Saturday, August 31, 2019

Mathematics And Being Mathematical Education Essay

Are making mathematics and being mathematical separate thoughts? The reply lies in our apprehension of mathematics itself. Devlin ( 2005 ) explains that mathematics is ‘recognizing and pull stringsing forms ‘ while Barton ( 2009, p.5 ) describes being mathematical as prosecuting an question. When combined, the two thoughts represent the geographic expedition of mathematical constructs through the usage of problem-solving and logical thinking ( Baroody, Coslick, & A ; Wilkins, 1998, p.1-13 ) . Pratt ( 2006, p.52 ) supports this theory by claiming that in order ‘to ‘do ‘ maths†¦ we must hold a job to work out ‘ . He continues by proposing that the word ‘problem ‘ is replaced with ‘enquiry ‘ , making lessons that promote the acquisition of mathematics through the application and development of cognition and accomplishments. This, consecutive, should forestall the accomplishments from being considered as stray pieces of inf ormation. Fact-finding and question based acquisition can authorise kids ( Wassermann, 2000, p.14 ) by leting them to be actively involved in, and have control over, their acquisition. The usage of open-ended probe has ‘the possible to increase the math talk in the schoolroom ‘ ( National Research Council, 2009, p.246 ) , and with linguistic communication playing a critical function in cognitive development ( Vygotsky & A ; Bruner, cited in Stierer & A ; Maybin, 1993, p.xi ) , it is logical that the usage of mathematical linguistic communication is considered when judging the quality of instruction and acquisition ( OfSTED, 2010 ) . During a recent lesson observation, I witnessed students discoursing their responses to the inquiry, ‘The reply is 42. What is the inquiry? ‘ The kids were captured by the openness of the undertaking and enjoyed pass oning their thoughts and the logical thinking behind them. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics ( 2009, p.3 ) discusses the value of interchanging thoughts when larning mathematics and suggests that it can, ‘help scholars sharpen their ability to ground, speculation, and do connexions ‘ . Teachers do, nevertheless, need to be able to ‘scaffold the treatment by [ utilizing ] careful oppugning ‘ ( Bottle, 2005, pp.122-123 ) in order to vouch that the treatment is valuable, develops understanding and remains unfastened. The usage of open-ended inquiring does, nevertheless, require that kids accept that there may non be an ultimate end to work towards ( Yeo, 2007, p.7 ) . This poses several challenges, including the possibility that unexpected acquisition may happen ( Yeo, 2007, p.9 ) . Good instruction, nevertheless, means being able to transform unexpected finds into chances for farther acquisition ( Idris, 2006, p.53 ) . I observed an illustration of this during a lesson [ Appendix A ] where students were invited to utilize a map to look into the distances of possible paths to given finishs. Students began their probe by specializing ; choosing a finish and so ciphering the distances utilizing a graduated table. The bulk of students focused, as anticipated, on the roads, nevertheless one group chose to compare pedestrianised paths with those of vehicles, ensuing in unexpected treatments that linked mensurating distances to clip and velocity. Their logical thinking was that they conjectured that so me finishs might be reached more easy by going on pes and they tested this during the probe. This illustration reveals that the kids, when presented with an open-ended question, were believing creatively, and showing their ability to inter-link mathematical constructs and present farther inquiries when presented with a existent life context. This illustration besides confirmed that students were utilizing and using in mathematics by practising the appropriate accomplishments identified in counsel by the TheA Department for Education and Skills ( DfES. , 2006a, p.4 ) . With these accomplishments besides being attributed to fact-finding work ( Yeo & A ; Yeap, 2010, p.4 ) , it is sensible to presume that mathematical probes will back up the accomplishment of the National Curriculum ‘s utilizing and using aims. Measuring the degree or accomplishment of the aims has the potency, nevertheless, to be debatable ( Klavir & A ; Hershkovitz, 2008, p.2 ) although this can be addressed by instructors working collaboratively with students to measure the effectivity of their probes ( TDA. , 2008, p.8, Q28 ) . I observed an illustration of students utilizing and measuring their fact-finding accomplishments during a lesson where they, when presented with a figure mystifier [ Appendix B ] , began by specializing utilizing a given illustration, and so formed speculations about forms that might look. This provided them with a focal point for their question, and the assurance to prove their thoughts which resulted in the bulk of students organizing generalizations about the forms created by the Numberss. Each group so explained the concluding behind their chosen methods and decisions with the remainder of the category pass oning their ideas on the effectivity of the chosen schemes. The pupils work [ Appendices C & A ; D ] clearly shows that they were able to organize speculations at assorted points in the probe, proposing that they were constructing on their bing cognition, a procedure identified by Piaget as indispensable for cognitive development ( Slavin, 1994, p.32 ) and besides a critical constituent to constructivist acquisition ( Boghossian, 2006, p.714 ) . The kids who were able to generalize, did so as a consequence of effectual communicating and following a systematic attack to their probe. Conversely, some students struggled to place any numerical relationships as a consequence of lacks in their ability to cipher expeditiously. This type of battle can, nevertheless, be good to larning. John Stewart Mill ( n.d. ) one time said, ‘The student, who is ne'er required to make what he can non make, ne'er does what he can make ‘ . This doctrine of instruction is supported by Vygotsky ‘s claim ( Slavin, 1994, p49 ) that kids need to travel out of their comfort zone if they are to accomplish their possible and theA DfES ( 2006a, p.8 ) upholds this thought by explicating that disputing undertakings are important when developing job work outing schemes. However, although outlooks need to be high ( TDA. , 2008, p.8, Q1 ) they besides need to be realistic ( Malone, 2003, p.239 ) and therefore it is indispensable that all instructors are cognizant of kids ‘s current degrees of apprehension and, as a consequence, program suitably differentiated activities ( TDA. , 2008, p.8, Q10 ) that enabled all kids to win ( Kendall-Seatter, 2005, p.3 ) . In drumhead, by uniting directed instruction of mathematical techniques with learning the procedures of fact-finding mathematics ( DfES, 2006b, p65 ) , kids can larn to utilize fact-finding accomplishments jointly to work out jobs and to research the universe around them. Using these accomplishments creates successful scholars who can utilize errors to assist them to come on and who enjoy larning ( Rose, 2009, p.34 ) . By developing oppugning accomplishments, kids can larn to organize insightful speculations that they will be motivated to prove and turn out. Communicating will let them to widen their thoughts ( Cockcroft, 1982, p.73 ) and unfastened, disputing and meaningful jobs will animate intrinsic motive ( Pratt, 2006, p.51 ) and let them to ‘do ‘ mathematics and be mathematical.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Outsourcing: Is It Ethical Essay

Outsourcing has become a very hot topic in our country over the last few years. Many Americans view this topic as very controversial and unethical. Outsourcing is also known as the offshoring of American jobs. These jobs are being sent to foreign countries all over the world. Under George Bush’s administration the American economy lost 1.6 million jobs. Outsourcing to other countries is not limited to one business sector or profession; almost all professions are beginning to feel the effects of outsourcing. Many politicians, economists and business people are having very heated debates in regards to outsourcing. There are some who feel that outsourcing is good for the American economy. There are others who strongly disagree and argue that outsourcing is an action taken by greedy companies that disrupt the economic futures of many people and these actions are purely unethical. Outsourcing experienced in America is highly debatable because we have a moral responsibility to adhere to values in society, and to promote human development. Advancing capitalism, by cutting costs and increasing profits, comes at a cost to society when values and moral standards are neglected. Outsourcing in itself is not illegal or unethical, but the repercussions of outsourcing experienced in America are considered to be unethical for the following reasons: American citizens, educated in America for the purpose of employment in America, are displaced from jobs by foreign workers; outsourcing lacks regulation to protect personal and sensitive information; and the American government offers no effective solutions to address these repercussions by re-training and re-employing displaced workers, and by offering incentives for businesses not to outsource. Not only are Americans affected by outsourcing in career and future earnings, but their sense of security is affected too. Businesses that outsource American client information, to be stored and processed in a foreign country, often do so without disclosure to their clients. The foreign country adheres to a different set of regulations concerning data or information protection, and this puts American citizens at risk to identity theft or fraud. The actual long-term damage of job outsourcing on future innovation and individual earning power remains to be determined. Income levels are frozen and cannot compete with inflation. Workers lose leverage to negotiate fair wage  increases or promotion. Foreign employment policies, such as minimum wage, and working conditions differ. Businesses that are outsourcing can set a minimum wage in developing countries that would never be accepted as a minimum wage in America. When most of us think of outsourcing we immediately think of manufacturing jobs. The loss of jobs in the manufacturing sector has been publicized through the media, which has called upon the ethical issues involved. Ethical concerns for outsourcing manufacturing jobs range from human rights violations to standard of living issues. Even though manufacturing may be the highest sector affected by outsourcing, there are many more professions beginning to feel the effects such as engineering and design, High Tech Jobs and the Accounting Industry. Engineering and Design Some may believe that the jobs lost to foreign countries are those that are low paying and those that many would not want anyway. However, this is far from the truth. Highly skilled workers in the engineering and design fields are starting to feel the effects of outsourcing. The decision to outsource engineering services is driven by money and the need to cut costs. For example, â€Å"an office in India provides design and engineering capabilities such as finite element analysis, 2D drafting and 3D modeling, design sheet metal parts and complex molds, kinematics simulation along with other skills.† Engineering firms are beginning to see the benefits to outsourcing to foreign companies to do design work. Tom Epply, president of Continental Design and Engineering stated, â€Å"my view is that I’m trying to save a business for my customer. It’s either this or he can have his head stuck in the sand and possibly lose the business. I’m trying to look at the bigger picture. The engineers in India can do the routine work, while the engineers her can do the research.† Many engineering consultants feel the same way as Tom Epply, outsourcing is inevitable and we need it to survive. But does this make it ethical? Outsourcing engineering services can save companies money, however, there are many that disagree. The NSPE (National Society for Professional Engineers) has issued the following statement: â€Å"the outsourcing of engineering should be done only when the talent cannot be found in the US.  If outsourcing of engineering work is done, it should be done using the same rules, regulations, and laws that employers and employees are subject to in the US.† If a company outsources because of corporate greed and selfishness of top executives then this is very unethical but if outsourcing is done out of competitive necessity and the needs of the employees, it should be considered and viewed as ethical. There are some who believe that there is a shortage of American engineers and this might contribute to the haste in outsourcing engineering work. However, there are plenty of people here in the US who can do the work. There are few engineering firms around the country that are struggling with the issues of outsourcing work or keeping their work inside the US. These companies will be forced to weigh the pros and cons and decide what is ethical for their firm. High Tech Jobs The need for technology and IT (information technology) firms has grown rapidly and will continue to grow in the future. These firms have been hit hard with outsourcing to foreign countries. There was a time when someone with a degree in computer programming did not have to worry about having a job. Most everyone thought that computer programmers were in demand and would always have a job. In 2000, the unemployment rate for computer programmers was 2.0%. By 2004, this number rose to 9.5%. One company that US jobs are being sent to is India Web Developers. This company’s website has an entire section devoted to convincing companies of why they should outsource their web development needs to India. In the past America was seen as a global leader in regards to technology. Now the question is: Is the US losing their position as the technology leader by outsourcing these jobs? In order for the US to keep their high status, there will need to be more investment in education and teaching of math and science. Without education and a capable workforce, we will lose high-tech jobs and our place as innovators globally. The Accounting Industry The outsourcing of accounting functions, such as tax returns, book keeping and auditing, have become a multi-million dollar industry around the world.  Reports of the scope and size of the outsourcing market vary greatly, but the largest outsourcing companies claim that thousands of returns were processed during the 2003 tax season. Estimates indicate that totals now may be well into the hundreds of thousands. Accounting firms are feeling more and more pressure to outsource some of their work and lower their costs. On the website for SurePrep, which is an offshore provider for tax return services, they provide the following pitch to CPA’s and accounting firms: What if you could prepare a thousand more tax returns without adding even one more staff member? And what if you could prepare those returns for up to 50 percent less than what it costs you right now? You can with SurePrep. And with virtually unlimited ability to prepare and process returns, you can increase volume, multiply profits, and grow your practice. This proposal is definitely hard for any firm to pass on. What company would pass up increasing their volume and profits without adding staff? There are many additional benefits that an outsourcing firm may provide for accounting firms including : 1. Qualified part time help 2. Huge cost advantage to outsourcing 3. Faster turn- around time and increased productivity with returns coming back in less than 48 hours. 4. CPA firm freed up due to reduced tax preparation workloads. Leaving time for staff to find ways to offer clients new services. 5. Tax outsourcing can serve as a catalyst for business transformation, enabling a firm to outsource other accounting functions such as bookkeeping. Due to these benefits, many firms are beginning to outsource overseas. Although these benefits may seem great, there are still some risks and ethical concerns related to outsourcing. According to the AICPA (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants), the chief concern is the Code of Professional Conduct that CPA’s are required to follow. According to Richard Miller and Alan Anderson, â€Å"AICPA members have responsibilities related to the practice of using third parties to provide services in engagements for clients. Primary among them are security and confidentiality of information, due professional care and compliance with provisions of the Code of Professional Conduct. In addition, members must monitor security procedures that third-party providers have put into place to ensure they remain effective.† It will be difficult for accountants to  ensure that financial information of their clients remain confidential and secure. Also, firms will find it hard to ensure that the outsourcing companies are qualified to complete the job. According to the AICPA, firms need to â€Å"exercise due care† to make sure their clients information are handled correctly and securely. They also state that â€Å"there is no specific ethical requirement that the member disclose to the client that they are using the services of an outside provider.† Conclusion Outsourcing is a legal business activity affecting America. And it is an inevitable response to globalization and international trade. The outsourcing of American jobs will continue to be a great subject to debate here in the United States. Our politicians will continue to debate the topic and decide if there should be laws set to help or hinder companies from outsourcing jobs. There are many officials that believe that outsourcing will help our country and economy and that nothing bad could come from outsourcing. â€Å"It is a general rule in economics that in order for an economy to grow, old jobs must be destroyed so that new jobs can be created.† There are also those who believe we should at all cost protect our current jobs. High unemployment in America has renewed complaints that outsourcing to countries such as India hurts American workers. It seems that outsourcing American jobs is not going away and will only increase. Knowing this there are a few questions we should all ask ourselves, Is outsourcing an ethical practice, Is outsourcing for the sole purpose of reducing cost ethical and What responsibilities do US companies have to the employees they have laid off due to outsourcing? George Bush once said, â€Å"What do you say to someone in this country who has lost his job to someone overseas who’s being paid a fraction of what that job paid here in the United States?† Good question! Works Cited (n.d.). Retrieved from SurePrep: Http:// Anderson, A. W. (n.d.). Legal and Ethical Considerations. Retrieved 8 2011, August , from American Institute of Certified Public Accoutants: ttp:// Boykin, D. (November, 12 2006). Offshore Outsourcing Stirs National Debate. Retrieved 5 2011, August , from Bringham, N. (November, 12  2006). Outsourcing High-Tech Jobs:Why benign neglect isn’t working. Retrieved August 5, 2011, from Computer professional for Social Responsibility: Harrison, K. (n.d.). Machine Design. Retrieved 5 2011, August, from Machine Design: McGhee, B. W. (n.d.). Ethical Issues in Outsourcing Accounting and Tax Services. Retrieved August 8, 2011, from Social Science Research Network: Mintz, S. (n.d.). The Ethical Dilemmas of Outsourcing. Retrieved 8 2011, August, from New York State Society of CPA’s: Torrance, F. (n.d.). Center for Management Communication. Retrieved 8 2011, August , from The Ethics of In-house vs. Outsourcing:

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Beethoven Biography

Ludwig van Beethoven is perhaps the most famous and Influential of all the pianist composers of his time. He was considered instrumental In the transition of between the classical and romantic eras In Western Art Music. Beethoven was born on December 1 6th, 1770 In Bonn (now called Cologne, Germany) to parents of Belgian descent. HIS father, Johann, was a musician at the court of Bonn, and his mother, Maria, whom he later deemed as his best friend, was described as a warmhearted gentle women.There were seven children born into his family, only three survived, in which Ludwig was the oldest. Johann supplemented his income by teaching piano and violin and so took an interest in teaching Ludwig from a very early age. He began to see Ludwig as prodigy, a young Mozart. Ludwig gave his first public performance at the age of 7-1/2, In cologne, however, his father exploited his son, announcing that he was only 6. Because of this, Beethoven was always thought of as being younger than he actually was. Ludwig soon outgrew the teachings of his father and began to study with Christian Gotten Neff, who was the Courts organist.Neff taught Ludwig about composition and by March of 1783, had helped him write his first published composition: a set of keyboard variations. He then began working with Neff as an assistant organist and published three piano sonatas. By his teenage years, Beethoven had become influenced by the political philosophies of the time, such as freemasonry and Order of the Illuminate. In 1787 Beethoven traveled to Vienna, as Vienna was becoming a beacon of culture and music. He had hoped to be able to study with Mozart. It is unclear if Beethoven actually met or studies with Mozart.After two weeks, Ludwig learned that his mother was dying and so went back home. HIS mother died shortly thereafter. His father turned to alcohol and left Beethoven to care for his younger siblings for 1 OFF He then returned to Vienna and was introduced to many influential people during this time. Franz Wiggler, a young medical student, introduced Ludwig to the von reining family, where he taught piano to some of the children. Beethoven would eventually come to marry one of the von Briefings young daughters. Everyone in the musical and aristocratic world would come to admire the young composer. They Nerve indeed Beethovens greatest supporters. He often became angry with one or all of them, however, his talents often excused his excessive, impulsive behavior. In 1796 Beethoven began to lose his hearing (the cause of this is unknown, but recent tests on Beethovens hair indicate he may have had lead poisoning). He was lust 26 years of age. He also suffered from ringing in the ears, this made if hard for him to hear music. Because of this, he often avoided conversation. In 1800, Beethoven organized a concert in Vienna, including among his other Norms, his first symphony. At the time, this symphony was considered strange, overly extravagant, and even risquà ©. At this very young age, Beethoven was pushing the boundaries of music for the times. In 1801, Beethoven confessed to his friend that he feared he was becoming deaf. On advice from his doctor, he moved to a small town called Halogenated in an attempt to come to terms with his deafness. Over time, his hearing loss became profound. There is a well known story about Beethoven that at one of his concerts, he had to be turned around to hear the thunderous applause from the audience, but upon hearing nothing, he wept.However, it did not stop him from composing music. He continued to compose, although playing concerts became impossible, after an attempt to play his symphony #5 at a concert in 1811, in which he failed miserably, he never played biblically again. He tried many types of hearing aids, IEEE. , a special ear horn but to no avail. By 1814 Beethoven was totally deaf, so he devised a plan to have a conversation book, in which his friends wrote down their conversations to be able to communicate with him. He could then respond orally or in the book.Out off total 400 conversation books, 264 books were altered to destroyed after Beethovens death by Anton Schneider (Beethovens biographer) , who wished only an idealized biography of the composer to survive. In 1807, Beethoven wrote his third symphony for Bonaparte. Bonaparte was seen as a liberator of people, which then opened the door of hope for all people. However, thieving became angry and when the First Consul declared himself emperor and put that anger into his music, spewing out his name from the musical score.It was During this time period, Ludwig was commissioned by the Viennese government o begin composing an opera, entitled Lenore. This would be the only opera he Mould compose. Critics speculate it is because he was not skilled in this area. It Net through several revisions and was retiled Fiddled, against his wishes. It debuted on November 20th, 1805 to a very small audience of French officers under Napoleon. From the 1805 onward, Beethovens productivity increased dramatically, having reached his musical maturity. He had become regarded as one of the most important in a generation of young composers, following Hayden and Mozart. Thieve continued to teach students, and one student, Franz Lists, premiered dovecotes fifth piano concerto, entitled The Emperor in 1812. Beethoven had been supported in Vienna by many wealthy benefactors in order to be able to pursue his love of music freely. However, that came to an end when Prince Lobotomize fell into financial difficulty, and Prince Sink died. Thereafter, Beethoven had to struggle for money and financial independence. In 1813, Johann Envenom Emanuel, inventory, made contact with Ludwig, creating arioso devices to help Beethoven with his hearing. Beethoven created The Victory of Wellington, a work written for a mechanical instrument created by Emanuel called the pan harmonica, but it was above all the metronome, which helped evolve music and Beethoven took an interest immediately, and this helped him to play music as he Niches it to be played, with his hearing deficits. 1814, Beethoven wrote his seventh and eighth symphonies, and also re-worked his opera, renaming it Fiddled, gaining popularity with the new version. In November 1815, Ludwig life would take a dramatic change. His brother died, paving custody of his son, Karl, aged 9, to be shared by both his wife and Beethoven.He found it very hard to raise the child, being deaf and unable to understand him. He often was in conflict with his sister in law. In 1816, Carl Czerny (past student of Beethoven) became Karts music teacher, but he did not find him to be talented, as Beethoven had wished him to be. At this time, thieving would draft the first theme as to what would become his ninth and final be his greatest, and considered by some to be the greatest piece of music ever ruttier. It was commissioned by the Philharmonic Society of London, and debuted n 7th of May, 1824 in Vienna.Unfortunately, the ninth symphony was not financially rewarding. Financial problems continued to undermine the composer. At this time, he began to compose the last quartet, in the midst of failing health. He was now 54. He was ill and bedridden, however, he was able to complete the Fifteenth quartet during this time. Slow to recover, he continued on to complete the remainder of Thirteen, Fourteen and Sixteen, when he took sick again and remained In bed for many months. Beethoven died on March 26, 1827 at the age of 56, during a thunderstorm.An autopsy revealed that he had significant liver from alcohol. It is estimated that he composed over 650 pieces of music, including nine symphonies, nine concertos and 32 piano Sonatas, and many other unfinished Norms. There is no clear agreement among critics and scholars as to Beethovens most significant contribution to classical music. This, more than anything else, speaks to the composers true greatness and talent. It cannot be disputed that Beethoven played an essential role in influencing composers to this day because his achievements were so numerous and his scope of music was so vast.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Education Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

The Education Industry - Essay Example 1). They put students in control of their education rather than the faculty, staff, or accrediting bodies, because all or most of their funding comes directly from the students and they are treated with "customer service" instead of having to earn their degrees. According to Zach Stocks (2009, pg. 1), "Consistent readers should be aware of the fact that I see many for-profit education companies as short candidates. Conventional wisdom states that during tough economic times, workers will pursue education programs in order to improve their wage potential, or to develop skill in an area likely to provide them a job." Certainly, no one is saying that a college degree is not valuable. In fact, we are stating quite the opposite. It is just a matter of choosing the wiser path to follow for your own needs: for-profit or nonprofit. It is really up to you. We can prove the worth of a college degree simply by looking at the graph that follows. According to the National Center for Study of the Privatization of Education (2009, pg. 1), "There are two types of for-profit schools. The first kind is a school that operates as a business and attempts to make a profit from its educational operation. The school receives a fee for each student it enrolls. The second kind is an educational management organization (EMO) that contracts with school districts and charter schools to operate public schools. The most important difference between the two types of for-profit schools is that EMOs usually manage schools receiving public funds. Most for-profit schools function as EMOs." For-profit schools are considered controversial. They use business techniques to improve their schools rather than relying on state or federal mandates to improve them. "Therefore, the main concern of management is realizing profits and promoting growth. Proponents of for-profit schools claim business models will benefit students, because financial success depends on providing a quality education. Schools must improve if they are to compete for students. Opponents fear for-profit schools will make students a secondary concern and eliminate beneficial programs that are too expensive or take short-cuts to enhance profitability. The potential

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Coco Channel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Coco Channel - Essay Example Chanel's tweezed jacket and skirt, two-toned graceful expression level, dark dress, ensemble adornments and knitted sack with chain strap remain staples in the design pantheon, and contemporary marks present emphases of them season after season. She started Chanel No. 5, denoting the first run through a style creator had forayed into scent. Professional Growth From her first millinery shop which opened its doors from 1912 - 1920, she rose to turn into one of the chief form planners in Paris, France. Swapping the girdle with solace and cool polish, her design topics incorporated straightforward suits and dresses, ladies' trousers, ensemble gems, scent and materials. She received the name Coco throughout a concise vocation as a boutique and show artist 1905-1908 (Chaney 3). First and foremost a fancy woman of an affluent military officer then of an English industrialist, Coco Chanel drew on the assets of these supporters in setting up a millinery shop in Paris in 1910, developing to De auville and Biarritz. The two men additionally helped her find clients around ladies of social order, and her basic caps came to be mainstream. Before long Coco was stretching to couture, working in pullover, a first in the French manner planet. By the 1920s, her design house had stretched extensively, and her chemise set a style incline with its "son" look. Her loose designs, short skirts, and easy look were in sharp differentiation to the undergarment molds prevalent in the past decades. Chanel herself wearing manly garments, and adjusts these more agreeable designs which other ladies likewise considered freeing (Simmons 21). In 1922 Chanel presented a scent, Chanel No. 5, which came to be and remained mainstream, and remains a gainful result of Chanel's organization. Pierre Wertheimer turned into her accomplice in the fragrance business in 1924. Wertheimer claimed 70% of the organization; Chanel appropriated 10% and her companion Bader 20%. The Wertheimer's proceed to control the fragrance organization today. Chanel presented her signature cardigan coat in 1925 and mark dark dress design during 1926. A lot of her designs incorporated a backbone, and didn't change much from year to year or even era to generation. Chanel's own particular lifestyle powered her thoughts of how advanced ladies all around may as well look, act, and dress. Her own particular thin boyish figure and edited hair turned into a perfect, as did her tanned skin, animated lifestyle, and monetary autonomy. All around her profession, Chanel succeeded in bundling and advertising her own particular individual demeanor and style, making he r a key judge of ladies' taste all around the twentieth century. Chanel proceeded to make fruitful searches for ladies through the 1920s and '30s. In 1926, American Vogue compared Chanel's dark dress to that of the Ford dress, suggesting its practical widespread popularity as a design essential. Actually, the notion of the dress suitable for day and night did come to be both a staple for Chanel all around consequent seasons and an exemplary bit of twentieth-century ladies' wear. The fashioner likewise utilized vivid female printed chiffons within her daywear plans (Feifei 16). Night groups accompanied the long thin line for which the planner was known, additionally fused tulle, trim, and beautifying components that mellow and romanticize the by and large

Monday, August 26, 2019

Compare and contrast how foreign antigens are recognised by the innate Essay

Compare and contrast how foreign antigens are recognised by the innate and the adaptive immunity - Essay Example The innate immunity system is composed of four main components each of which contains a large number of different types of cells. These four main components are: Phagocytes, Interferon, Compliment system and Natural Killer cells. The innate immunity is non-specific and targets every foreign antigen that it is exposed to. Also the response to these foreign antigens is very rapid. Mast cells of the innate immunity system release histamine which causes inflammation and dilation of the capillaries to allow the needed action. Adaptive immunity also aims to protect the body against infectious particles however the mode of action and the components involved are quite different from that of innate immunity. The adaptive immunity is very specific recognizing and acting against a specific antigen. The response against the antigen is quite slow when compared with the innate immunity and there is a time delay between the onset of antigens and the action taken by the adaptive immunity. The action however is targeted and once it is taken, it leads to rapid removal of antigens from the body. In both the innate and the adaptive immunity, the response to the foreign antigens takes place in two phases: the activation phase and the effector phase. The activation phase is very similar in both of these systems. During the activation phase, antigens are presented by the Major histocompatibility complexes to the T-cells. In the innate immunity the antigen is presented to the cytotoxic T cell which after recognizing the signal proliferates and produces perforin in order to lyse the infected cell. On the other hand, in the adaptive immunity, the antigens are presented to T-helper cells. The helper cells release cytokines which allow it to proliferate into clones. These clones then act on individual B-cells which cause them to proliferate and differentiate into either plasma cells or memory cells. Like the innate immunity, the adaptive

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Criminology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 3

Criminology - Essay Example They include shop lifting and disorderly conduct. Some offenses called wobbler can be classified as felonies or misdemeanor depending on circumstance. Petty offenses or infractions are insignificant crimes involving very minor misconducts classified as violations of public welfare, an example is traffic violations. They are not punishable by incarceration but through monetary fines or community service (Fletcher 31). The basis for proving criminal liability the accused is that, the defendant is proved to have committed a guilty act with a guilty state of mind. The physical elements of such a case are called actus reus while the corresponding mental state is called mens rea. It is the prosecutions duty to prove those elements of the offense to the contentment of the jury beyond reasonable doubt, otherwise the defendant is acquitted. Criminal law formulates that individuals should be punished based on the retribution they deserve as such, they are culpable if they demonstrate insufficient concern for others by choosing to cause risk or harm to others for insufficient reason and does it voluntarily (Fletcher 46). Actus reus is the physical action one takes in order to be culpable of a criminal offense, though it is possible for one to commit a crime by omission rather than an affirmative act. For example, voluntary failure to perform the legally required act of filing and paying tax. To be responsible for a crime, one must perform the legally required act for that crime. For example, the actus reus for burglary is that one must break into a roofed structure or vehicle. The voluntary action provision in actus reus recognizes that people are not responsible for actions over, which they have no control. For example, an epileptic person may have a seizure at a mall causing damage to property. Such a person is not criminally responsible (Norrie 111). Conversely, if such an individual is

Europes power is inevitably declining relative to other powers Essay

Europes power is inevitably declining relative to other powers - Essay Example The most applicable technique used to determine this phenomenon is to pose an overarching question, which enables the placement of Europe in an intelligible conceptual milieu: When does a super power cease to be â€Å"super†? This question obliges the re-interrogation of superiority, power and decides, as well as revalidation of historical perspectives, which underpin the current disquiet concerning the shifting international order. In Europe, concerns regarding its superiority, decline and power continue to be a staple component of popular and scholarly discourse, but they are rising in intensity because of current financial crisis experienced in Europe. Europe’s power is inevitably declining as the individual states, as well as their societies and production systems continue to decline. The military and economic criterion explores a nation or region’s capacity to fit the description of greatness or superiority. Military power has a notable economic basis since heavy defense spending has significant effects on a nation’s or region’s economy. Europe’s decline is perhaps most notable in international politics, and these effects emerged with stark clarity in the events concerning the Balkan crises, as well as the war in Iraq. In the case of the Iraq war, Europeans only watched helplessly as the senseless war, which they did not even desire, transpire and had to sustain a substantial share of the mammoth costs generated by the war. It is quite evident that Europe no longer carries any significant weight on the topic of international politics and is currently subject to the US’ hegemony (Rifkin 112). This reality became quite apparent at the end of the World War 2 and the Cold War. Notably, the hegemony of the US had a prominent rival in the USSR, which prevented Europe from feeling dominated by the US. US’ subtle domination of Europe gave Europeans the inaccurate sensation that they were making contributions to the realization of a joint project and defense of shared values. Today, the danger lies not in USSR domination but in terrorism, funded by fundamentalist Islamic groups whose networks extend throughout the world. Today, American hegemony does little to guarantee European security in light of this danger. It is evident that Europe could play a pivotal role in eradicating terrorism at grass root level, favoring economic development, unity and a democratic evolution Middle Eastern and North West African country with which Europe enjoys positive relations. This positive relationship is characterized by Europe’s geographical proximity, as well as close interdependence with nations in the region. However, Europe’s impotence prevents it from playing its role effectively in this area and other sensitive global regions (Manners 238). As a consequent, Europe finds itself more and more often, serving to make up the numbers that create international equilibrium while new actors such as India, China and Brazil enter the world and old actors such as Russia make an unmistakable comeback. Europe is rapidly exiting the scene as it continues to count for less than other powers in terms of strategic calculations regarding international events. On the other hand, Europe is inevitably declining on the economic front. This is notable in the declining trend experienced by the leading eurozone countries, which are currently showing, relative to their GDPs, relatively weak and negative growth trends. Unemployment rates in most European nations are current sky high. The countries’ production systems are inevitably becoming unable to fend off the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Sacrifices that the Immigrant Parents Make by Coming to Live and to Essay

Sacrifices that the Immigrant Parents Make by Coming to Live and to Work in the United States - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that parents always find the â€Å"sacrifices† that they make for their families quite easy to bear. For instance, a mother can easily give up her career and become a house wife so as to make sure that her husband and her children have a comfortable daily life. A father can give up his dream job in order not to leave his wife and children in town. While every good parent has to make some sacrifices for the good of their families,   the immigrate parents sacrifice the most in order to give their children a better life. In order to effectively meet the financial and the economic needs of their families, the immigrant parents leave their homes or their hometowns in search of greener pasture abroad. The immigrant parents find it quite challenging to leave their hometowns with which they have already developed emotional attachments. Another major challenge that many immigrant parents face in foreign countries is the challenge of learnin g another new language. Despite these challenges that immigrant parents face in foreign countries, many people, however, especially in the United States have misconceptions or misunderstandings about immigrate parents. Many people in the United States think that the immigrant parents find it easy to stay in the United States; other people think that the main reason behind the immigrant parents coming to the United States is all about money

Friday, August 23, 2019

HR Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

HR - Research Paper Example The company’s vision is to become one of the leading diversified oil companies in the world, characterized by a highly motivated workforce, as well as, safe operations. The company’s mission is to enhance profitability and safety in mining and supplying of hydrocarbon fuels and feedstock. The company as well focuses on contributing to development of the nation. One of the company’s key goals is fulfilling the country aspired standards for quality assurance, as well as, environmental protection. Because of global warming, there are set standards both locally and internationally, for environmental conservation. Because of the level of environmental degradation associated with mining companies, the company faces extremely high standards. Additionally, because of sensitivity of oil products, the products’ set standards are as well high. The company as well is committed to implementing a couple of national policies meant to increase employment opportunities for the citizens. One of the key external factors that affect the company is the political factor. Over the last a couple of decades, there have been a series of political unrest in a couple of Middle East countries. This has been a threat to the stability of the company’s profitability. One of the key reasons behind this is the fact that the company serves a couple of countries in the Middle East. Another key factor is the economic factor. The global economic cycles affect the company’s profitability as well. For example, during the 2008 global financial crisis, the company registered a decline in profitability. On the other hand, when the global economy is doing well, the company registers increased profitability. Technological factor as well affect the company. For example, the company has taken advantage of the ever-changing technology to automate most of its oil production operations. This has enhanced efficiency in

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Frederick Life and Times of Frederick Douglass Essay Example for Free

Frederick Life and Times of Frederick Douglass Essay Frederick Douglass (born Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey, February 1818 – February 20, 1895) was an American abolitionist, editor, author, salesman, and reformer. Douglass is one of the most prominent figures in African American history and a formidable public presence. He was a firm believer in equality of all people whether they were black, women, native Americans or immigrants. He was fond of saying I would unite with anybody to do right and nobody to do wrong. Frederick was born a slave in Maryland. He was only with his mother for a couple of weeks, he was raised by his grandparents. His mother, Harriot Bailey, died when he was only seven years old. The identity of his father is obscure. It was said that his father was a white man, perhaps his owner. He later said he knew nothing about his father. At the age of six his grandmother took him to the plantation and left him there. At the age of eight he was sent to Baltimore to live with his owners brother Hugh Auld. It was shortly after he arrived that Mrs Auld started to teach him the alphabet and how to read. Her husband thought it was wrong saying that he would become dissatisfied with his life and have a desire for freedom. Hugh forbid his wife to continue so Douglass took it upon himself to learn. The white kids in the neighborhood helped him learn and in return Douglass would give away his food. At the age of twelve he purchased a book called The Columbian Orator. It helped him to gain a different look and understanding on the power of the written and spoken words. Frederick returned to the eastern shore at the age of fifteen he became a field hand. During this time he had an encounter with the slave breaker Edward Covey. Covey restored his sense of self-worth after the fights. At the age of eighteen he was sent back to live with the Auld family. In September 1838 he succeeded in escaping from slavery by impersonating a sailor. he then moved to New Bedford, Massachusetts where he and his newly married wife Anna Murray begin to raise a family. When he had a chance, he went to abolitionist meetings. In October 1841 after one of the meetings he became a lecturer. He became partners with William Lloyd Garrison. This work led him to public speaking and writing. He also participated in the very first womans right conventions. He also wrote three autobiographies starting with Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass followed by My Bondage and my Freedom in 1855 and ending with Life and Times of Frederick Douglass which he wrote after the civil war in 1892. When he returned to the United States he published his own newspaper The North Star. Douglass was recognized all over the world as an uncompromising abolitionist, indefatigable worker for equal opportunity and justice. Douglass fought for equality for his people. He was also recognized for a defender of womens rights. Douglass became a trusted advisor of Lincoln, recorder of Deeds for Washington, D. C, United States Marshal for the District of Columbia, and Minister-General to the Republic of Haiti. In 1872 Douglass was the first African American to receive a nomination for Vice President of the United States. During the campaign, he neither campaigned for the ticket nor even acknowledged that he had been nominated. In 1877 he was appointed to United States Marshal. He was appointed to the Recorder of Deeds for the District of Columbia in 1877. After his wife died in 1882 he was in a state of depression until his associate Ida B Wells brought meaning back to life for him. Douglass remarried in 1884 to Helen Pitts, a white feminist from New York. The couple faced a storm of controversy as a result of their marriage since she was a white woman and nearly 20 years younger than him. Later in life Douglass was determined to find out his birthday. He adopted February 14th because of his mother, she used to always call him her little valentine. On February 20th 1895 Douglass attended a meeting of the National Council of Women in Washington D. C. Shortly after the meeting he returned home, Douglass died of a stroke or a massive heart attack in his adopted home town of Washington D. C. He is buried in Mount Hope Cemetery in Rochester, New York. Frederick Douglass was sought to exemplify three keys for success. Believe in yourself, Take advantage of every opportunity, and Use the power of spoken and written language to effect positive change for yourself and society. Douglass also stated that Whatever is possible for me is possible for you. By taking these key words and making them his own, Douglass created a life of honor, respect and success that he never would have dreamed of when he was a younger boy living on the plantation. Works Cited http://www. frederickdouglass. org/douglass_bio. html Douglass, Frederick Life and Times of Frederick Douglass, Christian Age Office. 1895 http://www. history. rochester. edu/class/douglass/part4. html. Fight for Emancipation. Accessed April 19, 2007.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Cadbury: Porters Five Forces, and PESTEL Analysis

Cadbury: Porters Five Forces, and PESTEL Analysis In order to recommend what strategy is needed for a company to follow is essential to analyze the competitive environment where they operate. When analyzing the competitive environment of Cadbury, the factors that should be considered are both factors from the confectionery industry and factors from the macro environment, which would have an effect on the successful operation of the company. I have chosen Porters Five Forces, and PESTEL analysis. 1.1 Porters Five Forces Bargaining power of buyers: Porter (2008) stated that where the product is a small  fraction of buyers costs or expenditures, buyers are usually less price sensitive. Cadbury has to categories of buyers namely, consumers or retailer. Retail buyers are the group that has the most effect for Cadbury and other confectionery producers. They are mainly large retailers like i.e. Tesco, Asda in UK. There is competition for shelf space and threat of backward integration especially with brand only products. That is a very important group, which is directly correlated with the revenue. It could have high effect. Bargaining power of suppliers: Group that has big impact on the final product, in terms of quality and price. The main commodities used by Cadbury are cocoa, milk, and sugar. Any change in the price of those commodities will affect directly the price of the product and the profitability. Confectionery manufacturers are facing increasing cost pressures as Cocoa prices hit their highest levels for 23 years due to fall in Cocoa production (BBC, 2008). Cadbury is using commodity derivative contracts for cocoa and sugar. Cadbury Cocoa partnership is established to insure sustainable supply of Cocoa by supporting Cocoa farmers in Ghana, India, Indonesia and Caribbean (Cadbury, 2008). Another way perhaps to strengthen their position would be a backward integration, where they would acquire one or more of their suppliers to ensure that they have control over the commodity price (Johnson et al, 2008). Moderate effect. Rivalry among existing competitors: Confectionary is an industry with stiff competition amongst its players. There are five major players competing globally in confectionery industry: Nestle, Mars Wrigley, Cadbury, Ferrero Rocher and Hershey with about 42% share of global market (Cadbury, 2008). All of the major players in the industry have very sound brands worldwide. There is a high growth rate of 5% in the developed countries, and about 10% in the emerging markets, which makes the confectionery industry very attractive. Because of the high competition, there is possibility of competition of prices, which will cause the company to operate with lower margins. High effect. Threat of substitute products: World Health Organization (WHO) (2008) estimates that in 2005 at least 400 million adults worldwide were obese and forecasted that this figure in 2015 will be 700 million. USA, UK, and Germany are among the countries with largest number of people that are obese, overweight, and have cardiovascular health problems on the other hand those countries are the largest confectionery markets in the world. Consumers are becoming more and more aware of healthy eating, so the snacking habits are changing. There are numbers of substitutes emerging on the market, products like cereal bars and fruit bars are threat for the chocolate industry, as health conscious parents especially, would opt for the healthier option. Chocolatiers try to add value to their chocolate, with vitamins or antioxidants or by removing fat and sugar from the confection (Scully, C., 2006). Moreover consumers want firms to avoid e-numbers or synthetic colours and require instead organic substan ces In this regard many people think of the possible health benefits from the chocolate they eat. Consequently a further development will start. Special groups like diabetics or allergy sufferers will rise in importance. (Vreeland, C., 2007). The other main direction in the confection industry is the tendency to pure black and high quality chocolate. Thus, the sweet is turning into a way in which people express their selves. Candy Industry (2006) clarifies this with the headline of one of their reports Dark and Decadent vs. Milk and Mainstream. The statement is underpinned by several data. In 2006 the sales of dark chocolate increased by 40%, every third chocolate released was a dark chocolate and the premium market was foretold to grow over 20% in the next periods. The bitter chocolate has the benefit of a low sugar rate and a lot of antioxidants that makes it much more healthy then normal sweets. A dark chocolate is a bit of luxury at a reasonable price, perhaps thats a reason why this kind of sweet is so popular. The last point which supports the trend is that premium chocolate is for a multilateral use, for instance as a gift or decoration, optimally suitable (Rehan, 2007). The effect is high. Threat of a new entry: as the confectionery market is dominated by well established brands, as sated while analyzing the rivals, and they are Nestle, Mars Wrigley, Cadbury, Ferrero Rocher and Hershey, with 42% of the market (Cadbury, 2008) for a new company is very difficult to enter the market, unless they come up with new interesting product, something to go in line with the healthy lifestyle perhaps, as discussed above. However, it will be difficult to take a considerable market share, as they would be competing against very well established companies, with also established brand names, distribution channels and high capital investment. Other barriers for new entrants are economies of scale and experience of major operators in production and distribution (Johnson, et al 2008). On the other hand those barriers might not be effective for a company that is diversifying, like Nestle, they used their strong position of the confectionery market to enter the ice cream market (Reader, 2 006). The effect on Cadbury is low. 1.2 PESTEL Analysis Political: Only 10 countries in the world produce more than 90% of the worlds cocoa (Worlds Coco Foundation, 2007). The major problem in those countries is poverty. The main concern for the companies trading with those countries is political stability, as instability can have effect on the price, and the supply. Economic: Recent fall in the value of the pound, is one economic factor that affects all the companies that operate in UK, and have business connections with other countries. Cadbury operates in more than 60 countries in the world. Cadbury suppliers of their main commodity cocoa are not British, as outlined above. The depreciation of the pound makes the prices of cocoa more expensive; even though Cadbury had future contracts to hedge against situations like that it will still affect the operation in longer run, when new future contracts need to be made. On the other hand interest rates are very low in England at the moment. The base rate is only 0.5% (Bank of England, 2010). Companies can benefit with lower interest borrowing. Social: Fair trade with cocoa farmers is a social factor, as affects how the company is perceived by the consumers. Fair trade means that a company buys a tone of cocoa at the market price and pays a social premium for the commodity. This benefits the planter because of a steady income stream, which is more independent from the volatility of the market price. Furthermore a company with a fair trade label pays a percentage of the selling price to the centralized fair trade organization. Corporations try to redeem these disadvantages through a higher quality of cocoa beans (Westen, 2006). Furthermore an enterprise could gain a competitive advantage because of their social commitment. The customer can see a fair trade certification on the package and this is becoming more and more important. As outlined above Cadbury operates in more than 60 countries in the world. When a company operates in more than one country potential problems are conflicts between different cultural groups, language difficulties, stereotyping, and mutual misunderstanding (Greenhause, et al, 2010). Technological: Availability of high-tech machinery enables the company to produce high quality product at lower prices, which helps the company to gain competitive advantage. Another point is the widespread of the internet and satellite television, makes it easier to advertise to bigger audience of potential consumers. Environmental: The cocoa plant needs a stable climate. But the ideal conditions in  Africa and South America are in danger because of global warming. The weather will be  unpredictable and natural disasters are possible. Consequently the plants get hurt and the productivity decreases. Moreover disease destroys over 20% of the cacao beans that should be use for chocolate production every year (Ogodo, 2006).Therefore companies should search ways to secure a steady flow of cocoa in the required amount and quality. Cooperation with the World Cocoa Foundation could be a solution. Confectioners like Ferrero, Lindt, Thorntons and Nestle realise this potential and try to improve future expectations (World Cocoa Foundation, 2007) Legal: Affecting the industry are two new legislations that came into force in 2003 in UK. Regulations concerning contaminants in food and organic products force firms to obey and perhaps change their own practices (Baxter, 2006). The company had a very strong financial position with sales revenue growth of 14.6% compared with the previous year, which was due to increase in price, rather than increase in volume of sales, (Bonfield, 2009). Increasing price with no increase in the quality results in higher margins, however it is a very risky strategy to follow as the consumers might not agree with it, the company can lose market share (Johnson, et al 2008). The profit margins have increased from 5.41% in 2007 to 7.43% in 2008, and are higher than the average which stands at 6.42%. That is an indicator of successful cuts in cost. Main reason for that is cutting the number of employees, in 2007 the number of employees was 50,465, and in 2008 was nearly 4000 less down to 46,517. ROCE was nearly doubled in 2008 rising from 3.78% to 7.29%, and was much higher than the average ROCE for the industry, which was 5.53%. This increase in part can be from divestment of Americas Beverages in 2008 during 2008 that had lower R OCE than other companies in the group. According to Cadburys annual report (2008) In July 2008 Company issued new  £350m sterling bond with a coupon of 7.25%and underlying interest rate for Cadbury in 2008 was 6.5%. This means that Cadbury is not producing ROCE much more than its current cost of capital. On the other hand Nestles ROCE is an impressive 21.5% that indicates that the operating costs in UK are much higher, like wages, rent, administrative expenses etc. Current ratio which indicates the companys liquidity is 0.86% for 2008 for Cadbury, which is an improvement from previous year when it was 0.58%. That indicates that their liability has decreased during 2008. Compared to the competitors is obvious that they are not as liquid as Nestle, with current ratio of 1%, however their performance for 2008 compared with the industry average which is 0.72% indicates that they are doing better than the majority. Gering Ratio has decreased from 123.69% to 89.66% in 2008 mostly because of the demerger with the Americas Beverages which was financed by debt. At 2008 their gearing was lower than the average that was 106.6. That is an indicator that if the company needs to borrow, it will not be difficult to find a lender, as they are outperforming the average. Return on shareholders funds is 11.36% nearly doubled compared to year before when it was 6.10%. Nestles return is again much higher at 14.76%. However Cadburys Return on Shareholders funds is again better than the average for the industry which seats at 8.73%. (Weetman, 2006) (Nestle, 2008) (Fame, 2009)(Cadbury, 2009) CORPORATE STRATEGY CURRENTLY BEING PERSUED Vision into action is the name of the strategy pursued by Cadbury. The main outcome of the strategy is to achieve mid teen margins by 2011, alongside with 4-6% organic revenue growth, and improved return on capital employed. If all of that is achieved Cadbury PLC is going to be in an excellent position financially and marketwise, and would deliver outstanding return for their shareholders and become the largest confectionery company in the world. Cadburys priorities stated in the strategy were: growth, efficiency, and capability (Cadbury, 2009). In order to achieve the priorities cost reduction was very important, which resulted in increase in profit by 2.02% the de-merger of US Beverage happened in May 2008, as it was difficult for a British company to compete against American giants such as Coca Cola and Pepsi Co (Market Watch, 2008). And because it was an unrelated diversification from Cadburys main focus on chocolate, gum, and candy. Originally Cadbury wanted to sell the business, as Colley et al. (2002) suggests that a company may not have the time or resources to focus on particular division. Selling the units that lack long term prospects would bring in cash that can be used in what would be considered more advantageous ways. However a lack of interest from cash shy investors forced it to split the business instead. Instead of adding value to the Parent Company, if that given unit adds in management costs, adds to bureaucratic complexity and obscure financial performance, it is not feasible to continue with their oper ation (Johnson et al, 2008). The recent acquisition of Adam business is of immense benefit to Cadbury having gain number two position in gum business. They are focused in Integrating these recent acquisitions for sustainable growth. In order to implement strategy successfully there should be match between strategy and organisational structure. Roquebert et al. (1996) argue that in essence the structure of the organisation and its fit to environment determines the relative degree of profitability. Alfred Chandler (1962) concluded that structure follows strategy. New group structure of seven business units instead of four was introduced and de-layering organization for faster decision making and reduction in administrative cost. Strategic business unit is a part of an organization for which there is a distinct external market for goods or services that is different from another strategic business unit SBU (Johnson et al, 2008). The definition for SBU by CIMA, (2006) adds that SBU has a significant degree of autonomy, typically being responsible for developing and marketing their own product. In the case of Cadbury there is no evidence that shows these business units will have any autonomy in developing their own m arkets and products. Alongside what I have mentioned several other activities had been carried out in order to implement the strategy, such as the reconfiguration of production in Australia and New Zealand to reduce complexity of production, ant the closure of the nonperforming plants i.e. Barcelona and Turkey Gum plants and Somerdale Chocolate plant (Cadbury, 2009). Cadbury is a large company that only concentrates in one industry. In a study carried out by Schmalensee in 1985 was found that the industry effect is very significant and accounts for at least 75% of the variance of industry rates of return on assets, which is directly correlated with the profit of the firm. He also found that market share effects exist it share has positive relation with profitability but its effect is negligible and industry and market share affects are negatively correlated. Within the industry this is competitive advantage that accounts for profitability of company. Cadbury at the moment does not have competitive advantage over its rivals. Profit target set for 2013 that is operating margin of 16%-18% (11.9%for 2008) shows that understanding this fact managers are trying to gain competitive advantage over other global players by focusing on performance and increasing profit (Hill and Jones, 2007). RECOMMENDATION Based on the findings regarding the competitive environment where the company operates, and on Cadburys financial performance and current strategy, l can give recommendations for a strategy to be followed, supported by a Balanced Scored Card provided in Appendix 1. The main goal as it was outlined in the existing strategy is Increase in Shareholders Value. For the goal to be achieved every department in the Company should be involved. I will explain the implementation of the strategy starting from implementation in the process of learning and growth, than the implementation across the internal processes, followed by what would the strategy mean to the customers, finishing with how will the strategy affect the financial perspective. In order for a company to be successful the most important asset are the employees. Very important part of any strategy is how happy the employees are? Are they driving the business towards the goal set by the management? In order to achieve the points made is very important that the team fully understands the strategy and the underlying assumptions. The employees should work as a team with a successful communication between them, which contributes to faster decision making. For best results Cadbury should employ and retain high performers, for example high performing managers, or specialists in the field of RD. Once those employees are on board is very important to retain them, by appropriate pay, safe conditions, training and development to achieve their full potential. After the Kraft take over, and numerous job cuts, the team morale is low (BBC, March 2010), and it is very important that they get the support needed, and understand the big picture. Another crucial area of successes is investing in RD. As outlined by the analysis using the Porter Five Forces, there is a threat of substitutes, to develop products in line with the changing consumer habits (WHO, 2008) healthier variety of snacks should be introduced. Consumers are becoming more health concern, and are happy to pay higher price for a good quality, example of that is Innocent, focused on healthy food and drink, 100% smoothies, packed fruits and vegetables, which in the nine years they exist has grown from just a three employees to 268, and is one of the fastest growing companies with revenue of over 120 million pounds (Innocent, 2009). As explained by Ansoffs Matrix possible growth opportunities are found in this particular case by introducing new products in already existing markets (Richardson, et al, 2007). I think that Cadbury PLC should be one step ahead and introduce similar products as well. However, introducing new products is very costly and it will relate i n lower growth prospects. There are two factors that the power of substitutes depends on: Relative Price/Performance; and The extent of switching costs (CIMA, 2007). By using Porters Five Force was found that the competition in the confectionery industry is fierce; in order for Cadbury to maintain their market share, or better to enlarge it, constant improvements of the products should be maintained. Black and Green line should be developed further, as the demand for dark chocolate is growing (Rehan, 2007). As Porter (1980) says the goal of a competitive strategy for a company is to find a position in its industry where these competitive forces, will do it the most good or the least harm The Cadburys brand is large and global. Kraft had done a lot of acquisitions in the past where the brand has been kept intact like Jacobs Coffee in Germany. The company should continue that with the Cadbury Brand, as that is key to success. In the long run that will result in improved sales revenues , and better profit margins. In the Balanced Score Card I have outlined that Cadbury should be environmentally friendly. Ogogdo, (2006) had pointed that there is a threat to the cocoa trees in the long run, by the global warming. Cadbury should do their part and be involved in projects helping the environment, like using fair trade, or following their competitors examples. Nestle USA is helping to safeguard the environment through pollution prevention and control, energy conservation and recycling/solid waste management practices (Nestle Global, 2010). Entering new markets is a way of driving the business forward. By acquiring Cadbury, Kraft had positioned themselves on the Indian market where Cadbury has a very strong position, on the other hand Kraft can help Cadbury to penetrate the Chinese market, where they have a solid position, and use their distribution channels (Riches, 2010). Being global as refered to in the PESTEL analysis comes with its negative sides. To overcome that Cadbury should work towards minimizing conflicts and have procedures in place to supplement the strategy. Even though the current liabilities had decreased from the year before, there are still high. Restructuring the debt to a lower interest loan, would result in substantial savings. The interest debt on the existing debt is 6.5% (Cadbury, 2009). As outlined from the financial analysis, the performance had been stronger year after year, where almost all of the ratios had improved. If all the recommendations outlined above are followed the financial performance can only get stronger. When all standards are met for quality and the product meet and exceed customer expectations, there are possibilities for higher margins and increase in profit. On the other hand when the profits increase after interest and tax, the shareholders return would increase as well, which makes the final goal achieved increase in shareholder value. Market Watch Drinks; Apr2008, Vol. 7 Issue 4, p14-14, 1p Porter, M. E., (1980), Industry Structure and Competitive Strategy: Keys to Profitability, Financial Analysis Journal, Vol. 36, Issue 4, p30-41, 12p Strategy in Action Applying Ansoffs Matrix.Full Text Available By: Richardson, Mark; Evans, Carl. Manager: British Journal of Administrative Management, Summer2007, Issue 59, pi-iii, 3p

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Importance Of Water In Islam Theology Religion Essay

The Importance Of Water In Islam Theology Religion Essay In Malaysia, after Pakatan Rakyat party successfully conquering Selangor state from Barisan Nasional party since 2008, they have launched a lot of initiative welfares for Selangor residents. On 13 March 2008, Selangor State Government has announced the implementation of Merakyatkan Ekonomi Selangor (MES) agenda to improve living standard of Selangor residents. There are 14 agendas included in MES and one of them is free water provision for the first 20 cubic meters water domestic consumers who using individual meters in Selangor starting from June 2008. Selangor State Government offers first 20 cubic meters water which equivalent to 20,000 liters or 5.680 gallons per month for free. This benefit is for all Selangor people regardless of their economy status, race or political affiliation. Other than that, the main objective of this welfare is to reduce the burden life especially for low-income groups as a result cost of living and the inflation rates are continue to increase. At the same time, it is of the holistic and integrated components to restructuring water management in order to provide more efficient and effective service. Through this program, Selangor State Government bear the average cost of rebate RM 11.00 per month for each user. Then, the record payment by the Selangor State Government is stated in bill received by each user from SYABAS (Selangor Water Supply Company). Besides that, 20 cubic meters of free water supply is only eligible for domestic consumers who use individual meters. For domestic users who use bulk meters in condominiums and apartments, they need to change to individual meters to enjoy this free water. Change of bulk meters to individual meters is subject to the conditions set by SYABAS. As the result, currently more than one million people who use individual meters enjoy it especially low cost apartment dwellers. Until July 2012, over RM 6 million was spent on free water to residents of low-cost apartments through Safwa Scheme (Free Water Rebate Scheme). According to Housing and Property Selangor Board (LPHS) report, 92% or 58, 049 units already received. While the remaining 8% or 6, 666 units failed to implement the rebate claim due to labor shortages in Joint Management Body (JMB). This positive action shows the governments responsibility toward public welfare. In Islam, this is a good example because the leader should take care of their people. However, some consider this program involves high costs and will affect the allocation of funds provided by the Government of Malaysia to Selangor state. In Islam, the leader should manage the public properties to avoid waste for not so important activities. Therefore, a comprehensive study and analysis are needed to ensure that the program is consistent with Islamic law. 2. WATER ACCESIBILITY ANALYSIS 2.1 THE IMPORTANCE OF WATER IN ISLAM Historically, all ancient civilizations in the world began in area that has water resources such as river or seashore. For instance, Mesopotamia civilization began at Euphrates and Tigris River, China civilization began at Huang He River and India civilization began at Indus River. This fact shows that they are really rely on water in their daily life. Water from the river is used to irrigate agricultural areas, cooking, bathing and others. Based on Al-Mujam Al-Mufahras book, water or al-ma in Arabic was mentioned 63 times in the Al-Quran. According to Naser I. Faruqui, water is very importance in Islam. It is a blessing from Allah that gives and sustains life, and purifies humankind and the earth. It is based on Allah words in verse 65 of Surah Al-Nahl: And Allah sends down water from above, and therewith gives life to the earth after its death. Surely there is a sign in this for a people who listen. Besides that, Allah said all beings is made from water. According to the research, the earth is covered with 3/4 water and the human body contained of 3/4 water. In verse 30 of Surah Al-Anbiya: Do not those who disbelieve see that the heavens and the earth were closed up, so We rent them. And We made from water everything living. Will they not then believe?. Due to water is very important resource for every people regardless rich or poor, Islam declared that everyone has the right to a fair share of water consumption. This claim is emphasized by the hadith reported by Abu Dawud that Rasulullah said Muslims have common share in three things: grass (pasture), water and fire (fuel). In addition, the Prophet forbids Muslims hoarding the excess water and he is obliged to allow others to use it. The Prophet stated: Among the three people Allah will ignore on the Day of Resurrection are a man who possessed superfluous water on a way and he withheld it from the travellers. This hadith was narrated by Al-Bukhari. Tigris-Euphrates River in Egypt and Huang He River in China use for irrigation 2.2 TYPES OF WATER IN ISLAM In Islam, water is essential for the Muslims to purify themselves such as perform ablution (wudhu) before the prayer and perform obligatory bath (ghusl) after having sexual intercourse. One of the conditions, these actions is necessary to use pure water to make it valid. Thus, the absence of clean water will make it difficult for Muslims to manage their daily life and to worship to Allah SWT. In reality, there are different types of water in this world and not all water is suitable for human. Basically, the water covers around 70% of the earth and it is very exposed to other elements that can change its original condition. Thus, this requires human wisdom to determine whether the water can be used or not. In Fiqh Taharah or Islamic Hygienically Jurisprudence, Islam has divided water into three main parts which pure water and can purify other things (tahur), pure water but cant purify other things (tahir), and water containing dirt which not pure and cant purify other things (mutanajj is). First major category is pure water and can purify other things (tahur). This water can be divided deeper into mutlaq water and musyammas water. For mutlaq water, it remains with the original nature of its occurrence have been made by Allah. It is water that has not been mixed with dirt, water reservoir that is more than two tanks no longer used and not mixed with other substances. In addition, the water is still mutlaq water even thought it has changed due to abandoned for long period in soil, moss and stagnant areas. In addition, if the water continuously flowing but contain sulfur it still categorized as mutlaq water. This is due to water is in liquid condition and difficult to differentiate it. For two tanks measurement, the length and the width is 60 centimeter or 22.5 inches respectively with depth 62.5centimeter or 25 inches. If the two tanks measurement is converted into the weight measurement, it equals to 174 liters or 190 kilogram or 11 kerosene cans. Besides that, there are eight types of water including in the mutlaq water which are river water, well water, rain water, dew water, sea water, snow water, spring water and tap water. The Prophet Muhammad also ordered to use mutlaq water to clean the dirt. This evidence is based on Abu Hurairah narration: a Bedouin stood up and peed in the mosque, so his friends prevent it. Upon this Rasulullah said, leave him and pour a container of water over the urine. Indeed, you are asked to facilitate not troublesome. Then, according to Sheikh Abu Abdullah Husayn Nasir bin Muhammad Taib in his As-Subyan Hidayatul book :Not valid the purification unless water come from common qaid such as sugar cane, sugar, soap and such, and water from the sky such as rain and dew or water coming out of the earth such as sea water, river water and well water. On the other hand, musyammas water is quite different compare to mutlaq water. In Al-Badrain Matla book written by Sheikh Abdul Al-Fatani Faqir Muhammad Bin Ismail Daud Al-Fatani stated: Musyammas water is also pure water and can purify other things but abominable (makruh) to use it on the body. It afraid contributes to hairpiece disease when people used it. The position is permanent in a container and heated by sunlight in hot climate states. This matter very seriously considered by Rasulullah as in a story narrated by Baihaqi: From Saiditina Aishah indeed she is heating the water under sunlight, and Rasuluhlah SAW had said to her: do not do that O Aishah because the water can cause hairpiece disease. Literally, makruh means dislike, blamed and displeasing. It refers to leave anything not demanded by Allah but not prohibited to do it. Acts which are makruh are definitely discouraged but the evidence to prove they are forbidden is less strong. Thus, the commission of makruh acts is n ot blamed but its omission is preferable. Second major category is pure water but cant purify other things (tahir). This water can be divided more into mustamal water and muqayyad water. For mustamal water, the water is able to drink but not applicable for cleansing. According to Ibn Akhil in his book entitled Al-Mutaalim Zadul: Mustamal water is less than two tank that has been used for impurities such as has been used in ablution and bath or water that has been used in remove the dirt. After that, it is not valid to purify other things. Besides that, water from trees, fruits and roots also considered as mustamal water. Then, all water can change by two ways which are changing by taqdiri and changing by hissi. Changing by taqdiri means the water only change on taqdir (stipulation) and the changes cant be seen. So, mustamal water is under changing by taqdiri However, changing by hissi means the changes that can be seen. Mutlaq water is under changing by hissi. In addition, Syeikh Faqih Dr. Wahbah Al-Zuhaili argued that the a mount of water also affect water quality. For example is mustamal water become mutlaq water if the quantity more than 2 tank or 270 liter. Dew water, river water and snow water are some sources that can be used for mutlaq water Next, water is mixed by two ways. First way is through mujawir. This means the water changes because there is something that can be separated from the water. For example, a person put a stick in a pail to stir the water in the pail. Then, the stick can be pulled out from the pail. Then the water is still regarded as pure water. Second way is through mukhalit. This means the water changes because there is something that unable separated from the water. For instance, a person put the fruit flavor in a pail of water. It is impossible to separate fruit flavor and water to their original condition. Then the water no longer exists as pure water as has changes to mustamal water. In contrast, muqayyad water is water that is mixed with something pure that changing one of the characteristics. For instance are coffee water, sugarcane juice and soap. In Islamic view, parameters for water quality are based on the chemical and physical characteristics of smell, taste, color and temperature. Then, qayyad on water is divided into qayyad lazim and qayyad musfaq. For qayyad lazim, it means substances attached together until it absolutely different from pure water such as coffee and honey. Although pure, it still cant be used for purification because already mixed with variations of water. However, for qayyad musfaq, it means substances detached among each other and not affect pure water such as rain water and well water. Thus, the water is still cited as pure water. Third major category is water containing dirt which not pure and cant purify other things (mutanajjis). There are three main conditions regarding to mutanajjis water which unable for purification. First condition is water containing less than two tanks even though the water does not change color, smell and taste. Second condition is water containing more than two tanks but has changes color, odor and taste due to the dirt. Third condition is water is mixing with clean substances but has the color, smell and taste. In terms of language, dirt is defined as dirty things such as blood, urine and feces. In terms of syara, dirt is defined as all the impurities that prevent validity for pray. There are three types of dirt according to their hierarchy and all the dirt must be purified using mutlaq or pure water. The lightest dirt is mukhaffafah. It is the urine of baby boy who only eat breast milk and less than two years old. The cleansing methods are by wash and wipe the urine before sprinkle the pure water on the place. The moderate dirt is mutawasittah. It is including blood, pus, vomit, saliva, alcohol and others. The cleansing methods are washing until lost any nature color, smell and taste before cleanse by pure water. The heaviest dirt is mughallazah. It is the dirt relate to dog and pig. The cleansing methods are by wash once by soil water. Then, continue washing by using pure water for six times until loss any nature color, smell and taste. If still not gone, repeat the washing method. 2.3 THE WATER MANAGEMENT IN MUSLIM COUNTRIES In December 1998, the Workshop on Water Resources Management in the Islamic World was held in Amman, Jordan. One of the discussions is implementation approaches for water demand management (WDM) within the context of Islam. The approaches are water conservation and wastewater reuse. In water conservation approach, they argued supply of water is fixed. Thus, water management is needed to ensure the amount water supply is enough with the amount of water used. This opinion can be approved in verse 18 of Surah Al-Mukminun: And We send down water from the sky according to certain measure, and We cause it to soak in the soil; and We certainly are able to drain it off (with ease). Human can use water in moderate way and not consume beyond the limit. If extravagant exist, Allah has right to take back His blessings. The Prophet also taught human to consume efficiently. According to Al-Bukhari: The Prophet Mohammad used to perform ablution with one mudd of water [equal to 2/3 litres] and used to take a bath with one sa up to five mudds [equal to 2-3 1/2 litres]. Currently, this water conservation approach shows positive impact when the World Health Organization (WHO) launched a health education program through mosques. The program included training imams on proper health practices, water conservation, water saving, proper sanitation and hygiene in the prevention of diseases. In addition, the imams then gave sermons about water conservation during the congregational Friday prayer. For wastewater reuse approach, they argued water should not be wasted. Thus, water should be used for beneficial purposes and use it in effective and efficient way. In verse 31 of Surah Al-Araf: O Children of Adam! wear your beautiful apparel at every time and place of prayer: eat and drink: But waste not by excess, for Allah loveth not the wasters. From this verse, Allah hate people who are wasteful in eat and drink. Normally, individual drinking water every day in their life because thirsty. However, if some people deliberately waste the water, others people might not able to drink sufficient of water. Reusing wastewater is an essential component of a demand management strategy because it conserves freshwater for the highest-value uses. In 1978, the Council of Leading Islamic Scholars (CLIS) in Saudi Arabia concluded in a special fatwa in 1978 that treated wastewater can be used even for ablution and drinking as soon as absence of health risk. This fatwa was concluded based on detailed study by scientists and engineers toward waste water condition and its short-term and long-term effects toward human health. Saudi Arabia Wastewater Treatment Plant at Riyadh and Al Hail Both water conservation approach and wastewater reuse approach was introduced before are classified as non-economic approach. However, in a book entitled Water Management in Islam, one economic approach which called family planning was added. Basically, family planning not directly reducing the average water consumption. However, it helps for further reductions in overall availability of water per capita. By family planning, the government can predict future reduction of water consumption as size of members per family smaller. When future result is known, it facilitates the government to provide systematic long-term planning in order to overcome future problems. However, the problem is family planning or contraception is new in Islam. During Prophet Muhammad era, most Muslims have big family members because it didnt have birth control regulations. Therefore, based on this situation, a few Islamic scholars believe that birth control is not allowable in Islam. Still, some others scholar said it is no strong evidence in Islam to support a ban on family planning. Moreover, they contend although the religion encourages having children, it is not obligatory. Finally, the contemporary jurists agreed that family planning is allowable in Islam with a few conditions must be followed. First, it is only permissible for married couple man and woman. Second, it should have the mutual consent of the couple and thirdly, the chosen method must truly controllable. As conclusion, three approaches stated before will provide some alternatives for Islamic countries to choose the possible method for their water management. The holistic assessment should be implemented according to advantages and disadvantages of each approach. For water conservation, the advantage it is not very large cost but the disadvantage may no full commitment from society. For wastewater reuse, the advantage it is able for countries which doesnt have abundant water sources but the disadvantage it covers very high cost for building plants and continuous treatment process. For family planning, the advantage it is the government able to predict future water usage but the disadvantage it will reduces number of Muslims population in that country. 3.WATER RIGHTS

Monday, August 19, 2019

Lycius Dilemma Essay examples -- Essays Papers

Lycius' Dilemma The Master and Margarita and Lamia are the vastly different works of two men from far flung times and places. Though the histories and plots of these works diverge, their thematic elements resonate. Each text invokes a dualism of worlds: the world of the imagination and the world of reality. The imaginative realm is a mythic space of love, creativity and magic. Paradoxically, the characters that speak for the realm of imagination are those aligned with the devil (Lamia and Woland). Reason control and mortality characterize the realm of reality and its representatives are Appollonius and the Muscovites. The source of conflict and distress in these works arises from the seemingly unbridgeable schism between these two worlds. The dilemma of Lycius in Lamia and the Master in The Master and Margarita is this fundamental incompatibility of worlds. These mediating figures can be seen (allegorically or literally) as artists attempting to reconcile the space of creation and imagination with t he everyday world that "will clip an angle's wings, / Conquer all mysteries by rule and line" (Lamia, Pt. II, 234-235). Keats and Bulgakov offer varying representations and outcomes to Lycius' dilemma. In these texts Appollonius and soviet Moscow society function inimically to the forces of imagination and negative capability. These characters represent sobriety and reason. They attempt to limit and control the narrative and the forces of the imagination-which often exceed their powers. A systemic vision of knowledge binds both the Muscovites and Appollonius. Both parties rely on the certainty of this knowledge to inoculate them from the more frightening and unstable aspects of existence. Through categorization they hope to contro... will live a life of writing and love, but without any hope of communicating his ideas to his society: he is completely cut off from the community. The intrusion of reality (Appollonius) destroys Lycius and his relationship with Lamia. However discouraging these endings seem, they are after all texts that have reached us and communicated something to us. Though the artist might die and though society might not understand, the truth of Woland's words remains: "manuscripts don't burn" (Bulgakov, 245). The text survives as a testament to the power and possibility of the artistic spirit. Works Cited Bulgakov, Mikhail. The Master and Margarita. New York: Vintage, 1995. Keats, John. Lamia. 1820. Romanticism: An Anthology. Ed. Duncan Wu. 2nd Ed. Oxford: Blackwell, 1998. Proffer, Ellendea. "'Commentary' in The Master and Margarita." New York: Vintage, 1995. Lycius' Dilemma Essay examples -- Essays Papers Lycius' Dilemma The Master and Margarita and Lamia are the vastly different works of two men from far flung times and places. Though the histories and plots of these works diverge, their thematic elements resonate. Each text invokes a dualism of worlds: the world of the imagination and the world of reality. The imaginative realm is a mythic space of love, creativity and magic. Paradoxically, the characters that speak for the realm of imagination are those aligned with the devil (Lamia and Woland). Reason control and mortality characterize the realm of reality and its representatives are Appollonius and the Muscovites. The source of conflict and distress in these works arises from the seemingly unbridgeable schism between these two worlds. The dilemma of Lycius in Lamia and the Master in The Master and Margarita is this fundamental incompatibility of worlds. These mediating figures can be seen (allegorically or literally) as artists attempting to reconcile the space of creation and imagination with t he everyday world that "will clip an angle's wings, / Conquer all mysteries by rule and line" (Lamia, Pt. II, 234-235). Keats and Bulgakov offer varying representations and outcomes to Lycius' dilemma. In these texts Appollonius and soviet Moscow society function inimically to the forces of imagination and negative capability. These characters represent sobriety and reason. They attempt to limit and control the narrative and the forces of the imagination-which often exceed their powers. A systemic vision of knowledge binds both the Muscovites and Appollonius. Both parties rely on the certainty of this knowledge to inoculate them from the more frightening and unstable aspects of existence. Through categorization they hope to contro... will live a life of writing and love, but without any hope of communicating his ideas to his society: he is completely cut off from the community. The intrusion of reality (Appollonius) destroys Lycius and his relationship with Lamia. However discouraging these endings seem, they are after all texts that have reached us and communicated something to us. Though the artist might die and though society might not understand, the truth of Woland's words remains: "manuscripts don't burn" (Bulgakov, 245). The text survives as a testament to the power and possibility of the artistic spirit. Works Cited Bulgakov, Mikhail. The Master and Margarita. New York: Vintage, 1995. Keats, John. Lamia. 1820. Romanticism: An Anthology. Ed. Duncan Wu. 2nd Ed. Oxford: Blackwell, 1998. Proffer, Ellendea. "'Commentary' in The Master and Margarita." New York: Vintage, 1995.

Essay --

The year was 1915, Carter G. Woodson had recently traveled from Washington D.C to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of emancipation. This gave him and thousands of other African Americans the ability to appreciate displays highlighting the progress African Americans had made since the abolishment of slavery. This occasion inspired Woodson and four others to form the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History (now Association for the Study of African American Life and History or ASALH). This organization’s purpose was to recognize and promote the accomplishments and history of African Americans that often went unnoticed. In 1916, Woodson created The Journal of Negro History in hopes that it would familiarize people with the findings and achievements of African Americans. But Woodson wanted more; he wanted all people to celebrate and be aware of the great things African Americans had and were accomplishing. He wanted both whites and blacks to have strong, positive affi liations. Woodson decided the best way to accomplish these things was to create Negro Achievement Week. Negro Achievement week was placed in February in order to commemorate the birthdays of two men who helped pave the way for African Americans: Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglas. Both of these men’s birthdays were already being celebrated in black communities, thus increasing the possibility of success for Negro Achievement Week. But Woodson didn’t want this celebration to just be about these two men; however great, neither one of them single-handedly abolished slavery. Rather, Woodson wanted Negro Achievement to celebrate and appreciate the great accomplishments and history of the whole entire African race. Woodson’s Negro Achievement Week received a lo... in African American college students helped lead to the formation of Black History Month. The increase of younger activists allowed the ASALH to cultivate into a more modern association. Fifty years after the first celebration, the ASALH was able to develop the week long celebration of Negro Achievement Week into Black History Month. Every president since 1976 has made some sort of endorsement of Black History Month. No one can quite say how Woodson would feel about about the way black history is commemorated today. One thing we do know is that America has come along way since the ASALH was first created in 1915. People appreciate and recognize the history and achievement of African Americans significantly more than they did one hundred years ago. It can be assumed that that would make Woodson proud of just how far Negro Achievement Week and the ASALH have come.