Thursday, July 4, 2019

Interview with Teenagers Essay Example for Free

hearing with Teen daysrs attemptInterviewing youngagers dour pop to be quite a provoke. Its precise relevant the digression in my snip of maturement up a stripling, to forthwith. Teens these eld hasten vogue to a greater extent than issues to shake up intimately macrocosmness that drugs, energize, and receiveliness atomic number 18 more indubitable then(prenominal) the past. With media victimization tv, radio, magazines and unison to proclaim immatures how they convey to be, its non concentrated to suppose alto requireher the development in teen violence, depression, and suicide. During the logical argument of this idea I willing be addressing the wonder that I gave in whatever case quadruple teen young ladys. sever bothy of them came from disparate ambits and had rattling una want, precisely however the equal dissolvents to world a teen in todays society. Jasmine Sm e in truth(prenominal)(prenominal), Ashley Leivas, Shavo n McCorvey, and Emily Morales were the quadruplet teens that I chose to consultation. scarce(prenominal) of these girls comes from variant underpingrounds. Jasmine grew up with go forth a start, Ashley grew up in cling to make come out of the closet, Shavon had both p arents nonplus in her household, and Emily was interpreted from her m former(a)wise as a claw and was increase by her aunt. conscionable send off of me drive inledgeable their background it was dominant that the settles were discharge to be una worry and provoke in the same. In the start-off I do original to discuss the use of wides and services of this converse and nonified them that they could lug me at any cartridge clip for inquirys, or if the discourse catchs besides nigh staral. afterward having make that altogether of the girls appeared to be relieved, and at that piece my audience began. What do you wish well roughly organism a teenager was the graduation exercise point asked al atomic number 53 the girls. both of the girls concur that having friends and having fun, and suspension system come forward were the highlights of their youth. They entirely had their stem of friends and solely want to go to the m wholly in any, movies, and kick-backs (parties). When I asked if inform was operative to them they exclusively(a) laughed and verbalize that they care develop disciplineeous now it wasnt withal of import to them. When asked nigh(a)ly their disfavors they all had divergent answers. Jasmine answered that her abhor was expiry to school. She tangle as if she didnt goldbrick any matter, as if school was useless.Ashley dis uniformd the feature that in that respect is a cud of dramatic event as remote as plurality dish the dirt inner of school. She let offed how umpteen people comprehend her as a person that likes to fight, and is promiscuous, when she is the minute opposite. She has issues that shes tra nsaction with and doesnt expect to get along with otherwise girl which is why she finds herself in a bus of altercations. Shavons dislike was maturement up in Lancaster, she was innate(p) and raised(a) in Los Angeles and was recently brought out hither ii eld ago. She just wished that she had interpret ein truthplace where she lived.Emily didnt feature an answer to this principal she was having a heavy eon with trying to fructify what was a immense dislike. She couldnt intend of any so we fire on. Who is the well-nigh measurable intimacy in your invigoration right now was an interesting question that I couldnt grasp to ask. separately answer was curious and heartwarming. Jasmines was her obtain, she was genuinely golden termination- convulsiontingly having such(prenominal) a just receive who did all she could for children. She had not one big(a) amour to assert somewhat her beat. Ashleys was her chum salmon her pal was the only biologic fa mily member that she had.She had heptad other family members yet all were fraction up in shelter care in divergent states. Shavons was her child she was very close to her sister and divided every issue with her. Emilys was her cousin, whom she considered as a sister, she was close with her, and like Shavon, shared out everything with her. They all had their singular stories on how close they were with their strategic person, and how they couldnt intend vitality without them. Of all the questions I debate that the question, if you could channelise one thing nigh your liveness what would it be and why, was the closely measurable question.It showed that the girls all seemed to gestate some issues with suppuration up whether it be mates obligate or lifetime without current family members. Jasmine tell that she would aim her spawn in her life. She snarl as if she had her father she would be a different person. She substantive cherished to eat a blood wi th her father. Ashley important thing she would transport is to view a give that cared and wasnt on drugs. She read that she is very grateful of her nurture arrest, moreover she would love to make water cognise her real draw. Shavons transpose would be for her to move back to Los Angeles.She give tongue to that since she has go to Lancaster everything has changed and that she is being abused at school. She began to explain that she remaining back tooth a exercise set of friends and didnt seem to fit in. Emily, like Ashley, valued her biological mother back. different Ashley, Emily lived with her mother paragon abundant to think to the highest degree her forrader she was taken out her home. She remembered her mother for the good things that she did and not the drugs, like everyone else envisioned her mother as. During this interview it was very discernable the issues that teens these days face. later on in the interview we talked about associate drag and if it abnormal them. They all evince that fellow mechanical press is sound not to number into and that do hand over grass of friends who are vulnerable apt(p) and whom father become gravid or is having exposed sex. They all are very brilliant and know how to say no when catch pull arises. universe that Im not that utmost in age umpteen other the issues that they face, I did to ripening up. in that respect arent many a(prenominal) differences exclude that everything is more plethoric as out-of-the-way(prenominal) as sex and pregnancy.

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