Thursday, October 31, 2019

Tax Claim Advise Letter Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Tax Claim Advise Letter - Case Study Example The nature of your employment means that you spend more than half the year outside the country. To determine your residency, the Australian tax office applies some test to ascertain whether you fall under its jurisdiction for tax purposes namely the residency: ‘resides test’, domicile test, 183 day rule and the superannuation test. This is addressed under subsection 6(1) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936. According to the first test, whether a person is an Australian resident is a matter of fact and degree1 that depends on the circumstances of each case. However, some factors are considered. One and that is relevant to your scenario is the nature and extent of family and business ties that a person has established in Australia. According to the documents you have provided us, you have established a business, and indeed you have been the exclusive importer of widgets into Australia. In reference to the domicile test, a person is a resident in Australia if they have a domicile in Australia unless the commissioner becomes satisfied that person’s permanent place of residence is abode is outside Australia. Under the above two test, you qualify as a resident. However, you do not satisfy the 183 day test that applies to an expatriate and requires that they must have been present in Australia for more than 183 days. In Taxation Ruling IT, it was held that where a person temporarily leaving Australia, if they satisfy the first test, that is residency in the ordinary sense, then there is no need to go any further and they are residents for income tax purposes. Consequently, you are a resident for income tax purposes. Having addressed residency, we turn to your tax liability under the Income Tax Act. To compute taxable income, the tax law makes a distinction between income and capital receipts. Your taxable income shall include your PAYG payment from Compass, dividends from west point, capital assets gain from the sale of the estate, termination of the distribution agreement and business income from the distribution of widgets. Under the PAYG system, tax is deducted by the employer from the gross salary, who pays it to the ATO. This would cover your tax liability if you had no other source of income. Nevertheless, one must file returns if the amount exceeds $6000 of taxable income. If there is non-salary income, one, however, receives credit for tax paid under PAYG. With regards to your PAYG payments, your employers have already deducted the tax due. Total taxable income should be as calculated in appendix 1. Notice that the allowances; both laundry and uniform are deducted to arrive at your taxable income because these two occupation related expenses that are incurred to earn your taxable add, the Skin care products purchased due to flight attendant role amounting to 629.00 is also deductible. Also notice that the fridge benefits have not been added since they are treated differently since they are taxed at the rat e of 46.5%, and the tax year is different, as it runs from 1st April t0 30th may. Dividends received from Westplains ltd are also added to arrive at your taxable income as shown in appendix A. Notice that the amount added includes the flanked amount and flanking credits. This system applies to prevent double taxation. This is because the company pays a divided at the corporate rate and the dividend is

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Hambalang Case Essay Example for Free

Hambalang Case Essay 1. Create a short summary of the case and explain (a) who the suspects / Convicts are and (b) what criminal charges are brought against them Hambalang is the case regarding the construction of Centre for Education, Training and the National Sport School (P3SON: Pusat Pendidikan, Pelatihan dan Sekolah Olahraga Nasional) which is a multi-year project the Ministry of Youth and Sports. P3SON planned to be built on a land area of ​​312 thousand hectares in the village of Hambalang, Bogor regency and projected budget consuming Rp2, 58 trillion. Which is violated Regulation of the Minister of Finance. 56/2010 and the Regulation of the Minister of Public Works No.. 45/2007. Two ministers have not signed, but the funds are liquid. If the view of the BPK audit dated October 30, 2012 (Rizal open the audit documents), he was associated with the melting process advances Hambalang Project. CPC stated, Due to multi-year contract approval process violated provisions, then the parent contract should not happen, [then the remaining unspent advance money] in the amount of Rp116, 9 billion, an indication of state losses. In its Hambalang audit, the BPK also found that Rp 7.3 billion in funds from Adhi Karya went to several legislators in 2010 and 2011, when discussion of the sports centers construction Began. On Thursday (Sep 5 2012), the Supreme Audit Board (BPK) audit report of Hambalang Submitted case to the Commission. The audit mentions that the total state losses in the case reached Rp463.66 billion. In the Partner Selection Process least 19 people suspected to be involved. Namely: Andi Mallarangeng (ex Affairs), Wafid Muharam (Sesmenpora), Wisler Manalu (Kemenpora Procurement Committee). Jilani (Kemenpora Procurement Committee member), Bambang Siswanto (Secretary of the Procurement Committee Kemenpora) Rio Wilarso (Planning Bureau staff Kemenpora), M Arifin (Commissioner of metaphor Global Solutions / MSG). Asep Wibowo (Marketing Manager of PT MSG), Husni Al-Huda (PT staff Yodya work). Safe Santoso (Director of PT Cipta Mandiri Ciriajasa / CCM), Mulyatno (Marketing Manager PT CCM) Aditya Gautama (staff PT CCM), Rudi Hamarul (staff PT CCM), RM Suhartono (staff PT CCM). Joseph Sholikin (staff PT CCM), Malemteta Ginting (Staff PT CCM Construction Management Team Leader at the same time). Suhanta firm (staff PT Adhi Karya), Arif Taufiqurrahman and Kushadi (staff PT Adhi Karya) Advances in  Liquid Processing, there are three who was allegedly involved. Ie R Isnanta (Head of Finance Kemenpora). Good Teuku Muh Nur (Head of DK-1 PT Adhi Karya well Authorization Adhi-Wika KSO), Machfud Suroso (President Director of PT Dutasari Citralaras). However, the Commission has set Andi Malarangeng (AM) and the husband of his men as suspects. PM accused of abusing authority. Diversion AM by KPK in planning and disbursement of funds. 2. Does the case involve; gratification? If yes, towards who and provide explanation to justify your answers Yes, According to CPC finding there are gratifications Rp 7.3 billion in funds from Adhi Karya went to several legislators in 2010 and 2011 3. Does the case involve; abuse of power / authority? If yes, explain Whose power is abused, how and in what capacity? Yes, several legislators bribed, minister of youth and sports negligent in planning and disbursement of funds and the Board of Directors of the company Adhi Karya which channeled funds projects to legislators. 4. In what way has the case cause losses to the state budget? Abuse of power and bribery to various parties. In its Hambalang audit, the BPK also found that Rp 7.3 billion in funds from Adhi Karya went to several legislators in 2010 and 2011, when discussion of the sports centers construction Began. On Thursday (Sep 5 2012), the Supreme Audit Board (BPK) audit report of Hambalang Submitted case to the Commission. The audit mentions that the total state losses in the case reached Rp463.66 billion. This loss will cause losses to the state budget. 5. Beyond the legal charges, do you see any conflict of interest between the parties INVOLVED? Yes, in this case there is a conflict of interest. At the level of project implementers Hambalang, the brain was Muhammad Arifin. He consultant since the early implementers. He who makes the unit price of finished goods is so high. At one end is Dutasari Citra PT Laras (DCL), the companys largest subcontractor Hambalang Project led Mahfud Suroso wife and Anas Urbaningrum. Mahfud is also a good friend of Anas. PT Dutasaris got mechanical electrical projects, worth a total of Rp295 billion. According to  the audit, here occurs allegations of massive corruption. The second largest sub-contractor company is owned by PT Global Daya Manunggal Prananto Mr. Herman, who got a job with the foundation of the contract value Rp127 billion. So, PT and PT Global Dutasari a subcontractor for 87 percent of the total value of projects subcontracted by Rp482, 5 billion. Adhi Karya still amounted to Rp50 billion in arrears to him. In fact, for all Mahfud been paid in full. Suspected of involvement in Anas Urbaningrum as chairman of the Democratic Party when he received funds for his interest to be elected as chairman of the Democratic Party in Congress at that time.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Impact of Diseases on Population Health

Impact of Diseases on Population Health Contents Introduction Different Diseases their Impact on Health Status of Population Diabetes Cholera Diphtheria Malaria Measles Arthritis Influence of various factors on Public Health Policies Efficacy of the Various Factors Involved Alternative Approaches to Address the Different Health Problems Conclusion References: Introduction Each and every year there are many chronic or non-infectious as well as infectious diseases that claim the lives of a great number of people all over the world (Vries, Cohen Rood, 1990). In America, this number is more than one and a half million. Every seven out of ten deaths occur in America due to such diseases and thus it is but more than important to prevent them in one way or the other. There are many rules, regulations and policies made each and every year in order to overcome these diseases but they are not enough as long as they are not properly executed in real life. Moreover, a lot of awareness needs to be brought in the mind of the general population so that they can take a greater level of precaution and thereby prevent the diseases from happening or nipping them in the bud at a very early stage (Kradin, 2010). Government also has a major role to play in this context as different campaigns can be done in different populations to highlight the diseases and their effects and thereby grow the eagerness in them to take precaution before as well as after the disease. The burden of non-infectious diseases is preventable to a great extent. This is because of the fact that non-infectious diseases like that of heart disease, stroke, cancer and diabetes occur in individuals as a reflection of how they lead their lives or how they respond to the physical as well as social environments that they work under. With the advancement of the technological as well as industrial aspects, people have had much less need to be dependent on their own physical activities as most of the work are done by the everyday machines that surround us. Intake of unhealthy meals is also a reason for the occurrence of these kinds of diseases. Physical inactivity, use of tobacco, consumption of alcohol in an unhealthy manner and poor nutrition are the main reason why an individual become the victim of heart diseases, stroke, asthma, diabetes, arthritis and other such non-communicable or non-infectious diseases (Buchan Cathrall, 1797). Thus it can be said that the choice of a poor or unhealthy lifestyle is the main reason why these kinds of diseases happen to people. Thus if a proper and appropriate awareness is developed in the population about the way in which a healthy lifestyle can be lead, these diseases can be controlled to a great extent. Thus along with the other social, political factors that matter in this context, the individual’s own consciousness regarding himself and the people around him or her is also very much required (Bunch, 1997). Different Diseases their Impact on Health Status of Population Each and every population is in one way or the other affected by a wide range of diseases. The following list gives a brief description of the different kinds of diseases that the human population has to deal with and how they are intensely affected by them. Diabetes Diabetes mellitus or better known as diabetes is the disease where the individual is affected with high blood sugar level. The common symptoms of this disease are that of urination in a very frequent manner, increase in the thirst of the person and also a great increase in the hunger of the person (Stehouwer Schaper, 2009). In case of diabetes too, the factors of overweight and physical inactivity play a major role in developing risk factors in the individuals for this particular disease. Thus it can be prevented by taking a little care. Source: Stehouwer Schaper, 2009. The conversion of sugar into energy is very essential in our body and that is done by the hormone insulin which converts glucose into energy. When sufficient amount of insulin in not produced in our body, the level of glucose rises in the body and hence, it shows abnormality in the daily proceeding in that particular human being and causes diabetes. The complications of diabetes involves feeling tired, feeling constantly thirsty, passing urine frequently, slow healing infections, blurred vision, itching in the skin or genital area, tingling and numbness in the feet or in the hands, unexplained weakness and fatigue, weight loss, vomiting and nausea. There are mainly two types of diabetes occurring in the society and they are Type 1 or insulin dependent diabetes that is also called Juvenile Diabetes and Type 2 or non insulin dependent diabetes that is also called Adult onset diabetes (Jackman, et. al., 2015). Source: Buschard, 2011. The Type 1 diabetes usually causes to children like young adults and teenagers and they require regular injections of insulin. The Type 2 diabetes usually affects to people above the age of 45 years and they are treated with regular exercise and healthy eating. Insulin tablets and injections are also needed sometimes. However, if Type 1 diabetes is left untreated, the person having type 1 diabetes accumulates dangerous chemical substances that have produced from burning of fat and this condition is known as keto acidosis. Genetic susceptibility is also a factor causing diabetes. The genes of an individual carry proteins and instructions that are need for the functioning of the body. Hence, if anyone parent of an individual is affected with diabetes, then the chances of that individual of having diabetes is higher. Thus, is could be said that the origin of diabetes disease in an individual comes from its heredity. The diagnosis of diabetes disease could be done by the Fasting Plasma G lucose Test and the Oral Glucose Tolerance Test. The Fasting Plasma Glucose Test is done after fasting for at least 8 hours and the Oral Glucose Tolerance Test is also done after 8 hours fasting as well as 2 hours after the person drinks 75 grams of glucose water. There are certain proportions of blood glucose level that determines that the person is suffering from diabetes or not (Buschard, 2011). Source: Jackman, et. al., 2015. Cholera The main reason for the occurrence of Cholera is because of a bacterial infection in the intestine of an individual (Barua Burrows, 1974). The infection in many of the cases can be very mild and thus no proper symptoms can be detected at the beginning. The symptoms of cholera are that of intense diarrhea, vomiting and cramps in the leg. Not each and every patient of cholera will be affected in a major way. Statistics show, that approximately one out of twenty patients of cholera suffer in an intense manner. Since the symptoms of cholera include diarrhea and vomiting, the body of the patient gets easily dehydrated and the person can also go into a state of shock. Thus in an intense case of Cholera, the patient can even die in a matter of a few hours if the person is not provided with proper treatment at the very earliest. The main reason behind a person becoming a victim of the disease of cholera is the intake of contaminated or infected food and water. The areas or locality where there sewage system and provision of drinking water is treated in a poor manner, there is a greater possibility of the people of those areas getting affected with this particular disease (Hayhurst, 2001). And if the feces of the people suffering from cholera get mixed with the system of water supply then the disease can spread in the entire locality at the blink of an eye and thus create an epidemic. The bacterium that causes cholera may live in the environment in some coastal areas. Thus if a person consumes shellfish in a raw manner, then he or she too has the chances of getting affected by the disease as the shellfish may contain that particular bacterium. During the 1800s this disease was very much common in America. The main reason behind it being that of industrialization and thus other industrialized nations were also affected. But the modern systems in which the sewage and water is treated has been able to almost wipe out this disease. Moreover, if tourists go to a place which is affected by cholera, they may even carry the bacterium being exposed to it and as a result bring it back in their native land. Thus simple but effective precautions need to be taken by outside travellers as well the people who live in the region in order to get rid of such a dangerous disease. Diphtheria Diphtheria is the serious disease caused by the infection of a bacterium which ultimately affects the respiratory system or the skin (Guilfoile, 2009). The symptoms of respiratory diphtheria are that of sore throat, fever and in some cases the neck also gets swollen up. In intense or sever cases of diphtheria a layer of membrane gets formed over the throat and for this reason the patient suffers from breathing problems. The kind of diphtheria affecting the skin is known as cutaneous diphtheria and the symptoms of it is that lesions are formed on the skin. If a person affected from this disease is not treated in a proper way then he or she can go to coma or even die. Thus the severity of this disease can very well be understood and thus precaution should be taken at any cost. This disease can be spread by an infected person by the acts of coughing or sneezing. This happens due to the fact that the person actually expels the drops which contain the bacterium of diphtheria and thus the other person coming in contact with it inhales it and thereby becomes a victim of it (Margulies, 2005). The treatment of this disease is mainly done by hospitalizing the patient and giving him or her antibiotics. America has a history of suffering from Diphtheria before 1920s but after that with the introduction of the vaccine – this disease has taken a backseat. Malaria The reason that a person gets affected with malaria is because a person gets affected with the parasite transmitted by the infected mosquitoes (Isle, 2001). The symptoms of this disease can be observed within ten day to four weeks after the individual has been bitten by the infected mosquito. The symptoms of malaria are as follows: chills, fever, sweating, muscle pain and headache. When this disease occurs in a serious or sever manner, then the patient may vomit a lot, suffer from iron deficiency (anemia), kidneys can fail to work properly, can go to coma or even die. The anti-malarial drugs help in curing the disease in the infected patients but there are also many ways in which this particular disease can be prevented to happen. No open fresh waters should be kept in one’s household or neighborhood as that is best breeding place for mosquitoes. Precautions against getting bitten can be taken by igniting mosquito killing coils, covering the windows with nets etc. Each and every individual should avoid getting bitten by mosquitos where the malaria infection is either quite common or if there is already an individual affected with the disease. Since the parasite causing malaria needs warm temperature in order to grow and survive, this disease is mainly found in tropical and sub-tropical countries (Marcus, 2004). Measles This disease is caused by a virus and is highly contagious in nature. The very early symptoms of this disease which can noticed are that of fever, cough, the eyes turn red, and the patient suffers from a runny nose (Rosaler, 2005). Initially, a type of rash appears on the skin where white spots can be noticed around the mouth and a red rash covers the whole body. The longevity of this rash is about four to seven days. In cases where the disease of very severe and intense nature, the patient can also suffer from diarrhea, the ear can get infected, occurrence of pneumonia is also a possibility, the brain can get swelled up (encephalitis) and also death. The measles virus can be transmitted from one person to another by the act of simple sneezing or coughing. The virus has the capability to stay in the air for about two long hours even after the person infected with the virus has left the place. There is no particular remedy or instant treatment for such a disease. The patients are mainly advised to take complete bed rest. Around the world, more than 20 million people are affected with this in each and every year and thus this disease can be said to be very common. But with an effective immunization campaign, this disease can be controlled and thus the population can be kept safe. Arthritis This is a kind or type of the disorder of joints for which the joints gets swollen up. This is a common disease in adults who lead a very unhealthy lifestyle and do not give much importance their own health and eating habits. Arthritis occurs mainly as a result of continuous physical inactivity and a poor nutrition of the individual under consideration. The people who have a greater chance of getting affected by this particular disease are those suffering from the following factors: Obesity, Joint Injuries etc. If a person endeavors to manage his weight and thereby decrease it to a proper limit, then the risk of the person getting affected by arthritis is much lowered. Thus doing physical activity on a regular basis can be considered as a precautionary measurement to such a disease. There are many different kinds of arthritis but the most common of them in existence is that of osteoarthritis. Influence of various factors on Public Health Policies In the United States, the threats due to the environmental health are always increasing and are much more observable in the populations having low income and also in that of the communities where colored people belong (Perrin, Durch Skillman, 1999). The environmental science researchers have always endeavored to find a correlation or association between the environment in which human beings are existing and the condition of health of those people. Thus, the role and responsibility of the primary care physicians as well as that of the other health providers are always in a state of flux as they have to act according to the environment itself. Thus they have an influence on the health policies that are being constructed for the general population to follow. The health of the general population is also one of the responsibilities of an efficient government and thus a governmental body would try to use its resources in order to understand and thereby develop public health policies which will prove to enrich and enhance the lives of the general population (Holland, 1999). Scientific and technological advancement has made a lot of things easier for the general population. Through scientific research work, a lot of effective medicines have been created which helps to treat patients and the basic precautionary medicines are mentioned in the health policies. Through the technological advancement, many devices have been created which helps in the detection as well as cure of many diseases at a very early stage. Thus in a way, the scientific and technical factors also have an influence on the public health policies that are made for the general population. Efficacy of the Various Factors Involved The current public health policies are quite efficient as a lot of diseases have been able to be prevented through the proper execution of these policies. The primary policy of creating awareness regarding the different diseases and their effects is the first step towards preventing and mitigating the various kinds of infectious as well as non-infectious diseases. Through awareness the possibility of the disease occurring will be lowered and thus care and treatment can be done in a proper way. Secondly, as the development in the field of medicine due to the extensive scientific researches done has happened in a great manner, so it has a positive effect on the public health policies (Brownson, 2003). Through governmental endeavor different campaigns are conducted over different regions and places in order to provide with medicinal equipment, giving a clinical check up to the individuals of the area in order of find out if anyone is suffering from any diseases. The policy which states that each individual is needed to go through a medical checkup within time to time actually helps individuals to identify if they are having any health problems at a very early stage. Thus is can be said in a way that the efficacy of the policies and practices are positive in the lives of the general population. Alternative Approaches to Address the Different Health Problems The alternative way in which different diseases can be controlled can be through the process of vaccination. For example, rotavirus, pneumococcal and HPV vaccines can be considered as significant and very important new interventions which can be used to reduce the different diarrheal diseases, infections relating to the respiratory tract or respiration and cervical cancer respectively. Diarrhea can also be controlled with the treatment of zinc, ORS and antibiotics amongst others. Conclusion Thus it can be observed that the human life is vulnerable to the human life but at the same time can be controlled by taking some simple precautionary measures. A lot of factors influence the construction of the public health policies which are helpful for the general population. But it is also the responsibility of the health providers to take care of some ethical issue while doing their job. For example, no care provider should work is he or she is sick as that would increase the opportunity of the disease getting spread. Thus it can very well be understood that the diseases can be ridden off only by the joint effort of both the patient and the care giver. There is not perfect treatment for diabetes but could be controlled by leading a healthy life style along with regular exercise and healthy eating. References: Barua, D., Burrows, W. (1974). Cholera. Philadelphia: Saunders. Brownson, R. (2003). Evidence-based public health. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Buchan, W., Cathrall, I. (1797). Domestic medicine: or, A treatise on the prevention and cure of diseases, by regimen and simple medicines. Philadelphia: Printed by Richard Folwell. For John Low, no. 132, Water-Street, New-York. Bunch, B. (1997). Diseases. Danbury, CT: Grolier Educational. Buschard, K. (2011). What causes type 1 diabetes? Lessons from animal models. APMIS, 119, pp.1-19. Guilfoile, P. (2009). Diphtheria. New York: Chelsea House. Hayhurst, C. (2001). Cholera. New York: Rosen. Holland, W. (1999). Public health policies in the European Union. Aldershot: Ashgate. Isle, M. (2001). Malaria. New York: Rosen Pub. Group. Jackman, J., Chafe, R., Albrechtsons, D., Porter, R., Nugent, C., Waheed, S. and Newhook, L. (2015). Delayed diagnosis and issues with pump usage are the leading causes of diabetic ketoacidosis in children with diabetes living in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. BMC Kradin, R. (2010). Diagnostic pathology of infectious disease. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders Elsevier. Marcus, B. (2004). Malaria. Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers. Margulies, P. (2005). Diphtheria. New York: Rosen Pub. Group. Perrin, E., Durch, J., Skillman, S. (1999). Health performance measurement in the public sector. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press. Rosaler, M. (2005). Measles. New York: Rosen Pub. Group. Stehouwer, C., Schaper, N. (2009). Diabetes. Oxford: Clinical Pub. Vries, R., Cohen, I., Rood, J. (1990). The Role of micro-organisms in non-infectious diseases. London: Springer-Verlag. 1 | Page

Friday, October 25, 2019

Discuss the pessimism that Golding and Garland present in the novels :: English Literature

Discuss the pessimism that Golding and Garland present in the novels Lord of the Flies and The Beach. Show how both writers have a pessimistic attitude to human nature. Discuss the pessimism that Golding and Garland present in the novels Lord of the Flies and The Beach. Show how both writers have a pessimistic attitude to human nature. Lord of the Flies was written in 1954, a time when commercialisation was not an issue and media hype only had subtle effects on society. The Beach was written in 1996, American globalisation had begun and the media played a massive part in society. The different times affect the novels in different ways. For example the technological jargon language used in The Beach is very different to the Standard English used in Lord of the Flies. Both novels are similar in some ways yet different in others, although either way they always have hints of pessimism. One of the ways the novels are different is genre. The Beach at first seems to be travel writing, so the reader expects to learn about the journey and culture of the back-packing land of Bangkok, yet the main character Richard travels to an isolated island, where there is a lot of different cultures and races and no one shares the same value systems, traditions, customs or beliefs so the genre seems shift slightly. With Lord of the Flies it’s apparent at first that Golding may have been influenced by the novels Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island, Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe and R. M. Ballantyne’s Coral Island. All are castaway’s novels. There is a reference to Coral Island the officer who finds the boys nods â€Å"Jolly good show. Like the Coral Island.† Golding wrote Lord of the Flies in 1954 after the war as a realist answer to The Coral Island. In the 20th century book we find the same two characters, Jack and Ralph both stranded on an uninhabited island without adult supervision. Their reaction to freedom and the unknown is absolutely different from Ballantyne's two young adventurers. Instead of bringing civilization, they create chaos, terror and death. The different reaction Golding’s characters illustrate a novel for the more mature reader as an adventure novel, which confounds the reader’s first expectations. The most obvious resemblance between the novels is the setting and isolation. Although at first glance the islands seem idyllic, both writers plant seeds of evil, within the description of the paradise so cracks can be seen. In Lord of the Flies personification is used to describe the ideal setting â€Å"palm fronds would whisper,† this creates a sense of calm. Again the image of beauty is shown through the use of a metaphor to

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Influences Woman

ence womanPlease discuss the relationship between desire and permission to have sex. Is desire necessary for permission? Is permission necessary for desire? What if someone is torn between having desire but not permission—what recourse does he or she have? To see the relationship between desire and permission to have sex I would like to start with ‘desire’, so what is desire – its sense of longing for a person or object or hoping for an outcome. Desire is the fire that sets action aflame.When a person desires something or someone, their sense of longing is excited by the enjoyment or the thought of the item or person, and they want to take actions to obtain their goal. I think the relationship between desire and sex, is a sexual desire that involves the lustful, sexually passionate feelings people have for each other. Sexual desire is a very intense and powerful emotion; it can cloud one’s judgmental and prompt risk-taking. For example, man’s sexual desire is typically omnipresent, ready to spring into action at the slightest hint of a sexual encounter.His desire is, for all practical purposes, an automatic response, requiring nothing more than suggestion. His goal is sexual gratification; most typically, self-gratification and his thoughts generally are of pleasure rather than intimacy and relationship. If to talk about women†¦we are complex beings. We differ greatly from men and even between ourselves when it comes to feeling and experiencing sexual desire. If we are to comprehend the true nature of our sexual desire, we must appreciate the role of the female sex standard.Our sexual desire lies deep within our souls; slumbering, awaiting an awakening that requires a specific degree of commitment and psychic receptivity on behalf of our partner. It is anything but automatic. Our goal is intimacy, relationship, and ultimately, transformation of our lover. Our thoughts too are of pleasure, but in a different contextà ¢â‚¬â€we relish pleasure, not so much for itself, but for the transformation it brings to our partner. In my opinion desire doesn’t need permission or permission for desire.Your desire†¦the longing to do and act†¦is all the permission you need. The moment that the wanting of a new, more delicious form of expression rears its glorious head, you have all the permission you will ever  need. Willingness and permission must be communicated clearly and unambiguously. Just because a person fails to resist sexual desires does not mean that s/he is willing, and that’s when the person have to find other resources like, fantasizing, masturbating or having a nocturnal orgasms (orgasm during sleep) .

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Left Handedness essays

Left Handedness essays Left Handedness is the dominance of using your left hand over your right hand. Roughly 8-10% of Americans are left handed. Twice as many males are lefties than females. Twins are twice as likely to be left handed, and mentally handicapped people are three times as likely(30%)! Left handed people have many more problems with them than right handed people. Left handed people are more accident prone, suffer more wrist fractures, and get appendages amputated by power tools. Left handed people are also more likely to have allergies, get auto-immune diseases, bed-wetting, depression, drug abuse, epilepsy, hypnotism, low birth weight, schizophrenia, sleeping problems, suicide attempts, and learning disabilities. Stuttering is common if forced to change writing hands. Also, left handed people are six times more likely to die in car crashes, and four times more likely to die while driving. However, being left handed does have advantages. Left handed people excel in tennis, baseball, swimming, and fencing. Left handed people adjust to seeing underwater better. 1 in 4 Apollo astronauts were left-handed, along with 4 of the 5 original inventors of the Macintosh computer. Our minds are mostly contralateral, which means that right handed people have a dominant left mind, and vice versa. For example, the left side of the brain controls logic, linear thinking, and language to a large degree. The right side controls visual, spatial, and intuitive centers. This means that a left handed person would be much more developed in vision and intuition than a right handed person, but be more limited in language, logic, and linear thinking. This also means a right handed person would likely be smarter in language classes and classes where logic is required, but would not be as creative. However, not all of our control is contralateral. Some is ipsilateral, or same-side dominance. This is common for writing centers. If the writing center is dominant ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Insurance and Genetics Testing Essays

Insurance and Genetics Testing Essays Insurance and Genetics Testing Paper Insurance and Genetics Testing Paper Do you have health insurance? When you go to the doctor do you think about how your insurance gives you coverage? When your pay check is a little short because of your premium are you angry? I would like to discuss with you what is going to happen when genetic testing becomes more widely used. In order to discuss how genetic testing is going to affect the insurance industry we must first discuss how insurance works. I know that there are two sides to every story, so I would also like to discuss the pros and cons of genetic testing. Hopefully, by the end of this presentation you will better understand why this is such an important topic. First, I would like to talk about how insurance works. According to Risk Management and Insurance, insurance is defined as a social device in which a group of individuals who transfer risk in order to combine experience, which permits mathematical prediction of losses, and provides for payment of losses from funds contributed by all members who transferred risk. Insurance is based on the uncertainty of life. If you have a risk, then most people tend to want to get rid of the risk, or transfer it. The person who transfers risk is the insured and the one who assumes risk, is the insurer. Once you decide to transfer risk you are put into a pool, or a group in which everyone has the same risk as you. Not everyone in the pool is going to get the disease or ailment but they all pay the same premium to cover the people who do. The premium is based on the amount of risk you have. This is based entirely on history and statistics. This is a topic on the mind of many people who are involved in the industry. It is also an important topic in government. Democrats and civil rights groups favor legislation that would set stringent privacy standards, ban discrimination by insurers and employers, and allow discrimination victims to seek uncapped damages in court. They have so far been unable to pass such a bill. Republicans have supported more narrow legislation, focusing on discrimination by insurers only. Most Americans want privacy, and of course do not want to be discriminated against. The industry wants to find a healthy way of dealing with genetic testing, since there is no way to stop people from getting the tests. There are good things as well as bad that come along with technological advances such as genetic testing. Using genetic testing can help find a disease, that with early detection can be treated. It can also be used to detect a genetic disease in an unborn child, or the probability that the couple will have a child with a genetic disease. This, in effect, reduces the uncertainty of life. That is where the effect on insurance comes in. If we know that we are not going to have a certain disease then it is likely we will choose not to insure against that specific disease. That leaves only the ones who will get sick to seek insurance. Since, insurance uses the premium from the ones who do not develop the disease to pay for the ones who do have the disease, this creates a problem. There would not be enough money to pay for all of the care of the insured. Not all illnesses are caused by genetics, so of course there would still be a need for some insurance. According to an article in Christian Science Monitor , more than 80% of Americans seek to block the access of employers and insurance companies to genetic information according to polls. If insurance companies do not have access to these tests, it is my opinion the insurance industry will go bankrupt. Based on information given to the insurance company, such as; height, weight, age, sex, and previous history, an insured will be put into a pool with others who know they are going to get a disease and are not paying enough to cover it. This will drive the price of insurance so high, to try and cover for those with the disease. Eventually only those who know they have a disease will be willing to pay so much for insurance. Since insurance is based on uncertainty that is where the problem comes in. If everyone with insurance is certain to have a genetic disease there is no uncertainty, therefor no insurance. On the other hand, if they had access to the results of genetic testing, there could be a lot of problems also. They could deny anyone with a genetic disease, and then there would also not be any uncertainty. The insurance company would make a lot of profit off of those who do not have a tendency towards a disease. This way is more easy to fix than the first. The industry is trying to figure out a way to deal with this now. If the government denies insurance companies access to results then they will go bankrupt. If the government allows access, there are ways to prevent a problem. One fix would be set up special pools for those who have a tendency towards a disease. That would allow them to pay a premium based on the fact that they have the tendency. They could then have some sort of government funding to back up the insurance for these people. Or the government could completely fund the medical care of those who cannot get insurance, although either way it is still going to amount to other Americans paying for the disease. I know that many people do not even think about the effect that genetic testing is going to have on our future. As and insurance major, I think about it often. It is a topic that should not be ignored. I am not usually one who is thrilled about government intervention. In this case however, I make an exception. Without laws to regulate the industry it will be impossible for us to continue in the same fashion as today. My fix is to keep the government involved, that is the only way I see to stop the problem.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Personal Essay Example about Happiness What Happiness Means to Me

Personal Essay Example about Happiness What Happiness Means to Me This sample essay about happiness will give you the idea of what essay about happiness should look like. In the future, you may use it as the idea for your written project about happiness. Perhaps its safe to say that most people want to be happy. They want to enjoy being here in this big, crazy, confusing world. But too many people struggle with being truly happy. They cant seem to find happiness in life. To them, it is something that doesnt just come naturally. Fortunately, there are plenty of strategies people can use to create happiness, or at least strive for it. It really depends on ones desire always to feel joy, to feel gratitude even when it is difficult to find, to have the right people by the side, and an exciting job – or at least a hobby – that they feel good about doing, that somehow brings meaning, direction, and purpose into their lives. PERSUASIVE ESSAY EXAMPLE: IS EDGAR POES THE TELL-TALE HEART TOLD BY UNRELIABLE NARRATOR? Happiness doesnt happen out of anywhere – it has to be worked on; it has to be produced, created, discovered, built from the ground up. And it has to be a decision in ones mind: the decision to be happy. The procedure is quite simple, believe it or not. One must have a conviction to be happy no matter what trouble life throws at them. Sometimes, life can undoubtedly disrupt a persons happiness, getting in the way of them enjoying every day of it, with all the countless and never-ending mishaps and suffering. Happiness is a special feeling, something that comes to those who expect it and, therefore, deserve it. Having gratitude – the quality of being thankful; a readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness – is another way people of all cultures cultivate happiness. Instead of focusing their mental and spiritual energy on negative things, like bills, financial problems, health issues, happy people focus on being alive and not decrepit, having people to love and support them, waking up in the morning, having a purpose of pursuing, being able to breathe and think and eat and pray and love. They are grateful for anything and everything. Happy people make gratitude a daily habit, even a ritual. You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.   Albert Camus People are so lonely much of their lives that they fail to recognize toxicity in their relationships. Cynical, selfish, and untrustworthy people do their friends more harm just by being around them. Life is pretty lonely, and people are lonely. Some people die alone soon after they are brought into this world. But happy people dont focus on this. They focus on building healthy, happy relationships with people because they know how essential relations are to their quality of life, if not only for this reason. People need the company of others to reduce their feelings of loneliness, which could likely cause one to dwell on negative things, like death, problems, and hardships, etc. So people must be conscientious and picky and skeptical when getting close to people and allowing strangers into their lives. Not everyone has good intentions. Many exploit others kindness. It happens to the best people out there. Happiness also is dependent upon how one spends their time, as in their job. Most of the workers spend at least 40 hours working each week; thats at least 160 hours a month, and close to – if not more than – 2,000 hours a year doing their job. This means that to be happy, one may have to make crucial decisions regarding the job or career they choose. If the job makes them a worse person the one they dont want to be if this job causes them to resent their life, they should probably look for another post. It doesnt make them happy, it doesnt fulfill them – and it detracts from their happiness. In conclusion, happiness can most certainly be found – and not just momentary pleasure, but genuine, long-lasting happiness, which is not something that comes to a person randomly. In fact, most people have to work very hard for a very long time to finally find happiness, to create the best possible version of it. Moreover, it is something that any person can build on their own. It is not unattainable. Happiness can happen to anyone, mostly because everyone deserves to be happy. Did you like this essay? Here are some other essay samples to get inspired and write your own work: INFORMATIVE ESSAY EXAMPLE  Ã‚  EXPOSITORY ESSAY EXAMPLE Weve got a lot of sample essays for your inspiration. However, if you need your academic writing assignment to be done by professional writers, researchers, and editors, place an order and get your essay written on time and at the highest quality level.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Ice fili case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Ice fili case - Essay Example Although the local companies register commendable profits, they lack the capacity to grow (Xin 4). The ice cream market in Russia is set to experience more competition in future. The main reason for this stems from the fact that competition among local producers has been high over the years. In addition to the local producers, foreign companies have infiltrated the Russian ice cream market, increasing the level of competition. Although the Russian ice cream producers remain dominant in the market, it is expected that if they do not change their marketing strategies, the foreign companies will dominate the market. Today, foreign companies have influenced a number of local consumers, through advertisements. Investing in intensive advertising is affordable to most foreign companies such as Nestle, while the local Russian ice cream producers claim to lack advertising funds. Although these remain popular today, in future, the Russian ice cream market might be taken over by foreign companies (Xin 3). Since competition is high in the Russian ice cream market, Ice Fili should develop an effective differentiation strategy. Ice Fili competes with Nestle in the production of high quality ice cream. Therefore, this company should build differentiation in order to compete favourably. First, Ice Fili should increase its brand recognition through more promotions and advertisements. Currently, the company has limited brand recognition. Secondly, the company should invest only in its strong brands. Today, Ice Fili has a wide range of products it produces, and it has failed to cater for the cost of advertising and promoting all the products. Therefore, by choosing to invest in the strongest brands, the company will have easy time managing them. Finally, the company should widen its distribution networks locally and globally. This will help the company build their brand and brand

Friday, October 18, 2019

Marketing of Service- R Cubed Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Marketing of Service- R Cubed Case Study - Essay Example Through internal marketing R Cubed has made promises with its service providers and encouraged them to offer best services to the clients. Human resource strategies provide the best way to the company to show concerns of the company towards employees. Theoretical human resource strategies which increase service quality by people include hiring the right people, developing the people, providing people needed support systems and retaining the best people. The underline belief based on which recruitment strategy of R Cubed was defined was to recruit people who knew what they were doing and had experience to achieve personal and company goals. Senior consultants from the market were hired and to reduce authoritative culture no ‘junior’ positions were defined. Moreover, the people who R Cubed hired to deal with the customers were not the researchers but they were the experienced managers who could better guide the customers by providing them excellent information. Various human resource strategies were introduced at R Cubed to keep the people motivated and to enhance their continuous development. The four months planning cycle was introduced in which all employees used to go off-site for review planning and discussion. Another aim of this strategy was to enhance employee participation and training them. R Cubed also conducted Ops meetings on weekly basis so that all employees could understand the operations of various departments Actually it was the belief of R Cubed’s owners that learning environment and organization structure allow individuals to flexibly set their own pace. Education budget for each employee from support staff to director level equivalent to 10 percent of their gross salary was set. At the same time to achieve company objectives, the education budget was given on â€Å"use it or lose it† basis. Moreover, with the exception of sales staff,

The Impact of Strategic International Job Placement Term Paper

The Impact of Strategic International Job Placement - Term Paper Example The companies hired for these functions are well equipped with trained personnel and tolls to perform the jobs more efficiently and cost effectively. Typically, an outsourcing process includes four different stages. The first stage includes the strategic thought processing for building up the philosophy for outsourcing activities. The second stage involves the evaluation of the outsourcing projects and selecting the suitable one. The third stage deals with the development of the contract and the determination of the price of SLA (service level agreement). Finally, the fourth stage deals with the relationship management between the client and the service provider. Business Process Outsourcing and Information Technology Outsourcing are the most common forms of outsourcing. The task of outsourcing becomes more delicate when the work is offshored i.e. the work is done in a different country. This brings in certain differences of culture and time zone. In USA, business processes are outsourced at a huge rate. Since 1980s the outsourcing by US started gaining momentum. The range of outsourcing is also wide since USA outsources material inputs outside the firm and also hires services from beyond the borders through FDI in foreign countries. The process of outsourcing thus has multifaceted implication on USA. It has influenced USA's trade, labor market, welfare, growth and industrial structure. Out of all the impacts of outsourcing, the impact on the US labor market happens to be the most sought after issue. Effect of Outsourcing on GDPThe prime reason for outsourcing in US is the cost and time savings. These benefits of outsourcing offer immense growth potential for the US firms. The outsourcing of functions in USA has had a significant effect on the country's GDP. It is estimated that outsourcing added $33.6 billion to the real GDP of USA in 2003. The analysis in 2003 estimated that by 2008 outsourcing will add $ 124.2 billion to the real GDP of USA. The trade effects of outsourcing were seen to be positive. In 2003, US exports were higher by $2.3 billion because of outsourcing and the estimated value of exports from outsourcing in 2008 was $9 billion. Extensive research on outsourcing revealed some magical figures on savings. It was seen that the IT industry in USA will save up to $ 390 billion through software development and offshore services. The GDP of USA also grew considerably through massive rounds of outsourcing. Between 1999 and 2002 USA experienced an additional growth of $2 30 billion in their GDP. Some of the remarkable figures in US export and import indicate that the significant improvement is due to outsourcing. In 2004, the export figure on services was $343.9 billion in services while the import was $296.1 billion. US trade in services increased by 33 % from $482.3 billion (1999) to $640 billion (2004), with exports rising by 22 percent and imports increasing by 48 percent (Greene W. January 2006). Outsourcing of Manufacturing and IT jobs The benefit of IT outsourcing is enhanced productivity. II capital prices are significantly low and tend to fall. Hence, a company which is focusing on the outsourcing IT will have two options open before it; purchase IT capital

Exploring Refugees religion continuity and change Essay

Exploring Refugees religion continuity and change - Essay Example She motivated me to participate on local and international events. I consider myself a lucky woman because I had the chance to come to the United States and experience the richness of the culture and knowledge. I was blessed to meet fantastic people who I learned something from each one of them. Through my study in University of Delaware, I have had the honor of taking many inspiring classes taught by intelligent, passionate, and caring professors, and I learned many things through my discussion with my friends and colleagues whom I had classes. During the past three years, my family and friends contributions were very essential on my emotional support. I could not have done any of this without their support, prayers, encouragement, and advices that helped me through stress and confusion. In addition, I am truly thankful for my friend Saied who encouraged me through tough time, and who was always there for me. He made sure to take care of my health problem, and volunteered to drive me for conducting the interviews. I would like to thank all the individuals who agreed to be interviewed. I greatly appreciate their hospitality to invite me to their houses, giving me their time, and speaking freely about their religion, rituals, challenges, and hopes. They gave me the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of their lives. It is my hope that this research project help to promote a better image about Muslims, and that American gain better understanding for Muslim families. 24 I follow the same rituals same as back home. For example, I only eat halal food where we buy a whole slaughtered sheep and we keep it in the freezer. Also, I do not shake men’s hands, and people know I am a Muslim and these things are forbidden. (H, 39, 131) 60 The studies of Arab Muslim refugees in the United States are just in the beginning; research is needed on wellbeing of families. Refugees have more challenges than many other immigrants because of what they have experienced

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Kraft Foods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Kraft Foods - Essay Example This form of marketing is recognized as internet marketing or online marketing in addition, there are several types of internet marketing. Internet marketing has several merits and demerits. Internet marketing is quite cheap to reach the target audience and it can also allow for online shopping. In this case, Krapf Foods uses its website as part of their marketing strategy. A website is considered as one of the most effective marketing tools. According to most business analysts, a high-impact website is regarded as a remarkably potent marketing tool. Apart from acting as a marketing tool, websites enhance the image of an organization; they educate about the business and also serve as a communication tool with the customers (Moran & Hunt, 2008). All these features are included in Krapf Foods’ website. Krapf Foods’ website contains summarized information about the organizations’ business. This notifies the customers of what they are supposed to expect from this organization. The website also includes a news center whereby all the latest news regarding the organization is detailed. Furthermore, Krapf Foods has also included prior information about the company which also includes some of the major brands that the business deals with. This information is extremely critical in ensuring that the company attracts its target market. Moreover, Krapf also included an investor center section which allows investors to buy shares from the company. All the sections included in their website can significantly increase customer traffic.

Health News Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Health News Analysis - Essay Example Gardasil has also proven successful in preventing genital warts in men. The vaccine "targets the two types of HPV, or human papillomavirus, believed to be responsible for about 70 percent of cervical cancer cases, and two other types that cause most genital warts." Stobbe also notes that research on Gardasil is continuing, but that to date there is no evidence it prevents "penile cancer or other HPV-associated cancers in men. There also is no evidence it prevents men from spreading HPV to women." Right now, Gardasil as it may be used in the U.S. for males appears to prevent an unwanted but benign condition. Stobbe's report is informative in the style of news reporting. The reader can get additional details once the main points have been covered at the beginning. Following the V structure for news writing allows for a "stay-tuned" kind of conclusion. Stobbe quotes an HPV expert at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as saying that policy makers, presumably the ones charged with passing judgment on Gardasil's availability to males in the United States, "will be looking at a variety of issues." In spite of the limitations of news reporting and any subtexts one can glean from the article, Stobbe carefully sketches what has and has not happened yet in Gardasil's use and scrutiny for extended uses. Among the research subjects for the study, a group was given a fake vaccine; and in ninety percent of the vaccinated subjects, Gardasil prevented genital warts. From this we can determine that the "new study" was of the experimental, empirical design type and blind, or double-blind, standard for drug companies doing clinical trials. In addition, quantitative analysis of factors such as three administrations of the drug to 4,000 participants over six months in twenty countries with examinations at various points to determine effectiveness, and so forth, clearly point to a clinical trial and the classic drug company research design. Without having the specific procedures of the design, however, or the study itself, it is difficult to tell which statistical methods would have been applied other than standard ones for this kind of study. Randomization of the test population, careful data collection from experimental and control groups, pre- and post-assessment for evidence of the target disease would all need standardization over a specific time with subsequent proper analysis and summary. The difficulty in identifying which statistical methods increases given the rigor needed to conduct a double-blind study the size of this one. The study's population and the different countries and therefore different languages involved seem daunting. It is likely that the study design and statistical procedures would have had to account for errors and inaccuracies. However, an international drug company such as Merck might well have been able to carry out such a detailed and comprehensive study. It would seem so, for Stobbe reports that experts have found the reported results

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Exploring Refugees religion continuity and change Essay

Exploring Refugees religion continuity and change - Essay Example She motivated me to participate on local and international events. I consider myself a lucky woman because I had the chance to come to the United States and experience the richness of the culture and knowledge. I was blessed to meet fantastic people who I learned something from each one of them. Through my study in University of Delaware, I have had the honor of taking many inspiring classes taught by intelligent, passionate, and caring professors, and I learned many things through my discussion with my friends and colleagues whom I had classes. During the past three years, my family and friends contributions were very essential on my emotional support. I could not have done any of this without their support, prayers, encouragement, and advices that helped me through stress and confusion. In addition, I am truly thankful for my friend Saied who encouraged me through tough time, and who was always there for me. He made sure to take care of my health problem, and volunteered to drive me for conducting the interviews. I would like to thank all the individuals who agreed to be interviewed. I greatly appreciate their hospitality to invite me to their houses, giving me their time, and speaking freely about their religion, rituals, challenges, and hopes. They gave me the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of their lives. It is my hope that this research project help to promote a better image about Muslims, and that American gain better understanding for Muslim families. 24 I follow the same rituals same as back home. For example, I only eat halal food where we buy a whole slaughtered sheep and we keep it in the freezer. Also, I do not shake men’s hands, and people know I am a Muslim and these things are forbidden. (H, 39, 131) 60 The studies of Arab Muslim refugees in the United States are just in the beginning; research is needed on wellbeing of families. Refugees have more challenges than many other immigrants because of what they have experienced

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Health News Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Health News Analysis - Essay Example Gardasil has also proven successful in preventing genital warts in men. The vaccine "targets the two types of HPV, or human papillomavirus, believed to be responsible for about 70 percent of cervical cancer cases, and two other types that cause most genital warts." Stobbe also notes that research on Gardasil is continuing, but that to date there is no evidence it prevents "penile cancer or other HPV-associated cancers in men. There also is no evidence it prevents men from spreading HPV to women." Right now, Gardasil as it may be used in the U.S. for males appears to prevent an unwanted but benign condition. Stobbe's report is informative in the style of news reporting. The reader can get additional details once the main points have been covered at the beginning. Following the V structure for news writing allows for a "stay-tuned" kind of conclusion. Stobbe quotes an HPV expert at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as saying that policy makers, presumably the ones charged with passing judgment on Gardasil's availability to males in the United States, "will be looking at a variety of issues." In spite of the limitations of news reporting and any subtexts one can glean from the article, Stobbe carefully sketches what has and has not happened yet in Gardasil's use and scrutiny for extended uses. Among the research subjects for the study, a group was given a fake vaccine; and in ninety percent of the vaccinated subjects, Gardasil prevented genital warts. From this we can determine that the "new study" was of the experimental, empirical design type and blind, or double-blind, standard for drug companies doing clinical trials. In addition, quantitative analysis of factors such as three administrations of the drug to 4,000 participants over six months in twenty countries with examinations at various points to determine effectiveness, and so forth, clearly point to a clinical trial and the classic drug company research design. Without having the specific procedures of the design, however, or the study itself, it is difficult to tell which statistical methods would have been applied other than standard ones for this kind of study. Randomization of the test population, careful data collection from experimental and control groups, pre- and post-assessment for evidence of the target disease would all need standardization over a specific time with subsequent proper analysis and summary. The difficulty in identifying which statistical methods increases given the rigor needed to conduct a double-blind study the size of this one. The study's population and the different countries and therefore different languages involved seem daunting. It is likely that the study design and statistical procedures would have had to account for errors and inaccuracies. However, an international drug company such as Merck might well have been able to carry out such a detailed and comprehensive study. It would seem so, for Stobbe reports that experts have found the reported results

Eating Disorders Essay Example for Free

Eating Disorders Essay Eating disorders are devastating and harmful behavioral patterns that occur within people for numerous reasons. The three types of eating disorders I will be discussing include the three most common of the disorders: anorexia, bulimia, and compulsive overeating (known as binge eating). Though the disorders take physical damage on the body, they are not in fact physical illnesses. You cannot â€Å"catch† and eating disorder. Rather, they are mental issues that develop more frequently within females but do affect the male population somewhat as well. Eating disorders are very common in our culture many people have them or know someone who does. With our cultures unrealistic views on what is beautiful the supper skinny models that woman see everywhere makes many people think that they have to live up to those standards. Some people feel if they cannot be up to these standards that they are not good enough and this causes them to do things that a person in their normal state of mind would never do. When people starve themselves to like in anorexia they end up developing many different psychological problems and find excuses to keep up with their destructive habits. There are also people who are addicted to eating they use eating as a way to feel a void that they feel like they have. They lean to use eating as a cooping tool in turn they become obese then they use eating to deal with their depression which works as a double edged sword. What they love is what is destroying them physically as well as mentally. This can also be consi dered emotional eating this is eating when you’re angry, sad, or even anxious. Many cultures have different views as what is considered attractive these variables play a large part in what peoples diet habits are this can be seen in the magazines and television from the area to show what they culture is  expecting people to look like and what they are expected to eat. Women have been the main ones with eating disorders but men with them are on the rise this is due to the unrealistic thoughts on them as well. Men are more prone to work out more than what is really necessary that way they get lower body fat. Many men think the lower their body fat the better they are this can cause many other mental issues that were not originally perceived as a female problem. With the current changes in culture the rise in men having eating disorders will keep rising. Bulimia occurs with or without anorexia symptoms. Individuals with bulimia tend to binge eat then self induce vomiting. However, binge eating is sometimes not a component of bulimia. Individuals may eat normal a mounts, and then excuse themselves to the bathroom. Another common trait is the use of laxatives, diuretics, and enemas in thoughts that it will excrete those calories. Bulimics are not necessarily underweight. Some are even over weight if not at a normal weight, and they almost always have a swollen appearance to their stomachs. Compulsive overeating is a disorder in which individuals overeat, often using food as an addictive substance. As others may turn to alcohol, drugs, or gambling to alleviate stress, compulsive overeaters turn to food. Eating disorders can plague women, and men of any age. With treatment people can overcome eating disorders and regain a normal lifestyle. They of course will always struggle with their initial issues related to food, however the treatments can teach them and give them the strength to overcome the impulses.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Mergers Of Abbey National And Santander Finance Essay

Mergers Of Abbey National And Santander Finance Essay As Watson Head (2007: 310-311) explained the terms Merger and Acquisition are used interchangeably but the differences are quite noticeable. The term Merger suggests the friendly reorganisations of assets into a new organization; the two similar sized organizations will then become one entity with both sets of existing shareholders. On the other hand, Acquisition or a Takeover suggests obtaining ones companys ordinary share capital by another one. In an acquisition the one of the organizations is larger in size and financial stability and has the dominant power over the other one. The Acquisition process is lengthy and very complicated in nature. Acquisition of any particular organization can have several motives, the acquirer may want to amplify their economies of scale, market share or to attain the financial synergy through declining the companys cost of capital. All these can be classified as: Horizontal Merger and Acquisition: Involves companies at the same stage of production in the same industry. i.e.: the acquisition of Cadbury by Kraft in 2010 Vertical Merger and Acquisition: This involves companies at different stage of production but within the same industry. The vertical integration can either be: Forward movement towards the production process, i.e: A furniture manufacturer merging with a retail furniture outlet. Backward movement towards securing the suppliers, i.e: A furniture manufacturer merging with a wood supplier. Conglomerate Merger and Acquisition: involves companies in unrelated business lines. i.e.: A clothing company acquiring a jewellery company. Trends in MA activity 2004 to 2010 in Europe Banking Industry: Figure 1: One in Five companies plans to go for large scale Acquisition in 2010 some industries expect to be even more active. Source: USB and BCG CEO/Senior Management MA survey- 2009 on 166 European Companies. As from the Figure:1 and Graph:1 , The MA trend in Retail and Insurance industries are in inclining nature, but we can observe an inclining trend in the Banking industry MA in Western Europe compared to the global trend. The Western Europe Banking sector MA shows a parallel movement with the global MA trend, suggesting that the Western Market is very susceptible to the overall market movement. The inclining nature of the MA in the Western Baking Sector (from mid 2005- mid 2009) suggests the upturn of the MA trend in the during the current recession crisis, the banks were making profits with the global trends in M&A; as these banks are also earning fees from their advisory and other services, such as; syndicated banking facilities to support leveraged bids. The trend also suggests the wave of cross-border MA with the movement of the global trend in order to expand the business. Graph 1: Trend in Global MA activity (2004-2010), compared to Eastern and Western Europe banking industry MA. Source: Bloomberg In the current recession years; with low interest rate, poor bond yields and high level of liquidity- the banking industry within the Western Europe is embracing the MA opportunity as many corporations have pushed back the bidding deals.  [1]   Table 1: MA trend from 1/01/2010 to 29/03/2010. Source: Bloomberg Acquirer Region Target Region Average Size (GBP million) Global Global 110.63M Global North America 174.94M Global Europe 79.60M Global Asia Pacific 65.29M Global Latin America Caribbean 331.65M Global Middle East Africa 106.65M North America North America 159.79M North America Europe 114.29M North America Asia Pacific 48.36M North America Latin America Caribbean 47.84M North America Middle East Africa 17.54M Europe North America 546.90M Europe Europe 65.42M Europe Asia Pacific 636.53M Europe Latin America Caribbean 1.14B Europe Middle East Africa 95.87M Asia Pacific North America 128.86M Asia Pacific Europe 41.68M Asia Pacific Asia Pacific 46.56M Asia Pacific Latin America Caribbean 180.35M Asia Pacific Middle East Africa 94.18M Latin America Caribbean North America 183.26M Latin America Caribbean Europe 455.35M Latin America Caribbean Asia Pacific 73.86M Latin America Caribbean Latin America Caribbean 506.03M Latin America Caribbean Middle East Africa 11.21M Middle East Africa North America 10.50M Middle East Africa Europe 485.98M Middle East Africa Asia Pacific 21.17M Middle East Africa Latin America Caribbean 7.62M Middle East Africa Middle East Africa 134.77M From the table above, the MA trend is inclining more towards emerging markets as the target regions; although, emerging markets are also opting for MA activities in the same or different emerging markets to expand the business. An Acquisition CASE: Abbey national PLC acquired by Banco Santander SA: Background of Abbey National PLC: The Abbey National Building Society was formed following the merger of the Abbey Road Building Society and the National Building Society in 1944  [2]  . In July 1989, Abbey became a public limited company and floated on the London Stock Exchange. With 12 million customers and assets of  £ 177 billion, it is ranked the sixth largest bank in the UK by assets and the fifth largest by deposits (with a 9% share of the market). Reflecting its origins as a building society, it is the second largest mortgage provider in the UK, with an 11% share of the market. Furthermore, with 15% of the market, at the time of acquisition, it was the third largest provider of insurance protection products and has a large distribution network with more than 700 branches (EMCC, 2008). Abbey had two main business divisions, Personal Financial Services and the Portfolio Business Unit. Background of Banco Santander Central Hispano SA: Santander is a bank that has transformed itself: from being a middle player in the Spanish banking market 20 years ago, it is now a major global bank operating in Spain, Portugal, Germany, the United Kingdom and other European countries, as well as in Latin America. The group is currently the leading consumer bank in Europe and has over 10,500 branches globally (excluding those branches gained through the acquisition of Banco Real as a result of a deal with ABN AMRO). Santander is a technologically advanced bank, with an information technology platform that is regarded as a strong competitive advantage. Excluding Banco Real employees, the group currently employs approximately 130,000 people worldwide, of whom 50% are working in Latin America. There are also large numbers of employees working in the UK and Spain. (EMCC, 2008). Banco Santander was a small retail bank when it started its business in 1985, since then it initiated its local market growth through mergers and strategic alliances; and later implemented Low-scale cross-border expansion through strategic alliances and acquisitions. Gradually, the implementation of Large-scale cross border expansion took place. Chart 1: Banco Santander Acquisition Transaction Overview till January 2010. Source: Reuters Overview of the Acquisition: The objectivity of this particular acquisition/takeover was to diversify the business of Banco Santander PLC to mortgage and financial services; not to mention to explore the retail banking opportunities in the UK market. Therefore, the motive for this MA was to gain economies of scale through synergy and also to entering a new market in order to optimize their market share, hence; buying Abbey was a mean to enter into Europes second largest consumer financing market. In 2003 Abbey National PLC was pricey for Santander and in 2004, Abbey incurred losses from its entry into the money market and Santander decided to go ahead with the Acquisition plan in order to penetrate the UK market. Moreover, the secondary objective of this acquisition was to under-cut the local competition for Banco Santander with the hopes of obtaining higher profitability in the UK market. Moreover, Banco Santander already had the expertise in the retail banking and built a strategic alliance with the Royal Bank of Scotland from 1988. Therefore, Santander had already gathered banking knowledge and futuristic opportunities. As stated by Parada et al., (2009: 666-667) Acquiring Abbey National PLC would make Banco Santander the biggest bank in Europe and Latin America and dominating their business in the strong currencies- the Euro, US dollar and the Pound. The acquisition had boosted the companys operation in six segments: Retail Banking, Global Banking Markets, Corporate Banking, Private Banking, Group Infrastructure and Sold Life Businesses. After the acquisition Abbey National PLC became Santander UK PLC in January 2010.  [3]   Abbeys leadership position in the United Kingdoms mortgage lending market, together with its extensive branch network, represent for the shareholders of Banco Santander and of Abbey an opportunity to create value based on the application of the best business and technological practices of Banco Santander to Abbeys banking operations. Abbeys business heavily contributes to reinforce our pan-European franchise and provides the Group with a more balanced earnings stream.-(Emilio Botà ­n, Chairman of Banco Santander, July 2004).  [4]   Table 2: Overview of the Abbey National PLC acquisition. Source: Reuters As noted in Parada et al., (2009, 666-668) in 2004 Abbey was suffering from losses from entering in the whole-sale money market; therefore, Santander grabbed the opportunity to launch a friendly bid. Santander managed to overpower all the regulatory obstacles. Although the acquisition was initiated in 2004; but the tentative completion of this acquisition is expected to be at the end of 2010; given Abbey National PLC will be renamed as Santander UK PLC. Figure 2: The 3 steps of internationalization implemented by Santander in 2004. Source: Authors. Acquisition of Abbey National PLC Graph 2: The dimensions of Santander acquisition with its growth (2000 to 2004). Source: Bloomberg The graph above portrays the rising nature of Santander Share price after the Abbey acquisition at the end of year 2004. Defence Strategy implemented by Abbey National PLC: During the Acquisition offer, Abbey National PLC urged its rivals British banks to make counter-bid offer in order to push back the  £8.9 billion offer made by Banco Santander. Moreover Abbey spent out  £9 million worth of Legal documentation to its approximately 1.8 million shareholders in the hopes of bouncing off the Acquisition offer made by Banco Santander.  [5]   Valuation of the Acquisition: The asking price for the acquisition was  £10 billion and the sold price was  £8.9 billion. The terms of the Acquisition were based on the equity market capitalisation of the two companies over the three months prior to 23 July 2004. Based on the average closing market price for a Banco Santander Share on the Spanish stock market was à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬8.70 and the average closing mid-market price for an Abbey Share on the London Stock Exchange was  £4.69 at an exchange rate of à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬1.5054:  £1, the terms of the represent a premium of approximately 28.4 % with a value of each Abbey Share at  £6.03 or 603 pence ( taking into account the 6 pence for dividend differential, see the financing section), and the entire issued ordinary share capital of Abbey at approximately  £8.9 billion.  [6]   Financing the Acquisition Bid: The acquisition was finance through the purchase of Abbey shares and Mixed Bid offer was initially offered to precede the acquisition; where, Santander (the largest bank in North American and Spain) offered one of its own shares and 31 pence in cash for each share of London-based Abbey shareholders.  [7]  The special dividend of 25 pence will be paid along with 6 pence (31 pence in total) worth dividend differential to compensate the Abbey National shareholders; as historically the dividend payment of Banco Santander was usually lower than Abbey National Dividend payment (Table:3). Later on, in November 2004, the acquisition was carried out through an exchange of one new Santander Share for each of Abbey share. 94.6% backing support (based on the share counting only 64.8 % shareholders agreed to the acquisition deal) was received from the Abbeys shareholders in order to proceed with the takeover. The deal was worth almost  £9 billion (or à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 13.5 billion to be exact; at the time of acquisition offer the exchange rate was à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬1.5054 to  £1). The enlarged company would be 76%-owned by existing Santander shareholders, with the rest in the hands of Abbey shareholders.  [8]   Regulatory Framework: The acquisition took place under section 425 of UK Companies Act 1985. Moreover, Santander had to provide many paper-works and detailed plans to the European Authorities regarding the Abbey Acquisition (See Appendix, Illustration: 2). As a result of the acquisition, Abbeys remaining private shareholders became entitled to one Santander share and the shares are traded in Euros in the Madrid Stock Exchange.  [9]   Table 3: Capital Value estimated for the Abbey Shareholders, Source: Cultural Differences: Although, the Spanish culture and British culture vary in many ways they run business. In British Culture, organizations rely mainly on their Human Resource, whereas, Spanish Culture relies more on the technological upgrading. Abbey National PLC had about 33% back-office employees; whereas, Santander had about 6% to 10% employees as back-end personnel. Therefore, after the acquisition the employee number in Santander PLC came down to 16 thousands from 24 thousands in the UK. At the time of acquisition Santanders cost to income was 42%, whereas in UK it was on about 50% or more.  [10]   The acquisition may be affected by different tax incentives and regulations. Any change in the Spanish Banking policy will affect the Santander UK subsidiary both economically and financially. Moreover at the time of acquisition in 2004, the UK national savings rate is only 14.7% of GDP, compared with over 23% in Spain. Therefore, the spending and saving nature in the UK are very diverse than in Spain. As quoted in the Guardian (2005): Santander .. treats its Spanish shareholders to an unusually attractive range of perks, from discounted medical insurance and dental care to cut-price hams and crates of wine.  [11]  . Therefore, such treatments in the UK can be perceived as manipulative technique due to the variance in these two cultures. Performance in Share Price and Stock Market- Post Acquisition: Since Banco Santander is a Spanish bank, the shares was listed in Spanish Stock Market and the shareholders had to face exchange rate volatility since the dividend were being paid in Euros; nonetheless, the Spanish taxation issue can be quite complicated to the UK shareholders. The Abbey shareholders were given the option to sell the shares to any Spanish Organization in the UK, but Abbey shareholders who held on to their Santander shares over time have to pay tax on any dividends they get.  [12]  Banco Santander new shares after the acquisition were not admitted to the Official List or to trading on the London Stock Exchange during the post period of the acquisition.  [13]   In 2009 Santander 1.1 million new current accounts with our 25 million customers, and reported to deliver more than 30% profit in five successive years after the acquisition. Chart 2: The Overview of UK Competitors. Source: H1 09 Reports Data and BBA Abstract by HSBC Graph 3: Santander UK PLC share price performance. Source: The Santander UK PLC is in the second place after Lloyds Banking Group in the Mortgage market share in UK with relatively reasonable Market share in Retail Banking (Chart: 2). Moreover, The EPS of Banco Santander has been performing quite poorly after 2005, it has declined from 0.337 in 2005 to 0.27 in 2009 (See Appendix, Illustration: 3 ). The share price of Santander UK PLC has been rising from the year 2005 (Graph: 3), partly because the dividend was 15% higher than that paid in the mid of the year 2005. As of in 2006, 25% higher dividend was paid. In 2008, Banco Santander announced its agreement to take over Alliance Leicester PLC (AL). Under the terms of the agreement Banco Santander will offer one Company share for every three AL shares. The European Commission had approved Banco Santander  £1.3 billion takeover of Alliance Leicester Plc. Moreover, in year 2008, Banco Santander had agreed to buy Bradford Bingley PLC retail deposits and branch network. Santander had agreed to pay about  £400 million to acquire 2.7 million Bradford Bingley customer savings accounts containing some  £21 billion of deposits. Therefore, Santander UK PLC is still at its growth stage in the UK Market and it is focusing more on acquiring local financial institutions. Reuters reported in October 2009 that, Banco Santander SA planes to maintain its policy of paying half its net profit in dividends in 2010. Moreover, according to the Yahoo Finance (April, 2010), Banco Santander SA has higher Dividend yield of 6.80 % and global Foreign Money Centre Banks Industry has the rate at 1.96%, which suggest a favourable investment option to the potential shareholders. The Santander Group is working towards the policy of maximizing shareholders profit. Moreover, as reported in Bloomberg, Banco Santander SA is seeking to list its UK business in London Stock Exchange listing from February 2010 in order to raise funds for possible future buy-up opportunities, the listing offering may value at more than  £15 billion. Banco Santander is looking for funds to bid for Royal Bank of Scotland PLC network of 300 branches. On the other hand, Santander UK is willing to sell 25% of its stake in order to be listed in FTSE 100 and also to pay out about  £1 billion a year in dividends to construe an attractive deal to the investors (Source: The Times). Conclusion: Although, there were many speculation against the Abbey acquisition due to its cross-border nature, but all the speculations were proven wrong. Although, this particular acquisition was the most talked about topic in the UK financial market, and many believed the acquisition would not create any value for the Abbey Shareholders. With proper understanding of the local market, Banco Santander had utilized its previous acquisition knowledge when it came to this acquisition. Banco Santander knows what its UK shareholders want and trying to live up that expectation to serve their UK shareholders. Banco Santander is seeking to expand its business in the UK. Although, till date the Abbey bank transformation is still under progress, but Banco Santander had been patient with the UK market because they know- slow and steady wins the race. Bibliography: Huws, U. OKeefe, B. 2008. Managing Change in EU Cross-Border Acquisition, Case example Santander and Abbey: Expansion Enabling access to new markets. EMCC Company Network, 1-4. Mayer-Sommer, A. P. , Sweeney, S. Walker, D.A. 2005. Effect of Bank Acquisition on Shareholder Returns. Bank Accounting and Finance, 1-7, June-July. Lausberg, C. Stahl, T. 2009. Motives and Non-Economic Reasons for Bank Mergers and Acquisitions. The Icfai University Journal of Bank Management, 8(1): 1-25.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Reality vs. Illusion in Othello :: Othello essays

Reality vs. Illusion in Othello      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Reality and illusions are two words which may be confused among people reading or learning about this sort of topic.   Reality is what is real or true and should not be misinterpreted with illusion, which is fake or something a person believes is real.   Often people can put an illusion in some ones head and through words, can manipulate how they think, which affects the person's judgment on what is reality and what is an illusion.   Illusions can be mistaken as being reality and very often there is a person making another believe in the illusion through his/her actions and speech.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The play "Othello" has the greatest example of this and is easily understood through this example.   Iago is a very intelligent man who uses peoples weaknesses to his advantage.   Iago has got to be one of Shakespeare's most evil characters and he is a character who stands out among all of the Shakespeare characters.   Iago uses his skill to gain revenge and take advantage of people who he believes deserves this sort of punishment.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Iago uses this revenge in many occasions, one in particular he talks to Othello about Casssio and makes Othello believe that Cassio is sleeping with Othello's wife Desdemona.   This is definitely not the truth but Iago talks in such a way that Othello has no choice but to believe him.   Iago also plants Desdemona's handkerchief in Cassio's cabin knowing that Othello will eventually find it.   Iago uses persuasive words to make Othello believe these illusions and as an extra plan Iago is making Othello trust in him because only a good friend would break this kind of news to another friend.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Reality and illusion are often mixed up as in Othello.   People have to look out for the situations such as this.   It is hard to believe such opposite words with opposite meanings could be mixed up so easily if a person actually puts some intelligent thinking behind a plan like this.   To give credit where credit is due, Iago is very intelligent and he knows how to get his way.   

Saturday, October 12, 2019

How Napoleon Achieved and Maintained Power in George Orwells Animal Fa

How Napoleon Achieved and Maintained Power in George Orwell's Animal Farm Napoleon was a pig in more than one sense. Words that you associate with pigs are not often pleasant. ‘Pig’ referring to one who is greedy and has more than their fair share; ‘pig headed’ refers to one who is extremely stubborn and thinks they are always right; ‘the pigs’ refer to police, or other figures of authority. Napoleon became dictator of Animal Farm merely due to the fact that he was a pig, and had the simplest of leadership skills. He maintained that power by propaganda and running the farm in a fascist, totalitarian manner. Violence, propaganda and the general ignorance of the other farm animals were major roles in keeping Napoleon in power. Power naturally fell to the pigs not because they had earned it, or were the best for the job, but merely as a result of their social standing in the animal hierarchy. ‘‘The work of teaching and organizing the others fell naturally upon the pigs, which were generally recognised as being the cleverest of the animals’ (P.9). The pig, Old Major was considered the oldest and wisest animal on the farm. The other animals may have thought it natural for any other pig to be like him and follow his vision and ethics of Animalism. Whilst Napoleon assumed the role of leader of the revolution, he was only able to maintain this position because the other animals took it for granted that the decisions he made were the right ones. To maintain this position...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Poverty in America: A Global Epidemic

A Global Epidemic Ben Sims Sociology 445: Contemporary Social Problems Professor Shannon Sellers August 2, 2014 Of all the social problems that exist within America today, poverty Is undoubtedly the most prevalent . The stigma of poverty Is no longer solely the plight of third world countries, but rather an epidemic that has vigorously manifested itself in the united States at an alarming rate. Yes, in America, the country teeming with an abundance of natural resources and the patents to the most pioneering technological advances f modern time, Indisputably faces an unprecedented burden of poverty.It is estimated that more than 46 million Americans live in poverty in the US (Tighten 157). American families are increasingly finding themselves struggling to make ends meet, and with the continuing rate of unemployment and the rapid increases to the cost of living more and more families are left to choose between the very basic necessities of life such as food, shelter and healthcare. Po verty has also had a profound impact on education and crime, predominantly in inner-city communities where the wealth inequality is most apparent.With all the carnage caused by poverty being distinctly obvious In America why Is nothing being done about It? Does anyone care? Sadly, the most egregious aspect of the epidemic of poverty in America is that it doesn't have to exist at all. The US ultimately has the resources and means to eliminate poverty altogether, if only it was placed as a high enough priority. To truly comprehend the profound impact that poverty has had on America, there must first be an understanding of what poverty essentially means and how It was caused.Webster dictionary describes poverty as â€Å"the state of one who lacks a usual 1 OFF Dictionary). The textbook however, offers a more in-depth perspective on the term stating that poverty is â€Å"a standard of living below the minimum needed for the maintenance of adequate diet, health and shelter† (Tigh ten 181). This definition implies that the poverty threshold is based on those who can make the minimum amount of money required to maintain a decent level of life and those who cannot. Although these particular descriptions of poverty are not necessarily wrong, they are also not entirely accurate.When most people think of poverty the assumption may be that the core percentage of those actually living in poverty are the homeless or unemployed, but relative to popular belief most of the people living in poverty actually work. They are classified as the working poor. According to US Census data over 2. 6 million full-time workers lived below the poverty line in 2010 (Tighten 161). How is this possible? First and foremost, the federal minimum wage requirement in the United States is $7. 25. So for an employee who works 40 hours a week their total monthly salary would be $1 , 165. 0 before taxes. Now let's analyze how much it would cost for an average American earning a minimum wage sal ary to pay for the 3 most Asia necessities in life: food, shelter and health care. The average percentage that Americans pay in housing costs is approximately 28 to 35 percent of their take home pay (Curmudgeon, 2010). 28 percent of $1,160. 00 is $324. 80. According too 2010 survey conducted by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics Americans spend roughly $1 51. 00 a week on food, equaling a whopping $604. 00 a month (Mended, 2012).If we add the average monthly cost of healthcare under Beam's Affordable Care Act, which is $328. 00 (Persuade, 2014), the total monthly expenses for Just the basic necessities alone is a staggering $1 ,256. 0. The basic necessities alone total more than the average worker, earning minimum wage, in America makes in a month and that figure still doesn't account for utility bills, transportation and other miscellaneous expenses. Not to mention the addition of a spouse or children. It is important to understand that poverty is a very complex social dilemma, with a variety of unfounded stereotypes that persist about its causes.One of the most common misconceptions about poverty is that the poor inherently cause their own poverty, alluding to the poor having a lack of drive and ambition necessary to change heir financial status. This perception is often referred to as the person-blame approach . This means that social problems such as poverty are the result of the pathologies of individuals (Tighten 163). Although this notion is credible, in this particular instance, it is slightly off kilter due to that fact that even though 2. Million people go to work and log over 40 hours a week they still won't surpass the threshold of even half of the nation's median salary. And therein lies the problem. The issue is not whether members of society are willing to work, because not only are a majority f the poor willing and able to work hard, they do so when given the opportunity. The real root of the problem is the minimum wage requirement in the US and the lack of access to adequate education and training necessary to acquire better-paying Jobs.The system-blame approach is more fitting in this instance because there is no shortage of people willing to work but rather a shortage in the amount that is being paid out for said work. There is also no shortage in people willing to procure and utilize the sufficient training and education needed to attain better employment but underprivileged. Although the government has in fact tried to implement programs to solve the problem of poverty in America, many of these programs contained crucial flaws and in many cases made the predicament worse. Welfare is the most notable of these programs.Welfare was established to assist underprivileged families and individuals get out of poverty (Tighten 165), but have ultimately led to a disturbing rate of dependency. Instead of assisting families welfare had essentially enabled them in many ways, with a vast majority of recipients not feeling the need to work. Provisions thin the program even made it easier to stay on welfare than to seek employment and encouraged unmarried woman to have children. Thus, the enactment of the Welfare Reform Act of 1996. This bill was established to reduce the number of families and individuals dependent on government assistance.These institutional changes helped to reduce welfare dependency by mandating that recipients actively seek work while receiving government assistance, increasing the level of accountability for those in need of financial aid. The government also developed several other programs in an effort to curve poverty such as the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families program (TANK) which provides financial assistance to low-income families but also requires them to work at least 20 hours a week to receive benefits (Saddler, 2012).Addition services such as Medicaid, Food Stamps and WICK were all established to essentially assist low-income families achieve financial stability while pro gressively becoming independent of all government aid. Although these programs and institutional amendments have been extremely valuable in assisting the poor and underprivileged maintain a sustainable level of life, unfortunately they haven't been enough to end or even cut the poverty level in Alfa.These programs have ultimately helped sustain the global threshold of poverty in many ways by serving to only assist low-income families get through financial difficulties instead of helping them get out. The only way for members of the underprivileged society to rise above poverty is to provide the means to earn more than the nation's median income. This goes back to the need for programs that assist individuals in acquiring the knowledge and training necessary to acquire higher paying Jobs and also for the government to raise the minimum wage requirement.Perhaps the most compelling explanation for the persistence of poverty is the remarry of private profit. The basic principle of capit alism is – who gets what is determined solely by private profit rather than collective need (Tighten 173). By private corporations emphasizing the theory of maximizing profits they ultimately end up endorsing poverty. This is done by companies paying their workers the minimum amount possible including benefits and pocketing the wealth that was created by laborers and distributing it among the owners instead of the working class.Primacy of profit also endorses poverty by employing a bevy of uneducated and desperate laborers who are eager to work for low wages. Many of these laborers are illegal immigrants and don't view having benefits as a necessity. This in turn makes it extremely profitable for owners of businesses and large corporations to hire these workers because of the amount of money that they will be able to save while still being able to employ laborers full time.Poverty is supported and maintained through my belief that the US government has made attempts to curve the impact of poverty, I believe that the United States has the power to end poverty all together. This can be accomplished by making poverty a top priority. The United States spends roughly 712. Billion dollars of our nation's defense each year (Tighten 177). A percentage of that figure can be deducted and contributed to combat poverty without Jeopardizing our nations' defense at all.This extra money could be used to provide adequate schooling and fund programs that promote academic advancement in inner-city communities. Those funds could also be used to provide training seminars for individuals with limited education who seek higher paying Jobs and wish to be more competitive candidates in today's Job market. Most importantly however, those funds could be used to raise the federal minimum wage requirement to a level that allows ore people to earn above or at least earn wages comparable to the nation's median salary.