Sunday, August 25, 2019

Europes power is inevitably declining relative to other powers Essay

Europes power is inevitably declining relative to other powers - Essay Example The most applicable technique used to determine this phenomenon is to pose an overarching question, which enables the placement of Europe in an intelligible conceptual milieu: When does a super power cease to be â€Å"super†? This question obliges the re-interrogation of superiority, power and decides, as well as revalidation of historical perspectives, which underpin the current disquiet concerning the shifting international order. In Europe, concerns regarding its superiority, decline and power continue to be a staple component of popular and scholarly discourse, but they are rising in intensity because of current financial crisis experienced in Europe. Europe’s power is inevitably declining as the individual states, as well as their societies and production systems continue to decline. The military and economic criterion explores a nation or region’s capacity to fit the description of greatness or superiority. Military power has a notable economic basis since heavy defense spending has significant effects on a nation’s or region’s economy. Europe’s decline is perhaps most notable in international politics, and these effects emerged with stark clarity in the events concerning the Balkan crises, as well as the war in Iraq. In the case of the Iraq war, Europeans only watched helplessly as the senseless war, which they did not even desire, transpire and had to sustain a substantial share of the mammoth costs generated by the war. It is quite evident that Europe no longer carries any significant weight on the topic of international politics and is currently subject to the US’ hegemony (Rifkin 112). This reality became quite apparent at the end of the World War 2 and the Cold War. Notably, the hegemony of the US had a prominent rival in the USSR, which prevented Europe from feeling dominated by the US. US’ subtle domination of Europe gave Europeans the inaccurate sensation that they were making contributions to the realization of a joint project and defense of shared values. Today, the danger lies not in USSR domination but in terrorism, funded by fundamentalist Islamic groups whose networks extend throughout the world. Today, American hegemony does little to guarantee European security in light of this danger. It is evident that Europe could play a pivotal role in eradicating terrorism at grass root level, favoring economic development, unity and a democratic evolution Middle Eastern and North West African country with which Europe enjoys positive relations. This positive relationship is characterized by Europe’s geographical proximity, as well as close interdependence with nations in the region. However, Europe’s impotence prevents it from playing its role effectively in this area and other sensitive global regions (Manners 238). As a consequent, Europe finds itself more and more often, serving to make up the numbers that create international equilibrium while new actors such as India, China and Brazil enter the world and old actors such as Russia make an unmistakable comeback. Europe is rapidly exiting the scene as it continues to count for less than other powers in terms of strategic calculations regarding international events. On the other hand, Europe is inevitably declining on the economic front. This is notable in the declining trend experienced by the leading eurozone countries, which are currently showing, relative to their GDPs, relatively weak and negative growth trends. Unemployment rates in most European nations are current sky high. The countries’ production systems are inevitably becoming unable to fend off the

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