Monday, June 10, 2019

Human resource-Manage industrial relations-report Essay

Human resource-Manage industrial transaction-report - Essay ExampleHuman resource management seems to complement industrial relations as it focuses on employers policies in order to manage the employment relation (Gardner & Palmer, 1997, p. 591). In addition to the above strategy the organization entrust incorporate tough corporate culture along with better management support as it is an ideal industrial relation situation and vital as the management recognizes the valuate and importance of the workplace. Thus adopting to the above mentioned strategy will lead the organization to have an effective industrial relation policy for its employees and employers in together. Effectiveness of the constitution Adopting the complementary approach organization will be able to emerge in the field of industrial relation. It focuses mainly on the productivity of the industry and will help the organization to achieve competitive advantage. The policy will take care of the employment system in the workplace and includes human resource as hygienic as labor relation practices. Therefore the policy will help the organization in both strategic manner and to meet the useable needs. The complementary approach will provide the organization with competitive advantage and the culture of the organization will provide the organization with a well delineate policies and industrial relation strategies. Procedures Related To the Policy The policy of the organization is to operate business in a way that will provide as well as preserve harmonious place to work for each its workers within the instrument of industrial relation like intellects and rewards and the management are focused to examine that the work is carried with minimum disruption and with industrial harmony (Acubis, n.d). When policies are made it is necessary to communicate close to the new or revised policy to all the members of the organization and it can be said that communication plays a very important role on t he success of the policies in organization. The employees need to know about the benefits of implementing the policy such as flexibility of working hours, incentives, training and development. The CEO should be the person to communicate the new industrial policy of the organization to all the employees. In addition to effective communication all industrial relation plans should also include contingency plans. Organization should assess all the potential peril as well as benefits which are associated with negotiation. Risk in relation to the implementation of new policy should be analyzed. Contemporary Industrial Issues Some of the modern industrial issue which Australia has been facing and it is assumed that the organization will also face similar kind of modern industrial issues. The following is the list of contemporary issues faced by the organization and Australia Globalization Technological changes Casual workplace and part time work place Work place flexibility bodied barg aining Reduction in job security Enterprise bargain in order to gain conditions more than awards Family friendly working patterns Australia workplace agreement Changing industrial and political landscape (UnionTeach, 2003). Globalization is one of the major issues concerning organization as more and more number of organization have been bear upon because of

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