuclear Energy In Agriculture Nuclear technique is being an important application in many sectors such as food agriculture, industry, medical, environmental protection and power production. It is known that there are both advantages and disadvantages of using nuclear energy. However, nuclear energy is being widely used in agriculture which includes food production, animal production, crop production, fertilizer, soil fertility and more. According to Farm Press, nuclear power is considered cheap to be used in agriculture development. It has been reported that the increasing price of gasoline, electricity, diesel fuel and natural gas is one of the major problems to farmers. Nuclear energy is found to be the cheapest power source for agriculture. For example, nuclear energy can be used in production of nitrogen fertilizer instead of natural gas which has increasing price nowadays. Co-ordinated Research Project (CRP) was carried out on the use of nuclear techniques for optimizing nitrogen fertilizer application under irrigated wheat. It has been found that this technique increases the efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer while reduces environmental pollution. Other than that, Khanal and Munankarmy (2009) stated that there is possibility to improve health, feeding and fertility of livestock. They further explained that nucleic acid hybridization (nuclear related technique) is a promising technique for disease diagnosis. The conventional approaches of disease diagnosis involving direct detection and isolation consume more time compared to nucleic acid hybridization. Thus, it is said to be very effective in terms of time and sensitivity. Besides that, this technique is also unique because it focuses on the genome of organism instead of its products. According to the study conducted by Khanal and Munankarmy (2009), ionizing irradiation is another nuclear technique which plays a vital role in animal health. Virulence of some parasites can be eliminated using this technique which also helps to produce safer and cost effective vaccines. These methods have increased the rates of growth and milk and meat yield. There are some non-isotopic nuclear techniques that are being implicated in agriculture, especially in livestock production (Makkar, 2008). Gamma irradiation is one of the non-isotopic nuclear techniques. This gamma irradiation is an effective technique which enhances nutrient availability in plants that are fed to livestock. According to Makkar, content of plant secondary metabolites in some of the unconventional feed resources, could give adverse effects to the feed of livestock. He further explained that bioavailability of nutrients decreases at high levels of plant secondary metabolites. Thus, it is found that gamma irradiation is an effective technique to inactivate the adverse activities. Committee On Agriculture has discussed on à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"nuclear techniques in food and agricultureà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ã‚ . This committee stated that nuclear related techniques help to improve the food production system in terms of stability, resilience and productivity. Biodiversity of crop plants can be increased by radiation induced mutations which change the genetic make-up. For instance, mutation breeding has given more than 3000 crop varieties of some 170 different plant species in more than 100 countries. This includes rice that grows successfully in saline soil and barley that grows at 5000 meters. Nuclear technique is playing a vital role in soil and water management system. It is important to improve soil moisture conservation measures and reduce wastage of irrigation water which leads to the improvement of water management in agriculture. One of the nuclear techniques that help in soil and water management is Soil Moisture Neutron Probe (SMNP). SMNP is a portable device that is used to measure soil water content at different depths through access tubes installed in the soil profile. Data obtained from SMNP are used to calculate the soil water balance and estimate the total amount of soil water removed from soil evaporation and plant transpiration (Joint FAO/IAEA, 2004). Furthermore, nuclear techniques are also used to identify the source of soil pollutant. This helps farmers or environmental planners to know the specific sources of pollutant and design most appropriate management strategy, so that the impact of pollutants can be reduced. For example, fertilizers and pesticides that are used to improve the agricultural activities can become pollutants if they reach the rivers, streams and lakes. To overcome this problem, fallout radionuclides are attached to soil particles which can track the movement of soil particles from where they originate (Nuclear Technology Review, 2007). On the other hand, nuclear energy also has disadvantages. One of the major concerns about nuclear energy is there is a chance for severe accident to occur in the reactor. This accident is very dangerous because it releases radioactive materials into the environment. In 1986, there was a Chernobyl accident occurred in Ukraine. It was caused by the flawed Soviet reactor designed coupled with mistakes made by plant operators. As a result, 30 operators and fireman died within three months (Scientific and Technical Committee Euratom, 2001). Scientific and Technical Committee Euratom has explained on another negative effect of nuclear energy. According to this committee, nuclear energy produces radioactive waste which is very dangerous. There are two types of wastes: short-lived and long-lived wastes. Many countries have safely disposed the short-lived wastes. Whereas, the long-lived wastes which are generated in a very small amount are conditioned and stored carefully without releasing it to the environment. However, the final disposal of long-lived wastes is still an unsolved problem. As a conclusion, even though nuclear power has disadvantages which are really harmful to the environment and human beings, it should be still encouraged to use it in agriculture. This is because nuclear energy is really needed to improve our Malaysian agricultural sector which is the main focus of our country as our ex-prime minister decided. It is suggested that Malaysian government should encourage creating more researchers on nuclear energy. Other than that, our government can implement joint projects with developed countries, so that more application of nuclear energy can be used in Malaysian agriculture. At the same time, it is very important to be aware of the dangerous of using nuclear energy and always be safe and secured.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Macbeth vs Scotland, PA Essay -- essays research papers fc

Macbeth: The thin line between tragedy and dark humor. William Shakespeare’s Macbeth has always been considered one of the literary worlds most celebrated tragedies. It is arguably the darkest and most gruesome of his plays. The protagonist, Macbeth, is the poster child for tragic hero, â€Å"a literary character who makes an error of judgment or has a fatal flaw that, combined with fate and external forces, brings on a tragedy† (www.dictionary.com). And until recently we were satisfied with that†¦ At the Cannes Film Festival in 2001, a low budget comedy was unveiled. It was called Scotland, PA. This film was written by a first-time director, Billy Morrissette, and depicts the familiar story in a surprisingly different form. The premise of the plot is held in tact but the setting is shifted several hundred years, to the 1970s. The characters’ names even remain familiar. The dialogue is contemporary English yet you can still recognize the similarities in conversation. Major themes from the original work – revenge, guilt, self doubt, fate, and prophecy still exist in this manipulated adaptation. â€Å"He (Morrissette) is able to make an interesting point about how the difference between tragedy and comedy is often how the material is viewed by the audience†.(Berardinelli) Prior to Morrissette’s Scotland, PA, Roman Polanski brought his adaptation of Macbeth (1971) to the silver screen. This more traditional adaptation follows the plays blueprint. The setting remains unchanged, as well as the plot and dialogue. This movie was made soon after a horrifically traumatic events in Polanski’s life, the heinous murder of his pregnant wife by members of the ‘Charlie Manson family’. The film may have been a therapeutic outlet for him. The extremely gory murder scenes may have been a result of his attempts to deal with his pain and show give insight into the horror that filled his life at the time. Polanski’s adaptation definitely added a horror flick tone with the gruesome portrayal of despicable violence. The most notable difference in the portrayal of Mac and Pat, in Scotland, PA versus the portrayal of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, in Macbeth, is the atrociousness, or lack of, with which we view them and their crimes. Mac and Pat seem to be less despicable than Macbeth and Lady Macbeth for several reasons. One key reason is the omission of the ordered murder of Macduff’s family ... ...ind their evil deed. Lady Macbeth is aware of her position as motivator, and even states in the play that she wishes she were a man so that she could carry out their plan herself. Even in Scotland, PA, Pat is continuously directing and instructing Mac in all of their actions pertaining to the murder and cover up. She tells Macbeth to get the safe combination, to stop him from escaping, and talks him through virtually the entire process. The major difference in the two works is presentation and context. This relates directly to the representation of the main characters. By keeping the premise but altering the way the course of events occurs gives the audience a different insight into the development and representation of the characters, particularly Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Both adaptations were very well done, particularly Scotland, PA. It shows that, with a little tweaking, comedy can be found in even the most bloody and tragic of stories. Works Cited: Dictionary.com. 2005, Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. 3/8/2005 . Macbeth [1971] – Review @ EOFFTV. 2000, 3/8/2005 . Phillips, Brian and Douthat, Ross. SparkNote on Macbeth. 9 Mar. 2005 . Review: Scotland, PA. 2002, 3/8/2005 .

Monday, November 11, 2019

Architecture Of The 20th Century Architecture Essay

While discoursing the topic of architecture of the twentieth century, the treatment is uncomplete without a particular reference of Robert Venturi. The adult male started his life in Philadelphia on 25th June, 1925 he went on to go one of the most prevailing names in American architecture. The information on Venturi includes a particular reference of his married woman Denise Scott Brown. 1960 was the twelvemonth they foremost meet, got married in 1967 they have ever been together of all time since. This hubby and married woman squad did singular work in the part of architecture, establishing themselves with their joint venture better recognized as Venturi, Scott Brown & A ; Associates ( VSBA ) . â€Å" Architecture steeped in popular symbolism. Kitsch had become art in designs which exaggerate or stylise cultural icons. † [ 1 ] Some of the most of import design schemes adopted by Brown were ‘theory is non the regulation of pollex ‘ , ‘learn to copy ‘ , ‘drawing-a must hold ‘ , ‘ideation is changeless ‘ etc. Harmonizing to Robert and Denise, theory is non the regulation of pollex. While most designers glued to theory when it comes to be aftering designs, Robert Venturi and Denise Scotte Brown thought the opposite manner. Harmonizing to them plan procedure should non be dominated by the theory. This was despite the fact that both of them were good known theorists. Venturi even went on to state that â€Å" the creative person is non person who designs in order to turn out his or her theory and surely non to accommodate an political orientation † [ 2 ] While most of the designers followed the doctrine of non copying, Venturi and Brown had a different point of position here excessively. They believed that they could larn more by copying the plants of the Masterss. As Venturi right puts Forth, â€Å" It is better to be good than to be original. † [ 3 ] But, this in no manner meant a complete imitation. To this, Denise Scott Brown makes it clear that they copy ideology that they copy political orientations. The couple merely took copying to the extent of pulling inspiration. Their inspiration was a base to develop farther designs. Venturi says, â€Å" You have to hold something basic that you either construct on or germinate from or revolt against. You have to hold something at that place in the first topographic point and the lone manner to acquire it is to copy, in a good sense of the word. â€Å" [ 3 ] One, of co urse, needs to possess certain accomplishments to go forth a grade the field of architecture. Harmonizing to Robert and Denise, pulling was the most indispensable 1. Mentioning to the accomplishment as a installation between manus and head, Denise Scott Brown besides said that it was indispensable for interior decorators to get the hang pulling in order to win. She believed that it frequently happened that the manus draws something, which the head interprets in a different manner and you draw a whole new thought from it. In an epoch where everyone thought that script has a small significance as everything can be done utilizing specially designed package, the couple has its statements ready. â€Å" Peoples who can pull really good and who control line weight good in manus technique are the 1s who use the computing machine imaginatively, † [ 4 ] they asserted. Who says that you need to sit down in a board room to imagine? Well, non Venturi at least. In his sentiment ideation can non be bound by topographic point or clip ; he believed that one could imagine anytime and anyplace, even while speaking. Venturi alleged â€Å" that even while speaking one all of a sudden sees something else out of the corner of their oculus and they think of something they would n't hold done otherwise. He besides opined that you ideate more while working on other undertakings and averred the thought merely comes after great battle and torment. â€Å" [ 5 ] Some of the of import edifices built by the couple are – The Vanna Venturi House, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1962, Brant House in Greenwich, Connecticut in 1973, Gordon Wu Hall in Princeton, New Jersey in 1983, Bank edifice in Celebration in Florida in 1994 and many more. Since mid 1960s Robert and Denise greatly altered the landscape of the American Architectural thought their procedures and patterns with their design schemes. Robert Venturi ‘s book ‘Complexity and Contradiction in ArchitectureA became a uniting point for budding designers around the Earth who had become misanthropic with the stylistic limitations of the International Style as a consequence of which the book provided a pronunciamento for the Post-Modern motion in architecture. Followed by this out of his instructions at Yale came his 1972 bookA Learning from Las Vegas which was A co-authored by Steven Izenour and Denise Scott Brown. The architectural universe was one time once more astonished by this work. The the gaudy and the sign-filled Vegas strip was transformed from being an architectural aberrance to a common art signifier which deserve serious survey. Venturi felt that the Decorated Shed and assorted other types of wayside edifices offered design lessons that coul d non be left accompanied, an † he argued that designers require to confront the world and typify the popularly built environment with edifices matching to that environment. â€Å" [ 6 ] â€Å" KitschA is reflected as a signifier of art that is deficient and is a tastelessA transcript of an a complementary manner of art or is a nugatory reproduction of art of recognized value. â€Å" [ 7 ] A The deliberate usage of elements that may be considered asA cultural icons is what this construct is related to â€Å" KitschA can besides be defined as the genres of art that aesthetically lack whether or non being theatrical, sentimental, glamourous, or originative and that make originative gestures which merely reflect the superficial visual aspects of art by agencies of perennial conventions and expression. This term is frequently associated with excessiveA mawkishness. † [ 8 ] The outgrowth ofA postmodernismA in the 1980s, blurred the boundary lines between kitsch and high art yet once more. The blessing of what is called campA gustatory sensation – which may be related to, but is non the same as cantonment when used as a homosexual esthesia was one development. An unreal or an false illustration from the universe of painting would be a kitsch image of a cervid by a lake. In doing cantonment, puffing a mark beside it, stating No Swimming. The olympian or romantic perceptual experience of a baronial animate being would be punctured by wit ; the construct of an carnal having a a punishment for the breach of the regulation is out justly farcical. The aboriginal, brooding mawkishness of the motive is neutralized, and therefore, it becomes cantonment. A few things that posed as interesting challenges were the conceptual artA and deconstruction, because, speaking of kitsch, in favor of elements that enter it by associating to other domains of life they downplayed the formal construction of the graphics. Inspite of this fact, many in the art universe continue to latch onto some sense of the duality between art and kitsch, excepting all sentimental andA realisticA art from being considered earnestly. This has come under the scanner of the critics, who now argue for a renewed art and nonliteral picture, without the concern for it looking advanced or new. Whatever may be the scenario, there is trouble in specifying boundaries between kitsch and all right art since the beginning of postmodernism, the word kitsch is normally used to label anything seen as being in hapless gustatory sensation still. This postmodern architecture influenced by Venturi was further prejudiced by many designers like Philip Johnson and Robert A.M Stern. When speaking about American architecture, there is no manner one can lose out on Philip Johnson. One of the most noteworthy and celebrated American designers, he was the victor of the first ‘Pritzker Architecture Prize ‘ . For set uping the Department of Architecture and Design at the Museum of Modern Art, New York is credited to him. Philip was born in 1906 in Cleveland. He played a critical function in making and understanding the urban skyscrapers through America. Johnson was an advocator of simple manner and therefore he played a important function in beef uping the minimalist tendency. The work of assorted modern designers, including Mies van der Rohe, Walter Gropius and Le Corbusier was comprehensively supported by Johnson. He was a co-author of the popular book, ‘The International Style ‘ . The techniques of the Bauhaus were introduced to America by this book. By the clip Johnson reached the age of thirtiess he was discontented with his function of an writer and conservator. So he studied under the designer Marcel Breuer at The Graduate School of Design. Johnson designed his ain place in New Canaan, Connecticut shortly after his graduation. His first architectural work, his house is considered one of his most singular plants. The house was a glass house and featured an exposed steel frame. Johnson continued with his architectural pursuit and went on to plan legion public edifices and houses after his ain house. Johnson designed some of his well-known plants, notably the Seagram Building in New York City during this clip. Johnson had a more divine than individualistic stretch with architecture ab initio. His initial work carried a strong bear grade of Mies van der Rohe. However, an individualistic touch could be seen in his work by 1960 ‘s. Infused with historical elements, his manner of architecture showcased how one could aesthetically integrate domes and colonnades in a edifice. He created some of his most monumental plants of his life merely after he discovered his individualistic architectural sense. Some of these include the Sheldon Art Gallery at the University of Nebraska, the New York State Pavilion at the World ‘s Fair and the New York State Theater in New York City. By the 1970s and 1980s, he began experimenting with the texture and colour of the outside of his creative activities at big though he was still stuck with his original manner of architecture. Today in his 1890ss, Johnson is considered as one of the last modern designers that we have. With a tally of about 70 old ages in the field of architecture, he has certainly carved his niche and will go on to animate many designers in the times to come. Another popular name in American architecture is of Robert Arthur Morton Stern, besides known as Robert A.M. Stern. He is an American designer and soon the Dean of Yale University School of Architecture. His work is normally described as postmodern. However, a ruling accent on continuity of tradition in his work is witnessed which can non be ruled out. No admiration, he late used the phrase ‘modern diehard ‘ to depict his work. As a interior decorator in the office of Richard Meier he started his calling in 1966. But he shortly quit from his occupation and established his ain house, ‘Stern and Hagmann ‘ in 1969. He formed the house with a fellow pupil at the Yale University named John S. Hagmann. This was followed by the constitution of the replacement house, ‘Robert A.M. Stern Architects ‘ , a name still really popular in American architecture. He has a wide portfolio to his recognition when speaking about his work. Some of his more noteworthy undertakings in the public sphere include Lakewood Public Library in Lakewood, Ohio, the chief library in Columbus, Federal Reserve Bank in Atlanta and many more. Stern was besides a noteworthy writer apart from being a successful designer. He has authored New York 1880, New York 1960, and New York 2000- a series that paperss the development and history of the architecture of New York City. This postmodern architecture has his roots deep in the past, as is apparent from his work. His edifices showcase a deep fondness for the yesteryear. His most noteworthy undertaking with The Walt Disney Company reiterates the same. He served the company in the place of Board of Director for the term of office 1992-2003. His boardwalk at Disney World is implicative of an American seaboard small town from the early twentieth century. You will be reminded of how architecture has evolved from Victorian to the Vienna Secessionist motion while you have a expression at his edifices. The mini small town beautified with artefacts from assorted epochs, though non precisely historical, comes across as a dream like walk. And non to bury the Beach nine, that reflects the nineteenth century American Resort architecture in its true signifier. With a immense pool of work and a design doctrine that combined the best of modernism and tradition, Stern is surely non a name to be forgotten in the architectural kingdom. Though his wide skyline of work is a effort in itself, he has several other accomplishments to his recognition every bit good. A Driehaus Prize laureate, he went on to win several awards. In the twelvemonth 1984, he was awarded with the AIA New York Chapter ‘s Medal of Honor. He was besides conferred the Chapter ‘s President ‘s Award in 2001.A He besides has to his recognition the Scully Prize from the National Building Museum, Athena Award from the Congress for the New Urbanism and the Board of Directors ‘ Honor from the Institute of Classical Architecture and Classical America. â€Å" Since long and even now Philip ‘s designs in PoMo manner reveal a decent to the degree of kitsch that appears lest cantonment in its motive than merely and unmitigately inexpensive in its consequence † [ 9 ] . In the aesthetic plan of Robert Venturi kitsch and the country of mundane civilization was used. But at the same clip in his artistic designs, he by and large elevated them. In the circle of designers â€Å" Robert Venturi an Robert A M Stern, the so called Greys Designers whose work used the intercrossed civilization parlances of American twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours life as get downing points of their new artistic way including kitsch and dad. † [ 10 ] Thus Robert Venturi, Philip and Robert A M Stern are three showy modern designers whose part to architecture hold a made a difference to the architectural universe.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

General John Pemberton in the Civil War

General John Pemberton in the Civil War Lieutenant General John C. Pemberton was a Confederate commander during the Civil War. A native of Pennsylvania, he elected to serve the South as his wife was from Virginia. Pemberton had seen fighting during the Mexican-American War and was given command of the Department of South Carolina and Georgia. Though he proved unsuccessful in this role, he was admired by Confederate President Jefferson Davis and received a posting to lead the Department of Mississippi and West Louisiana. Heading west, Pemberton successfully protected the vital river town of Vicksburg in 1862, but was repeatedly bested by Major General Ulysses S. Grant the following year. His military career effectively ended after he was forced to surrender at the Siege of Vicksburg. Early Life Born August 10, 1814 in Philadelphia, PA, John Clifford Pemberton was the second child of John and Rebecca Pemberton. Educated locally, he initially attended the University of Pennsylvania before deciding to pursue a career as an engineer. To achieve this goal, Pemberton elected to seek an appointment to West Point. Using his familys influence and connections to President Andrew Jackson, he gained admittance to the academy in 1833. A roommate and close friend of George G. Meade, Pembertons other classmates included Braxton Bragg, Jubal A. Early, William H. French, John Sedgwick, and Joseph Hooker. While at the academy, he proved an average student and graduated ranked 27th of 50 in the class of 1837. Commissioned as a second lieutenant in the 4th US Artillery, he traveled to Florida for operations during the Second Seminole War. While there, Pemberton took part in the Battle of Locha-Hatchee in January 1838. Returning north later in the year, Pemberton engaged in garrison duty at Fort Columbus (New York), Trenton Camp of Instruction (New Jersey), and along the Canadian border before being promoted to first lieutenant in 1842. Mexican-American War Following service at Carlisle Barracks (Pennsylvania) and Fort Monroe in Virginia, Pembertons regiment received orders to join Brigadier General Zachary Taylors occupation of Texas in 1845. In May 1846, Pemberton saw action at the Battles of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma during the opening phases of the Mexican-American War. In the former, the American artillery played a key role in achieving victory. In August, Pemberton departed his regiment and became an aide-de-camp to Brigadier General William J. Worth. A month later, he earned praise for his performance at the Battle of Monterrey and received a brevet promotion to captain. Along with Worths division, Pemberton was shifted to Major General Winfield Scotts army in 1847. With this force, he took part in the Siege of Veracruz and the advance inland to Cerro Gordo. As Scotts army neared Mexico City, he saw further action at Churubusco in late August before distinguishing himself in the bloody victory at Molino del Rey the following month. Brevetted to major, Pemberton aided in the storming of Chapultepec a few days later where he was wounded in action. Fast Facts: Lieutenant General John C. Pemberton Rank: Lieutenant GeneralService: US Army/Confederate ArmyBorn: August 10, 1814 in Philadelphia, PADied: July 13, 1881 in Penllyn, PAParents: John and Rebecca PembertonSpouse: Martha ThompsonConflicts:  Second Seminole War,  Mexican-American War, Civil WarKnown For: Siege of Vicksburg Antebellum Years With the end of the fighting in Mexico, Pemberton returned to the 4th US Artillery and moved into garrison duty at Fort Pickens in Pensacola, FL. In 1850, the regiment transferred to New Orleans. During this period, Pemberton married Martha Thompson, a native of Norfolk, VA. Over the next decade, he shifted through garrison duty at Fort Washington (Maryland) and Fort Hamilton (New York) as well as assisted in operations against the Seminoles. Ordered to Fort Leavenworth in 1857, Pemberton took part in the Utah War the following year before moving on to the New Mexico Territory for a brief posting at Fort Kearny. Sent north to Minnesota in 1859, he served at Fort Ridgely for two years. Returning east in 1861, Pemberton assumed a position at the Washington Arsenal in April. With the outbreak of the Civil War later that month, Pemberton agonized over whether to remain in the US Army. Though a Northerner by birth, he elected to resign effective April 29 after his wifes home state left the Union. He did so despite pleas from Scott to remain loyal as well as the fact that two of his younger brothers elected to fight for the North. Early Assignments Known as a skilled administrator and artillery officer, Pemberton quickly received a commission in the Virginia Provisional Army. This was followed by commissions in the Confederate Army which culminated in his appointment as a brigadier general on June 17, 1861. Given command of a brigade near Norfolk, Pemberton led this force until November. A skilled military politician, he was promoted to major general on January 14, 1862 and placed in command of the Department of South Carolina and Georgia. Making his headquarters at Charleston, SC, Pemberton quickly proved unpopular with local leaders due to his Northern birth and abrasive personality. The situation worsened when he commented that he would withdraw from the states rather than risk losing his small army. Lieutenant General John C. Pemberton. Photograph Source: Public Domain When the governors of South Carolina and Georgia complained to General Robert E. Lee, Confederate President Jefferson Davis informed Pemberton that the states were to be defended to the end. Pembertons situation continued to degrade and in October he was replaced by General P.G.T. Beauregard. Despite his difficulties in Charleston, Davis promoted him to lieutenant general on October 10 and assigned him to lead the Department of Mississippi and West Louisiana. Early Vicksburg Campaigns Though Pembertons first headquarters was in Jackson, MS, the key to his district was the city of Vicksburg. Perched high on the bluffs overlooking a bend in the Mississippi River, the city blocked Union control of the river below. To defend his department, Pemberton possessed approximately 50,000 men with around half in the garrisons of Vicksburg and Port Hudson, LA. The remainder, largely led by Major General Earl Van Dorn, was badly demoralized following defeats earlier in the year around Corinth, MS. Taking command, Pemberton began work to improve Vicksburgs defenses while blocking Union thrusts from the north led by Major General Ulysses S. Grant. Pressing south along the Mississippi Central Railroad from Holly Springs, MS, Grants offensive stalled in December following Confederate cavalry raids on his rear by Van Dorn and Brigadier General Nathan B. Forrest. A supporting thrust down the Mississippi led by Major General William T. Sherman was halted by Pembertons men at Chickasaw Bayou on December 26-29. Grant Moves Despite these successes, Pembertons situation remained tenuous as he was badly outnumbered by Grant. Under strict orders from Davis to hold the city, he worked to thwart Grants efforts to bypass Vicksburg during the winter. This included blocking Union expeditions up the Yazoo River and Steeles Bayou. In April 1863, Rear Admiral David D. Porter ran several Union gunboats past the Vicksburg batteries. As Grant began preparations to move south along the west bank before crossing the river south of Vicksburg, he directed Colonel Benjamin Grierson to mount a large cavalry raid through the heart of Mississippi to distract Pemberton. Possessing around 33,000 men, Pemberton continued to hold the city as Grant crossed the river at Bruinsburg, MS on April 29. Calling for aid from his department commander, General Joseph E. Johnston, he received some reinforcements which began to arrive in Jackson. Meanwhile, Pemberton dispatched elements of his command to oppose Grants advance from the river. Some of these were defeated at Port Gibson on May 1 while newly-arrived reinforcements under Brigadier General John Gregg suffered a setback at Raymond eleven days later when they were beaten by Union troops led by Major General James B. McPherson. Failure in the Field Having crossed the Mississippi, Grant drove on Jackson rather than directly against Vicksburg. This caused Johnston to evacuate the state capital while calling for Pemberton to advance east to strike the Union rear. Believing this plan to be too risky and cognizant of Davis orders that Vicksburg be protected at all costs, he instead moved against Grants supply lines between Grand Gulf and Raymond. On May 16, Johnston reiterated his orders forcing Pemberton to countermarch and throwing his army into a degree of confusion. Later in the day, his men encountered Grants forces near Champion Hill and were soundly defeated. Retreating from the field, Pemberton had little choice but to retreat towards Vicksburg. His rearguard was defeated the following day by Major General John McClernands XIII Corps at Big Black River Bridge. Heeding Davis orders and possibly concerned about public perception due to his Northern birth, Pemberton led his battered army into the Vicksburg defenses and prepared to hold the city. Battle of Vicksburg. Photograph Source: Public Domain Siege of Vicksburg Quickly advancing to Vicksburg, Grant launched a frontal assault against its defenses on May 19. This was repulsed with heavy losses. A second effort three days later had similar results. Unable to breach Pembertons lines, Grant commenced the Siege of Vicksburg. Trapped against the river by Grants army and Porters gunboats, Pembertons men and the citys residents quickly began to run low on provisions. As the siege continued, Pemberton repeatedly called for aid from Johnston but his superior was unable to raise the necessary forces in a timely manner. On June 25, Union forces detonated mine which briefly opened a gap in the Vicksburg defenses, but Confederate troops were able to quickly seal it and turn back the attackers. With his army starving, Pemberton consulted his four division commanders in writing on July 2 and asked if they believed the men to be strong enough to attempt an evacuation of the city. Receiving four negative responses, Pemberton contacted Grant and requested an armistice so that surrender terms could be discussed. The City Falls Grant refused this request and stated that only unconditional surrender would be acceptable. Reassessing the situation, he realized that it would take a tremendous amount of time and supplies to feed and move 30,000 prisoners. As a result, Grant relented and accepted the Confederate surrender on the condition that the garrison be paroled. Pemberton formally turned the city over to Grant on July 4. The capture of Vicksburg and subsequent fall of Port Hudson opened the entirety of the Mississippi to Union naval traffic. Exchanged on October 13, 1863, Pemberton returned to Richmond to seek a new assignment. Disgraced by his defeat and accused of disobeying orders by Johnston, no new command was forthcoming despite Davis confidence in him. On May 9, 1864, Pemberton resigned his commission as a lieutenant general. Later Career Still willing to serve the cause, Pemberton accepted a lieutenant colonels commission from Davis three days later and assumed command of an artillery battalion in the Richmond defenses. Made inspector general of the artillery on January 7, 1865, Pemberton remained in that role until the end of the war. For a decade after the war, he lived at his farm in Warrenton, VA before moving back to Philadelphia in 1876. He died in Pennsylvania on July 13, 1881. Despite protests, Pemberton was buried in Philadelphias famed Laurel Hill Cemetery not far from his roommate Meade and Rear Admiral John A. Dahlgren.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Rosencrantz And Guildenstern

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, written in the 1960s by playwright Tom Stoppard, is a transformation of Shakespeare’s Hamlet. Stoppard effectively relocates Shakespeare’s play to the 1960s by reassessing and reevaluating the themes and characters of Hamlet and considering core values and attitudes of the 1960s- a time significantly different to that of Shakespeare. He relies on the audience’s already established knowledge of Hamlet and transforms a revenge tragedy into an Absurd drama, which shifts the focus from royalty to common man. Within Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, Stoppard uses a play within a play to blur the line that defines reality, and in doing so creates confusion both onstage- with his characters, and offstage- with the audience. Using these techniques, Stoppard is able make a statement about his society, creating a play that reflected the attitudes and circumstances of the 1960s, therefore making it more relevant and relatable to t he audiences of that time. The transformation of a Shakespearean Revenge Tragedy into an Absurd Drama means a considerable change in structure from a well-structured and rigid format, into a chaotic and formless play. Stoppard deliberately alters the configuration of the play to create a confusing atmosphere, which creates the exact feeling of society in the 1960s- no definites or certainties to rely on. Language portrays meaning in both plays- the language of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead differs to that of Hamlet. Stoppard employs meaningless colloquial exchanges, such as Rosencrantz and Guildenstern’s question game, which strongly contrasts to Shakespearean elaborate and poetic verse, as seen throughout the play, especially in Hamlet’s soliloquies- â€Å"There is special providence in the fall of a sparrow.† This is thoughtful and philosophical. Stoppard’s use of language further extends the idea of purposelessness and insignificance. Stoppard bring... Free Essays on Rosencrantz And Guildenstern Free Essays on Rosencrantz And Guildenstern Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, written in the 1960s by playwright Tom Stoppard, is a transformation of Shakespeare’s Hamlet. Stoppard effectively relocates Shakespeare’s play to the 1960s by reassessing and reevaluating the themes and characters of Hamlet and considering core values and attitudes of the 1960s- a time significantly different to that of Shakespeare. He relies on the audience’s already established knowledge of Hamlet and transforms a revenge tragedy into an Absurd drama, which shifts the focus from royalty to common man. Within Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, Stoppard uses a play within a play to blur the line that defines reality, and in doing so creates confusion both onstage- with his characters, and offstage- with the audience. Using these techniques, Stoppard is able make a statement about his society, creating a play that reflected the attitudes and circumstances of the 1960s, therefore making it more relevant and relatable to t he audiences of that time. The transformation of a Shakespearean Revenge Tragedy into an Absurd Drama means a considerable change in structure from a well-structured and rigid format, into a chaotic and formless play. Stoppard deliberately alters the configuration of the play to create a confusing atmosphere, which creates the exact feeling of society in the 1960s- no definites or certainties to rely on. Language portrays meaning in both plays- the language of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead differs to that of Hamlet. Stoppard employs meaningless colloquial exchanges, such as Rosencrantz and Guildenstern’s question game, which strongly contrasts to Shakespearean elaborate and poetic verse, as seen throughout the play, especially in Hamlet’s soliloquies- â€Å"There is special providence in the fall of a sparrow.† This is thoughtful and philosophical. Stoppard’s use of language further extends the idea of purposelessness and insignificance. Stoppard bring...

Monday, November 4, 2019

An Analysis of Modern Theatre Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

An Analysis of Modern Theatre - Essay Example The fluidity that the position offered gave a lot of scope for thinkers like McGrath and Bakhtin. Both these thinkers looked upon the conventions of theatre that privileged a catharsis inducing performance of a play as detrimental to the political fabric of modern democracies. They were thus, according to them, outdated. The principles of tragedy and theatre in general, which pointed to catharsis, a mixture of pity and fear that prevented praxis on the part of the spectator and led him to look at the play as nothing but a fiction could not, or should not be applied to modern theatre, according to these thinkers. This is not to say that theatre in modern times have or have not adhered to these principles. While there have been adaptations of plays that do not seek to do anything but glorify imperial assumptions of race and class, there have also been ones that are political and seek to challenge the very assumptions that the earlier plays held. It is surprising that many of such plays began through a reversal of earlier roles as they were seen. One can look at the play A Tempest and understand its political implications through the reversal of the traditional roles of Caliban and Prospero. The heroic role is played by Caliban who is a monster in William Shakespeare’s version (Cesaire, 2002). This reversal of roles comes at the back of many changes that took place in theatre during the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries when the ideals that Aristotle had laid down for theatre had been completely demolished. Even naturalist ideas that had dominated theatre for a while had been pulled down and new fluid conventions were erected in their place. Importance started to be given to the common man who then became the protagonist in many important plays. One of the most important examples of this can be seen in Arthur Miller’s play, Death of a Salesman, where the protagonist, Willy Loman is a common salesman whose death forms the major part of the story (Miller, 2007). This needs to be looked at in conjunction with the theories that were propounded by John McGrath. In his book, he says, You go into a space, and some other people use certain devices to tell you a story. Because they have power over you, in a real sense, while you are there, they make a choice, with political implications, as to which story to tell - and how to tell it. If their work is good and skillfully written, presented and acted, we come out feeling exhilarated: we are more alive for seeing it, more aware of the possibilities of the human race, more fully human ourselves.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Digital Marketing Aspects of Musclefood Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Digital Marketing Aspects of Musclefood - Essay Example However, getting engaged in digital marketing techniques includes factors related with the technological compatibility of the firm and the ability of the digital platform to fulfil the organizational as well as consumer needs. This report will focus on designing the digital marketing aspects of Musclefood for improving their marketing techniques. The existing website of Musclefood has been designed by focusing only on the product and service base of the company meanwhile elements such as company information, sustainability policies, business partners, etc has been highlighted in blind spots. The company has a policy of visual content which can be seen by the limited words used for describing the content and navigation of the webpage. It was also evaluated that some subjects such as the customer feedback and deals sections are taking too much space. Although the website included interactivity but it was limited to only few portions such as the primary promotional belt of the webpage. In addition, multiple tabs have been given for highlighting various product segments, which has clamped the webpage. The praiseworthy aspect of the existing web page is the navigational system. All the tabs have automated dropdown boxes, which can easily help the customers in understanding the structure of the webpage. The above given diagram highlights the changes made in the website of Musclefood for improving the visualisation, interaction and navigation system of the website. The structure of the website has been altered in order to include more elements regarding the product and service structure of the company. It was noted that Musclefood tries to enhance their customer offerings by engaging in related diversification of their service and product base. Â   Â  

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Tax Claim Advise Letter Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Tax Claim Advise Letter - Case Study Example The nature of your employment means that you spend more than half the year outside the country. To determine your residency, the Australian tax office applies some test to ascertain whether you fall under its jurisdiction for tax purposes namely the residency: ‘resides test’, domicile test, 183 day rule and the superannuation test. This is addressed under subsection 6(1) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936. According to the first test, whether a person is an Australian resident is a matter of fact and degree1 that depends on the circumstances of each case. However, some factors are considered. One and that is relevant to your scenario is the nature and extent of family and business ties that a person has established in Australia. According to the documents you have provided us, you have established a business, and indeed you have been the exclusive importer of widgets into Australia. In reference to the domicile test, a person is a resident in Australia if they have a domicile in Australia unless the commissioner becomes satisfied that person’s permanent place of residence is abode is outside Australia. Under the above two test, you qualify as a resident. However, you do not satisfy the 183 day test that applies to an expatriate and requires that they must have been present in Australia for more than 183 days. In Taxation Ruling IT, it was held that where a person temporarily leaving Australia, if they satisfy the first test, that is residency in the ordinary sense, then there is no need to go any further and they are residents for income tax purposes. Consequently, you are a resident for income tax purposes. Having addressed residency, we turn to your tax liability under the Income Tax Act. To compute taxable income, the tax law makes a distinction between income and capital receipts. Your taxable income shall include your PAYG payment from Compass, dividends from west point, capital assets gain from the sale of the estate, termination of the distribution agreement and business income from the distribution of widgets. Under the PAYG system, tax is deducted by the employer from the gross salary, who pays it to the ATO. This would cover your tax liability if you had no other source of income. Nevertheless, one must file returns if the amount exceeds $6000 of taxable income. If there is non-salary income, one, however, receives credit for tax paid under PAYG. With regards to your PAYG payments, your employers have already deducted the tax due. Total taxable income should be as calculated in appendix 1. Notice that the allowances; both laundry and uniform are deducted to arrive at your taxable income because these two occupation related expenses that are incurred to earn your taxable income.to add, the Skin care products purchased due to flight attendant role amounting to 629.00 is also deductible. Also notice that the fridge benefits have not been added since they are treated differently since they are taxed at the rat e of 46.5%, and the tax year is different, as it runs from 1st April t0 30th may. Dividends received from Westplains ltd are also added to arrive at your taxable income as shown in appendix A. Notice that the amount added includes the flanked amount and flanking credits. This system applies to prevent double taxation. This is because the company pays a divided at the corporate rate and the dividend is

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Hambalang Case Essay Example for Free

Hambalang Case Essay 1. Create a short summary of the case and explain (a) who the suspects / Convicts are and (b) what criminal charges are brought against them Hambalang is the case regarding the construction of Centre for Education, Training and the National Sport School (P3SON: Pusat Pendidikan, Pelatihan dan Sekolah Olahraga Nasional) which is a multi-year project the Ministry of Youth and Sports. P3SON planned to be built on a land area of ​​312 thousand hectares in the village of Hambalang, Bogor regency and projected budget consuming Rp2, 58 trillion. Which is violated Regulation of the Minister of Finance. 56/2010 and the Regulation of the Minister of Public Works No.. 45/2007. Two ministers have not signed, but the funds are liquid. If the view of the BPK audit dated October 30, 2012 (Rizal open the audit documents), he was associated with the melting process advances Hambalang Project. CPC stated, Due to multi-year contract approval process violated provisions, then the parent contract should not happen, [then the remaining unspent advance money] in the amount of Rp116, 9 billion, an indication of state losses. In its Hambalang audit, the BPK also found that Rp 7.3 billion in funds from Adhi Karya went to several legislators in 2010 and 2011, when discussion of the sports centers construction Began. On Thursday (Sep 5 2012), the Supreme Audit Board (BPK) audit report of Hambalang Submitted case to the Commission. The audit mentions that the total state losses in the case reached Rp463.66 billion. In the Partner Selection Process least 19 people suspected to be involved. Namely: Andi Mallarangeng (ex Affairs), Wafid Muharam (Sesmenpora), Wisler Manalu (Kemenpora Procurement Committee). Jilani (Kemenpora Procurement Committee member), Bambang Siswanto (Secretary of the Procurement Committee Kemenpora) Rio Wilarso (Planning Bureau staff Kemenpora), M Arifin (Commissioner of metaphor Global Solutions / MSG). Asep Wibowo (Marketing Manager of PT MSG), Husni Al-Huda (PT staff Yodya work). Safe Santoso (Director of PT Cipta Mandiri Ciriajasa / CCM), Mulyatno (Marketing Manager PT CCM) Aditya Gautama (staff PT CCM), Rudi Hamarul (staff PT CCM), RM Suhartono (staff PT CCM). Joseph Sholikin (staff PT CCM), Malemteta Ginting (Staff PT CCM Construction Management Team Leader at the same time). Suhanta firm (staff PT Adhi Karya), Arif Taufiqurrahman and Kushadi (staff PT Adhi Karya) Advances in  Liquid Processing, there are three who was allegedly involved. Ie R Isnanta (Head of Finance Kemenpora). Good Teuku Muh Nur (Head of DK-1 PT Adhi Karya well Authorization Adhi-Wika KSO), Machfud Suroso (President Director of PT Dutasari Citralaras). However, the Commission has set Andi Malarangeng (AM) and the husband of his men as suspects. PM accused of abusing authority. Diversion AM by KPK in planning and disbursement of funds. 2. Does the case involve; gratification? If yes, towards who and provide explanation to justify your answers Yes, According to CPC finding there are gratifications Rp 7.3 billion in funds from Adhi Karya went to several legislators in 2010 and 2011 3. Does the case involve; abuse of power / authority? If yes, explain Whose power is abused, how and in what capacity? Yes, several legislators bribed, minister of youth and sports negligent in planning and disbursement of funds and the Board of Directors of the company Adhi Karya which channeled funds projects to legislators. 4. In what way has the case cause losses to the state budget? Abuse of power and bribery to various parties. In its Hambalang audit, the BPK also found that Rp 7.3 billion in funds from Adhi Karya went to several legislators in 2010 and 2011, when discussion of the sports centers construction Began. On Thursday (Sep 5 2012), the Supreme Audit Board (BPK) audit report of Hambalang Submitted case to the Commission. The audit mentions that the total state losses in the case reached Rp463.66 billion. This loss will cause losses to the state budget. 5. Beyond the legal charges, do you see any conflict of interest between the parties INVOLVED? Yes, in this case there is a conflict of interest. At the level of project implementers Hambalang, the brain was Muhammad Arifin. He consultant since the early implementers. He who makes the unit price of finished goods is so high. At one end is Dutasari Citra PT Laras (DCL), the companys largest subcontractor Hambalang Project led Mahfud Suroso wife and Anas Urbaningrum. Mahfud is also a good friend of Anas. PT Dutasaris got mechanical electrical projects, worth a total of Rp295 billion. According to  the audit, here occurs allegations of massive corruption. The second largest sub-contractor company is owned by PT Global Daya Manunggal Prananto Mr. Herman, who got a job with the foundation of the contract value Rp127 billion. So, PT and PT Global Dutasari a subcontractor for 87 percent of the total value of projects subcontracted by Rp482, 5 billion. Adhi Karya still amounted to Rp50 billion in arrears to him. In fact, for all Mahfud been paid in full. Suspected of involvement in Anas Urbaningrum as chairman of the Democratic Party when he received funds for his interest to be elected as chairman of the Democratic Party in Congress at that time.