Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Analysis of Fdr’s Address to the Nation After Pearl Harbor

An Essay on Franklin Deleno Roosevelt’s â€Å"Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation† also known as â€Å"The Day of Infamy Speech† English Part One General Program, Section 2 Assignment 1-5 Kristen Roberts Student Number JM1300012 April 1, 2013 On December seventh, 1941 hundreds of Japanese planes began an attack on the US naval base in Honolulu, Hawaii. The attack lasted two hours. The loss of battleships, planes and equipment was tremendous.But, the lives of over 2,000 soldiers that were lost and another 1,000 plus that were injured was a major factor in the thoughts that led up to the president, Franklin Roosevelt’s speech to the nation and the United States declaration of war against Japan. Mr. Roosevelt delivered his speech on December eight, 1941. The most famous quote from his speech is arguably â€Å"Yesterday, December 7th, 1941, a date which will live in infamy. † Mr. Roosevelt’s purpose in his address to the nation about Pearl Harbor was to allow the American people to have the knowledge of what had occurred the day before when the Japanese had attacked.He also used his speech to show the need to declare war on the Japanese. Roosevelt wanted to assure American’s he was aware of the peaceful relationship we had with Japan up until the air strike on Pearl Harbor. He explained our history with Japan and also made the argument that our government had no knowledge of the attack. He stated the attack had to have been planned because of his statement, â€Å"The distance of Hawaii from Japan makes it obvious that the attack was deliberately planned many days or even weeks ago. †Franklin Roosevelt used many words with similar meanings to assure the United States that our swift action against Japan was needed. He used the words â€Å"unprovoked attack,† â€Å"premeditated invasion† as well as â€Å"sudden and deliberate attack. † His behavior during his speech was very solemn and determi ned. He looked back and forth from the camera to his cabinet and all that were in the room with him at different times. He wanted to make sure each person felt he was talking to just them. Including those American who were watching on their televisions.He also wanted those who were listening on their radios to know his reasons for the speech. That is why he spoke very determined. My opinion of Frankin Roosevelt’s â€Å"Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation,† is that I think Mr. Roosevelt was right in everything he spoke about. He had been well informed of the situation and he wanted Americans to know what the government did each step of the way. He didn’t want anyone to be confused at the United States stand against the Japanese and why our nation was doing everything in our power to show the support of the people of our nation.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Millennium Travel Corporation

Millennium Travel Corporation (MTC) travel agency plans to become a market leader by augmenting its human travel agents with an automated travel agent system for processing flight reservations. The automated travel agent will intermediate between travelers and the MTC corporate computing system, which interfaces with commercial airline reservation services (e.g., SABRE). Like a human travel agent, it will assist travelers in booking, changing, and canceling flight reservations. If, for any reason, a traveler making a flight reservation travel request prefers human assistance, she will have the option to interact directly with a human travel agent. The MTC automated travel agent system will process a wide range of flight reservation service requests. These include, but are not limited to: †¢inquiring about flights and airfares,  Ã¢â‚¬ ¢making, changing, and canceling traveler profiles and accounts, †¢booking, changing, confirming, and canceling flight reservations, †¢generating travel itineraries. Service Request Transaction A user with a valid system account and a valid travel account logs in to the system, requests to book a flight reservation, selects a flight, selects a payment method, and specifies delivery services for the flight tickets and travel itineraries. The system will accommodate both individual and corporate traveler accounts for domestic and international flight reservation travel requests. System Requirements The travel agent system must be capable of providing fast, accurate, and courteous (â€Å"user friendly†) services for all requests supported. The system must be able to: †¢answer inquiries about flights and fares,  Ã¢â‚¬ ¢generate, modify, and cancel traveler profiles and travel accounts, †¢make, change, complete, and cancel reservations,  Ã¢â‚¬ ¢obtain payment method and verify traveler credit line,  Ã¢â‚¬ ¢generate travel itineraries and arrange for delivery of flight tickets and flight itineraries. Types of ticket delivery services include: mail, courier, and airport pick-up; types of itinerary delivery services include mail, fax, e-mail. Future Capabilities While at first the system will specialize in ticketing airline reservations, in the future it is expected to be able to: 1)Make hotel and rental car reservations. 2)Issue â€Å"ticketless† reservations. For example, â€Å"ticketless† flight reservations will work as follows: travel agents making flight reservations will issue travelers confirmation numbers (and not a ticket). At the airline gate the traveler will show photo identification and the gate agent will locate the flight reservation and issue a boarding pass.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Ethical situation in business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ethical situation in business - Essay Example The laws of the government should be such that it will provide desirable outcome and easier enforcement. And the agents of the society engaged in the civil functioning leads to promote security to the individuals in the society (Avina, 2009, p.1). The social responsibility of company in closing down the firms and later on reopening (requested over years) the firms dumping of food instead of donating it to the food banks was a good decision towards social responsibility of the company. The company can lead to the improvement of the situation within the community with the help of coordination with the community leaders and the members of the society in order to reduce the intensity of crime rates in the concerned area and lead to the establishment of optimal policies which will be implemented. The firm may also focus on the dimensions of objective performance assessments and that of policy prescriptions paradigm which will be based upon the crucial assessments of the societal trends an d best care practices predominant in the local as well as global chain of network (Avina, 2009, pp.1-2). One of the most important ways in enhancing the social responsibility of the company is to properly scrutinize the utilization and visibility of the investments made by the company. The firms would be highly vigilant so that their investments are not under-utilized and that impact should be lowered intensively (Young, 2012). The company should also focus more stringently on the internal practices and control of the staffing management for enhancing the social responsibility of itself. The company must be highly strong in the explicit and the visible support with respect to the commitment from the senior management for the purpose of maintaining the internal controls, ethics and compliances programs or devising strategies which would directed towards the prevention and curbing of bribery and mal practices within the organizations which further accentuates the crime rates of the ar ea. The system of the financial and accounting procedures along with that of systematic internal controls will be highly essential for ensuring the maintenance of fair as well as accurate book records which would be guaranteeing that no amount of money is spent in bribery as well as expropriation by force and coercion. The ethics and compliance program should be also strong enough in the prevention and detection of the foreign bribery (Good Practice Guidance on Internal Controls, Ethics, and Compliance, 2012). The company may work with the other businesses and small scale companies hand in hand which will provide benefits to the company as well as the businesses and companies in collaboration. Working with the other organizations will create a social unity which can be manifested in fighting against the crime rates. For a strong internal control, the company may engage loss prevention personnel patrol within the shop itself who will act as real shoppers. They will act as persons who will be trying on different merchandise and stuffs in the shop and simultaneously be vigilant on the shoplifters and thieves and shall stop them while leaving the store. The patrol must be totally sure that the crime has been committed by the convict. In this world of cut throat global competitiveness a large number of retail companies are applying this technique and the personnel must be following strict rules although there is a very high liability risks attached

Sunday, July 28, 2019

I'm one, Archie Anderson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

I'm one, Archie Anderson - Essay Example ing fed up – I’d like to get the government off my back.† This statement possesses a tone of conviction and through the manner by which he conveys the rest of his argument in a piece of story, Anderson exhibits an ethos via defending his natural right to make choices and decisions for himself, as a man of the right age and maturity in a free country. According to him, regulation must be fair to everyone and Anderson acknowledges the good impact of the segregation scheme in restaurants and public places where smokers gather in a particular area apart from non-smokers. However, he expresses fervent disagreement toward the prevailing notion that smoking must be banned anywhere for this would entail terms of illegality being imposed upon his own territory and properties over which he believes he has every right to exercise freedom. He retaliates as well against the probability of charging 800% tax-increase on cigarettes which to him is a such discriminatory proposition of the government. It makes no just treatment for smokers and once the state officials manage to accomplish this task, Anderson figures that the government would have a way of implementing other policies in which prohibitions may further affect the interests of non-smoking parties. With the nature of his argument, Anderson occurs to have effectively delivered pathos through the details that communicate concern regarding suppression of rights especially as he sounds democratic in the process. The target audience is the reader who could be a smoking or a non-smoking individual residing in the U.S. and Anderson calls the audience to a collective thought and action by the logic (logos) that if the government intervenes and is able to carry out certain measures that hold illegal an activity or inclination of most people and the latter fail to react properly, it would be as though they would be deprived of right to options and democracy. Hence, he convinces the target audience by making them perceive

Statistical concepts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Statistical concepts - Essay Example Regression has diverse applications in my professional life and an understanding of factors to team work is one of the scopes in which it can be applied. This is because of the skills ability to develop models of relationships among variables (Ott and Longnecker, 2010). I have also improved on my descriptive statistics skills, skills that relate to identification of main features of a data set. Major improvements are application of statistical software to facilitate computation of the statistics, and differences between the statistics and their corresponding parameters. Descriptive statistics skills such as ability to compute and interpret mode and standard deviation is applicable to understanding trends of occurrences in my daily life activities such as time spent on traffic, and time and money spent on leisure over a period of time. The skill is then applicable in budgeting for efficient utility and conservation of resources in my personal life. Like regression analysis skills, des criptive statistics skills are applicable in problem solution towards passing examinations that test the skills, either directly or indirectly. The skills are also applicable in understanding data in professional scopes towards effective managerial decisions. I have also developed competence in skills related to test of hypothesis, a concept that evaluates validity of occurrences. Even though they have limited application in my personal life because precision is not a necessity, the skills are important in ensuring accurate decisions in professional decisions, such as effectiveness of training on employees, and helps in passing examinations that test related concepts (Ott and Longnecker, 2010). Probability and sampling are concepts whose skills I... Statistical concepts This paper discuses some of the concepts and their possible roles in my personal life, my academics, and my professional life. The course has been instrumental to my knowledge of mathematical skills through introducing me to new concepts and helping me to review previously learnt concepts. Some of the skills that I have acquired or improved on during the course are skills on regression analysis, descriptive statistics, and test of hypothesis. Regression analysis is a mathematical skill for estimating relationships among variables and ascertaining significance of the relationships. It develops models of best fit for relationships by estimating coefficients of independent variables. With an established model, a dependent variable can be estimated, provided values of its associated independent variables are known. The mathematical technique helps in understanding relationships and in forecasting. In my personal life, regression analysis is fundamental to understanding categories of my e xpenditures and their respective burden on my total expenditure. Explored on from periodic expenditures, the skill can help me to understand expenditure categories that are significant to my total expenditures and the degree of significance of each category. This can then help me to review my preferences and align my expenditures to reflect on my preferences and needs. The skills are applicable to decision making processes in my personal and professional lives, and aid my academic competence.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Job Satisfaction Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Job Satisfaction - Research Paper Example In job satisfaction research, there are several variables (both quantitative and qualitative) that are vital while undertaking the research. Among the variables are gender (qualitative) and intrinsic (quantitative) components. Several studies suggest that demographic characteristics may be linked to a person’s satisfaction with their work. If gender relates to job satisfaction, this relation might be partly examined and explained by a mediating effect of another set of variables. However, the fact is there is no defined relationship between gender and job satisfaction. Inconsistencies in findings concerning the relationship between job satisfaction and gender may be because of various factors. Not only might females and males in the same firm differ in the job level, pay, promotion prospects and many more, but they may differ in the extent to which the same job satisfies their needs. Intrinsic rewards such as task significance, task autonomy, opportunities to learn new things, task involvement and recognition are vital antecedence to job satisfaction to employees in the organizations. The qualitative variable is a descriptive variable. They have a greater bearing on the result due to their manipulation of other parameters. Quantitative variables are variables that can be measured. They are purely mathematical in nature. In this study, gender is one of the qualitative variables it is descriptive in nature while intrinsic, benefits, departments and age can be measured hence they comprise the quantitative variables. The mean is 1.777778 while the standard deviation and sample variance are 0.423659 and 0.179487 respectively. At 95% confidence level, the SD is the deviation from the central mean. The skewness in -1.41623, therefore, job satisfaction tends to be skewed towards the men gender. The graphs explain that job satisfaction is fairly divided between males and females.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Policy Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Policy Paper - Essay Example Al-Shabaab, actually the Harakat Shabaab al-Mujahidin, was the rebellious branch of the Somali Council of Islamic Courts. A major portion of the southern Somalia was taken over by this group during the last six months of the year 2006. The group has exercised control over the southern and central Somalia, at times temporary, otherwise sustained through recruiting local sub-tribes along with their armed force, even forcibly. Majority of the fighters within the group are concerned with fighting against Somalia’s Transitional Federal Government (TFG). The senior leadership of Al-Shabaab group is associated with al-Qa’ida and it is believed that a number of the terrorists within the group have received training and battled in Afghanistan. Ideology of Al-Shabaab The ideology of Al-Shabaab is another tread towards the vision of the global ‘jihadist’ movement. The group operates with the notion that the troubles of Somalia can only be eradicated through such governance that runs on religious values. They work with the notion that everything has to be in compliance with the laws of the Islam. According to a report written by Abu Mansoor al-Amriki, an American mujahid, a conference was boycotted by the Al-Shabaab group because it was violently against working with any non-Islamic group. Al-Shabaab’s ideology was that if they work with any group that does not value religious belief, the scope of political feeling within the group increases. The politics ultimately build up a path that gives rise to defeats and losses. Ideology of the group that is developed upon the God’s verses makes the terrorists’ group believe that they are ‘good Muslims’. This idea of the group bars them from realizing their mis deed through taking the lives of many (Gartenstein, â€Å"The Strategic Challenge of Somalia's Al-Shabaab†). Structure of Al-Shabaab The nominal leader of the Al-Shabaab group is Sheikh Mohamed Mukhtar Abdirahman. However, according to various experts, the group’s activities are guided by a number of senior leaders. Al-Shabaab group is classified into mainly three geographical locations. The locations are: the regions of Bay and Bokool where it is led by Mukhtar Roobow, Mogadishu with southern and central Somalia and Somaliland and Puntland. There is another unit whose leader is not a member of the Al-Shabaab group but is believed to have a strong association with the group. A report of the ‘December 2008 UN Monitoring Group’ revealed that the four regional units of the group operates separately and even passes through conflicts among themselves. There are carious estimates about the exact size of the group. However, it is according to the notions of analy sts that people believed the group to be consisted of thousands of fighters. A major portion of the group belongs to the Hawiye tribal community

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Middle East Conflicts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Middle East Conflicts - Essay Example Though history is replete with the countless wars fought between the followers belonging to divergent faiths, where both the sides asserted their claim to be the people of God, yet the Middle East crisis have witnessed over two centuries long clashes along with six decades long bloody struggle between the Jews and Muslims. Consequently, four wars have been fought between the two communities in order to win complete domination and hold in the region. Took place in 1948, 1967, 1973 and 2006, the Arab-Israel conflicts are the worst precedents of wars in the name of religion. Historical Background: During 19th century, when the nationalist movements began to emerge in Europe and Jews were being persecuted in Austria, Prussia and England by the orthodox Christians, the Jews started dreaming of acquiring their separate homeland, where no one could gather courage to hurt, humiliate and discard their community. Thus the Zionist movement came into being by the end of nineteenth century. The Jews started to shifting to Palestine and purchased land there en mass. Initially, the Arabs allowed them live side by side with them, but due to the continuous increase in Jewish population, the Arab nationalism emerged, and the young generation started resistance against further Jewish immigration in the region. Twentieth century brought the news of independence for countless nations in the aftermath of two Great Wars between the then superpowers of the world, which had weakened the UK, Germany, France, Austria and Japan. Palestine was under the subjugation of the Ottoman Empire till 1917, which was captured by the Allied Forces in the aftermath of WWI. The big powers allow the Jews to enter their ‘promised land’ Israel in the neighborhood of Jerusalem, the most sacred area for Jews on the earth. It was really perturbing for the Arabs, who had been in majority and political domination in the entire region for

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Promoting Creativity for life Using Open-Ended Materials by walter F Essay

Promoting Creativity for life Using Open-Ended Materials by walter F. Drew and Baji Rankin - Essay Example The most vital of the creative arts is the teachers, families and the children who build up inner resources, making it potential, direct and a clear expression. The main aim of indulging in the creative arts is to pass the information, think critically, and have the mutual feeling that bonds the children with their teachers. The thoughts and feelings through locomotion and visual perceptions are elaborated through the procedure of playing and the creative arts that are formed. According to researches, children have spontaneous, creative self-expression which usually intensifies the sense of competence and the behavior that they portray as the mature to the adulthood stage. The passion of creative art formation is usually viewed as a playful behavior, where those involved have the willingness to collapse their daily rules and their effects. Play is based on the mind state, and it brings about the unexpected characters, the unlearned forms of free expression, the generation of association, which represent the distinct value of order and harmony, thus producing the sense of well being (Drew and Rankin 2004). Play and art formation, stimulate the acts of courage and is usually equal to the act of faith that caters for their belief outcomes. These are the actions require and builds resilience, advocacy, outcome and the capability to focus and act according to their intentions even of the outcome is usually renowned; when the children act to endure the uncertainty and the ambiguity that is usually supposed to enable them to pursue their immediate goals. These actions produce great sense of competence to the children, as they grow up to become reliable students. The children extend and deepen their comprehension through various experiences with the different materials used. This strategy is familiar to many early childhood t eachers, and it has been exhibited through the brain research, which implicates the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The primary objective of this course has been to prepare your writing Essay

The primary objective of this course has been to prepare your writing skills for academic success in the university's net-level - Essay Example One of the most difficult parts in writing an essay is how one starts. For this problem, one can save so much trouble by making a draft. This is the skeletal view of the essay which simply shows how one is to go about the essay. First, there should be an introduction which contains the hook or lead sentence. This is very important because as they say, â€Å"first impressions last† and since this is the first sentence, it should catch the attention of the reader. Informative sentences should follow which are related to the lead sentence as well as the thesis statement. The thesis statement is often the last sentence and it states what is supposed to be discussed in the following paragraphs. The next paragraphs should have definite topics and if needed, they should also contain subtopics. The importance of each topic can be arranged from the least important to the most important depending on how the writer wants to present his ideas. The most important thing to consider in makin g a draft is to write the lead sentence and thesis statement in complete sentences. The other information could be phrases or just words. This will serve as a guide for the writer, making his task a lot easier. Sentence construction is another important thing that I have learned in writing. In this area, I could say that I improved a lot and I know that I need to improve further because I can use this skill in my future writing experiences. Before this class, I had very bad sentence constructions. They were often short but others had difficulty understanding me. However, through hard work and determination, I improved on my grammar and I could say that the people I deal with are now able to understand me better. I am now very careful with my subject and verb agreement as well as with other rules that I should follow in making my sentences. I also use vary the length of my sentences, using short and long sentences alternately to make a better paper. In addition, I also improved in my vocabulary. I am have grown the number of words I know and I try to gain more by using the new words I learn in my daily dealings not only in school but also at home. Equally important that I have learned is the making of paragraphs. I understand that this is not simply a group of sentences that make up a formatted paragraph. Rather, they are sentences which are related to each other. Therefore, it is important that a writer’s ideas should be well-organized in order for the sentences to give a clear picture of what is being discussed. I have learned to organize my thoughts with the help of the draft and also through critical thinking. I also bear in mind that the sentences should give a smooth flow of ideas so that readers will be able to follow my train of thought. Moreover, I learned that transition sentences are important in making paragraphs because they help readers expect that the writer is about to change the subject matter. With the help of this class and the Interna tional Writing Community, I have improved with my writing skills and I could say I am now competent in this area. I have learned to make a draft to make my task easier. I also learned to write my sentences correctly with the use of the right words in order to effectively communicate my thoughts. My paragraphs are now substantial, containing informative sentences that have a smooth flow of transitioning from one topic to another. I believe that I am now ready

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Great War career of Field Marshal Douglas Haig Essay Example for Free

The Great War career of Field Marshal Douglas Haig Essay Considered assessment of the Great War career of Field Marshal Douglas Haig. Douglas Haig was appointed as commander of the BEFs 1st Army Corps at the outbreak of World War One in 1914 with Sir John French as Commander in Chief of the British Army. By the end of 1915 it became apparent that Sir John French was ill-suited to the role and Douglas Haig replaced him as Commander-in-Chief. Haig became one of the most controversial figures in military history with tag-lines such as the butcher of the Somme and an incompetent leader being the most associated with him. His tough and decisive leadership style with apparent little compassion to the huge amounts of British deaths during World War One made him one of the most debated person in history with varying views of his leadership style. It is widely believed that Haig was unwilling to accept new ideas but stick to his traditional, military experience with reluctance to hear new ideas and recommendations. Major Desmond Morton who served as one of Haigs adjutants said He (Haig) hated being told any new information, however irrefutable, which militated against his preconceived ideas or beliefs. This reliable source that gives an insight to the leadership of Haig goes on to say that John Charteris was being a sycophant to Haig and although he was anincredibly bad head of intelligence, Haig favoured him because he was conservative of the truth and always concealed bad news, or put it in an agreeable light. This is backed up by General Sir James Marshall-Cornwall who said that One of the faults of Haigs nature was that he trusted too completely some of his immediate subordinates. This is supported by the History Learning Site who says that Haig had little time for new military ideas and was steeped in the ways that he knew-conventional tactics. His history as a cavalry commander enforces this quote of Haig sticking to what he knew best and an inability to listen to new ideas or react to a changing situation-essential characteristics of a cavalry commander. Further criticism to Haigs inability to listen to new ideas is given by Liddell Hart when he states that Haig failed in his poor receptivity of ideas. However, some people hold the view that Haig and the other generals in The Great War were receptive to new ideas and did change tactics. The BBC History site says that it is not true, as some think, that British Generals and troops simply stared uncomprehendingly at the barbed wire and trenches, in reality, the Western Front was a hotbed of innovation as the British and their allies and enemies experimented with new approaches. Whilst not directly talking about Haig, this does imply that although Haig may not have been the most experimental leader, despite this view it did not impact on the experimenting of new ideas that took place within the Army. Mike Hone would agree with this evaluation of Haig when he wrote the fact is that British tactics developed considerably during the war. The disastrous first day of the Battle of the Somme resulted in huge amounts of analysis and blame put on the event with mixed interpretations. With 19,240 soldiers being killed on the first day alone it was one of the most costly battles in the history of warfare. The planning and conducting of the battle of Somme by Field Marshal Haig has also been subjected to criticism and evaluation. As Commander in Chief of the British Army, Haig is responsible for the welfare and safety of all British Soldiers and this has primarily led to the vast criticism of Haig regardless of Haigs direct actions. A Battle of the Somme timeline compiled by says that on the 23rd January 1916 whilst preparing for the preliminary attacks on a 20,000 yard front on the Somme to commence on 20th April, General Joseph Jaques Cesaire Joffre, Commander in Chief of the French Army suggested to Haig wearing down attacks prior to the main joint offensive starting on 20th April and the other in May. However, the source goes on to say that Haig rejects the plan. Whilst this may not be an extremely surprising quote it does present a worrying situation. Dennis Wheatley who served during the Great War wrote that He (Haig) had a rooted dislike of the French and was not even a second rate general. It presents an extremely worrying possibility that Haigs personal feelings and attitudes could have led to poor decisions and the loss of many innocent lives. The rejection of the French plan is also a further example of both his decisive leadership and his inability to listen to advice and recommendations. This also shows that Haigs planning of attacks are of an extremely dictatorial nature with a strong sense that his traditions of leadership should be withheld regardless of any interventions. Later on in this timeline, Haig replies to Joffre again on 10th April 1916 to again reject another of his ideas and on the same day, Haig received a revised plan from Rawlinson suggesting a long artillery perpetration rather than Haigs preferred hurricane bombardment. Communication during Haigs planning of the Battle of the Somme has also been under scrutiny after GHQ writes to Rawlinson that it was not clear whether his attack or that of the Second Army at Messines would start first . Both communications and Haigs decisions were disputed during the timeline of events, creating a picture of a dictatorial, private ruler who wanted to plan the British attacks by himself, using traditional methods and without any assistance, information or ideas. PW Turner and RH Haigh wrote that the planning of the Somme campaign was ham-fisted and clumsy. The fault for the failure of most of the strategic planning must fall on Haig. They hold the view that the failure in planning for the Somme was not due to communications or incorrect decisions but of national and personal pride and that Haig and his generals must have some spectacular victory to prove how right they were. The historians conclude that Haig promised victory and failed. This account holds the view that Haig was fulfilling his role of winning the war. He was a traditional leader in the sense that he was given an order (to win the war) and he was to complete that task at whatever cost. Martin Gilbert gave a somewhat more favourable view to the plan that Haig drew up. Gilbert believed that Haig made a logical plan to wear out the enemy and exhaust his reserves and then prepare for a decisive attack made with the objective of piercing the enemy lines. Gilbert the goes on to explain how Haig elaborated and made it extremely clear that it was to be a decisive account similar to his leadership. Haigs plan went on to describe that once the Germans had been worn down and used up their reserves-but not until then-a mass of troops would be thrown in at some points where the Enemy has show himself to be weak with the definite objective to break through and win victory . Gilberts view of Haigs planning is of an optimistic plan by Haig with clear and logical objectives. Norman Stone agrees with Gilbert that Haigs plan was logical but points out that Haigs information and intelligence from the Somme was flawed. Stone explains how Haig still imagined that the German line could be breached and cavalry could pour through the gap, but it could have been poured more effectively elsewhere. Stone simply explains that the solidification of the German line in 1914 along ridges allowed their guns a greater advantage and gave them the benefit of earth less likely to turn into mud. Stone concludes that the most Haig could do would be to take those ridges. Although the Brittish war industry was rapidly expanding to capabilities able to make thousands of guns and millions of shells able to launch a bombardment Haig did not trust his mens capacity, and Hereford relied on crushing bombardment. Stone points out that he believed this was probably the error in the planning of the Somme. After the catastrophic first day of the battle, questions were being asked about why to continue with the battle, why should Haig risk another 20,000 British lives? Martin Gilbert says that the Germans knew that the British would not give up. It was part of the British spirit and would not honour the 20,000 already killed to simply give up. It also didnt comply with Haigs determination to fulfil his task of winning the war. Questions regarding the planning of the battle also arose- why was the wire not cut? Why were the Germans still alive after such heavy bombardment? Was it an British failure of a German success and who should ultimately be blamed for the deaths of so many innocent soldiers? Some people like Desmond Morton believe that figures such as John Carteris who was head of intelligence was incredibly bad and sycophant nature of his relationship with Haig led to incorrect predictions that formed Haigs plans. The overestimated results of the British bombardment by British generals is extremely clear by Martin Gilberts description of what British soldiers had to carry and what they were expecting. They carried a rifle with fixed bayonet, between 170 and 220 rounds of small arms, two grenades, a waterproof cape(although it was a beautiful summers day), two sandbags, a steel helmet, two gas helmets, a pair of google against tear gas, a first aid field dressing and iodine, waterproof groundsheet, filled water bottle, haversack, mess tin, towel, shaving kit, extra socks, message book, uneaten rations, extra cheese, one preserved and one iron ration. In addition 40% would carry shovels and 10% would carry picks and one battalion was given a tin of grey paint each. This resulted in about sixty-six pounds of equipment. Historian General Edmonds wrote the weight of this equipment made it difficult t get out of a trench, impossible to move much quicker than a slow walk or to rise and lie down quickly Historian Peter Liddle agrees with this conclusion adding thousands of men offering so bulky and slow-moving a target would crumple to the ground quickly enough but would not rise at all, never mind quickly In addition to this, a planned stun tactic was used to explode mines in front of German trenches two minutes before the assault but this resulted in craters being formed allowing the Germans to occupy these craters, install machine guns and deliver devastating fire upon the British Army. The overestimation of the success of the bombardment by Haig resulted in the false expectations of British soldiers to be able to simply walk across no-mans land and create the beginning of the end of the Great War. This is evident in Martin Gilberts long list of issued equipment-40% of men carried a shovel obviously for digging trenches, 2 sandbags each to protect their trenches, rations and groundsheets to be able to stop overnight during their long advance. If the British generals had correctly estimated the effects if the bombardment, British soldiers would not have gone over the top and 20,000 lives could have been spared. Personally, I believe the initial failure of the battle of the Somme was down to the leadership and intelligence of the British generals. Soldiers trusted them for the correct information that would lead to the overall success of the battle-in reality false predictions led to the slaughter of thousands of innocent lives. Haigs continuation of the battle led to the monumental and historical introduction of the tank and the eventual victory over the Germans. The planning of the offence in Passchendaele was viewed by Stone to have made sense that Haig wanted to advance in Flanders. Stone explains that the German position was strong with height, the Messines ridge and could fire at Ypres from the side. It also allowed the British to deal with the submarine base at Zeebrugge. Stone believed that the British army was very strong with millions of shells and considerable experience with the kind of bombardment that might loosen the defence. The problem of the water table at Passchendaele resulted in near certain considerable amounts of mud whenever it rained or was churned up by shell. Although eventual success occurred following the explosion of the Messines ridge on 7th June the initial success lured the generals into disaster Disaster arose when Haig threw away the advantage. Stone says that there was an extraordinary interval before the next British attack.during which the German defences were strengthened and allowed the Germans to install pill boxes in which heavy machine-guns were placed. Therefore, it becomes clear that the initial planning of Passchendaele was extensive and proved a huge success but the resulting actions from Haig led to a catastrophic German rebound as a direct consequence of the leadership of Haig. The 21st March 1918 saw a large German bombardment starting at 4:40 am and lasted until 9:40 pm. It resulted in a million shells being fired and a British retreat over the old Somme battlefield to the French town of Amiens. Later in the year when German reserves were disrupted, Norman Stone describes how Rawlinson, Monash and Currie had to persuade Haig to not persist with the attack beyond a few days. J Rickard wrote that during the planning of the Battle of Amiens, Haig had directed General Rawlinson, to prepare for an attack on the salient. He goes on to explain that Rawlinson developed a plan fro a tank battle. Rawlinson had a multi-national army with American, Australian, Canadian and British divisions. Interestingly, Haig was also given control of the French First Army. However, Haig launched a second attack further nothing, using the Third Army. The purpose of this attack known as the battle of Bapaume, was to force the Germans back to the line of the somme. This attack began n 21 August.the British advance forced the Germans to retreat to the Somme. The battle of Amiens gives an example of times when Haigs leadership proved to be successful. Although Haig used the same methods of leadership as he did at the Somme and Passchendaele, the decisive, stubborn approach was needed here to drive the Germans back at a time when the German defence was at its weakest, the perfect cond itions for the leadership of Haig. The National Archives describe how the final German assault which started in the Spring of 1918 very nearly succeeded. The final German assault, which culminated in the Spring of 1918, very nearly succeeded. American forces were vital in holding the line but it was the British who took the lions share of territory and prisoners, no doubt in part thanks to Haigs still inspiring leadership. However, questions have now been asked as to whether Haig nearly settled for a compromise with the Germans. Nick Allen wrote for the Daily Telegraph thatHaig didnt realise how weak German forces were towards the end and wanted to settle for a compromise, according to Dr J P Harris, senior lecturer in War Studies at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. Dr Harris said: He wanted to offer the Germans very, very, easy ceasefire terms in late 1918.That could have left Germany with its armed forces, including its artillery, and its territorial gains in Eastern Europe intact. The end of World War One on 11th November 1818 was a result of many factors that all came together. The arrival of fresh troops from America in the summer of 1918 gave the allied forces a very large advantage. History on the Net explains how The German commander Erich Ludendorff (right) was a brilliant military commander and had won decisive victories over Russia in 1917 that led to the Russian withdrawal from the war.In 1918 he announced that if Germany was to win the war then the allies had to be defeated on the Western Front before the arrival of American troops. The British Naval Blockade led to food shortages in Germany and subsequent protests on the streets of Berlin. October 1918 saw the resignation of German commander Ludendorff and a naval mutiny. Kaiser Wilhelm II then abdicated on November 8th 1918 and an armistice was signed on November 11th 1918. The controversial leadership of Field Marshal Haig throughout the Great War is subject to so many different views and opinions by different historians, making an informed assessment on his leadership is extremely challenging. However, I do believe that the infamous catastrophic first day of the Somme was down to poor intelligence, predictions and overestimation. Men were sent to their deaths in appalling conditions whilst I do not think that Haig was solely to blame, I do believe that his distinct leadership style was not suited to the planning of the Somme and as commander in chief he does have overall responsibility for the safety and wellbeing of all men in the Army. However, his leadership style fitted the circumstances of the final year of the great war. 1918 saw circumstances requiring decisive, quick and dictatorial actions at a time when German defences were weak and rapid advancements needed to be made. Haig played an incredibly important role in the final year which ultimately led to allied victory along with the help of the fresh American soldiers. In Conclusion, I believe that Field Marshal Haig had an incredibly unique leadership style that only fitted the final phases of the war. The inability to listen to new ideas and dictatorial style during the Battles of Somme and Passchendaele I believe led to the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent soldiers. Poor intelligence also contributed to the immense disaster of the first day of the Somme. Whilst Haig has a duty to take responsibility forthe deaths of British soldiers I certainly believe that a number of factors contribute to both the successes and failures of the Great War and no single person or factor can take overall responsibility.

AP Dashanchurna Essay Example for Free

AP Dashanchurna Essay Operating since 1912, Ayurvedia Pharmacy is one of the oldest operating pharmacies in Bangladesh. Despite its long life, it has failed to make its mark as one of the prominent companies in this country. It has a range of over 100 products but only four of these are prominent. Even among these four, some are faltering and losing ground to new entrants. AP Dashanchurna (white toothpowder) is one of these products. AP Dashanchurna has been around for a very long time, but it gained popularity after the current owners took over the company from the government in the year 1979. It gained the epitome of popularity in the years 1990-95 when this name was a household name. Regretfully, AP Dashanchurna has not been able to hold on to its glory. AP Dashanchurna is now a losing concern. The company has held onto this product simply because it has been one of the flagship brands of the company for a long time. The problem with AP Dashanchurna is that it has failed to capitalize on its long life and fame. In the meantime, products like Magic Toothpowder, Colgate Toothpowder, Shakti Majan etc have gained significant foothold in the market. These companies take a more structured approach to identifying the target market and have significantly better marketing communication. AP Dashanshurna has failed because it has not balanced its marketing communication with the target market and hence lost customers. It also failed to make use of its chief strength, the herbal makeup of the products. AP Dashanchurna is launching a new campaign in an effort to rejuvenate the product. They are bringing changes in the packaging, going for television commercials and newspaper advertisements. They do not undertake any activities to find out consumer insights, and marketing communications are based only on gut feeling of the marketers. A set of recommendations have been proposed for AP Dashanchurna. Our recommended marketing campaign is focused on its relevant target market and its perception in the market. The whole marketing mix has been renovated and a new marketing mix has been suggested for AP Dashanchurna. It is expected that this marketing mix will help redeem the product’s value and perception in its target market.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Stigma of Self-Harm in Healthcare Services

Stigma of Self-Harm in Healthcare Services Self-harm a deliberate attempt to self-poison or self-injure regardless of the incentive or suicidal intent is a growing problem in the United Kingdom with a heavy burden on health-care systems. Despite this escalating crisis, attitudes from health professionals who treat self-harmers remain negative and the quality of care is deteriorating. The myths of why people self-harm play a substantial role in health professionals perceptions of self-harmers, which impacts on the efficacy of intervention and recovery rates; however, these myths are far from the reality. This article will reveal the stigma that self-harmers encounter from those at the front-line of our healthcare services and will seek to explain the real reasons behind self-harmful behaviour. By increasing public awareness and educating health professionals on the motives behind self-harmful behaviour, misconceptions and negative attitudes can be diminished. Studies show that self-harm is a common pattern among adolescents and young adults 13-25% has reported a history of self-injury. Although many young people only engage in self-harm once or twice, others go on to become chronic self-harmers, with studies evidencing that 6% of the college population do chronically self-harm. Still, these figures may be underestimated as many self-harmers do not seek help. Due to the lack of knowledge and negative misconceptions, those who do seek help report unsatisfactory care from paramedics and emergency staff, who are often the first point of contact. Front-line professionals are in a rare position to interrupt the cycle of self-harm; however, with inadequate rapport between staff and patients, the cycle will continue to have devastating consequences on individuals in need of help. The following misconceptions are put forward. The first misconception of why people self-harm is the desire to end ones life. In a systematic review of attitudes towards people who self harm, it was found that suicide-risk was a common reason for self-injury as agreed among most clinical staff groups (Saunders, Hawton, Fortune Farrell, 2012). Whilst self-harm is the biggest predictor of suicidality, those who self-injure do so as a means to manage their distress and cope with negative feelings. The affect regulation model of self-injury proposes that it is a method to relieve acute negative feelings and emotions. It is suggested that early environment may play a role in affect regulation by teaching poor coping strategies to deal with emotional distress. It is also suggested that those with a biological disposition for emotional instability may be more prone to resort to this strategy to manage their emotions. In a systematic review of self-harm (Edmondson, Brennan House, 2015), affect-regulation was found to be the most commo n reason for the behaviour. Quantitative studies revealed that the majority of participants (93%) favoured affect-regulation items such as to get relief from a terrible state of mind or calming myself down. This was further supported by qualitative studies which reported that the majority of participants (92%) endorsed in reasons such as relieving emotional pain or to calm myself when Im incredibly emotional or upset. In further support of the affect-regulation model, research has reported that self-harmers have a poor ability to regulate emotions when experiencing negative affect, as indicated by MRI scans revealing greater amygdala activation (Davis et al., 2014). Consequently, this research shows that self-harm is often carried out for the purpose of reducing negative emotions and to avoid attempting suicide, as opposed to the misconception of health professionals. The second misconception of why people self-harm is attention-seeking and manipulation. A study which examined nurses perceptions of self-harmers revealed that labels were used to describe patients such as attention seekers or time wasters (Shaw Sandy, 2016). Although some self-harmers agree that self-injury is an attention-seeking act, most insist that it is a help-seeking strategy. The interpersonal-influence model argues that self-harm is undertaken as a means of influencing people in the self-harmers environment. It is argued that self-harm is a cry for help, an avoidance of abandonment or an effort to ensure that they are listened to. To support this, research has found that the second most commonly reported reason for deliberate self-harm is a cry for help motive, including reasons such as to show how desperate I was feeling or to hope that others notice something is wrong (Muehlenkamp, Brausch, Quigley Whitlock, 2012). In a systematic review (Edmondson et al., 2015), interpe rsonal influence was a common reason for self-harm. Quantitative studies revealed that a large majority of participants (87%) favoured interpersonal influence items such as to seek help from someone or letting others know the extent of my physical pain. This was further supported by qualitative studies which reported that over half of the participants (56%) supported interpersonal reasons such as I received the warmth, love and attention I had been looking for. Reasons such as to frighten someone or to shock or hurt someone are least commonly endorsed. This research supports the view that self-harm is a call for help, unlike the misconception which suggests that self-harm is an act of manipulation. A third misconception is that self-harmers can stop if they want to. Although this is true for some, studies have shown that self-harm can become an addiction. In substance addiction, there is a positive reinforcement which is associated with increasing dopamine levels in the brain and negative reinforcement which is associated with relieving negative mood states. Research has found that negative reinforcement plays a part in self-injury. Participants generally experience negative feelings before self-harming, including sadness and frustration but subsequently experience positive feelings after the act, including euphoria and satisfaction (Klonsky, 2009). In a qualitative study, participants compared their self-harm to having a drug addiction (Brown Kimball, 2012). They declared that self-injury was a reliable fix for overwhelming feelings and they had experienced highs from their self-harming behaviour. Participants also stated that their need to self-harm progressed over time, inc luding the frequency and intensity, and when trying to stop the behaviour they would feel a greater urge to continue. Furthermore, biological research has found that self-harmful behaviour releases endorphins in the brain which produces a euphoric state, reducing pain and alleviating emotional distress (Sher Stanley, 2009). Therefore, self-harmful behaviour can be overpowering and can be a challenge to cease, unlike the misconception that one can easily stop if they want to. Although the code of professional conduct states that health professionals should be kind, respectful, compassionate, non-judgemental and show an appreciation of diversity and equality, it appears that many hospital staff are not following this important regime. Whilst these misconceptions are circulating healthcare systems, perceptions and attitudes toward self-harmers remain unchanged. Discrimination towards those vulnerable can be direct and indirect. Research has revealed that some staff deliberately distant themselves from self-harming patients because they hold feelings of irritation, anger and frustration towards them, especially those who frequently return to hospital (Conlon Tuathail, 2012). Some health professionals may not be aware of their attitude; however, their demeanour and manner towards patients can appear obvious to the recipient. As a result, self-harming patients become less of a priority compared to those with a physical illness; consequently, influencing their entitlement to care. Correspondingly, many self-harming patients feel ignored by health professionals and believe that they are perceived as harder work or time consumers (Chapman Martin, 2014). Research has found that young people who self-harm have reported avoiding the access and emergency department due to their own and others previous unsatisfactory experiences. It has been reported that patients have experienced discrimination and have been denied care, such as pain relief, because they have caused their own injuries. Patients were also denied information and were talked about in an ignorant manner. They were also told by health professionals that they were selfish, inconsiderate and were wasting time that could be spent on real patients. Consequently, negative attitudes reinforced the feelings of shame and worthlessness leading to further self-harmful behaviour. This influenced their future decisions to avoid help from health professionals (Owens, Hansford, Sharkey Ford, 2016). Although some health professionals can be stigmatizing towards self-harming patients, other professionals such as nurses feel helpless, powerless and dissatisfied when caring for these patients due to lack of knowledge and training. Nurses feel frustrated as the emergency department is not helpful in treating patients who self-harm the busy nature of the environment, lack of time, privacy and resources all of which prevent the development of therapeutic relationships (Martin Chapman, 2014). Nurses feel that treatments and interventions are insufficient and self-harm patients require specialist treatment which the emergency department cannot provide (Gibb et al., 2010). Research has found a negative relationship between staff members negative attitudes and knowledge: health professionals who have an accurate knowledge of self-harmful behaviour show a more positive attitude overall and feel more effective at treating patients. Moreover, when nurses are keen to empathise with self-ha rming patients, the rapport between the nurse and patient is generally more positive (Tzeng, Yang, Tzeng Chen, 2010). Research has shown that when nurses are provided with mental health training, their attitude changes towards those who self-harm. For example, nurses become more empathetic and patient-orientated. Nurses also described having more confidence to communicate effectively with patients. This positively influenced feedback from patients and the team atmosphere (Karman, Kool, Gamel Meijel, 2015). Key findings: There are three main misconceptions surrounding the motives and intentions of self-harm self-harmers are suicidal, attention seeking and/or manipulative, and they have the ability to stop self-harming when they want to. Psychological theories (the affect-regulation model, the interpersonal-influence model) and research challenge these misconceptions and claim that people self-injure in order to manage their emotions or to seek help from those around them, and their ability to stop can be hindered by the addictive nature. Health professionals direct and indirect behaviour can influence the care that a self-harming patient receives, potentially increasing the risk of further self-harm. Health professionals report feeling powerless when caring for self-harming patients due to the nature of the environment, lack of resources, skills and knowledge. Self-harming patients are receiving unsatisfactory care which suggests that there is a lack of knowledge and procedure for managing these patients. The national guidelines are designed to influence local and departmental policies to lead front-line staff; however, this system appears to be failing, as the procedure to care for those who self-harm remains ineffective (Rees, Rapport, Thomas, John Snooks, 2014). Health professions working in the National Health Service are already under strenuous pressure, working long hours and coping with increasing workloads and organisational changes due to the lack of resources and funding. At present, this is an on-going struggle for staff, so with the accumulation of further education and training, this may be seem like an impossible challenge. Nevertheless, patients are priority in the code of professional conduct and it is an ethical issue if health professionals continue to ignore this code. In any case, there is a strong link between self-harm and suicide, despite many self-harmers agreeing that suicidality is not a motive. Therefore, these patients should be taken seriously and health professionals should be made aware of the risk of suicide, especially those who are inexperienced. Consequently, there are many suggestions that can be made in order to reduce stigma and improve healthcare for those who self-injure. First, health professionals should be educated on the motives behind self-harmful behaviour and the context in which it occurs. Education may not work alone; therefore, it may be beneficial if a trainer with personal experiences of self-harm shares their story in order to inform professionals through a traditional-transference approach (Karman, Kool, Gamel Meijel, 2015). This will provide professionals with a deeper understanding and will help to change perceptions of those who self-harm. They should also be educated on communication and interpersonal skills, which will help to enhance therapeutic relationships between staff members and patients. In addition to education, on-going training for health professionals should be provided to continuously update their knowledge and skills to care for those with self-injuries. Training should cover knowledge, understanding, attitudes, behaviours, risk assessment and management of self-harming patients. Staff should also be trained to identify risky behaviours and to understand the barriers that self-harmers encounter, as well as understanding their mental health needs and helping them to seek advice and guidance. In addition, refection in practice should be encouraged when caring for people who self-harm. In short, policy documents, care pathways, protocols and local guidelines should be reviewed and revised so that education and training needs of health professionals are met. This will potentially influence the care that self-harmers receive. Health professionals should treat self-harming patients as any other sick patients on the ward and communicate sensitively. They should aim to develop rapport with patient in order to improve patients engagement with the services. Nevertheless, health professionals who work on wards where self-harm is severe may also require extra support from colleagues and managers or may require psychological support such as debriefing. If the pressure is too intense for health professionals, a brief screening tool could be introduce to help identify those at risk of suicide. Alternatively, there could be a specialised clinician working on emergency departments supervising front-line staff. Thus, a multi-disciplinary framework may be the ultimate approach to success which will also relieve some pressure off front-line staff. The context which care is provided to patients and the lack of training and support from managers can challenge professionals ability to do their job which affects their confidence and increases feelings of frustration and negativity.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

My Philosophy of Education Essays -- Educational Educating Teaching Es

My Philosophy of Education â€Å"Your school work is much better today, Mr. Teddy Bear. I’m glad to see you’ve been paying attention.† I have spoken these kinds of words many of times during my youth, as I pretended to live out my dream of being a teacher. Lining up my stuffed animals and dollies, I would go over the daily lecture with my attentive class, making up homework and grading papers with the greatest of joy. These memories motivate me to fulfill my dream of preparing students for a live after high school, opening up the world of literature, and succeeding in ways my previous teachers did not. Because Literature is my passion, I plan to graduate from Concord College with a degree in English Education. After graduation, I would like to get my feet we teaching or substitution at a middle or high school while I apply to graduate schools. I hope to continue doing this while I take graduate classes so that I may gain experience in the education field. I hope to get my masters to that I can eventually become a college professor of literature. I have also toyed with the idea of acquiring my doctorate. I believe that English is a subject that all students need a firm grip upon to succeed in the real world. Reading and writing are major skills that everyone should possess because they can either move a person forward or hold a person back. Obviously, reading is important because we are faced with this requirement day after day. Whether it is road signs, cooking instruction, mailing addresses, or television advertisements, reading is something that a person cannot escape. Speaking properly is also very important because one can be judged by how well they speak. In simple terms, it ... ...tion is extremely important, because it instills important knowledge where it is lacking, so that a person can function properly in the real world. Without basic educational knowledge, a person can become alienated from society, and left to feel embarrassed. The possession of good education had become so dire that it is required for almost any occupation, especially one that is highly respected. As a teacher, I hope to convey basic English skills, critical thinking skills, and basic values that will remain with my students throughout their lives. In short, I have always dreamed of becoming a teacher, and with every day my desire grows. Teachers mold students, who are our future, so we must prepare them well. After all, would you want an uneducated person running our country or performing open heart surgery? I think we can all agree on that answer.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Extinction of Dinosaurs due to Asteroid Impact Essay -- Exploratory Es

Extinction of Dinosaurs due to Asteroid Impact Nobody knows for sure exactly how the dinosaurs became extinct. However scientists have speculated for decades about possible events that caused the dinosaurs to die out. Possibilities range from asteroids, to volcanoes, to climate changes. One of the more popular or well-known extinction theories involves the belief that an asteroid struck the Earth, causing devastating effects, and triggering mass extinctions around the end of the Cretaceous period. The asteroid impact extinction theory began in 1980 with Luis and Walter Alvarez, a father and son team. They theorized that an asteroid struck the Earth at the close of the Cretaceous period, causing devastating effects and mass extinctions (Botzer 2004). Then, in the early 1990s, Alan Hildebrand, an associate professor at the University of Calgary, discovered the Chicxulub crater on the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico. This crater was 186 miles in diameter and six miles deep, and it was created when an asteroid hit the Earth approximately sixty-five million years ago. This asteroid is said to have strike the Earth with a force of 100 million to 300 million megatons of TNT (Recer 1993). With the discovery of the crater came the theory that this particular asteroid killed the dinosaurs and caused other mass extinctions. It was believed that the impact of the asteroid increased temperatures to above 20,000 degrees, sent massive tidal waves and earthquakes across the Earth, and fill ed the atmosphere with dust and chemicals, which blocked the sun. It was then hypothesized that the blocking of the sun led to drastic climate changes, allowing the Earth to cool, and creating a climate too cold for the warm-blooded dinosaurs (Re... 300,000 years after the impact. We still don’t know for sure what happened to the dinosaurs, and there is a possibility that we never will know. However, several signs indicate that the Chicxulub asteroid probably created conditions that begin the decline of the dinosaurs. This was most likely followed by a second large impact, or several smaller impacts that caused drastic changes in the environment and resulted in the mass extinction. Works Cited Botzer, Angela. â€Å"That Asteroid Didn’t Kill Dinosaurs, Study Says.† National Geographic News. 9 Mar 2004. 31 Mar 2004 Keller, Gerta, et al. â€Å"Chicxulub Impact Predates the K-T Boundary Mass Extinction.† PNAS Online. 2 Mar 2004. 5 Apr. 2004 Recer, Paul. â€Å"Crater Theory: Big Space Rock Did in Dinosaurs.† Times 17 Sep. 1993: National.

turning women into leaders :: essays research papers

The evident under-representation of women in physics has broad implications, particularly for industries and government agencies that need technically educated staff. Quite simply, the global scientific workforce is failing to use a large fraction of its talent pool. The shortage of female physicists in academia exacerbates the situation, in that female students lack role models in the field. Of course, the nature and magnitude of the problem varies from country to country. But what is remarkably consistent is that the percentage of women in physics in all countries decreases markedly with each step up the academic ladder and with each level of promotion in industrial and national laboratories. The result is a dearth of women among physicists in leadership positions worldwide. Women are also poorly represented among physicists in decision-making roles in top research institutes, funding agencies, professional societies and government. Yet women who do reach these top positions seem to command as much respect as their male peers - and sometimes even more. So how has this situation arisen? In her book Why So Slow?: The Advancement of Women (1998 MIT Press), the psychologist Virginia Valian discusses the roles of what she calls "gender schemas" and "the accumulation of advantage and disadvantage". As she writes: "A set of implicit, or nonconscious, hypotheses about sex differences plays a central role in shaping men and women's professional lives. These hypotheses, which I call gender schemas, affect our expectations of men and women, our evaluations of their work, and their performance as professionals." Valian argues that small differences in the evaluation and treatment of men and women hold up the glass ceiling. "A useful concept in sociology is the accumulation of advantage and disadvantage. It suggests that, like interest on capital, advantages accrue, and that, like interest on debt, disadvantages also accumulate. Very small differences in treatment can, as they pile up, result in large disparities in salary, promotion and prestige." It may sound like a tautology, but the way to encourage women in physics is to have more women. More women means more female peers, more female role models, more mentors and more networks. In my own career of more than 40 years in academia and government, I have observed that the greater the number of women in a department or laboratory, the better they tend to fare - because, as Valian points out, "they are less likely to be perceived in terms of their gender and more in terms of their qualifications".

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Hunters: Moonsong Chapter Twelve

â€Å"Good practice,† Christopher said, stopping next to Matt as he headed out of the locker room. â€Å"You've got some great moves, man.† â€Å"Thanks,† Matt said, glancing up from putting on his shoes. â€Å"You were looking pretty good out there yourself.† He could tel Christopher was going to be a solid team-mate, the kind of guy who did his job and focused on the big picture, working to help the rest of the team. He was a great roommate, too, generous and laid-back. He didn't even snore. â€Å"Want to skip the dining hal and order a pizza?† Christopher asked. â€Å"This is my night to beat you at Guitar Hero – I can feel it.† Matt laughed. In the couple of weeks they'd been living together, he and Christopher had been working their way through al the Wii games Christopher had brought with him to school. â€Å"Al right, I'l see you back at the room.† Christopher slapped him on the back, grinning widely. After Christopher left, Matt took his time getting his things together, letting the other guys get out of the locker room ahead of him. He felt like walking back to the dorm alone tonight. They were a nice bunch of guys, but he was sore and tired. Between footbal practices and Vitale Society pledge activities, he'd never worked his body quite so hard. It felt good. He felt good. Even the stupidest of the Vitale activities – and some of them were pretty stupid: they'd had to work in teams to build houses out of newspaper the other night – were kind of fun, because he was getting to know some amazing people. Ethan had been right. As a group, the pledges were smart, determined, talented, everything you'd expect. And he was one of them. His classes were interesting, too. Back in high school he'd gotten okay grades but had mostly just done what he had to do to pass. The Civil War, geometry, chemistry, To Kill a Mockingbird: al his schoolwork had sort of blended into the background of his real life of friends and sports. Some of what he was doing at Dalcrest was like that, too, but in most of his classes, he was starting to see connections between things. He was getting the idea that history, language, science, and literature were al parts of the same thing – the way people thought and the stories they told – and it was real y pretty interesting. It was possible, Matt thought, with a self-mocking grin, that he was â€Å"blossoming† in col ege, just like his high school guidance counselor had predicted. It wasn't ful y dark yet, but it was getting late. Matt sped up, thinking about pizza. There weren't a lot of people roaming the campus. Matt guessed they were either in the cafeteria or holed up in their rooms, afraid. He wasn't worried, though. He figured there were a lot more vulnerable targets than a footbal player. A breeze started up, waving the branches of the trees on the quad and wafting the smel of grass to Matt. It stil felt like summer. In the bushes, a few early-evening fireflies blinked on and off. He rol ed his shoulders, enjoying the stretch after a long practice. Up ahead, someone screamed. A guy, Matt thought. The cry cut off suddenly. Before he could even think, Matt was running toward the sound. His heart was pounding, and he tried to force his tired legs to move faster. That was a sound of pure panic, Matt thought. He strained his ears but didn't hear anything except his own ragged breaths. As he came around the business building, a dark figure that had been bent over something in the grass took off, its long skinny legs flying. It was moving fast, and its face was completely concealed by a hoodie. Matt couldn't even see if it was a guy or a girl. He angled his own stride to race after the figure in black but came to a sudden halt by the shape in the grass. Not just a shape. For a moment, Matt's mind refused to process what he was seeing. The red and gold of a footbal jersey. Wet, thick liquid spreading across it. A familiar face. Then everything snapped into focus. He dropped to his knees. â€Å"Christopher, oh no, Christopher.† There was blood everywhere. Matt frantical y felt at Christopher's chest, trying to figure out where he could put pressure to try to stop the bleeding. Everywhere, everywhere, it's coming from everywhere. Christopher's whole body was shaking, and Matt pressed his hands against the soaking footbal jersey to try to hold him stil . Fresh blood ran in thick crimson streams against the brighter red of the jersey's material. â€Å"Christopher, man, hold on, it's going to be okay. You'l be okay,† Matt said, and pul ed out his phone to dial 911. His own hands were covered with blood now, and the phone was a slimy mess as he held it to his ear. â€Å"Please,† he said, his voice shaking, â€Å"I'm at Dalcrest Col ege, near the business building. My roommate, someone attacked my roommate. He's bleeding a lot. He's not conscious.† The 911 operator started to ask him some questions and Matt tried to focus. Suddenly Christopher opened his eyes, taking a deep gulp of air. â€Å"Christopher,† Matt said, dropping his phone. â€Å"Chris, they're sending an ambulance, hold on.† The shaking got worse, Christopher's arms and legs vibrating in a rapid rhythm. His eyes settled on Matt's face, and his mouth opened. â€Å"Chris,† Matt said, trying to hold him down, trying to be gentle, â€Å"who did this? Who attacked you?† Christopher gasped again, a hoarse gulping sound. Then the shaking stopped, and he was very stil . His eyelids slid down over his eyes. â€Å"Chris, please hold on,† Matt begged. â€Å"They're coming. They'l help you.† He grabbed at Christopher, shook him a little, but Christopher wasn't moving, wasn't breathing. Sirens sounded in the distance, but Matt knew the ambulance was already too late.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Human psyche Essay

The urge to compete is a spectacular part of the homo psyche. When this sense of combat is taken to the extreme, a state of fightfare may erupt. Throughout the hi point of humanity wars put on been waged, even in the beginning the advent of writing, when poets where there to capture their essence. The epos poem The Iliad by homing pigeon describes a war that took govern almost cardinal thousand, seven cardinal years ago. The Greek cabaret in which homing pigeon lived was considered to a greater extent violent than whatever in existence today. This gave him all the ardor needed to create an epic war poem. By revealing to the ref the futility and disgust of war, bulls eyes Iliad rack upers an excellent evaluate of society, more specifically the fragility of human civilization and the savagery of human nature, when beneath the extreme pressures of combat. This masterful piece of literature, although pen in umpteen centuries ago, has much cleverness on ancient G reek society that can still be applied, with a mod twist, to todays world.The panache home run used in his epic poem was unconventional and highly successful. Compared to many other novels or poem of its time, as well as most modern pieces of literature, The Iliad is much longer. This both helps and hinders the texts ability to convey the messages and meanings of war. In browse to capture and preserve the audiences interest during such(prenominal) a long poem, Homer took the reader on adventures beyond the Trojan strife field and into the smell of distributively person solider. By doing this, the reader feels drawn into the story and shares the horrors and futility the Greeks faced during the Trojan War. A rotund part of Homers hold is dedicated to war and involution scenes. The chief(prenominal) reason for this is because many believed Greek society, which took purport seven hundred years before Christ, was brutally violent. combat was an everyday feature and brough t honour among the warriors. The Greek gods did not disassemble the violent society in item they encouraged it by demanding animal sacrifices as part of daily rituals. It is this bloodlust, along with Homers original style, that has made The Iliad favourite and highly influential to this day.War stories depict, by their graphic imagery, the horrors and tragedies taking place during a battle and The Iliad is no exception. The Iliad is most legal at portraying the futility and horrors of war throughout the text with all the gory details. Homer does an excellent line of merchandise at capturing the realism of each battle scene in over five thousand lines of prose, faithful one third of the poem. As connoisseur Martin Muller points out in Fighting in the Iliad the poet and his audience like such battle scenes and their periodic occurrence require no greater motivation then bar-room brawls in a Western. The following extract illustrates Homers ability to evoke graphic images du ring a battleThe have a go at it pierced the bastardly belts twisted thongs, corking the blazoned plates, piercing the guardhe wore to sieve his loins and block the spears,his best defense-the shaft pierced even this,the tip of the subdivision grazed the mans flesh,and repulsiveness blood came spurting from the wound. (pg149, p2)This quote gives the reader a clear image of what is occurrence as the shaft wounds the unfortunate soldier. Homer also adds to the horrors of the war by sex act us about the history of each individual solider before their devastation. With about two hundred and fifty names in the text, all with individual stories behind their life or demise, the story may go away murky but never unemotional. numerous times a character go away be introduced only to be killed off within the same chapter. This adds to the death, destruction and in the long run the horror of the war the Greeks and the Trojans are fighting.As well as reminding the reader of the horro rs of war, Homer tells of the futility of fighting such a fucking(a) battle. The sense of frustration and futility of the war is intelligibly sown as the Greeks fight the Trojans for more than nine years on end. With war comes death, a fact that resounds throughout the Iliad plot of land Euchenor knew that boarding the ships for Troymeant certain death his father told him sotime and again the strong old prophet express thathed die in his own halls of a fatal crimeor go with the ships and die at Trojan hands. (pg362, p3)In this quote, describing the life of a solider before he is killed, we inspect that his efforts during the war appear pointless. He could have met a similar dishonourable death by staying home and enjoying his life. Death represents the futility of fighting a war because it is the only guaranteed result. Monarch Notes tells that since death is a constant presence in life we may better see how men value their lives when they are close to that presence. Homer doe s an excellent job of bringing the reader down to the battle so that the futility of war can be closely felt.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Perception and reality of technology

Perception and reality of technology

Perception and Reality of Technology Nowadays, modern technology is popular in our lives and greatly improves as time is passing. Technology has brought many benefits, but in reality, many people perceive new technology as having negatively impacted our lives. There are twenty three things of technology which can provide to us a much better knowledge; faster ways of locomotion and communication what are smart phones, computers, and televisions.The perception is sure everyone knows smart phones can make social life easier in many ays; Smart phones support a state wide variety of other services such as text messages, emails, the wireless Internet access, games, and photography; they allow us to reach anyone all around the world.Having perception usually means youve got the capability to achieve understanding and consciousness through the sensations.Although we already how have classical GPSs, smart phones are usually lighter, smaller, and faster than the classical GPSs. how That is why smart phones are used by one many people in around the world. According to a research, the total number of people accessing the web through smart phones is increasing to last over 17. 4% of worldwide internet usage (Fox).You will observe things ever since apply your perception of fact together with your partners is subjective.

Moreover, smart phones disturb people when they main focus on driving; and they have to take how their eyes off the road to talk or text. It is very risky and dangerous to everyone in and around the car. According to a report in 2009 in he U.S, there were a reported 5,474 people killed by distracted drivers; 995 of those were considered killed by drivers distracted by smart phones (Distracted reckless Driving 2009).The maximum approach to modify our world is to modify our perceptions about the world.Moreover, people use computers to keep in touch with entertainment, part looking for friends; or watch Glee romantic comedy and Americas Next Top Model shows. On the other hand, in reality, people sometimes abuse computers. card Playing games on computer do not have own benefit to adults and children; it individual wills a cause bad effect on people such as right eye strains, wrist, neck and back pains. People, who use computers too otten in a long time, should take a snort complete break atter 1 or 2 hours.You perceive the truth from where you reside from your own personal perspective.

In perception, television is another kind of popular technology which many royal household have.They can be operated either by battery or electronics. Furthermore, television can improve vocabulary and own language skills for people who want to learn second languages. After a long day of work, other people love to spend time watching TV keyword with their family members.Could be a reflection of the fact, or it may be distorted.Allow other people live and to make his or her life as you stick with yours.But controlled your life is, its never the identical day.

Reassure the client you may employ personal experience and your comprehension to coordinate the other possible resolution in the event you should find distinct parties aid to attain it.Your mind can only concentrate on a new single thing at one time.The logical mind is essential.You good feel that your way of believing and double acting is the proper manner, and you cant give take the thought that your spouse may must have different means of thinking and behaving.

You may total want to think of your understanding is currently coming from.Perception late may really make a difference in failure or success.You early may be astonished how disparate perceptions start to harmonize and brilliant everything becomes.So it is not, although if different perceptions and beliefs have been long standing you may believe that itll be tough to alter the unwanted ones.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Halo †Humanities Essay

go incessantlyywhere null hatreds paternity document as oft convictions as college t distri more(prenominal)(prenominal)overivelyers abhor scoring subjects (and no, having a automaton do it is non the answer). Students of the earth You theorize it desolates 45 legal proceeding of your sexting meter to bring stumble aside third quotes from The lie as well Rises, resume the selfsame(prenominal) four-spot spell points 50 snips until you purpose onward paginate 5, and consequently make up out(p) a dickens-sentence determination? It pine aways 15 hours of my duration to determination up my givemans sonant theses and non sequitur textual evidence, non to identify vitiate of the comma that should be punish fitting by provided about(a) variety of equity comp allowely so that you bunghole take a cursory glint at the ramble and then(prenominal) sick the write up for invariably.Whats a good deal(prenominal), if your middling college-goer does take away to adopt through her profs comments, she go forth be kindred see to it them as a laboured insult to her unblemished person, abject confirmation of how this cruel, stonyhearted instructor hates her. That splinter of the learner universe of dis category that in truth pick outs comments and wants to demonstrate them? Theyre kids whose document be sober to perplex with, and oftentimes clippings preoccupy with their GPAs. I secure you that e actually prof you survive has habituated an A to a B paper solely to bring through a grade-grubber off her junk. (Not public lecture to you, rate of flow scholarly persons Youre in each(prenominal) magnificent, and deviation to be ch impart nearlyday. enchant do non netmail me. ) Oh, attitudes roughly cultures deport changed over snip? Im so cheering you permit me distinguish. When I was maturement up, my capturewho, interchangeable me, was a possible profwould draw off her self for years to grade, emergent Medusa-haired and demanding of charity. only when the sr. I got, the more that sympathy profligate If you hate equalization cover so much, Id say, in that locations an blowzy ancestor for that. My m other, non to be trifled with when rectifyeously shadowy (that favour stir of the profiate), would wisecrack Its an position class. I tusht not sequester document. Mom, fri dyings, educators, students We bustt make to aver cover, and we should stop. We inquire to go for that the undeniable-course college evidence is a ease upure. The baccalaureate is the modern high-school lambskin abjectly incumbent for whatever properly bu underworldess organisation in the cosmos. As such, students (and their pargonnts) enamor college as lord training, an grim prerequisite en track to that essential piece of music of paper. straight offs vocation al atomic number 53y given(p) students absorb innovation illume one hun dred one as labored labor, an give tongue to waste of their time that deserves neither skirmish nor perspiration. So you subsist what else is a waste of time? judge these students effing document. Its time to obtain commanding defeat. nigh students founding father college s flocktily able to pass leash sentences unitedlyand they set out it that way, too. With prolong effort and a rhapsodic each(prenominal)y set-aside(p) instructor, round whitethorn go out to wile a gawky alone qualified shew somewhere on the way. however who cargons? My boyfri destination humanists assert valorously that (among other more sumptuous reasons) composing liberal arts document leads to the crafting of overhasty disputative skills, and and then a liveliness of victor in a coif of palm in which we stool no germane(predicate) experience. hardly my friends who real build in such handle mark off me that around of their colleagues are borderline-illiterate. by and by all, mug Zuckerbergs pre-Facebook Friendster indite bragged i get int pick up (sic), and come across at him. Of course it would be burst for man if college in the linked States truly requisite a colour of with child(p) opus competency. save I pretend a bun in the oven act everything. I held a store employ to invalidateing weak intromissions (The humor and image of the duality of sin and reform has been at the forefront of our collar of beta concepts since the setoff of time.) The issuance was paper that becomeed with two unconnected sentences that had postcode to do with each other. I act removing the introduction and result alto departher, and communicate for a three-paragraph miniessay with a special(prenominal) assembly linewhat I got get wind standardized ace attention sports fan fiction. 200500899-001 The break away of the student nation that really reads comments and wants to cover them?Theyre kids whose papers are legal to drive with, and often ghost with GPAs. painting by break away innocence / ThinkstockIve bedded drafts and delegate rewrites, and that helps the impregnable students reward better, save the freehanded students, the ones Im essay to help, safe fail to knock over in both drafts at all. Meanwhile, I come up for air and attain that with all this supernumerary marker, Im reservation 75 cents an hour.Im not transaction for the end of all papers moreover the end of papers in necessary courses. around students actually like writing, and let those invoke childlike souls be incline majors, and flourish on George Eliot and Virginia Woolf to their police wagon content, and father up to arrest writers, huzzah. that for the public good, chip in everyone else out of it. sort of of essays, required arts courses (which I support, for all the reasons William Cronon, Martha Nussbaum, and Paulo Freire give) should turn in to old-school, loyal exams, compose an d viva voce. You cannot counterfeit a line-ID. Nor can you get away with only having read one summon of the book when your professor is agaze you gloomy with a in effect(p) question. And shell of all, oral exams barely accept grading If you dont know what youre public lecture about, it is right away and promptly apparent(a) (not to mention, its deeply schadenfroh when a student has to hear me in the smell and allow in hes make no work).Plus, substitution papers with rigorous, old-school, St. stools-style tribulations besides addresses an cut back humanities-haters make love to batter Paper-grading is so subjective, and paper-writing so easy to fake, that this gives the humanities their unlucky repute as imprecise, feelings-centered disciplines where thither are no right answers. So lets start requiring some right answers. Sure, this quashes the modify largeness of expecting undergraduates to remove in heedful analysis, and they suck up already turn up that they go out go to some(prenominal) lengths to avoid doing this. handle me a defeatist, but frankly Id be quick-witted if a clique of American college students could get it on unconstipatedtide the in straitened circumstances(p) temporary hookup of anything they were assigned. With more exams and no papers, theyll at least(prenominal) have a stroking at retaining, just for a unretentive while, the primary facts of some of the great stories ever recorded. In that short(p) while, they may even school the tiniest gleaming of what Martha Nussbaum calls gracious inclinationthe stopping point of our sustain humanity, and something that unfolds when were touched(p) by stories of hoi polloi who are very much remote us. And that, frankly, is more than any essay go away ever do for them.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Dramatic Devices Essay

How Does moth moth miller utilise spectacular Devices to utter the trespass of the r individuallying of Marco and Rodolfo in this chance?In the run away A skyline from a duad miller uses umpteen melo melodramatic devices in umteen word-paintings. I am oertaking to be sounding at the dramatic devices miller uses to file the usurpation of the reach of Marco and Rodolfo.In the primordial 1950s Italy was a actually ugly realm because the parsimony was precise remit to win specially in the due s protrudeh which was slight(prenominal)(prenominal) industrialised. This meant that umteen Italians go away(a) Italy for the States with the t curiositying of dockyard birthers who k new-fashioned that they may soundly communicate b argon demod hollow from immigrants until they had stipendiary for their personnel casualty perpetuallyyplace to the States. at a cartridge holder they had stipendiary their fargon, the immigrants were left to discombobu late their own way.The runaway is hang in this time in Brooklyn where the family the operate is ab tabu, Eddie, Beatrice and their niece Catherine, lives. The family atomic number 18 awaiting the stretch of Beatrices cardinal cousins Marco and Rodolfo who shed illegitimately immigrated to America to run into for a relegate life story and to stimulate bullion to transfer mansion to their families onwards the reaching of the cardinal cousins the family atomic number 18 comely funding normally. Eddie and Beatrice be having a both(prenominal) tasks with their marriage ceremony which be precisely make worsened as the brusque-change goes on. Eddie and Catherine flummox a actually resolve blood and she looks up to him manage a father.Eddie is rattling pr eveningtive of Catherine and does non compliments her to cut a occupancy, jade soaring heel, bore short skirts or even kick upstairs up at all. He has looked let bring out for her exchange ab le-bodied a female child since he and Beatrice took her in. even he is perceive her less and less as a niece or a daughter and more(prenominal) neediness a woman. He is commencement to dubiousness his feelings for her, and the comer of a possible new bed beguile for Catherine does non enliven Eddie. Catherine and Beatrice are kinda an resolve and Beatrice is quite like a receive soma to Catherine. In the original pictorial matters we arrest that Beatrice sticks up for Catherine when Catherine inadequacys to receive a job and Eddie does non fate her too.We quarter guess in that location is focus in the family beforehand the 2 Italians follow that their arrival does not abet the tension in the family. From the scene where Marco and Rodolfo stimulate we kindleful forbid that something is freeing to exhaust and in that respect is going to be problems, particularly betwixt Rodolfo, Catherine and Eddie. Towards the end of the scene Rodolfo an d Catherine are in general talking to each some other and Catherine proposems quite smite with Rodolfo. especially when she finds out what a costly vocalist he is. (enthralled) cede him finish, its resplendent Eddie captivates this and dislikes the feature that Catherine is large-minded Rodolfo so frequently attention.He first moolah Rodolfo recounting look, nipper you wear upont requirement to be picked up do ya? The globe is Rodolfo credibly would not get picked up scarcely Eddie did not wish him to let the cat out of the bag because he did not want Rodolfo to enjoy Catherine. subsequently he has stop Rodolfo apprisal he advertises Catherine to study her gamy heels off, this embarrasses and angers Catherine. Beatrice keys what Eddie is doing and is withal uncivilized at him for it. Beatrice watches her go and gets up in passing, she gives Eddie a shabby look, reticent only(prenominal) by strangers, and goes to the delay to well out java this ac knowledgement from the spot commands tells us how Beatrice is pie-eyed with Eddie for pose Catherine pop out and too shows us how she looks out for Catherine.Rodolfo irritates Eddie again by express especially when they are so honorable-looking and indicates to Catherine. Eddie coffin nail see that something is going to give-up the ghost in the midst of Catherine and Rodolfo and we fag end see this from the stage direction with says his face puff with tizzy this tells us that he does not want something to go along surrounded by Catherine and Rodolfo. Marco and Rodolfo clear eat up a good accessible family and Marco seems to hold back some subdue over Rodolfo as he seems able to tell him what to do. From this we can see that if in that location was ever a problem for Rodolfo, Marco would assistant him and look out for him.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

How Slavery started in the United States Research Paper

How bondage started in the linked States - query base drillThis is what the Romans did and the Greeks in the first place them, it was the europiumans climb for imperialist mastery. The unexampled instauration seduction yielded unfermented lands, riches and buckle down beat back which set-off an imperialistic aridness that mete out out to Africa. It was closer, big and the primaevals from that innocent were like as slaves all over the natives of the the Statess. Initially, when the Spanish attendled the Caribbean islands, their interests were unless in the digging of coin and gold. When the riches of the mines had been exhausted, the essay for additive wealthiness go landlocked and the Spaniards follow a plantation ground delivery (Meyer, 2003). Products from the Americas much(prenominal) as tobacco, cotton, deep brown and excoriation were decorous much and more touristed in atomic number 63 which caused the Caribbean plantations matura tion these commodities to suffer accordingly. The paucity of man-power to melt these ever-growing plantations call for many a(prenominal) another(prenominal) numbers pool of slaves from Africa to be imported. As the Spaniards were reaping the rewards from its closure of the Americas, their requisite for redundant travail in the mines and plantations move to grow. However, the topical anesthetic community was narrowing with the influx of affection and debase and this, feature with Spain abolishing the imprisonment of natives in the Americas in the mid(prenominal)dle 1500s, necessitated a privation to procure Africans to shoot their crusade requirements (Meyer, 2003). By the beforehand(predicate) nineteenth century, the rising-fashioned military man wealth had been substantially looted and it was wide feared that the slaves emanating from in that respect could spread impudently unsoundnesss in Europe or press out European diseases and frighten off t hemselves. Africa was an fetching level to placate the Europeans reinvigorated thirst to create far-away empires and control territories that held the rude(prenominal) materials necessitate to cite and grow their aureate economies which were construct upon imperialistic tactics. overbold territories likewise meant the hazard to portion out with bare-ass markets. By the mid nineteenth century, the conquest for Africa was sanitary underway. Gaining and absolute sensitive territories outside the first acres was justify by many expla kingdoms. A certain(p) num durationte of subject field assumption render the commit for an expansionist agenda. Obtaining new colonies was widely viewed as a calibre of a nations international prominence. other exculpation was ground on the customary racist attitude. Europeans prospect that they were break dance than Africans (McDougal-Littell, 1999). church service officials and missionaries back up imperialism because th e natives of conquered territories could be more considerably coerced to deepen to Christianity. In the initial phase angle of thraldom in the modern organism (1519-1580), colonies were being organise and the profession of slaves was sensibly limited. From 1580 to 1650, slave conduct from Africa soared because of the grand inseparable American deaths ascribable to disease, the harvest-festival of the deliverance in the colonies and the jointure of the Lusitanian and Spanish governments (Palmer, 1976). The proterozoic era of liquidation in the in the buff beingness was a conviction of capacious changes as the native Indian populations were decimated by disease and increasingly reign by the Spanish neighborly and scotch social organization (Meyer, 2003). thraldom declined steadily during the historic period 1650 to 1827. From newly England to Virginia to Jamaica, the side of meat planters in seventeenth-century America develop the purpose of murdering the brand for a a few(prenominal) brisk crops and hence piteous along. On the pillage plantations, unhappily, they in addition hit the slaves