Sunday, May 12, 2019

Breast Cancer Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Breast Cancer - seek Paper ExampleThe risk of converge cancer increases with her suppurate. A family history excessively enhances risk of disparager cancer. It is pertinent to notice that in 1970s, the risk of booby cancer was less than 10 percent that change magnitude to almost 12 percent in 2005 increasing further to 12.4 percent in 2007. As per the menstruum findings, risk of breast cancer at age 30 is 1 in 227 that increases to 1 in 42 at age 50 and further increases to 1 in 26 at age 70. Thus, age is the largest risk factor of breast cancer. Genetic changes in genes such(prenominal) as BRCA1 and BRCA2 are also responsible for occurring breast cancer (National Cancer Institute, 2014).Breast cancer does not have any perceptible symptoms in its initial stage. Lumps or swelling may be noticed in some cases though such symptoms are also found in non-cancerous condition. Routine monthly breast self-exam is suggested by health experts to detect any abnormality in the breasts. Annual mammogram is recommended for a woman having crossed age 40. earlier diagnosis always helps to treat the patient completely.Patient evaluation is done following the diagnosis of breast cancer. Selection of therapy will depend upon the stage of disease, the age and menopausal status, the PR and ER status musical composition of the tumor, proliferative capacity of the tumor. Breast cancer is treated by combination of one or several therapies such as radiation therapy, chemotherapy or hormone therapy (National Cancer Institute, 2014).Being physically active, maintaining a proper angle and limiting alcohol intake reduces risk of breast cancer. Regular screening is essential to prevent breast cancer reaching to an advanced stage (American Cancer Society (2013).If statistics is to be believed, breast cancer is sure on rise in last few decades. So far, medical science is unable to image the real causes behind breast cancer. It is fully curable when detected early and for that a nnual screening afterward age 40 is

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