Monday, August 24, 2020

Scarlet Letter Chapter Commentary Practice Essay Example For Students

Red Letter Chapter Commentary Practice Essay The contemplative and neurotic tones in Chapter 22 of Nathaniel Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter reflects Hester Prynnes positive thinking in the accomplishment of her break to the Old World, however thus her consistent dread of all the exertion being fixed by outside powers. Hester is confident that Minister Dimmesdale and she, alongside their little girl Pearl, will have the option to make another life for themselves in England, as a result of their past experience in the forested areas recently. Her trust in the planning is melting away because of the impedance of Roger Chillingsworth, her better half, and a discussion with Mistress Hibbins on Election Day. The writers phrasing edifies the peruser to the intricate crumbling of Hesters inspirational point of view toward the forthcoming excursion to split away from the perpetual Puritan systematical lifestyle. At the last hour of Hesters living arrangement in New England, she, related to Pearl, has a sentiment of fear enlivened by the remoteness and immaterialness that Reverend Dimmesdale displays while in the parade. Before long the rejoined family is to board a boat, heading out to a new beginning at life in general unit. At the point when the heavenly reverend shows up, Hester and Pearl are moved to a condition of anxiety at his separated and extraordinary appearance. In Pearls record of her communication with the dark cheeked wild of the sea, Hester is persuaded that a rough tide has shown up to deny her of the possibility at encountering a shine of daylight. Pearl comes back to her mom subsequent to running off, transferring a message from the shipmaster. The underlining ramifications of the message, guarantees her that a wild barrier will forestall her chance at joy. The creators detail lights up Hesters transfixion on the articulation that her darling Dimmesdale exhibits while in the Election Day march. Hester Prynne immovably from her situation at the foot of the framework as the priest moved forward, and with a not used to drive in the parade. From the region where she was rebuffed for her transgression, Hester views the reverend with full focus. In this way, seeing the zombie-like way that he takes on as he proceeds in the walk. She attempts to increase a look of acknowledgment from the man moving gladly past her station, however neglects to see a likeness among him and the man who she had connected at the hip with in the woods. Only some time prior this man vital went with her in the wood and shared a sentimental second. In any case, he is by and by strolling with a head held high past her, and makes no development to give a sign of affirmation concerning their relationship. In the brief timeframe that this occasion happens, Hester is gradually turning out to be convinced by her own understanding of Dimmesdales state of mind, that the second partook in the forested areas more likely than not been a deception. The third-individual omniscient perspective activities the onlookers interest that evening and helps in the development to the peak of the novel. In the start of the part, the development of the parade of officers and residents has started, during which every individual from the e onlookers watches the youthful clergyman continuing with quality not of the body. The peruser is maneuvered into the excellent merriments by the loftiness that the walk is portrayed as. The entirety of the townspeople, including Hester and her youngster, are interested with respect to the abrupt change of the effective reverend. The man has pep in his progression and has no hand held to his heart. Pearls message from the nautical , an experience with Mistress Hibbins that was exhibited in incredible radiance and the abrupt enthusiasm for the splendidly weaved identification is an admonition of what might be on the horizon. The methodical breakdown of Hesters thought of fleeing into the nightfall with sweetheart and kid close behind is clarified in the obstruction of Chillingsworth and connection with Mistress Hibbins. The peruser is to take the turn of enthusiasm for the celebrations to Mrs. Prynnes bosom as a ramifications that she isn't to be freed from the red cursed thing, in spite of her previous yearnings. The third-individual omniscient view furnishes the peruser with a decent premise of comprehension of the conditions that will prompt the peak and finish of the story. .ua5f6ed7f297f4330bed61f12ecd09e31 , .ua5f6ed7f297f4330bed61f12ecd09e31 .postImageUrl , .ua5f6ed7f297f4330bed61f12ecd09e31 .focused content zone { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .ua5f6ed7f297f4330bed61f12ecd09e31 , .ua5f6ed7f297f4330bed61f12ecd09e31:hover , .ua5f6ed7f297f4330bed61f12ecd09e31:visited , .ua5f6ed7f297f4330bed61f12ecd09e31:active { border:0!important; } .ua5f6ed7f297f4330bed61f12ecd09e31 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .ua5f6ed7f297f4330bed61f12ecd09e31 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; murkiness: 1; change: obscurity 250ms; webkit-progress: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .ua5f6ed7f297f4330bed61f12ecd09e31:active , .ua5f6ed7f297f4330bed61f12ecd09e31:hover { haziness: 1; change: darkness 250ms; webkit-change: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .ua5f6ed7f297f4330bed61f12ecd09e31 .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua5f6ed7f297f4330bed61f12ecd09e31 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content adornment: underline; } .ua5f6ed7f297f4330bed61f12ecd09e31 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .ua5f6ed7f297f4330bed61f12ecd09e31 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; outskirt range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-fringe sweep: 3px; content adjust: focus; content enhancement: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: supreme; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua5f6ed7f297f4330bed61f12ecd09e31:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .ua5 f6ed7f297f4330bed61f12ecd09e31 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .ua5f6ed7f297f4330bed61f12ecd09e31-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .ua5f6ed7f297f4330bed61f12ecd09e31:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Analyze the different types of partiality you experience in the novel EssayThe association moves from fervor to vitality lastly to acquiescence in this piece. At the outset, the entire spotlight is predominantly on the assembly of individuals to watch the exceptional motorcade. The elevated happy environment stands out from the inward strife of the principle characters present. The creator utilizes this claustrophobic initiating environment to drive the characters into further disguising their considerations, except for Pearl, for open gathering. In the center, Pearl and Minister Dimmesdale apply some control over He ster. The little pixie, Pearl, gets away from her mom in an attack of wild freewill, then the cleric, through his way with words, grounds Hester to her listening post, unconscious in the smallest of her vanishing. T he creator underscores the strength that Hester Prynnes closes friends and family had over her own will in anticipation of the sections finish. At long last, Hester respects Chillingsworths plan to disturb the excursion to England and the inquisitive look of townspeople and explorer the same on her image of disgrace. She angrily recognizes the suggestions that her spouses nearness would have on the excursion and in this way has at long last capitulated to the idea of the letter staying until the end of time. The writer incorporates Hesters figurings as a rebuking of any of the perusers musings that this story would be finished with an upbeat closure. As the section shuts, the principle concern is the red letter and the impact that its disclosure later would have on everybody included.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Renters Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Tenants - Essay Example In the event that it there is no correlation, one should bring down the duty rate. To report rental salary, one can utilize the structure 1040 that includes all the calendars from A to F, J, L, M, and SE, and the other structure 1040 with not many data and no timetables. In the event that your structures, lofts, or rooms give just junk assortment, warmth, and light among others, one should just report the rental pay and costs on section 1 in plan E structure 1040. On the off chance that the loft offers additional types of assistance that are basic to tenants’ accommodation, similar to house cleaner administration, standard cleaning, and changing material should report the rental costs and salary in Schedule C structure 1040. It demonstrates extensive administrations of the loft or business as the land seller One can incorporate rental salary from the genuine state property possessed by the citizen with the pay they are detailing for their benefit store by remembering it for the timetable C used to report deals exercises. This might be useful as much of the time one might be liable to hazard on exercises did as business or exchange. Ordinarily, plan C features the misfortune and benefit from the business. It underlines fundamental administrations forced for tenant’s accommodation, and the all out rental costs and pay (Anderson, 2011). The rental pay is a salary that is dependent upon independent work charges. It is significant that, rental pay is shown on time E with Supplemental misfortune and salary of government form. Such wages are gotten from companies, rental salary, sovereignties, and trusts just to give some examples. By the by, despite the fact that such are sorted as salary, it isn't earned until one lease an individual property rather from land. Rental salary happens when one puts cash in domains, which is rate of profitability as lease. In this way, the rental salary must be dependent upon independent work charges if there is venture acquired. In any case, if the condo doesn't give

Friday, July 17, 2020

How Experience Changes Brain Plasticity

How Experience Changes Brain Plasticity Theories Biological Psychology Print How Experience Changes Brain Plasticity By Kendra Cherry facebook twitter Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn about psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Kendra Cherry Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on December 13, 2015 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on September 26, 2019 More in Theories Biological Psychology Behavioral Psychology Cognitive Psychology Developmental Psychology Personality Psychology Social Psychology Psychosocial Psychology In This Article Table of Contents Expand History How It Works Types Characteristics How the Brain Changes View All Back To Top Brain plasticity, also known as neuroplasticity, is a term that refers to the brains ability to change and adapt as a result of experience. When people say that the brain possesses plasticity, they are not suggesting that the brain is similar to plastic. Neuro refers to neurons, the nerve cells that are the building blocks of the brain and nervous system, and plasticity refers to the brains malleability. Verywell / JR Bee History and Research on Brain Plasticity Up until the 1960s, researchers believed that changes in the  brain  could only take place during infancy and childhood. By early adulthood, it was believed that the brains physical structure was mostly permanent. Modern research has demonstrated that the brain continues to create new neural pathways and alter existing ones in order to adapt to new experiences, learn new information, and create new memories. Psychologist William James suggested that the brain was perhaps not as unchanging as previously believed way back in 1890. In his book The Principles of Psychology, he wrote, Organic matter, especially nervous tissue, seems endowed with a very extraordinary degree of plasticity. However, this idea went largely ignored for many years. In the 1920s, researcher Karl Lashley provided evidence of changes in the neural pathways of rhesus monkeys. By the 1960s, researchers began to explore cases in which older adults who had suffered massive strokes were able to regain functioning, demonstrating that the brain was much more malleable than previously believed. Modern researchers have also found evidence that the brain is able to rewire itself following damage. Reasons Why the Brain Was Seen as Unchangeable In his groundbreaking book The Brain that Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph From the Frontiers of Brain Science, Norman Doidge suggests that this belief that the brain was incapable of change primarily stemmed from three major sources, including: The ancient belief that the brain was much like an extraordinary machine, capable of astonishing things yet incapable of growth and changeThe observation that people who had suffered serious brain damage were often unable to recoverThe inability to actually observe the microscopic activities of the brain played a role in the idea that the brain was relatively fixed Thanks to modern advances in technology, researchers are able to get a never-before-possible look at the brains inner workings. As the study of modern neuroscience flourished, researchers demonstrated that people are not limited to the mental abilities they are born with and that damaged brains are often quite capable of remarkable change. How Brain Plasticity Works The human brain is composed of approximately 86 billion neurons. Early researchers believed that neurogenesis, or the creation of new neurons, stopped shortly after birth. Today, its understood that the brain possesses the remarkable capacity to reorganize pathways, create new connections, and, in some cases, even create new neurons. How Many Neurons Are In the Brain? Types of Brain Plasticity There are two types of neuroplasticity, including: Functional plasticity:  The brains ability to move functions from a damaged area of the brain to other undamaged areas.Structural plasticity:  The brains ability to actually change its physical structure as a result of learning. Characteristics of Neuroplasticity There are are a few defining characteristics of neuroplasticity. Age Plays a Role While plasticity occurs throughout the lifetime, certain types of changes are more predominant during specific life ages. The brain tends to change a great deal during the early years of life, for example, as the immature brain grows and organizes itself. Generally, young brains tend to be more sensitive and responsive to experiences than much older brains. Plasticity Involves Many Processes Plasticity is ongoing throughout life and involves brain cells other than neurons, including glial and vascular cells. It Happens for Many Reasons Plasticity can occur as a result of learning, experience, and memory formation, or as a result of damage to the brain. While people used to believe that the brain became fixed after a certain age, newer research has revealed that the brain never stops changing in response to learning. In instances of damage to the brain, such as during a stroke, the areas of the brain associated with certain functions may be damaged. Eventually, healthy parts of the brain may take over those functions and the abilities can be restored. Environmental Factors Are Important   Genetics can also have an influence. The interaction between the environment and genetics also plays a role in shaping the brains plasticity. Plasticity Is Not Always Good Brain changes are often seen as improvements, but this is not always the case. In some instances, the brain might be influenced by psychoactive substances or pathological conditions that can lead to detrimental effects on the brain and behavior. How Our Brains Change The first few years of a childs life are a time of rapid brain growth. At birth, every neuron in the cerebral cortex has an estimated 2,500 synapses; by the  age of three, this number has grown to a whopping 15,000 synapses per neuron. The average adult, however, has about half that number of synapses. Why? Because as we gain new experiences, some connections are strengthened while others are eliminated. This process is known as synaptic pruning. Neurons that are used frequently develop stronger connections and those that are rarely or never used eventually die. By developing new connections and pruning away weak ones, the brain is able to adapt to the changing environment. 9 Quick Facts About the Brain

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Understand Child and Young Persons Development 0-19 Essay...

MARCIA MCKENZIE Unit – 506 Level 5 CYP | Units Criteria | ‘’We are moulded by and re-moulded by those who have loved us; and though the love may pass, we are nevertheless their work for good or ill’’ ( Francois Mairlac) 1. Explain the sequence of development that would normally be expected in children and young people from birth to -19 years.Children have certain basic, physical and psychological needs and if these needs are not met then growth psychological developmental will be distorted in many ways. Everyone needs shelter, food, water, warmth and not to mention grooming and hygiene, activities which are laid down in Maslow’s hierarchy of basic need. If they are neglected or unfulfilled then this will have†¦show more content†¦2.3 Explain how theorise of development and frame works to support Development. Family and Social Relationships:How stable and affectionate is the young person’s re lationship with parents, staff, peers, as manager I would analyse if the interaction is of age appropriate with peers and other significant persons in the child’s lifeTheir understanding of the way in which appearance, behaviour and any impairment are perceived by the outside world will be addressed. Their appropriateness regarding dress for their age and gender. Their personal hygiene and cleanliness routine will also addressed. And finally, an overview of their placement with us, their behaviour, and concerns any future recommendations. Educational needs will be assessed and how they respond to this, and their capabilities.Fairbridge is a government run initiative where it promotes young people to make life changes regarding their own lives. It offers life skills, along with activities to enhance their communications and listening skills. Fairbridge will also do exercises, which incorporate trust along with integration with other young people with the same background.The ch ild’s growing sense of self as a separate and valued individual person. Their own views of self-image and self-esteem. If their self-worth is how a lot of work will be undertaken by the team to ensure it is boosted. Race, religion, age, gender, sexuality and disability may contribute to this feeling ofShow MoreRelatedUnit 506 Understand Child And Young Person Development1727 Words   |  7 PagesUnit 506 Understand Child and Young Person Development When looking at and discussing a child’s development, you have to remember that all children are different and grow at different rates. Every child will follow the same sequence but they may not necessarily do it at the same time as each other. For example, you could have two, 6 month old babies, 1 could already be able to crawl, and the other 1 may not have mastered it yet and may not until they are a bit older. You must remember that your childRead MoreDescribe the Expected Pattern of Children and Young Peoples Development from Birth to 19714 Words   |  3 PagesTDA 2.1 Child and Young Person Development 1.1 Describe the expected pattern of children and young people’s development from birth to 19 years, to include: physical, social, emotional, behavioural, intellectual and communicational development. Through a young person’s development, from birth to 19 they are expected to follow a development pattern including physical, social, environmental, behavioural, intellectual and communicational. The expected pattern is seen as the average time period it wouldRead MoreAssignment 23 Task a - Diploma Childrens and Young Peoples Workforce1153 Words   |  5 PagesAssignment 023: Understand Child and Young Person Development Task A1: Tables showing sequence and rate of development for children and young people from birth to 19 years Table 1: Physical Development Age Range | Explain the sequence and rate of development | 0-3 months | At birth babies are born with reflexes – such as: * swallowing and sucking * rooting * grasping * startle reflexIn the first few months babies change considerably * gradually sleeping less * looking less curledRead MoreExplain the Sequence and Rate of Each Aspect of Development from Birth - 19 Years1105 Words   |  5 Pages2012 Page No.1 Unit 1 Child and Young Person Development Learning Outcome: Understand the expected pattern of development for children and young people from birth - 19 years. Task 1: Explain the sequence and rate of each aspect of development from birth - 19 years. The aspects of development are defined as Physical, Social Emotional, Language and Intellectual. There are different stages of development for each category, 0-3 years, 3-7 years, 7-12 years and 12-19 years. All childrenRead MoreShowing Developmental Milestones 0-19 Years1112 Words   |  5 PagesTable for section 1 - showing developmental milestones 0-19 years Age range in years Physical Communication and Language Social, Emotional and Behavioural 0 to 3 (Burnham Baker 2010 pg. 1- 4) . Crawling and rolling gross motor skills . Using cups and feeding themselves fine motor skills . Tries to communicate with other babies Language development . Enjoys songs and games . Forms strong bonds – mainly with primary care giver . Own identity formed 3 to 7 (C. Meggitt, 2012 pg.94 - 97)Read MoreUnderstand Child Development and Young Person Development - 1.12161 Words   |  9 PagesChildren and Young People’s Workforce (QCF) Unit Ref: L/601/1693 CYP Core 3.1: Understand Child Development and Young Person Development Rosanna King Learning Outcome 1: Understand the expected pattern of development for children and young people from birth – 19 years. Assessment Criteria 1.1: Explain the sequence and rate of each aspect of development from birth – 19 years. Answer to 1.1: Below I have explained the sequence and rate of each development from birth – 19 years old inRead MoreUnderstand Child and Young Person Development1799 Words   |  8 PagesUnderstand Child and Young Person Development Sequence and Rate of Each Aspect of Development and the Importance of Them When looking at and discussing a child’s development, you have to remember that all children are different and grow at different rates. Every child will follow the same sequence but they may not necessarily do it at the same time as each other. For example, you could have two, 6 month old babies, 1 could already be able to crawl, and the other 1 may not have mastered it yetRead MoreAspects of Development from Birth to 19 Years Essay example2120 Words   |  9 Pages1.1 Explain the sequence and rate of each aspect of development from birth ~ 19 years. Aspects of a child and young person’s development include: vPhysical development: Gross motor skills (using large muscles such as arms and legs), fine motor skills (precise use of muscles such as hands and fingers). vSocial and Emotional: This is the development of a child’s identity and self image, the development of relationships and learning the skills of living in society. vIntellectual/communication:Read MoreAssignment 005 Child and young person development1872 Words   |  8 PagesAssignment 005 Child and young person development Task A Table 1 Physical Development Age Range Description of the stage Impact on other development 0-3 months Head and eyes move together Kicks legs and waves arms As the babies begin to recognise people around them this has an impact on their emotional development as they can become distressed when people are not around. 3-6 months Sits with support Rolls over Uses arms for support when lying At this stage any activities will have an impactRead MoreEssay on Level 3 Childrens and Young Peoples Workforce Assignment 0234376 Words   |  18 Pages Introduction This assignment is intended to provide evidence of a candidate’s knowledge and understanding of children and young people’s development birth to 19 years. By completing all tasks within the assignment, the candidate will provide evidence that meets the Learning Outcomes and assessment criteria for Unit 022, Understand Child and Young Person Development. Tasks There are five tasks to this assignment. A Complete tables; Questions B Complete table; Report C Report D Report

Pulp Fiction Analysis Free Essays

Pulp Fiction – 1994 Color – 154 mins. Producer: Lawrence Bender Director: Quentin Tarantino Screenplay: Quentin Tarantino and Roger Avary Director of Photography: Andrzej Sekula Editor: Sally Menke Music: Rolf Johnson Introduction Released in October of 1994, this crime/thriller/gangster film, directed by Quentin Tarantino, is still one of the most widely controversial classic American movies of all time. Pulp Fiction blew the Box Office away when it received a whopping nine million dollars on opening night alone. We will write a custom essay sample on Pulp Fiction Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now The film is known for its extremely ironic blend of humor and brutal violence, as well as its multiple story lines that eventually weave themselves together. Quentin Tarantino strays from the ordinary script by giving the characters long, intense, and surprisingly profound monologues and dialogues throughout this film. The film’s title, Pulp Fiction, comes from magazines and novels about gangs and crime that were popular during the time of the films release. Tarantino presents his trademark style of the out of order plot in this film, just as in many of his others. The inspiration of this film has been profoundly felt throughout many aspects of the film industry, even having an affect on the independent film world, though it is not an independent movie. Pulp Fiction stars many famous Hollywood actors such as John Travolta, Samuel L. Jackson, Tim Roth, Amanda Plummer, and Bruce Willis. In 1995 Quentin Tarantino and Roger Avary won the Oscar for Best Writing for this film, and it was nominated for six other Oscars in the same year. Tarantino was also awarded the Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival for his directing this movie in 1994. Pulp Fiction was truly an influential movie for its time and, without a doubt, a classic American film. Plot Summary As the credits end a title card is shown which gives two dictionary definitions of the word â€Å"pulp. † The camera then fades to show a couple sitting in a diner having a discussion about robbing banks and liquor stores. The woman, called â€Å"Honey Bunny,† and the man, â€Å"Pumpkin,† decide they would likely make more from customers wallets than they would from the till itself. They proceed to stand up in their booth and announce that they are robbing the diner. Immediately after he announces this the scene cuts and the opening credits begin. We then see two men, who we later learn are Jules Winnfield and Vincent Vega, driving a car and discussing a recent trip to Europe. The two are wearing dress suits and are on their way to get a briefcase for their boss, Marsellus Wallace, from a man that did business with Wallace without paying him for it. Winnfield and Vega discuss foot massages, their bosses wife, and â€Å"Royale with Cheeses† before ultimately entering the mans room, retrieving the briefcase, and killing the man and another man in the room. The scene cuts and we are in what appears to be an empty restaurant with Butch Coolidge, a fighter, and Marsellus Wallace. Coolidge agrees to lose his upcoming fight in exchange for a great deal of money from Wallace. The next day, Vega drives to a friends house to shoot up heroin before heading to Marsellus Wallace’s house to take his wife, Mia Wallace, out for the night, just as Wallace asked him to while he is away. They arrive at Jack Rabbit Slim’s, a fifties diner, and participate in a twist competition, and return to the Wallace house. While Vega is in the bathroom, Mia finds a bag of heroin in his jacket pocket and, thinking it is cocaine, shorts it and overdoses. Scared and worried, Vega rushes Mia to his heroin dealers house to try and save her. They proceed to give her a shot of adrenaline in her chest which awakens her, and Mia and Vincent decide not to tell Wallace about what happened. The story then goes back to Coolidge, the fighter, preparing for his fight. Having received the money from Wallace to throw the fight prior to the fight, he wins the fight, flees the arena, and hops in a cab. He learns from the driver that he killed his opponent and hides out in a motel with his girlfriend before realizing that she forgot to pack his watch. When he returns to his apartment he notices a gun on the counter and, upon seeing Vega exit his bathroom, he shoots and kills him. When leaving the apartment Coolidge hits Wallace with his car. After a foot chase, kidnapping by a shop owner, and Coolidge saving Wallace’s life, Wallace agrees to forget about the fight so long as he does not tell anyone bout what happened with the shop owner. The story then returns to Vega and Winnfield at the apartment when a man they were not aware was there jumps out of the bathroom and shoots at them. He misses every shot and is killed when Vega and Winnfield return fire, and Winnfield is convinced it is a sign from God that they were not hit with a single bullet. They then take the only man left alive in the apartment, Marvin, to be their informant. While in the car talking about the â€Å"m iracle from God,† Vega accidentally shoot Marvin in the face. In an act to get their blood covered car out of public the two men call upon a friend, played by Quentin Tarantino, for help cleaning up. With the help of a â€Å"The Wolf† the men and their friend are able to clean up the car, themselves, and dispose of the body and go to breakfast. As they eat breakfast in a coffee shop, they discuss Winnfield’s plan of retiring due to the â€Å"sign from God. † The story then cuts to Honey Bunny and Pumpkin and their discussion from the first scene of the movie, just before they hold up the same restaurant where Vega and Winnfield are eating. With Vega in the bathroom, Honey Bunny and Pumpkin announce they are robbing the place and request Winnfield’s mysterious briefcase. Winnfield draws his gun on Pumpkin which causes Honey Bunny to point her gun at Winnfield as well until Vega emerges from the bathroom with his gun pointed at Honey Bunny. Winnfield tells the couple he will let them go with the money they collected from the customers wallets so long as he lets him keep the briefcase. They agree and leave the restaurant with their loot. Winnfield decides he is going to be retiring after they give Wallace the briefcase. The scene then fades to black and the movie is over. Comments/Response To me, this film is a one of a kind piece of art that Quentin Tarantino beautifully wrote and directed. Some aspects of the movie – the fact that the audience must decode the order of the scenes – were not my favorite, but overall this film is one of the greatest, in my eyes. Tarantino’s use of dialogue in this film is astonishingly clever as most people would not think of â€Å"gangsters† as the type to enjoy a good intellectual conversation. Similarly, I found it interesting that Samuel L. Jackson’s character, Jules Winnfield, seemed to be a religious man in that twice during the movie he recites Ezekiel 25:17 from the bible, as well as believing that the fact that they had been shot at several times and had not been hit was a sign from God. Tarantino does an outstanding job with having the first and the last scenes partially overlap as well as having them unfold at the same time, even though they are not presented together in the movie. He ultimately allows the audience to see the same scene twice but from an entirely new perspective without even realizing it at first. All in all, Quentin Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction is not only a classic American film that has forever changed several media, but it also successfully skews the audiences morals into unknowingly viewing the â€Å"bad guys† as the heros, which is no easy task in film. This is a must see film for all who love a great film as well as a good deal of blood. How to cite Pulp Fiction Analysis, Papers

Saturday, April 25, 2020

The loons Essay Example

The loons Essay Margaret Laurence was one of the great Canadian fiction writers who was born in neepawa, Manitoba in 1926.She spent her childhood without her parents and was raised by her aunt. She is best known for her Manawaka novels: The Stone Angel, A Jest of God, The Fire Dwellers and The Diviners, which are considered classics of Canadian literature. A bird in the house is one of the best fictions written by Margaret Laurence. A Bird in the House is a series of eight interconnected short stories narrated by Vanessa MacLeod as she matures from a child at age ten into a young woman at age twenty. Wise for her years, Vanessa reveals much about the adult world in which she lives. A Bird in the House achieves the breadth of scope which usually associates with the novel and thereby is as psychologically valid as a good novel, and at the same time uses the techniques of the short story form to reveal the different aspects of the young Vanessa. In loons, Margaret Laurence successfully describes the al ienation felt by the young Piquettte tonnerre, who represent an ethnic group rejected by a cruel society, due to the fact that they are different. Piquette, a half breed, neither Cree nor French, is forced to grow up in this cruel and cold society (197). When describing piquettes status, Laurence allows the reader to understand how the society of the time perceived them: The tonnerres were French half breeds, and among themselves they spoke a patois that was neither Cree nor French. Their English was broken and full of obscenities. They were, as Grandmother Macleod would have put it, neither flesh, fowl, nor good salt herring (197). Grandmother Macleod will refuse to join the whole family in one of their trips, simply because ill piquette will also go, Piquette had the tuberculosis of the bone (197). Ewen, if that half- breed youngster comes along to the diamond lake, Iap

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

The Great Philospopher, Susanne Langer essays

The Great Philospopher, Susanne Langer essays Most people are familiar with the greatest minds in philosophy such as Aristotle, Plato, or even John Locke. In reality, most well-known philosophers happen to be male. Women philosophers such as Hannah Arendt and Susanne Langer have faded from textbooks and have been somewhat forgotten as the decades have passed. They have not always been credited for their work. This is due to the heavy oppression that they received from the men of their time who often took credit for the work of women. Women were often looked down on and were sometimes unauthorized to have political or educational rights, so they went discredited for their work. However, unlike most women, philosopher Susanne Langer did not let men dictate her actions or educational proceedings. Susanne Langer (1895-1985) was born and raised in New York, the daughter of two German immigrants. Langer attended a private school on the upper west side, and when she graduated, her educational struggles began. Her father held the belief that Susanne should not go to college. Nonetheless, despite his wishes, she enrolled at Radcliffe College (with the encouragement of her mother) and went on to earn her bachelor's degree in 1920. In 1924, when Langer was a graduate student at Radcliffe, she began to shape the direction of her philosophical development. This change was due to the influence of her professor Alfred North Whitehead. Professor Whitehead is responsible for helping to shape Langer's perspective on the history of human thought, the origins of the modern world and the resulting contemporary situation in philosophy. These concepts were later published in her first book, 'The Practice of Philosophy'. Langer didn't look at Whitehead as only a professor, but also as a teache r, lecturer, writer, dissertation adviser, colleague, and even a friend. She dedicated her most well known book 'Philosophy in a New Key' to Professor Whiteman. She then went on to say "the writings of the sage...

Monday, March 2, 2020

Nanotyrannus - Facts and Figures

Nanotyrannus - Facts and Figures Name: Nanotyrannus (Greek for tiny tyrant); pronounced NAH-no-tih-RAN-us Habitat: Woodlands of North America Historical Period: Late Cretaceous (70 million years ago) Size and Weight: About 17 feet long and half a ton Diet: Meat Distinguishing Characteristics: Small size; forward-facing eyes; sharp teeth About Nanotyrannus When the skull of Nanotyrannus (tiny tyrant) was discovered in 1942, it was identified as belonging to another dinosaur, Albertosaurusbut upon closer study, researchers (including the famous maverick Robert Bakker) speculated that it might have been left by an entirely new genus of tyrannosaur. Today, opinion is divided into two camps: some paleontologists believe Nanotyrannus indeed deserves its own genus, while others insist that its a juvenile of Tyrannosaurus Rex, or some other established tyrannosaur genus. Further complicating matters, its possible that Nanotyrannus wasnt a tyrannosaur at all, but a dromaeosaur (the class of small, carnivorous, bipedal dinosaurs better known to the general public as raptors). Usually, additional fossil specimens help to clarify matters, but no such luck with Nanotyrannus. In 2011, word leaked out about the discovery of a complete Nanotyrannus specimen, unearthed in close proximity to an unidentified ceratopsian (horned, frilled dinosaur). This has led to all kinds of fruitless speculation: did Nanotyrannus hunt in packs to bring down larger prey? Were its unusually long hands (rumored to be even longer than those of the full-grown T. Rex specimen Tyrannosaurus Sue) a unique adaptation to its ecosystem? The trouble is that this putative Nanotyrannus specimen, nicknamed Bloody Mary, remains in private hands, and has not been made available for expert analysis.

Friday, February 14, 2020

OPM300 - Intro. to Operations Mgmt. CA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

OPM300 - Intro. to Operations Mgmt. CA - Essay Example uch, Event O is the most likely candidate because crashing Event O will result to a compensation of two weeks, which is just sufficient to compensate for the weeks lost in extending Event B. The key player in the success of a project is undoubtedly the project manager. Their roles include managing the project throughout the project cycle, balancing technical, schedule, and cost performance, solving problems expeditiously as they arise, and inspiring and motivating the entire team (Forsberg, Mooz, & Cotterman, 2005). With a project as extensive and large scale as the one described above, a project manager needs to have the right skills and tools in facing and overcoming the many different challenges that such a project can produce (Elearn Limited (Great Britain), 2005). One such challenge would be that project teams may be geographically dispersed. Since projects are usually collaborative efforts, different team members may be physically located in locations that may cause logistic challenges (Kerzner, 2009). Thus, a project manager must know how to ensure that logistic considerations are put in place when scheduling required events. Another problem that a project manager may face is the challenge of overbooked and mismanaged resources. Due to certain shortcoming, project teams may not have accurate information about their resources and what they are working on (Archibald, 2003). Some project teams may have more demand for projects than they have team members to execute the projects. Thus, a project manager has to be aware of these limitations and be alert enough to compensate

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Managing Communications in the Garden Company Assignment

Managing Communications in the Garden Company - Assignment Example The Garden Company needs to upgrade its communication processes as well as its information and knowledge collection strategies. This can be done through the systematic evaluation of its key strengths and weaknesses. Basically, this paper has based the management of communications, knowledge, as well as information about the centre of focus being landscaping/gardening business. The Garden Company is the business title in this case. A number of decisions are needed in the organization in order to achieve long-term growth and profitability. These decisions should start with the need to enhance the communication processes in the organization. Communication processes should be able to use a number of strategies that can help to achieve the long-term goals within a short period of time. Furthermore, the goal should be to achieve the long-term strategic advantage with an emphasis on innovation. Communication processes should be strengthened for the benefit of the employees and the customer segments of the organization. Another critical area where decision making is required is that the information collection and management processes must be strengthened to ensure that customer loyalty can be attained. The organization must be able to devise a collaborative strategy for success (Gary, 2002: p. 4). The organization needs to have information regarding its critical goals and objectives. This is an important part of the decision making process. Furthermore, it needs to develop an institutional structure that can help to attain the critical goals within a short period of time. Planning and appraisal is another key area where success can be attained by the organization. Monitoring and evaluation are helpful in decision making as it helps to ensure the success of long-term strategies. These approaches should be based on a careful understanding of the external and internal environments. The external sources of information for the organization come by tracking the feedback obtained from the customers.  Ã‚  

Friday, January 24, 2020

ABCs of Black and Blue :: Free Essay Writer

â€Å"The ABC’s of ‘Black and Blue’†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Black and Blue† was one of Armstrong’s greatest hits, it is hard to believe that a remade song could rank so high on his greatest. Armstrong had a unique way of taking a song that had already been published and making into his own work of art. â€Å"Black and Blue† is a song that can have a few different meanings depending on the way you look at it. â€Å"Black and Blue† can be described as abstract, bruised, and colorful. Armstrong was the greatest artist of his time and he shows us this in the ways he could take songs, manipulate them and make them his own. â€Å"Black and Blue† could be one of the best examples of this. The fact that Armstrong’s version of â€Å"Black and Blue† is more popular than the original version has a lot to say about his abilities.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Abstract: consider theoretically or separately from something else, make a written summary of, a summary of a book or article, an abstract work of art. Armstrong was a great musician of his time and a musician is an artist. Therefor his works (songs) are considered art work. To many people of his time this art that he made may have seemed off the beaten path. To many this may have seemed abstract. He had a presence that would radiate through an audience manly from the way he held himself on stage, and compared to the many other performers of the time this was different from anyone else. The way Armstrong took this song, â€Å"Black and Blue,† from its original version, sung by Edith Wilson, and manipulated it to what it is now, could be said to be an abstract work of art. He had the raw talent to take a song and change it into something known as an Armstrong song, not a remake. â€Å"Black and Blue† was a song that was originally made to be sung by a woman, some how he pulled it off. The manor in which Armstrong preformed on stages may have been too soon for his time, meaning that the people may not have been ready for what he had to give them, but this may have also been perceived as abstract. An Armstrong performance was different from what everyone was used to seeing, he stepped out on his own and made it work, the fact that he was different and now accepted by many made him and his work abstract. ABCs of Black and Blue :: Free Essay Writer â€Å"The ABC’s of ‘Black and Blue’†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Black and Blue† was one of Armstrong’s greatest hits, it is hard to believe that a remade song could rank so high on his greatest. Armstrong had a unique way of taking a song that had already been published and making into his own work of art. â€Å"Black and Blue† is a song that can have a few different meanings depending on the way you look at it. â€Å"Black and Blue† can be described as abstract, bruised, and colorful. Armstrong was the greatest artist of his time and he shows us this in the ways he could take songs, manipulate them and make them his own. â€Å"Black and Blue† could be one of the best examples of this. The fact that Armstrong’s version of â€Å"Black and Blue† is more popular than the original version has a lot to say about his abilities.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Abstract: consider theoretically or separately from something else, make a written summary of, a summary of a book or article, an abstract work of art. Armstrong was a great musician of his time and a musician is an artist. Therefor his works (songs) are considered art work. To many people of his time this art that he made may have seemed off the beaten path. To many this may have seemed abstract. He had a presence that would radiate through an audience manly from the way he held himself on stage, and compared to the many other performers of the time this was different from anyone else. The way Armstrong took this song, â€Å"Black and Blue,† from its original version, sung by Edith Wilson, and manipulated it to what it is now, could be said to be an abstract work of art. He had the raw talent to take a song and change it into something known as an Armstrong song, not a remake. â€Å"Black and Blue† was a song that was originally made to be sung by a woman, some how he pulled it off. The manor in which Armstrong preformed on stages may have been too soon for his time, meaning that the people may not have been ready for what he had to give them, but this may have also been perceived as abstract. An Armstrong performance was different from what everyone was used to seeing, he stepped out on his own and made it work, the fact that he was different and now accepted by many made him and his work abstract.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Examining the Consequences of School Bullying and Provocation

BULLYING A Research Paper Presented To Prof. Ma. Victoria R. Protacio City University of Pasay (CUP) In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements For English II Submitted by: Ailyn Catolico BPG 1-1 March 4, 2013 Table of Contents Pages I. Acknowledgment 1 II. Introduction 2 III. Body A. The Problem and its Background 4 * Statement of the Problem/Objectives 4 * How does it affect the teaching of the teachers in the future 6 * Why is it the topic important 6 * Implication for Future Teaching 7 * What led them to this research 7B. Compilation of Philippine Laws on Discipline and Punishment of Children 9 * The 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines 9 * Rights of the Accused 9 * Court Order for Disciplinary Measures 9 C. Methodology 10 D. Related Literature 11 * Local Literature 11 * Foreign Literature 12 IV. Conclusion 13 V. Definition of terms 15 VI. Reference/Bibliography AcknowledgementThe researcher’s wishes to express their deepest gratitude to the special people who have extended their assistance for the success of this study; The Almighty God, who is the source of life and strength of knowledge and wisdom. To the fellow classmates, for sharing their knowledge and idea in helping the researchers in the construction of the project and for their genuine apprehension, encouragement, patient and guidance and whose expertise and knowledge were generously shared. To the beloved parents and guardians for untiring love and support. The Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, this piece of work was heartily offered.Introduction The aim of this research was to determine the bullying and effects of it in classroom. Although it is not always obvious, students are bullied as early as elementary school. Instances of bullying make take place in school, during after-school programs, on the school bus, and in neighborhoods. This research focuses on the occurrence of bullying in classroom. It also focuses on ways to help students cope with the incidents of bullying. T he impact of bullying and victimization is assessed by taking into account the relative buffering effect of a positive relationship with one or both parents.Internalizing symptoms such as withdrawn behaviors, somatic complaints, and anxiety and depression. Bullying others directly by hitting, threatening, or calling names is not a significant predictor the poor mental and somatic health of youngsters, whereas indirect bullying (spreading rumors or not talking to someone on purpose) does significantly predict anxiety and depression, as well as withdrawn behaviors. The negative impact of victimization and bullying is buffered by youngsters’ positive relationship with one or both parents.Recommendations are provided with regard to possible intervention strategies underlying the importance of distinguishing between different forms of bullying and victimization and providing social support in each different case. Unfortunately, bullying is an unavoidable part of life for children, but what it is the best way to deal with bullying so that both the bully and the victim can grow from the experience and become better people? Before this question can be answered, it is important to explore every aspect involved with bullying.Specifically, we need to look at everything that bullies do, the way it affects both the victim and the bully, and exactly how much bullying currently occurs in schools. Bullying is very frequent and since the beginning of time it has plagued schools all over the world. It is a major issue in today’s world and is well-worthy of discussion. Most of the time when people think of bullying going on in schools, one generic picture comes to mind; a big, scary boy coming along to a younger, punier child and saying, â€Å"Give me your lunch money dork! then the bully proceeds to turn the victim upside down to empty his pockets for lunch money. However, bullying is not always that simple, and there does not necessarily need to be physical viol ence involved in order for something to be considered bullying. The Problem and its Background Statement of the Problem/Objectives There are different types of bullies that are common in schools today; physical bullies, verbal bullies, and relational bullies. Physical bullies are just what they sound like, physical.These types of bullies tend to hit, kick, punch, shove, or use any other type of physical exertion of energy towards other. Verbal bullies are the types of bullies that use harsh words such as name-calling, insults, racial comments, or comments about another student’s physical appearance in order to degrade their victim. Verbal bullying is the most commonly reported type of bullying. Finally, relational bullies will act by singling out their victim from their peer group. This is mostly done by the bully using verbal threats or spreading undesirable rumors about their victims.While these types of bullying are not necessarily the stereotypical pictures that come to m ind when thinking about bullies, they are all very serious and can possibly have some serious detrimental effects on both parties involved. This research was to investigate the impact of physical, verbal and social bullying in school, thereby improving the knowledge base and insight of counselors who work with victims of bullying. The study was feasible, as it was within the financial and practical means of the researcher. This quantitative study endeavored to answer the following research question: * What is the impact of bullying in the students? Is bullying in school a normal part of life? * Do the independent variables – perceptions of school climate variables and school membership (the school a student attends) – have a significant relationship with the students reporting being involved in bullying at all, whether as a bully or as a victim? The problem of bullying at school is a complex problem that emerges from social, physical, institutional and community contex ts, as well as the individual characteristics of the students who are bullied and victimized (Swearer & Doll (2001)).A useful framework for understanding bullying is Bronfenbrenner’s ecological system theory (1979; 1993). When the ecological perspective is applied to bullying, a bullying interaction occurs not only because of individual characteristics of the child who is bullying, but also because of actions of peers, teachers and school staff, and physical characteristics of the school environment. How students perceive all these factors will be referred to as school climate in thus study. Families, cultural factors, and even community factors also play a role in the occurrence of the bullying interaction.The ecological system theory, as conceptualized by Bronfenbrenner, has been used to study complex behaviors of children and adolescents. Bronfenbrenner’s ecological system theory is a useful framework in this study for several reasons. This ecological system theory takes into account that the student is not merely acted upon by the environment. The student is both active and reactive. Strength of framing this study using Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory is that it takes into account not just the environment, but student’s perceptions of the environment.This is important, because it accounts for why two students in similar environments may exhibit wildly different behaviors (Thomas, 1996). In summary, bullying is best conceptualized as intrinsic factors in the student interacting with the social environment, which then serves to reinforce bullying and/or victimization behaviors. Bullying is a serious problem that can dramatically affect the ability of students to progress academically and socially. A comprehensive intervention plan that involves all students, parents, and school staff is required to ensure that all students can learn in a safe and fear-free environment.How does it affect the teaching of the teachers, and how wil l it affect the teaching of the teachers in the future? One of core beliefs as students is that students need a safe, comfortable environment in order for learning to occur. The researcher feels that if students are being bullied in school and in school-related situations, then their attention is not focused primarily on learning; it is divided between academics and concern about negative social situations that are associated with schools.In order to create a safe environment where the students can thrive as learners, they have decided to inquire into a phenomenon that often precludes students from thriving – bullying. It is their hope and intention that by learning more about the phenomenon of school bullying, they can take measures to prevent bullying in schools. These preventative measures include fostering positive attitudes and empathy in schools to reduce the occurrence of bullying that the students face and teach those coping strategies with which they feel comfortable using when they are bullied.Why is it the topic important? In the past, bullying was considered a part of growing up; now, psychologists are warning parents and teachers that bullying is a problem that could result in serious consequences for victims and bullies alike. One reason that bullying is a problem in schools is because people have not changed their thinking from that of the past – which bullying is simply a part of growing up, and kids need to learn to deal with it. They want you to believe that if cognitions about bullying were changed, the occurrence of bullying would decrease.They would agree: â€Å"If students attend schools in which bullying behaviors are accepted by adults and peers, it is plausible that they will engage in more of these behaviors. † The opposite would likewise be true – if students attend a school where bullying is not accepted, then it is possible that there will be fewer occurrence of bullying in that school over time. Implica tion for Future Teaching From this research, they want you to learned several things about the practice as students.They want you have a good communication between home and school so that parents and teachers understand your beliefs as students and that they feel the schools should be a safe environment in which you can learn. This way, you will feel comfortable sharing your feelings with us and to your parents and teachers, and you will model giving compliments and have your practice giving compliments to your parents in order to help facilitate more frequent use of the compliment and proposal study. You can also try using other activities in the meetings to help the students understand the different aspects of the bullying problem.You can use role play scenarios to give the students the opportunity to practice their responses to bullying situations and to help them understand how it feels to be â€Å"in the shoes† of everyone involved in a bullying situation. They also want you to realize that no matter what school levels we are, it will be important to address these issues as well as other issues such as general community-building and character education in order to guide the students to appropriate social behaviors. What led them to this research?They have been interested in bullying since they heard it in news. They were originally interested in how teachers and school staff helped children to cope with and understand the effects of bullying in schools. In their research for this, they found that many teachers were using similar strategies for coping with bullying. Their interest narrowed down to bullying in schools. The more they earned about bullying, the more interested in it they became because bullying is so embedded in our society that many adults and children do not recognize its many forms.Manifestations of bullying are overt as well as covert. The physical bullying and verbal harassment are considered overt forms of bullying, but bullying also includes covert behaviors such as spreading rumors and social exclusion. At the end of their secondary school, they submitted an honors thesis proposal indicating research topic for senior honors thesis for the High School. They continued to do more research and read books and articles about the topic of bullying. The literature suggests that bullying is a salient problem in the country, ven in elementary school, and it can have negative effects later in life. According to the article â€Å"Bullying: Facts for schools and parents,† â€Å"bullying is the most common form of violence in our society† (Cohn & Canter, 2003, p. 1). Although bullying has negative consequences for everyone involved in a bullying situation, Banks’ article â€Å"Bullying in schools† states that there is a strong correlation between bullying during school years and having criminal or legal problems in adulthood (1997).As a people who were educated in the Philippines, they can a ttest to having different types of bullying experiences throughout school, and they believe that most people would admit to experiencing a bullying situation at some point in their life. Considering their position as a secondary high school for the entire year, they realized that not only did they need to think of ways to help children cope with bullying situations in their own lives; they needed to also consider ways to prevent it from occurring.After some thinking, they decided that if they could find a way to foster empathy in schools, then the students would feel compassionate toward victims of bullying and come to their aid, as well as not want to bully someone because they can imagine what it must be like to â€Å"be in that person’s shoes†. Compilation of Philippine Laws on Discipline and Punishment of Children THE 1987 CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILLIPINES The 1987 Constitution of the Philippines (Constitution) is the supreme written law in the countr y and it serves as the basic framework for any act or rule of any branch or agency of the government.All laws must comply with its provisions, otherwise it will be declared as void. Hence, it is necessary to refer to the Constitution and examine how it views the development of children in the context of the family and educational institutions. Rights of the Accused The Bill of Rights (Article III, Constitution) enshrines the rights of any person, including children in conflict with the law, under investigation for the commission of an offense. Article III, Section 12 specifically prohibits the following: 2. No torture, force, violence, threat, intimidations, or any other means hich vitiate the free will shall be used against [any person under investigation for the commission of an offense]. Secret detention places, solitary, incommunicado, or other similar forms of detention are prohibited. Court Order for Disciplinary Measures As a means of assisting parents in imposing discipline on a child, Article 223 provides that parents or, in their absence or incapacity, the individual, entity or institution exercising parental authority, may file a petition before the proper court of the place where the child resides, for an order providing for disciplinary measures over the child.The article also provides that the â€Å"child shall be entitled to the assistance of counsel, either of his choice or appointed by the court, and a summary hearing shall be conducted wherein the petitioner and the child shall be heard. † The court is authorized to adopt such other measures as it may deem just and proper, including the â€Å"commitment of the child children’s homes duly accredited by the proper government agency. † Related Literature Upon researching the bullying and how it has become a common issue in schools today, the following literature was found through the search.To address the issue of bullying, the interventions and roles of school counselors ne ed to be considered. In order for this to be done, a clear understanding of how prevalent bullying is, the intervention strategies used, and the roles that school counselors play in this terrifying act needs to be addressed. Local Literature In 2001, the United Nations General Assembly, upon the request of the Committee on the Rights of the Child, called for the conduct of an in-depth study on violence against children through a resolution.The study seeks to provide an in-depth global picture of violence against children as well as propose clear recommendations for the improvement of legislation, policy, and programmed relating to the prevention of and responses to violence against children. Save the Children UK in the Philippines was greatly involved in the research initiatives of the Alliance on the physical and emotional punishment of children through its Research on the Physical and Emotional Punishment of Filipino Children, which was conducted in Cebu City in the Visayas and in Caloocan City in Metro Manila.The research provides information on: (1) What children think about physical punishment; (2) The types of punishment inflicted on children; (3) The context of punishment (settings such as homes, schools, streets, institutions, and juvenile justice); (4) Who punishes children and why; (5) What adults think about physical punishment and discipline; and (6) Local means of non-violent conflict resolution, which can be used in programme interventions and advocacy (Save the Children UK, 2006).According to the National Parent Teacher Association (2000) research has shown that effectively engaging parents and families in the education of their children has the potential to be far more transformational than any other type of educational reform. Foreign Literature In October 2004, according to Helen Phillips, San Diego, the age at which kids first fall victim to bullying could influence how strongly they are affected, suggests a new study. And, surprisingly, it is not the youngest kids who are hurt the most in the long term.Bullying can have long-lasting effects, but particularly when it begins in adolescence, the researchers say. People subjected to either verbal or physical bullying are known to be at greater risk for developing depression, anxiety disorders or to behave violently. But not everyone reacts in this way. Children bullied for the first time before they hit puberty seem to get over it, but those are victimized for the first time late on in puberty seem to become more aggressive or are more likely to turn to drink as a means of coping. Much research has been devoted to the subject of parental involvement and how it affects the lives of children.Major legislation such as the Goals 2000, the Educate American Act and the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Act (ESEA) have made parental involvement a national priority (Kyle, McIntyre, Miller, & Moore 2002). Methodology This research will address a problem that facing c hildren of all ages; this serious issue is bullying. The problem of bullying in schools is an important issue that needs to be further addressed. The specific aspects of bullying that need to be further studied are what causes bullies to bully peers and how victims cope with the way they are being treated by classmates at school.When teens bully, it is likely they are experiencing some sort of personal problem that needs treatment, and those who are victims develop problems that need to be treated. All students who are involved with bullying, regardless of whether they are bullies or victims, need interventions before more serious issues develop. The problems both victims and bullies face can affect society as a whole since they can lead to more violent acts, suicides, and an increase in substance abuse.The more that is known about the issues associated with bullying, the more social workers can do to prevent it and develop better understandings of how to treat bullies and victims. This research will further explore causes of bullying behaviors and the coping mechanisms victims’ issue. The information gathered can potentially be useful in raising awareness on this topic and for creating new policies on bullying. Conclusion Based on the findings, the following conclusions are given concluded: Bullies react aggressively in response to provocation or perceived insults or slights.It is unclear whether their acts of bullying give them pleasure or are just the most effective way they have learned to get what they want from other. Bullying negatively affects both the child being victimized and the child who is the bully. There are always short-term affects and if the bullying is severe enough there can also be long term effects. Children who are bullied can suffer from low self esteem and other emotional problems and children who do the bullying are much more likely to have problems with drugs and alcohol later in life.The victims of bullies often loose self e steem, start having trouble in school, and withdraw from friends and activities. If it is not stopped and continues for long enough, children can suffer these problems permanently. Not being able to understand the harm they do to themselves, psychopathic bullies are particularly dangerous. Bullying should not be taken lightly as it can cause serious problems for all the children involved. Being bullied is a very stressful ordeal for children. Many bullying victims are reluctant to talk about their experiences making it even harder to help them.Never tell the child just to ignore the bullying. They will feel as if you are just going to ignore it and they should not have bothered to tell in the first place. Make contact with bully’s parents. Often they are unaware of their child’s behavior and will want to help work with you to make positive changes. Do not allow your child to hang around empty playgrounds or stay late at school alone. Teach them to always use the buddy system. Sometimes children exhibit certain behaviors that irritate or provoke others.If this is the case, help the child to find more suitable ways to interact with friends and peer groups. Bullying will forever plague schools all over the world and it is vital to know ways in which teachers and parents can work together in order to lessen the blow bullying has on society, and keep our children safe and happy. A higher quality of life for students where they can focus on their academics at school rather than on bullies will provide them with less stressful lives and prevent many of the problems, such as depression and suicide, which can oftentimes be linked to childhood violence.Definition of Key Terms * Anxiety – a nervous feeling caused by fear that something bad is going to happen; worry. * Buffering – a person or thing that reduces a shock or protects somebody or something against difficulties. * Bully – a person who uses his or her strength or power to frig hten or hurt weaker people. * Bullying – is a form of aggressive behavior manifested by the use of force or coercion to affect others, particularly when the behavior is habitual and involves an imbalance of power. * Depression – to make somebody sad and without enthusiasm or hope. Detrimental – harmful. * Feasible – that can be done; practical. * Impact – a strong effect or impression. * Institution – an organization established for social, educational, religious, etc. purposes. * Intervention – to become involved in a situation, especially so as to prevent something happening or to try to help somebody. * Recommendation – to suggest a course of action; to advise something. * School – educational institution for pupils up to 19 years of age. Reference/Bibliography Website/Internet * http://www. olweus. rg/public/authors. page * http://www. google. com. ph/url? sa=t&rct=j&q=research%20paper%20about%20bullying&source=web&c d=5&cad=rja&sqi=2&ved=0CGwQFjAE&url=http%3A%2F%2Feportfolios. ithaca. edu%2Fcmoses1%2Fdocs%2Fbullying. doc&ei=bsM1UaT4K4iOiAfv6IHgAg&usg=AFQjCNEwrr4Ecj-700ei_BMFwMutkTIhcA&bvm=bv. 43148975,d. aGc * http://www. slideshare. net/victoriasantos9822924/bullying * http://www. ed. psu. edu/educ/pds/teacher-inquiry/2006/plackek. pdf * http://www. rb. se/eng/Programme/TheUNStudyonViolenceagainstChildren. htm Examining the Consequences of School Bullying and Provocation BULLYING A Research Paper Presented To Prof. Ma. Victoria R. Protacio City University of Pasay (CUP) In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements For English II Submitted by: Ailyn Catolico BPG 1-1 March 4, 2013 Table of Contents Pages I. Acknowledgment 1 II. Introduction 2 III. Body A. The Problem and its Background 4 * Statement of the Problem/Objectives 4 * How does it affect the teaching of the teachers in the future 6 * Why is it the topic important 6 * Implication for Future Teaching 7 * What led them to this research 7B. Compilation of Philippine Laws on Discipline and Punishment of Children 9 * The 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines 9 * Rights of the Accused 9 * Court Order for Disciplinary Measures 9 C. Methodology 10 D. Related Literature 11 * Local Literature 11 * Foreign Literature 12 IV. Conclusion 13 V. Definition of terms 15 VI. Reference/Bibliography AcknowledgementThe researcher’s wishes to express their deepest gratitude to the special people who have extended their assistance for the success of this study; The Almighty God, who is the source of life and strength of knowledge and wisdom. To the fellow classmates, for sharing their knowledge and idea in helping the researchers in the construction of the project and for their genuine apprehension, encouragement, patient and guidance and whose expertise and knowledge were generously shared. To the beloved parents and guardians for untiring love and support. The Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, this piece of work was heartily offered.Introduction The aim of this research was to determine the bullying and effects of it in classroom. Although it is not always obvious, students are bullied as early as elementary school. Instances of bullying make take place in school, during after-school programs, on the school bus, and in neighborhoods. This research focuses on the occurrence of bullying in classroom. It also focuses on ways to help students cope with the incidents of bullying. T he impact of bullying and victimization is assessed by taking into account the relative buffering effect of a positive relationship with one or both parents.Internalizing symptoms such as withdrawn behaviors, somatic complaints, and anxiety and depression. Bullying others directly by hitting, threatening, or calling names is not a significant predictor the poor mental and somatic health of youngsters, whereas indirect bullying (spreading rumors or not talking to someone on purpose) does significantly predict anxiety and depression, as well as withdrawn behaviors. The negative impact of victimization and bullying is buffered by youngsters’ positive relationship with one or both parents.Recommendations are provided with regard to possible intervention strategies underlying the importance of distinguishing between different forms of bullying and victimization and providing social support in each different case. Unfortunately, bullying is an unavoidable part of life for children, but what it is the best way to deal with bullying so that both the bully and the victim can grow from the experience and become better people? Before this question can be answered, it is important to explore every aspect involved with bullying.Specifically, we need to look at everything that bullies do, the way it affects both the victim and the bully, and exactly how much bullying currently occurs in schools. Bullying is very frequent and since the beginning of time it has plagued schools all over the world. It is a major issue in today’s world and is well-worthy of discussion. Most of the time when people think of bullying going on in schools, one generic picture comes to mind; a big, scary boy coming along to a younger, punier child and saying, â€Å"Give me your lunch money dork! then the bully proceeds to turn the victim upside down to empty his pockets for lunch money. However, bullying is not always that simple, and there does not necessarily need to be physical viol ence involved in order for something to be considered bullying. The Problem and its Background Statement of the Problem/Objectives There are different types of bullies that are common in schools today; physical bullies, verbal bullies, and relational bullies. Physical bullies are just what they sound like, physical.These types of bullies tend to hit, kick, punch, shove, or use any other type of physical exertion of energy towards other. Verbal bullies are the types of bullies that use harsh words such as name-calling, insults, racial comments, or comments about another student’s physical appearance in order to degrade their victim. Verbal bullying is the most commonly reported type of bullying. Finally, relational bullies will act by singling out their victim from their peer group. This is mostly done by the bully using verbal threats or spreading undesirable rumors about their victims.While these types of bullying are not necessarily the stereotypical pictures that come to m ind when thinking about bullies, they are all very serious and can possibly have some serious detrimental effects on both parties involved. This research was to investigate the impact of physical, verbal and social bullying in school, thereby improving the knowledge base and insight of counselors who work with victims of bullying. The study was feasible, as it was within the financial and practical means of the researcher. This quantitative study endeavored to answer the following research question: * What is the impact of bullying in the students? Is bullying in school a normal part of life? * Do the independent variables – perceptions of school climate variables and school membership (the school a student attends) – have a significant relationship with the students reporting being involved in bullying at all, whether as a bully or as a victim? The problem of bullying at school is a complex problem that emerges from social, physical, institutional and community contex ts, as well as the individual characteristics of the students who are bullied and victimized (Swearer & Doll (2001)).A useful framework for understanding bullying is Bronfenbrenner’s ecological system theory (1979; 1993). When the ecological perspective is applied to bullying, a bullying interaction occurs not only because of individual characteristics of the child who is bullying, but also because of actions of peers, teachers and school staff, and physical characteristics of the school environment. How students perceive all these factors will be referred to as school climate in thus study. Families, cultural factors, and even community factors also play a role in the occurrence of the bullying interaction.The ecological system theory, as conceptualized by Bronfenbrenner, has been used to study complex behaviors of children and adolescents. Bronfenbrenner’s ecological system theory is a useful framework in this study for several reasons. This ecological system theory takes into account that the student is not merely acted upon by the environment. The student is both active and reactive. Strength of framing this study using Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory is that it takes into account not just the environment, but student’s perceptions of the environment.This is important, because it accounts for why two students in similar environments may exhibit wildly different behaviors (Thomas, 1996). In summary, bullying is best conceptualized as intrinsic factors in the student interacting with the social environment, which then serves to reinforce bullying and/or victimization behaviors. Bullying is a serious problem that can dramatically affect the ability of students to progress academically and socially. A comprehensive intervention plan that involves all students, parents, and school staff is required to ensure that all students can learn in a safe and fear-free environment.How does it affect the teaching of the teachers, and how wil l it affect the teaching of the teachers in the future? One of core beliefs as students is that students need a safe, comfortable environment in order for learning to occur. The researcher feels that if students are being bullied in school and in school-related situations, then their attention is not focused primarily on learning; it is divided between academics and concern about negative social situations that are associated with schools.In order to create a safe environment where the students can thrive as learners, they have decided to inquire into a phenomenon that often precludes students from thriving – bullying. It is their hope and intention that by learning more about the phenomenon of school bullying, they can take measures to prevent bullying in schools. These preventative measures include fostering positive attitudes and empathy in schools to reduce the occurrence of bullying that the students face and teach those coping strategies with which they feel comfortable using when they are bullied.Why is it the topic important? In the past, bullying was considered a part of growing up; now, psychologists are warning parents and teachers that bullying is a problem that could result in serious consequences for victims and bullies alike. One reason that bullying is a problem in schools is because people have not changed their thinking from that of the past – which bullying is simply a part of growing up, and kids need to learn to deal with it. They want you to believe that if cognitions about bullying were changed, the occurrence of bullying would decrease.They would agree: â€Å"If students attend schools in which bullying behaviors are accepted by adults and peers, it is plausible that they will engage in more of these behaviors. † The opposite would likewise be true – if students attend a school where bullying is not accepted, then it is possible that there will be fewer occurrence of bullying in that school over time. Implica tion for Future Teaching From this research, they want you to learned several things about the practice as students.They want you have a good communication between home and school so that parents and teachers understand your beliefs as students and that they feel the schools should be a safe environment in which you can learn. This way, you will feel comfortable sharing your feelings with us and to your parents and teachers, and you will model giving compliments and have your practice giving compliments to your parents in order to help facilitate more frequent use of the compliment and proposal study. You can also try using other activities in the meetings to help the students understand the different aspects of the bullying problem.You can use role play scenarios to give the students the opportunity to practice their responses to bullying situations and to help them understand how it feels to be â€Å"in the shoes† of everyone involved in a bullying situation. They also want you to realize that no matter what school levels we are, it will be important to address these issues as well as other issues such as general community-building and character education in order to guide the students to appropriate social behaviors. What led them to this research?They have been interested in bullying since they heard it in news. They were originally interested in how teachers and school staff helped children to cope with and understand the effects of bullying in schools. In their research for this, they found that many teachers were using similar strategies for coping with bullying. Their interest narrowed down to bullying in schools. The more they earned about bullying, the more interested in it they became because bullying is so embedded in our society that many adults and children do not recognize its many forms.Manifestations of bullying are overt as well as covert. The physical bullying and verbal harassment are considered overt forms of bullying, but bullying also includes covert behaviors such as spreading rumors and social exclusion. At the end of their secondary school, they submitted an honors thesis proposal indicating research topic for senior honors thesis for the High School. They continued to do more research and read books and articles about the topic of bullying. The literature suggests that bullying is a salient problem in the country, ven in elementary school, and it can have negative effects later in life. According to the article â€Å"Bullying: Facts for schools and parents,† â€Å"bullying is the most common form of violence in our society† (Cohn & Canter, 2003, p. 1). Although bullying has negative consequences for everyone involved in a bullying situation, Banks’ article â€Å"Bullying in schools† states that there is a strong correlation between bullying during school years and having criminal or legal problems in adulthood (1997).As a people who were educated in the Philippines, they can a ttest to having different types of bullying experiences throughout school, and they believe that most people would admit to experiencing a bullying situation at some point in their life. Considering their position as a secondary high school for the entire year, they realized that not only did they need to think of ways to help children cope with bullying situations in their own lives; they needed to also consider ways to prevent it from occurring.After some thinking, they decided that if they could find a way to foster empathy in schools, then the students would feel compassionate toward victims of bullying and come to their aid, as well as not want to bully someone because they can imagine what it must be like to â€Å"be in that person’s shoes†. Compilation of Philippine Laws on Discipline and Punishment of Children THE 1987 CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILLIPINES The 1987 Constitution of the Philippines (Constitution) is the supreme written law in the countr y and it serves as the basic framework for any act or rule of any branch or agency of the government.All laws must comply with its provisions, otherwise it will be declared as void. Hence, it is necessary to refer to the Constitution and examine how it views the development of children in the context of the family and educational institutions. Rights of the Accused The Bill of Rights (Article III, Constitution) enshrines the rights of any person, including children in conflict with the law, under investigation for the commission of an offense. Article III, Section 12 specifically prohibits the following: 2. No torture, force, violence, threat, intimidations, or any other means hich vitiate the free will shall be used against [any person under investigation for the commission of an offense]. Secret detention places, solitary, incommunicado, or other similar forms of detention are prohibited. Court Order for Disciplinary Measures As a means of assisting parents in imposing discipline on a child, Article 223 provides that parents or, in their absence or incapacity, the individual, entity or institution exercising parental authority, may file a petition before the proper court of the place where the child resides, for an order providing for disciplinary measures over the child.The article also provides that the â€Å"child shall be entitled to the assistance of counsel, either of his choice or appointed by the court, and a summary hearing shall be conducted wherein the petitioner and the child shall be heard. † The court is authorized to adopt such other measures as it may deem just and proper, including the â€Å"commitment of the child children’s homes duly accredited by the proper government agency. † Related Literature Upon researching the bullying and how it has become a common issue in schools today, the following literature was found through the search.To address the issue of bullying, the interventions and roles of school counselors ne ed to be considered. In order for this to be done, a clear understanding of how prevalent bullying is, the intervention strategies used, and the roles that school counselors play in this terrifying act needs to be addressed. Local Literature In 2001, the United Nations General Assembly, upon the request of the Committee on the Rights of the Child, called for the conduct of an in-depth study on violence against children through a resolution.The study seeks to provide an in-depth global picture of violence against children as well as propose clear recommendations for the improvement of legislation, policy, and programmed relating to the prevention of and responses to violence against children. Save the Children UK in the Philippines was greatly involved in the research initiatives of the Alliance on the physical and emotional punishment of children through its Research on the Physical and Emotional Punishment of Filipino Children, which was conducted in Cebu City in the Visayas and in Caloocan City in Metro Manila.The research provides information on: (1) What children think about physical punishment; (2) The types of punishment inflicted on children; (3) The context of punishment (settings such as homes, schools, streets, institutions, and juvenile justice); (4) Who punishes children and why; (5) What adults think about physical punishment and discipline; and (6) Local means of non-violent conflict resolution, which can be used in programme interventions and advocacy (Save the Children UK, 2006).According to the National Parent Teacher Association (2000) research has shown that effectively engaging parents and families in the education of their children has the potential to be far more transformational than any other type of educational reform. Foreign Literature In October 2004, according to Helen Phillips, San Diego, the age at which kids first fall victim to bullying could influence how strongly they are affected, suggests a new study. And, surprisingly, it is not the youngest kids who are hurt the most in the long term.Bullying can have long-lasting effects, but particularly when it begins in adolescence, the researchers say. People subjected to either verbal or physical bullying are known to be at greater risk for developing depression, anxiety disorders or to behave violently. But not everyone reacts in this way. Children bullied for the first time before they hit puberty seem to get over it, but those are victimized for the first time late on in puberty seem to become more aggressive or are more likely to turn to drink as a means of coping. Much research has been devoted to the subject of parental involvement and how it affects the lives of children.Major legislation such as the Goals 2000, the Educate American Act and the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Act (ESEA) have made parental involvement a national priority (Kyle, McIntyre, Miller, & Moore 2002). Methodology This research will address a problem that facing c hildren of all ages; this serious issue is bullying. The problem of bullying in schools is an important issue that needs to be further addressed. The specific aspects of bullying that need to be further studied are what causes bullies to bully peers and how victims cope with the way they are being treated by classmates at school.When teens bully, it is likely they are experiencing some sort of personal problem that needs treatment, and those who are victims develop problems that need to be treated. All students who are involved with bullying, regardless of whether they are bullies or victims, need interventions before more serious issues develop. The problems both victims and bullies face can affect society as a whole since they can lead to more violent acts, suicides, and an increase in substance abuse.The more that is known about the issues associated with bullying, the more social workers can do to prevent it and develop better understandings of how to treat bullies and victims. This research will further explore causes of bullying behaviors and the coping mechanisms victims’ issue. The information gathered can potentially be useful in raising awareness on this topic and for creating new policies on bullying. Conclusion Based on the findings, the following conclusions are given concluded: Bullies react aggressively in response to provocation or perceived insults or slights.It is unclear whether their acts of bullying give them pleasure or are just the most effective way they have learned to get what they want from other. Bullying negatively affects both the child being victimized and the child who is the bully. There are always short-term affects and if the bullying is severe enough there can also be long term effects. Children who are bullied can suffer from low self esteem and other emotional problems and children who do the bullying are much more likely to have problems with drugs and alcohol later in life.The victims of bullies often loose self e steem, start having trouble in school, and withdraw from friends and activities. If it is not stopped and continues for long enough, children can suffer these problems permanently. Not being able to understand the harm they do to themselves, psychopathic bullies are particularly dangerous. Bullying should not be taken lightly as it can cause serious problems for all the children involved. Being bullied is a very stressful ordeal for children. Many bullying victims are reluctant to talk about their experiences making it even harder to help them.Never tell the child just to ignore the bullying. They will feel as if you are just going to ignore it and they should not have bothered to tell in the first place. Make contact with bully’s parents. Often they are unaware of their child’s behavior and will want to help work with you to make positive changes. Do not allow your child to hang around empty playgrounds or stay late at school alone. Teach them to always use the buddy system. Sometimes children exhibit certain behaviors that irritate or provoke others.If this is the case, help the child to find more suitable ways to interact with friends and peer groups. Bullying will forever plague schools all over the world and it is vital to know ways in which teachers and parents can work together in order to lessen the blow bullying has on society, and keep our children safe and happy. A higher quality of life for students where they can focus on their academics at school rather than on bullies will provide them with less stressful lives and prevent many of the problems, such as depression and suicide, which can oftentimes be linked to childhood violence.Definition of Key Terms * Anxiety – a nervous feeling caused by fear that something bad is going to happen; worry. * Buffering – a person or thing that reduces a shock or protects somebody or something against difficulties. * Bully – a person who uses his or her strength or power to frig hten or hurt weaker people. * Bullying – is a form of aggressive behavior manifested by the use of force or coercion to affect others, particularly when the behavior is habitual and involves an imbalance of power. * Depression – to make somebody sad and without enthusiasm or hope. Detrimental – harmful. * Feasible – that can be done; practical. * Impact – a strong effect or impression. * Institution – an organization established for social, educational, religious, etc. purposes. * Intervention – to become involved in a situation, especially so as to prevent something happening or to try to help somebody. * Recommendation – to suggest a course of action; to advise something. * School – educational institution for pupils up to 19 years of age. Reference/Bibliography Website/Internet * http://www. olweus. rg/public/authors. page * http://www. google. com. ph/url? sa=t&rct=j&q=research%20paper%20about%20bullying&source=web&c d=5&cad=rja&sqi=2&ved=0CGwQFjAE&url=http%3A%2F%2Feportfolios. ithaca. edu%2Fcmoses1%2Fdocs%2Fbullying. doc&ei=bsM1UaT4K4iOiAfv6IHgAg&usg=AFQjCNEwrr4Ecj-700ei_BMFwMutkTIhcA&bvm=bv. 43148975,d. aGc * http://www. slideshare. net/victoriasantos9822924/bullying * http://www. ed. psu. edu/educ/pds/teacher-inquiry/2006/plackek. pdf * http://www. rb. se/eng/Programme/TheUNStudyonViolenceagainstChildren. htm

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Spanish Proverbs and Quotes for Your Life

Like their English counterparts, Spanish proverbs often capture the wisdom of the ages with timeless advice about life. Here are enough proverbs to last for a month. To test your vocabulary or stretch your interpretation skills, try translating them and coming up with an English equivalent, although be warned that there isnt always a direct English counterpart. Very loose translations or English equivalent proverbs are in parentheses. En boca cerrada no entran moscas Translation: Flies dont enter a closed mouth. (You wont make a mistake if you dont talk.) 31 Spanish Proverbs, Quotes, and Sayings El hà ¡bito no hace al monje.The habit doesnt make the monk. (Clothes do not make the man.)A beber y a tragar, que el mundo se va a acabar.Heres to drinking and swallowing, for the world is going to end. (Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die.)Algo es algo; menos es nada.Something is something; less is nothing. (Its better than nothing. Half a loaf is better than none.)No hay que ahogarse en un vaso de agua.It isnt necessary to drown oneself in a glass of water. (Dont make a mountain out of a molehill.)Borra con el codo lo que escribe con la mano.He/she erases with the elbow what his/her hand is writing. (Whatever good actions or decisions he makes, he invalidates by other actions)Dame pan y dime tonto.Give me bread and call me a fool. (Think of me what you will. As long as I get what I want, it doesnt matter what you think.)La cabra siempre tira al monte.The goat always heads toward the mountain. (The leopard doesnt change its spots. You cant teach an old dog new tricks.)El amor todo lo puede.Love can do it all. (Love will find a way.)A los tontos no les dura el dinero.Money does not last for fools. (A fool and his money are soon parted.)De mà ºsico, poeta y loco, todos tenemos un poco.We all have a little bit of musician, poet and crazy person in ourselves. (Were all a little bit crazy.)Al mejor escribano se le va un borrà ³n.To the best scribe comes a smudge. (Even the best of us make mistakes. Nobodys perfect.)Camarà ³n que se duerme se lo lleva la corriente.The shrimp that falls asleep is carried by the current. (Dont let the world pass you by. Stay alert and be proactive. Dont fall asleep at the wheel.)A lo hecho, pecho.To what is done, the chest. (Face up to what is. What is done is done.)Nunca es tarde para aprender. It never is late for learning. (It is never too late to learn.)A otro perro con ese hueso.To another dog with that bone. (Tell that to someone who will believe you.)Desgracia compartida, menos sentida.Shared misfortune, less sorr ow. (Misery loves company.)Donde hay humo, hay fuego.Where theres smoke, theres fire.No hay peor sordo que el que no quiere oà ­r.There is not a worse deaf person than the one who doesnt want to hear. (There is none so blind as he who will not see.)No vendas la piel del oso antes de cazarlo.Dont sell the bears hide before you hunt it. (Dont count your chickens before they hatch.)Quà © bonito es ver la lluvia y no mojarse.How nice it is to see the rain and not get wet. (Dont criticize others for the way they do something unless youve done it yourself.)Nadie da palos de balde.Nobody gives sticks for free. (You cant get something for nothing. Theres no such thing as a free lunch.)Los à ¡rboles no està ¡n dejando ver el bosque.The trees arent allowing one to see the forest. (You cant see the forest for the trees.)El mundo es un paà ±uelo.The world is a handkerchief. (Its a small world.)A cada cerdo le llega su San Martà ­n.Every pig gets its San Martà ­n. (What goes around comes around. You deserve what you get. San Martà ­n refers to a traditional celebration in which a pig is sacrificed.)Consejo no pedido, consejo mal oà ­do.Advice not asked for, advice poorly heard. (Someone who doesnt ask for advice doesnt want to hear it. Dont give advice unless youre asked.)Obras son amores y no buenas razones.Acts are love and good reasons arent. (Actions speak louder than words.)Gobernar es prever.To govern is to foresee. (It is better to prevent problems than to fix them. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.)No dejes camino viejo por sendero nuevo.Dont leave the old road for a new trail. (Its better to stick with what works. A shortcut isnt always quicker.)No dejes para maà ±ana lo que puedas hacer hoy.Dont leave for tomorrow that which you can do today.Donde no hay harina, todo es mohina.Where theres no flour, everything is an annoyance. (Poverty breeds discontent. If your needs arent met, you wont be happy.)Todos los caminos llevan a Roma.All roads lead to Rome. (Theres more than one way to reach a goal. All actions have the same result.) And a Bonus Handful La lengua no tiene hueso, pero corta lo mà ¡s grueso. The tongue doesnt have a bone, but it cuts the thickest thing. (Words are more powerful than weapons.)La raà ­z de todos los males es el amor al dinero. The root of all evils is love toward money. (Love of money is the root of all evil.)A falta de pan, tortillas.Lack of bread, tortillas. (Make do with what you have. Half a loaf is better than none.)El amor es como el agua que no se seca. Love is like water that never evaporates. (True love lasts forever.)