Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Analysis of Fdr’s Address to the Nation After Pearl Harbor

An Essay on Franklin Deleno Roosevelt’s â€Å"Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation† also known as â€Å"The Day of Infamy Speech† English Part One General Program, Section 2 Assignment 1-5 Kristen Roberts Student Number JM1300012 April 1, 2013 On December seventh, 1941 hundreds of Japanese planes began an attack on the US naval base in Honolulu, Hawaii. The attack lasted two hours. The loss of battleships, planes and equipment was tremendous.But, the lives of over 2,000 soldiers that were lost and another 1,000 plus that were injured was a major factor in the thoughts that led up to the president, Franklin Roosevelt’s speech to the nation and the United States declaration of war against Japan. Mr. Roosevelt delivered his speech on December eight, 1941. The most famous quote from his speech is arguably â€Å"Yesterday, December 7th, 1941, a date which will live in infamy. † Mr. Roosevelt’s purpose in his address to the nation about Pearl Harbor was to allow the American people to have the knowledge of what had occurred the day before when the Japanese had attacked.He also used his speech to show the need to declare war on the Japanese. Roosevelt wanted to assure American’s he was aware of the peaceful relationship we had with Japan up until the air strike on Pearl Harbor. He explained our history with Japan and also made the argument that our government had no knowledge of the attack. He stated the attack had to have been planned because of his statement, â€Å"The distance of Hawaii from Japan makes it obvious that the attack was deliberately planned many days or even weeks ago. †Franklin Roosevelt used many words with similar meanings to assure the United States that our swift action against Japan was needed. He used the words â€Å"unprovoked attack,† â€Å"premeditated invasion† as well as â€Å"sudden and deliberate attack. † His behavior during his speech was very solemn and determi ned. He looked back and forth from the camera to his cabinet and all that were in the room with him at different times. He wanted to make sure each person felt he was talking to just them. Including those American who were watching on their televisions.He also wanted those who were listening on their radios to know his reasons for the speech. That is why he spoke very determined. My opinion of Frankin Roosevelt’s â€Å"Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation,† is that I think Mr. Roosevelt was right in everything he spoke about. He had been well informed of the situation and he wanted Americans to know what the government did each step of the way. He didn’t want anyone to be confused at the United States stand against the Japanese and why our nation was doing everything in our power to show the support of the people of our nation.

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