Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Teaching Evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Teaching Evaluation - Essay ExampleThose who rely on auditory learning can listen to the lecture and the CDROM. The demonstration fibre of course helpful to learners who want to touch or experience the procedure. The best part of this method is teaching the students the process of preparing the lesson which is the best form of experiential learning. It also develops the habit of planning since materials needed should be anticipated to block waste of time.3. None. No extraneous variables affected the teaching or learning in the group. The probability of having extraneous variables was eliminated by the fact the eight students belong to a group with actually similar attributes like same year level. Also, there were no changes in the provision of instruction since the CD ROM is a constant. If there were many instructors delivering different topics, then the scenario would be filled with dependent variables. Thus, the group being homogenous plus the fact that the lesson is just one t opic supports the excuse that extraneous variables have no effect at all to the group.4. No. First, the method being widely accepted as mentioned before confirms that this type of lesson is precise feasible. From the setting of objectives which is focused on psychomotor skills, it is apparent that the lesson is being done properly because the desired learning outcomes match the objectives. The method is really relevant to the dependent since the students must be able to demonstrate the skills in actual life. The materials support the methodology since lecture provides the facts and demonstration provides the enabling of skills through observational learning. Even in social learning theories, students learn by direct observation of an act thus, this type of learning is recommended to students taking up nursing since the real job requires very high interaction with patients. Lastly, evaluation will definitely yield a good assessment due to the integrated teaching approach that cove rs all

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