Monday, September 30, 2019

How Modern Medical Technology is Easing Out Standard Physical Examination Essay

In today’s time-constrained society, medical practitioners are noticeably turning to modern technology to pinpoint health problems of patients. Most new-generation doctors who rely a great deal on sophisticated machines in ascertaining medical issues faced by their patients illustrate a startling reality: the standard physical examination stands to be eased out. While science has made possible quicker, more convenient, and non-invasive ways of spotting and treating health disorders, being overly dependent on technology has its drawbacks. The problem with technology arises when doctors rush to order tests without first performing a thorough physical exam†¦ Doctors may be overly reliant on tests because they have confidence in the results; however, tests aren’t always accurate† (Max, 2009, par. 6). A seemingly better approach that redounds to patient benefit is the combination of modern technology with age-old practices that worked, notably a thorough physical examination — done prior to tests or possible confinement and as part of the doctor’s hospital rounds. There are several factors contributing to the demise or exclusion of the standard physical examination in modern medical practice. For one, there is the shortage of medical personnel in certain localities. Harried doctors and nurses end up employing measures to maximize time. â€Å"Time constraints also discourage performing a complete physical during routine office visits. The managed care system pushes doctors to see patients as briefly as possible† (Obel, 2003, par. 6). The fact is that the physical examination â€Å"can be a valuable guide in deciding which tests to order and letting specialists know where to concentrate their efforts† (Obel, 2003, par. 7). Hence, the standard physical examination can greatly aid doctors in ruling out certain health issues, thereby saving time and money on unnecessary tests. However, new-generation doctors overlook these, believing that using sophisticated equipment is more effective in reaching an accurate medical analysis than conventional routine practices. Indeed, a professional diagnosis relying first and foremost on the standard physical examination appears to have been displaced by modern devices. The downside is the loss of human contact that most patients may still prefer. â€Å"There is an intangible benefit to the contact afforded by the physical exam†¦(it) can go a long way in establishing and building a good doctor-patient relationship† (Max, 2009, par. 11), something which most patients – from the very young to the elderly – yearn for. The emotional bonding between the healthcare giver and the patient is obliterated with less time allocated to examine patients. As seasoned medical practitioners decry the demise of the physical examination, which â€Å"can be therapeutic in itself† (Obel, 2003, par. 35), concerned medical institutions have instigated efforts to train and retrain medical interns on the vast range of medical approaches – including the routine physical examination. The increasingly important role of nurses, who can assume the vital task of resuscitating the fading practice of conducting a thorough physical examination and promoting human interaction, cannot be underestimated. Well-trained nurses who realize the value of human interaction can play significant role in fostering enhanced patient care and faster recovery. The upsurge in electronic technology users is another phenomenon affecting the demise of face-to-face interaction with physicians and the traditional physical examination. With many doctors nowadays dispensing medical advice online by relying purely on patient history and description of symptoms, thereby eliminating the need for a comprehensive physical examination, it becomes clear that modern trends are taking the place of traditional medical approaches. The inescapable fact is that medical practitioners cannot always totally rely on modern technology alone to ascertain patient needs. Even in modern times, there is a need to go back to basics, ingrain patient-oriented skills among the emerging crop of doctors, and revive conventional medical approaches like the physical examination.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Contingency Theory Of Management

Starbucks has evolved one of the fastest flourishing companies in the United States. Get downing from 1992, the company ‘s net gross improved at a compounded growing rate of 20 % , to $ 3.3 billion in financial 2002. Gross net incomes have grown at an one-year compounded growing rate of 30 % to $ 218 million in financial 2002, which is the highest figure in net earning of company ‘s history ( See Exhib it 1 ) . As Business Week tells it: On Wall Street, Starbucks comes last biggest growing narrative. Its stock, including four splits, has raised more than 2,200 % over the old decennary, exceling Wal-Mart, General Electric, PepsiCo, Coca-Cola, Microsoft, and IBM in aggregative return. Now at $ 21 [ September 2002 ] , it is vibrating near its all-time high of $ 23 in July [ 2002 ] , before the overall pronounced bead. 1 To go on this rapid gait of growing, the house ‘s senior executives are looking to spread out internationally. Specifically, they are interested in farther enlargement in Europe ( including the Middle East ) , Asia Pacific ( including Australia and New Zealand ) and Latin America. Expanding in these three continents represents both a challenge and an chance to Starbucks. While the chance of increased grosss from farther enlargement is readily evident to the company ‘s top direction, what is non clear is how to cover with turning â€Å" anti-globalization † sentiment around the universe. This instance looks at issues that are originating as Starbucks starts to rule java markets around the universe and explores the alterations which might be required in scheme. The 25-year end of the company is to be an enduring, and great company with the uttermost respected and recognized trade name in the universe, known for inspiring and fostering the human sprit. The mission statement of the company is to joint several steering rules to estimate the rightness of house ‘s determination. In depicting Starbucks ‘ echt attack towards competition, Fortune notes: The scheme is straightforward: Blanket an country wholly, even if the shops cannibalize each other ‘s concern. A new shop will frequently pull off to capture about 30 % of the gross revenues of a nearby Starbucks, but the company takes this as a good thing: The everywhere attack of the Starbucks cuts down the costs direction and bringing, it decreases the client lines at single shops, and increases pes traffic for all the shops in an country. Last hebdomad 20 million people purchased a cup of java at a Starbucks. No American retail merchant has a highest figure of client visit. A typical client Michigans by 18 times a month ; since the company went public, It has climbed an norm of 20 % a twelvemonth. Even in down economic system, Starbucks traffics have risen between 6 to 8 per centum a twelvemonth. Possibly even most noticeable fact that Starbucks has managed to bring forth those sorts of the Numberss with virtually no selling by giving merely one per centum of one-year income on advertisement. For several old ages, Perceivers have found that US coffee-bar market may be nearing towards impregnation. They point to tag consolidation, as bigger participants of java saloon snap up some of the smaller java saloon rivals. More, they take a note that Starbucks ‘ shop base is excessively maturing, and making to lag in the growing of unit volume and house net income. In the response of that, some point, Starbucks has changed its way towards foreign markets for the continued growing. For illustration Business Week notes: To counterbalance the hesitating returns of its first decennary, Starbucks has no pick but to export its construct smartly. Indeed some perceivers give Starbucks merely 2 old ages maximal before it saturates the U.S. market. The concatenation now [ in August 2002 ] operates 1200 international mercantile establishments, from Beijing to Bristol. This gives immense room for grow. Infact, about 400 or its planned 1200 new shops in this twelvemonth would be constructed overseas, which will stand for a 35 % rise in its foreign base. Starbucks hopes to duplicate the measure of its shops globally, to about 10,000 in 3 twelvemonth period. Our attitude towards international enlargement is to set focus foremost on the partnership, and state 2nd. We believe in local connexion to get everything up and working. Finding the right local spouses is the key to negociate local ordinances and others jobs. We search for spouses who are common in our values, civilization, and motivations about community development. We are fundamentally interested in spouses who could steer us in the procedure of induction in foreign location. We are seeking the houses with: ( 1 ) common doctrine to ours in footings of shared values, corporate citizenship, and committedness to be in the concern for long draw, ( 2 ) experience with multi-unit eating house, ( 3 ) For the bar of impersonators, holding resources to spread out the Starbucks construct rapidly. , ( 4 ) To pick premier existent estate locations, holding strong real-estate experience along with cognition, ( 5 ) Must be holding cognition of retail market, and ( 6 ) committedness of the peop le should be available to our undertaking. In an international joint venture, it is the spouse that chooses shop sites, does all the preparatory and choice work, which are so submitted for blessing to Starbucks. Cydnie Horwat, VP for International Assets Development Systems and Infrastructure, elaborates how a Starbucks market entry program initiates with trade name edifice, which afterwards facilitates further rapid enlargement in a state: When come ining a market foremost, we look for different things in the initial 1 to 3 old ages than subsequently on. During these early old ages we are developing our trade name. Our shops are the largest beginning of advertisement, as they do n't make a batch of separate advertisement. Therefore we possess higher investing in shops in the first 3 old ages. Approximately 60 to seventy per centum of shops which are opened in these initial 3 old ages are our biggest brand-builders. Before 10 old ages, we had 125 shops and 2000 employees. Today we have 62,000 employees working in 30 different states outside of North America, who are functioning about 22 million clients in a hebdomad. Our nucleus client comes about 18 times a month. With the bulk of grownups throughout ball imbibing 2 cups of java a twenty-four hours and with Starbucks holding less than seven percent portion of aggregative java ingestion in the U.S. and less than one per centum globally, these are the initial yearss for the growing and advancement of company. We have got a theoretical account that is rather good tested from market to market. Starbucks is good on its way to go a planetary trade name. Harmonizing to Business Week: [ T ] he Starbucks name and image is associated with 1000000s of people around the universe who consume its merchandises. In Business Week study of the top hindered international trade names published in August 5 [ 2002 ] It came one of the quickly turning trade names. At a clip when one corporate star after another has collapsed to earth, brought down by disclosures of net incomes misstatements, executive greed, or worse, Starbucks has non faultered. But being a international company is non risk free. As Business Week points out, Global enlargement carries a large hazard for Starbucks. For one thing, it makes decreased money one every overseas shop as most of them are operated with local spouses. While this makes easier to get down on foreign sod, it decreases company ‘s portion of the net incomes to merely 20 to 50 per centum.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Introduction to Business Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Introduction to Business Law - Essay Example Mischief Rule of statutory interpretation gives authority to the judge to interpret the law by bearing in mind the common law before passing of the rule. Is is applied in cases where ambiguity occurs in the law. Thus this rule aims to understand the defect and also to provide solutions which would correct the situation if implemented. A popular case that came under the Mischief rule was Smith vs. Hughes. In this case, prostitutes were charged for recruiting clients from a public place while within the confines of a private area, which were the windows that overlooked the street. Under the Street Offenses Act of 1959, it is illegal to attract clients with the intention of offering sex services on the streets. The defendants pleaded that they had not attracted clients on the streets but were within their own homes. The literal Rule as the name suggests allows the judge to give out a ruling by taking into account the literal meaning of the word since they do not affect the ruling on the case. The judge, in this case, does not have to consider the meaning or the implications behind words or sentences such as in the case of the previous laws. This is usually the most preferred rule of statutory interpretation. An example of this is the R Vs Harris case under which the defendant harmed the victim by biting his nose. Since the law considers stabbing, cutting or wounding a person through an instrument as a crime, therefore the defendant was acquitted since he did not commit the crime in the literal sense (Caven, 2004).

Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 29

Leadership - Essay Example An organization needs to develop its policies and plans in such a way which will encourage its employees in increasing the productivity of the company. The HR professional of the company have to understand the type of human resources available in China. Based on that, the HR professionals should design the organizational rules and policies. Culture of people plays a vital role in developing business process of the company in China. The HR professionals should understand the issues which motivate the Chinese people for working in a foreign company. In China, people tend to work together (Price, 2011). Collectivism is high among the people. For this reason HR should make the rules which are equal for all. This will motivate Chinese people in delivering effective work. The recruitment of Chinese people will be based on merit. Effective training will be provided to them for understanding the business process of the company. The major issues of the HR professionals in China will be building relationship with Chinese people. Chinese people follow their culture very strongly. Being a foreign company the HR professionals have to deal with the Chinese employees in an efficient way so that their cultural values and thoughts do not get hampered. Understanding the mind set of Chinese employees will also be a tough challenge for the company. The mind set and believes of Chinese people is very much different from American people. For this reason the Chinese people might not feel comfortable in working in a foreign company. Communicating with the Chinese employee will be a difficult task for the organization (Price, 2011). The HR professionals need to know Chinese language for communicating with Chinese people. Moreover the communication styles of this people are very much different from the people of other cultures which the HR persons of the company have to understand. The firm has to do many things for expanding its business in China. For making the business

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Personal Interpretation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Personal Interpretation - Essay Example From this discussion it is clear that  the history of Hawaii gives us much information regarding the ancient heroes and heroines of the Land and their contributions in the land. However, the genealogy of these people also gives us more basic information regarding the history of these people and the milestones in their history. Kamulipo helped very much in accounting for the genealogy and Cosmology of these people. Proper analysis of the antiquities of the Hawaiian populace gives an account that their philosophies almost outdid the Western philosophies. Their religion reveals to be equally as useful as the Western Religion.  This essay declares that the Queen of Hawaii presents the same concerns. In the article, we come to realize the importance of open-mindedness. Through the works, we come to realize the milestones of the Hawaiian populace. We come to realize the significance of [personal identity towards success. The past may be a bleak but with the recognition of the concerns about a person’s origin; we realize that the future becomes very bright. The Hawaiian history seems to have been full of ups and downs that needed many souls searching before any decisions were made. The People recognized the importance of accepting and accommodating their norms in a way that promotes society cohesion.  The works did a very imperative work in giving the analysis of culture in people. The works clearly presents to us the significance of one’s culture and tradition.     

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Developmental Biology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Developmental Biology - Research Paper Example Epigenetic factors refer to changes other than the changes at the level of DNA that lead to changes in heredity. These include DNA methylation which is present in all known vertebrates. This paper aims to study recent literature and studies that have been produced in order to find out the factors that affect aging. For this purpose, literature dated after 2006 has been used in order to ensure that the information is as recent as possible. This study will be useful in developing a better understanding of a vital part of developmental biology that is aging. INTRODUCTION Human race has always been fascinated by the idea of eternal youthfulness and functionality. The physiological and psychological changes that occur with age have always haunted humans and as a result, a lot of time, money and effort have gone into discovering the reasons behind aging in order to avoid the effects of growing age. With the advent of newer technologies, scientists have come to see aging as a process that o ccurs at the molecular level that eventually shows its effect at the level of the organ and later the whole organism. Some of the physiological changes that occur with age include decreased activity of neurotransmitters, a fall in sensory acuity and perception and a reduction in circulatory capacity. These changes lead to the loss of functionality that is associated with aging at the level of an organism. At the level of the organ, these changes occur due to the inability of the existing cells to replace the dying or damaged cells in order to maintain function. Thus, we see several diseases that pertain to specific organs and are closely related to increasing age. The inability to replace the older cells with new ones is a loss of functionality at the cellular level. The biochemical machinery within a cell enables the cell to replicate adequately so that the number of functional cells is always enough to maintain the health of an organ. However, with age, changes within this machine ry shift the balance such that the process slows down gradually affecting the organ hence the organism (Morimoto and Cuervo). Therefore, the real key to unlocking the secret behind aging lies in the factors that affect the cellular machinery. Whether it is the change in DNA, a change in gene expression or a change in the environment of the organism which eventually penetrates his system that regulates aging and to what extent is a question that has been investigated extensively in recent past. This research paper takes a detailed look at such investigations in an attempt to understand how aging is affected by genetic, epigenetic or environmental factors. Aging: effect of genes, epigenetics and environment Genes and aging The field of biological aging has been exploring the effect of genes on aging with a view of not only attaining the capability to slow or stop the process of aging but also to stop the development of several disease that have very strong links with increasing age. H owever, most of these investigations have been carried out on worms, rodents and drosophila on the basis that not only are they easily accessible but also because certain studies suggest that worms, yeast and people have common genes for aging (Callaway). In 2008, scientists from Eovtos Lorand University, Hungary, conducted a research on nematodes, Caenorhabditis elegans, that were deficient

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The difference between IT And IS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The difference between IT And IS - Essay Example In the contemporary environment of advancing technology and globalization, dynamic strategies and exploiting knowledge and information become major enabling elements of competitive advantage. Technology has redefined business dynamics with far reaching ramifications for businesses as well as for people at large.Balutis (2009) has emphasized that businesses need to address the challenges of technology and make them integral part of their business strategies. Indeed, technology has emerged as powerful tool of communication which must be innovatively exploited within organizations for creating a wider database of new opportunities and scope. Information system and technology are part of broader spectrum of knowledge application mechanisms that facilitate firms to explore new opportunities and maintain their niche position in the industry. The paper would therefore be discussing the role of information system and information technology in the knowledge management. Differences between Inf ormation system and information technology Cohen (1997, 2000) has contested that information system is very complex because it encompasses diversity of issues and concepts which are open to myriad interpretations. It is therefore an evolving process where environmental changes and scientific developments redefine contexts and mechanisms to give new meaning to an issue or defined paradigm. Drucker (1998) strongly asserts that access to information is the prerequisite element of success within firms. Information facilitates wide ranging knowledge about the existing and emerging paradigms of businesses which is exploited by them to gain market leverage. Most importantly, information greatly improves and improvises the work productivity of workers who are better informed and can make effective decisions (Johnson & Lederer, 2010). Thus, while information can be broadly described as collation of data into meaningful form, the information system is the mechanism of storing and manipulating the strategic business information for higher growth and efficient delivery of organizational goals and objectives (Phillip, 2007: Stonier, 1997.). Information technology, on the other hand, refers to all computing technologies that facilitate information dissemination. It encompasses collaborating tools of communication that are used by firms and people to gain knowledge and apply them within the business processes. The broader precinct of information technology facilitates selection, creation, application, integration and administration of computing technologies so as to meet the goals and objectives of businesses and provide firms with unique capabilities to meet new challenges (Melville et al., 2004)). Thus IT caters to the planning and management of various hardware and software products lifecycle so that technology can constantly meet the changing needs and requirements of the organization. Consequently, information system and information technology primarily differ in their objectives and the context of application. Information system helps develop database of information that is streamlined into defined format so as to acquire value for the user. The fundamental objective of creating information system is to ensure smooth flow of relevant information across people that would help them in making informed decisions for higher performance outcome (Reynolds, 2010). At the same time, information technology provides the facilitating platform of computing technology vis-a-vis hardware and software tools that facilitate networking and flow of information across people and places. Thus IT serves as a key mechanism to integrate various modules of information system regarding the various processes and spheres of business paradigms to produce the desired outcome of efficiency, quality, productivity and revenue or profit. Knowledge management and technology Knowledge management by organizational leadership is inherently linked to the tacit manipulation of informed choices (Bateman & Snell, 2008). The transfer of

Monday, September 23, 2019

Inofrmation technology applications in marketing Essay

Inofrmation technology applications in marketing - Essay Example Ultimately, the actual search terms that are most likely to be used with regards to the product offered have been utilized as the sole determinant of constructing these localized SEO parameters. From a cursory overview of, it is patently obvious that SEO has not been engaged to a proper degree as the website does not accrue a high ranking on the pages returned even for the terms that can be considered as key words for this local search. As a means of ensuring that SEO was at a maximal level, it would be necessary to engage in a three step process that would include: increasing prominence, preventing crawling, and increasing the level of indexing. Of all of these three strategies, increasing indexing would likely be the one that this student would recommend due to the fact that the current level of indexing that is reference by is practically non-existent. As such, this would be one of the SEO tactics that could be engaged at relatively low cost and return a much higher level of traffic over time. Regardless of the strategy that is used, an understanding of the consumer and the habits that drive them will need to be taken into account prior to any SEO taking place. Another key aspect with regards to SEO is with respect to the fact that mobile applications have fundamentally altered the way in which SEO is performed. Rather than merely being concentric upon getting the right combination of indexing, preventing crawling, and increasing prominence, the glut of new mobile phone applications and the litany of different search browsers that come packaged with them has caused the process of SEO to become more difficult to perform across the board. As such, it is necessary to consider the demographic trends and market presence that the firm wishes to have and what method through which the website is most often visited. As such, if it is determined that mobile platforms make up for a large percentage of overall traffic, then it is necessary to f ocus the SEO upon he way in which these different mobile platforms utilize apps and/or their native browsers to search the internet. If however it is determined that a very small percentage of overall traffic comes from mobile devices, seeking to expand a relatively large amount of money on seeking to garner but a few customers is not financially reasonable. 2. The past 40 years had noted a dramatic increase with respect to the overall level of mobile devices that are used for purposes of business and pleasure throughout the world. However, as the year 2015 draws to a close, it can definitively be stated that the impact of mobile computing with regards to communication and marketing is more important now than it was at any previous time in the future. In the same way that personal computer revolutionize the way in which computing took place, mobile computing has redefined the manner through which the individual communicates, the business entity markets, and computing is represented within the current world. Whereas but a few brief years ago an individual would be constrained to their desk as a manner of reaching potential clients and/or sending something as simple as an email, the communication platform that the mobile device now offers allows for a much greater degree of efficiency even if the individual in question is not within range of a Wi-Fi signal and/or within range of traditional desktop PC and keyboard. Further, perhaps the greatest shift that can be noted outside of the sheer ease of communication that these devices

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Russo-Japanese War Essay Example for Free

Russo-Japanese War Essay The Russo-Japanese war took place in 1904 to 1905 and began because of both Russia and Japans desire to expand their borders into places such as Korea. During this war, Russia was humiliated and had many defeats from a country which were considered to be inferior. The defeat of this war humiliated the people of Russia and therefore lost confidence in Nicholas II. Russia’s defeat in the war also caused problems in the Military, economic and political problems. This then means that the Russo-Japanese war was partly responsible for the 1905 revolution. The Russo-Japanese war created many huge military defeats which showed the Russian people how weak the military were which therefore caused national humiliation. With the people of Russia humiliated, they began the 1905 Revolution. An example of one of the most humiliating Russian defeats during the war was the Battle of Tsushima in May of 1905. The Russians sent 35 battleships from northern Europe to Japan. As the north of Russia was frozen over, the Russian fleet was forced to go past Africa and of an 8 month journey. When the Russian fleet finally arrived, they were overwhelmed and lost 25 of their initial 35 ships. The decisions made during this period lead to the military losing loyalty in the Tsar, for example, the strikes in Odessa. All of these problems and the fact the huge empire of Russia lose to a country that many had never heard of made Russians very humiliated. However, many argue that this did not cause the outbreak of the revolution, but only adding to the opposition of the autocratic Tsar and prolonging the revolution. The Russo-Japanese war also brought great economic problems for Russia. This meant there was a huge lack of money to try to solve the other problems which Russia was faced with which makes the Russo-Japanese war partly responsible for the 1905 revolution. The price of the war was huge due to the transport issues as Russia is a huge country, and with the war resulting in failure, nothing was gained from the territories. Russia was already had a huge economic problem as they had to borrow lots of from other empires like Great Britain and France. As Russia could not invest in her economy, and that Russia was borrowing from other great powers, it also made the Russians feel humiliated. The lack of funds also means that Russia could not improve  working and living conditions in both rural and urban areas. This reduced the Russians national pride. The economic problems meant that Russia could not sort out all of the other problems that the Russians faced in this period all because of the Russo-Japanese war which means that it was a huge factor in the 1905 Revolution. There were also many political reasons why the Russo-Japanese war may have been responsible for the 1905 revolution and what many people believe to be the most important. The war was fought on the eastern side of Russia near Japan, as the Russians wanted to capture Port Arthur, and was far away from where the majority of the population lived which is why many Russians felt left out of it as the news of the Russians progress was so slow to travel which lead to a lack of interest and enthusiasm for the war. This left people out of the issue which made public opinion turn against the war as they could see little justification for it. Even more important was the fact that the Russian military had a lack of resources due to the lack of transport and were not very equipped for the war. If this was the situation in any case, it would show weakness within the leadership and make people turn away from them. This is what happened between the Russians and the Tsar as they thought that he had fa iled his army. If the Russian people were to turn away, they would have to look somewhere else. Many looked towards political groups who were prepared to take action. The political implications of the Russo-Japanese war was a major cause of the 1905 Revolution as support left the Tsar and went to political groups which many believed could take his place. However, many people believe that the Russo-Japanese was not the only cause for the outbreak of the 1905 revolution. During this period, there were many growing political groups which many believed would be better than the Tsar because of their more radical thinking. The Russians mainly supported the Populists the Social Revolutionaries, the Social Democrats and the Liberals. Throughout the years the groups were slowly providing more opposition to the Tsar and each other. The most radical, and in some ways successful, group was the Social Revolutionaries (SR). The SR was heavily against the Tsar and his regimes. They opposed by assassinating many members of the government including the Minister of the Interior, Plehve in 1904 a nd Sergei. The SR became hugely popular due to their radicalism and the fact they are getting closer to their goal than many other political groups which lead to the  public supporting them as opposed to the Tsar causing the 1905 revolution. Another big reason why the 1905 revolution was cause was Russia’s lack of Political reform and the doubts in Russia’s Tsar. As Russia lacked a ‘democratic parliament’, it was only through extreme actions that the public’s voice could be heard. The lack of a nation parliament was due to Alexander II passing the Zemstva Act and the Statute of State Security Act. The people of Russia were also against Nicholas II as a character and leader. It was believed that Nicholas Ii did not have the personal attributes necessary to help get Russia out of their various problems. He was often described as â€Å"shy and quiet†. This may be because he was in power unexpectedly after the premature death of his father. Nether the less , these problems caused the public to lose faith in both Nicholas and the policies which is a strong cause for the 1905 revolution. Finally, one of the most important causes of the 1905 revolution was the economic troubles in the rural areas of the country. It was not only the peasants but the landowners too who were in deep economic problems. Russia used to have an agricultural side to it, however, during this period, agriculture was very behind that of other countries. Nothing had been done about this under Witte’s system. As the situation was never treated, the land became infertile and famines became quite regular, the worst case of this was in 1891. There were also more in 1902 and 1905 which may have triggered the peasants for revolution. In 1861, the Emancipation of the Serfs Act set the peasants free. However, they were tied to village communities and were not allowed to leave without permission. This inflated the peasant’s anger over the next few decades. The Landowners were also in huge debt after selling their land to the government. This strained the relationship between the Tsar and the peasants as Nicholas II has no funds to help any of them. This is a huge cause for the 1905 revolution. In conclusion, the Russo-Japanese war was a huge factor for revolution in 1905 as it leads to military, political and economic problems in Russian. However, there were also many problems in Russia before the War. However, many of the problems in the Russo-Japanese happened after the revolution had started, therefore either delaying the end or worsening the current situation. In my opinion, the Russo-Japanese war made the problems already which were existent in Russia worst, such as the economic problems, leading to the 1905 revolution.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Zombie in Haiti Essay Example for Free

Zombie in Haiti Essay The word zombie has been popular for several decades since it related to sightings and unsolved mysteries. Mostly, people understand that the word zombie is synonym for undead, ghosts, or monsters. Zombies are a bunch or walking dead-people that seek to feed on human flesh and infect any one that has been bitten by them. The definition is generally motion picture-induced or gained from spooky stories among friends. Anyway, the term is considered mostly as make believe tales that is nothing more than a great Hollywood story. Nevertheless, one cannot escape the logic that every tale as an original story behind it, one that is true and has not been tampered with. Within this paper, we are exploring studies and literatures about the origins of the ‘zombie tale’. Various Exposures on Zombie As mentioned before, most people know zombie and define them based on what they see on Hollywood movies. Nevertheless, there are actually quite a number of literatures –both fiction or scientific- that also cover the story on zombies. The first recorded book that exposed zombies to the western culture was the Magic Island, by W.B. Seabrook in 1929. The book, along with other literatures after it until the 1950, described zombie as a mindless thrall controlled like puppets by mystical masters. They could be reanimated corpses or living humans but never an independent character. Despite the fiction-nature of some literatures, the depiction of Zombie and its characteristics are rich in details and explanations. There are even books on how to survive a worldwide zombie outbreak (Allen, 1986). In movies, the tale of Zombies goes way back to the 1930’s. The first movies about zombies have a strong sexual component within it. In 1968 however, the sexual image of zombies has been decreased substantially cause of George Romero’s ‘Night of the Living Dead’ that identified zombies with cannibalism and awful bodily conditions. This is the popular image on zombies in the modern western movies until this day. Movies like ‘Dawn of the Dead’, TV serials like Buffy the Vampire Slayer and music videos like Michael Jackson’s ‘Thriller’ add popularity to the story of zombie as a mindless, flesh-eating monsters (Allen, 1986). Zombie in Haiti With the popularity of Zombie in Hollywood movies and fictional literatures, the impression of seriousness within the zombie concept was almost entirely gone. Scientific minds will almost instantly assume a fictional tone of voice behind any conversations on zombies. Nevertheless, some researchers have actually performed investigations on zombies and the truth about their existence on the planet. One of the most recognized scientific writers on the ‘zombie tale’ was Wade Davis (1988), with his book ‘PASSAGE OF DARKNESS: THE ETHNOBIOLOGY OF THE HAITIAN ZOMBIE.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Two Stories Of Creation That Begin Genesis Religion Essay

The Two Stories Of Creation That Begin Genesis Religion Essay According the creation of genesis there two stories that differ from the other, but at the same time both of them have similarities .Genesis is the first book of the book which provokes conflict about creation of Earth. The first story of Genesis is introduced to Ps vision and how the creation was. Throughout this story, God human creation was in the six day; also God created humans by his own image. In the other side there is the second story of Genesis which represents the Js vision of creation, based on this story human have different origin from the first story. In Genesis II God did not created man by his own image, it was created of the dust of the ground(Genesis 2:7). Comparing both stories there is a huge difference of power between the two Gods. Moreover these two creations show evidence in different styles of writing and have conflict with it. Both versions of Genesis have been contrasted, in the first story of Genesis, the order of creation differ from Genesis II. In Genesis I the heaven was first, then came animals, and finally was the man. But in the other hand, Genesis II human was placed on Earth before the animals and nature.(genesis 1:1, genesis 2.1) After those different versions is really difficult to understand the truth of Gods creation. In comparison between these stories is that God created the Earth like human kind, but in different ways. The most important similarity is that God shows humans complete love and adornment and only gives them one strict measure not eat from the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden. But they do not obey him, and they eat from it anyway. Before the mankind comes, Genesis I have a lot of events such as firmament, waters, plants and animals. Meanwhile, in Genesis two the preparation for mans home was really emphatic and special planning upon human. There different emphases in the two storiesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦., but the reason for these is obvious. Genesis I continue the narrative of creation until the climax, namely, man made in the image and likeliness of God. In Genesis II gives certain added details about mans original condition, which would have been incongruous and out of place in the grand, declarative in Genesis I(Edward J. Young, 1960).Therefore in Genesis II the center of this creation was human, it involves his setting and how perfect God created him. And at the same time in Genesis II there is no mention of creation of Earth and Oceans. There is no allusion to the sun, moon. The main purpose of this creation is to show how man was developing around the Earth. In contrast Genesis I explain us a general conclusion of this creation that have lastly a human without any details that involves him. Therefore, it show a man which was created without any main goal, this story basically describe an important care of environment as plants and nature. Moreover, Genesis I the creation of human takes place on the sixth day and is as follows, And God said, Let us make man in our image, in our likeness. As a result God created man in his image and also male and female.(Genesis 1:26) Be fertile an increase, fill the Earth and master it. The story of Adam and Eve portrays them as the two characters that did not have enough understanding of the effects of disobedience would bring to their lives and their next generations. In comparison, there is another similarity is that in the first account, there was a pre-existing watery chaos. The ocean was already present and a wind moved across the surface. The seas rested on the dry land , which appeared on day 3 when God gathered the waters together.(Genesis 1:1 to 2:4). The second story says that there was pre-existing dry land.AT first God created Adam, and then began to create all other living things. As a result God before created human being, he had made the water around the world. In version Ps God was the creator, there was no mention of laws and redeeming, how this God had made everything and was omniscient. This contrast from the Ps vision God, the evidence of this is found in Genesis II , where J explain, You shall no eat from it and you shall not touch it, lest you died. (Genesis 3:3) In this case it is referring to the tree of Knowledge, in the Garden of Eden. This shows evidence that Js God was the lawgiver and judgment giver. When comparing this to Ps God, we can observe that Js God was not as all knowledge. In Js vision found this disobedience from Adam and Eve, thats why he started the judgment. It is in this aspect that Js God is not omniscient. Another big contrast as we can see in Genesis II, God require materials to make Earth. This is opposed to how God is making Earth in Genesis I. in genesis I, the earth could bring forth vegetation, in Genesis II, there is no vegetation without rain and tillage of the ground by man; God has plant the first garden himself (Wybrow, 138) So, it demonstrates the difference in the Earth process to be set up. Furthermore, another difference is that in genesis I God doesnt have a very clear characterization because God was more a powerful and omniscient being. While in Genesis II God was less powerful, simply because it could not just imagine something into creation. The best way to reconcile the accounts was to assume that in the six days of creation, God created the potential for everything that unfolded, so that the potentiality for humanity was created on the sixth day, and this potentiality then became actual when activated by the breath of God. So it avoids contradictions between the two stories. It is a really interesting text which could be connected with the evolution.(Augustine of Hippo).Therefore in real life both stories are based with a same purpose, created the man and environment around him, but both creations did it at his own style. In conclusion, to me understand in Genesis I and Genesis II there are great comparisons and differences about the creation. Genesis I was written by the author P who is known as Priestly writer. Genesis II was written by the author J. I believe that Genesis I and II are very important to have an argument to discuss and analyze the creation of the earth and men.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Change Essay -- essays research papers

Experimental Strategies and Conceptual Change The article The Development of Scientific Reasoning in Knowledge-Rich Contexts written by Leona Schauble relates a series of experiments which give some insight as to how conceptual change and experimental strategies effect subjects of varying ages, ten fifth and sixth graders and ten noncollege adults. The conclusions drawn from the article are relevant in determining the cognitive strengths and weaknesses in the subjects as well as how these strengths and weaknesses vary as a result of differing ages. The objective of the study was to track changes in both the theories and reasoning strategies used by participants who conduct and interpret repeated cycles of experiments over several sessions to learn about the causal structure of two physical science systems. The exact experiments are not needed to understand the results of the experiments as long as the experimentation strategies and conceptual changes are understood. The experimentation strategies approach tends to emphasize concern for logical validity, (i.e. how the problem pieces together and why). The conceptual change approach tends to be more concerned with the plausibility and explanatory coherence as tests for deciding whether knowledge should be adopted. Schauble (1996) states that "because previous work focused either on the validity of strategies or the coherence of conceptions, it has tended to mask these close interrelations" (p.102). Therefore the re... Change Essay -- essays research papers Experimental Strategies and Conceptual Change The article The Development of Scientific Reasoning in Knowledge-Rich Contexts written by Leona Schauble relates a series of experiments which give some insight as to how conceptual change and experimental strategies effect subjects of varying ages, ten fifth and sixth graders and ten noncollege adults. The conclusions drawn from the article are relevant in determining the cognitive strengths and weaknesses in the subjects as well as how these strengths and weaknesses vary as a result of differing ages. The objective of the study was to track changes in both the theories and reasoning strategies used by participants who conduct and interpret repeated cycles of experiments over several sessions to learn about the causal structure of two physical science systems. The exact experiments are not needed to understand the results of the experiments as long as the experimentation strategies and conceptual changes are understood. The experimentation strategies approach tends to emphasize concern for logical validity, (i.e. how the problem pieces together and why). The conceptual change approach tends to be more concerned with the plausibility and explanatory coherence as tests for deciding whether knowledge should be adopted. Schauble (1996) states that "because previous work focused either on the validity of strategies or the coherence of conceptions, it has tended to mask these close interrelations" (p.102). Therefore the re... Change Essay -- essays research papers Experimental Strategies and Conceptual Change The article The Development of Scientific Reasoning in Knowledge-Rich Contexts written by Leona Schauble relates a series of experiments which give some insight as to how conceptual change and experimental strategies effect subjects of varying ages, ten fifth and sixth graders and ten noncollege adults. The conclusions drawn from the article are relevant in determining the cognitive strengths and weaknesses in the subjects as well as how these strengths and weaknesses vary as a result of differing ages. The objective of the study was to track changes in both the theories and reasoning strategies used by participants who conduct and interpret repeated cycles of experiments over several sessions to learn about the causal structure of two physical science systems. The exact experiments are not needed to understand the results of the experiments as long as the experimentation strategies and conceptual changes are understood. The experimentation strategies approach tends to emphasize concern for logical validity, (i.e. how the problem pieces together and why). The conceptual change approach tends to be more concerned with the plausibility and explanatory coherence as tests for deciding whether knowledge should be adopted. Schauble (1996) states that "because previous work focused either on the validity of strategies or the coherence of conceptions, it has tended to mask these close interrelations" (p.102). Therefore the re...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Inner Conflict in Death of a Salesman Essay -- Death Salesman essays

Inner Conflict in Death of a Salesman The main conflict in Death of a Salesman deals with the confusion and frustration of Willy Lowman. These feelings are caused by his inability to face the realities of modern society. Willy's most prominent delusion is that success is dependant upon popularity and having personal attractiveness. Willy builds his entire life around this idea and teaches it to his children. When Willy was young, he had met a man named Dave Singleman who was so well-liked that he was able to make a living simply by staying in his hotel room and telephoning buyers. When Dave Singleman died, buyers and salesmen from all over the country came to his funeral. This is what Willy has been trying to emulate his entire life. Willy's need to feel well-liked is so strong that he often makes up lies about his popularity and success. At times, Willy even believes these lies himself. At one point in the play, Willy tells his family of how well-liked he is in all of his towns and how vital he is to New England. Later, however, he tells Linda that no one remembers him and that the people laugh at him behind his back. As this demonstrates, Willy's need to feel well-liked also causes him to become intensely paranoid. When his son, Biff, for example, is trying to explain why he cannot become successful, Willy believes that Biff is just trying to spite him. Unfortunately, Willy never reali zes that his values are flawed. As Biff points out at the end of the play, "he had the wrong dreams." In many ways Biff is similar to his father. In the beginning of the play we see that Biff shares many of the same ideas as Willy. He values being well-liked above everything else and sees little value in being smart or honest. One of ... ...ually loves him. Death of a Salesman deals with the frustration of Willy Lowman and his inability to face the realities of modern society. Willy believes that success is dependant upon popularity and having personal attractiveness. Willy builds his entire life around this idea and teaches it to his children. He learns to late that he has built his life around an illusion. Â   Works Consulted Eisinger, Chester E. "Focus on Arthur Miller's 'Death of a Salesman': The Wrong Dreams," in American Dreams, American Nightmares, (1970 rpt In clc. Detroit: Gale Research. 1976 vol. 6:331 Foster, Richard J. (Confusion and Tragedy: The Failure of Miller's 'Salesman' (1959) rpt in clc. Detroit: Gale Research. 1983 vol. 26:316 Gardner, R. H. "Tragedy of the Lowest Man," in his Splintered Stage: (1965) rpt in clc. Detroit: Gale Research. 1983 vol. 2l6:320 Â  

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Building & Maintaining Customer Relationships Essay

Company Overview Wal-Mart is the world’s largest retailer company, which has operated on the market since 1962. The existence of such type of stores on the market becomes urgent.   This phenomenon can be easily explained by the lowering standards of living and economic slowdowns. The company was found in 1962 in Rogers, Arkansas (Wal-Mart, 2005). Its founder, Sam Walton opened the first distribution center in 1970, which was a starting point for further expansion, and in two years it was included in the list on the New York Stock Exchange. Today, none of the discount retailers is more popular than Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart merchandises a wide range of goods from tables to combs. Wal-Mart is the leader of the full-line discounters, with many stores cov ­ering 120,000 square feet (or more) of floor space; food accounts for about a third of floor space and sales (Wal-Mart Home Page, 2006). Acquisition Strategy Wal-Mart uses acquisition strategy as the main tool to access and penetrate new markets around the globe and expend nationally. The first wave of acquisitions took place at the end of 1970s when Wal-Mart acquired 16 Mohr-Value stores in Michigan and Illinois (1977), Hutcheson Shoe Company (1978), Woolco stores (1983), Grand Central Stores (1985), Supersaver (1988). Acquisition policy has been undoubtedly the most radical growth strategy open to management in that it represents a deliberate attempt to change the nature of the business (Is Wal-Mart Good for America, 2004). Executives at Wal-Mart spent most of 1990 trying to expand the brand’s customer base, and results have been promising. With hindsight, however, it is clear that Wal-Mart paid too much for the acquisitions. As noted previously, Wal-Mart is currently in the midst of its own financial retrenchment. Acquisition policy occurs when the new business is related in some way to the old one. The opening up of the market and the resultant increased competition has widened the perspective of the planning framework with profound implications for Wal-Mart. During this period of time, Wal-Mart acquired Western Merchandisers, Inc and McLane Company of Temple (1990),   28 units from The Wholesale Club, Inc (1991). During 1990s, Wal-Mart has used acquisition strategy to expand internationally and acquired 122 Woolco stores in Canada (1994), opened new stores in Puerto-Rico (1992) and penetrates Korean and Chinese markets through joint venture strategy, and entered German market in acquiring Wertkauf (1998) and Interspar (1999). For instance, acquisition with Woolco stores allowed Wal-Mart to subject to a complex regulate framework whereas others are less so (Watch Out Europe: Here Comes Wal-Mart, 1999). Still, even if it is possible to predict the needs of customer there are some threats and new opportunities, which should be taken into consideration (Oliva, n.d.). There are no specific regulations governing the goals and structures of the industry, there is no constitutional restrictions or legislative mandate that restricts acquisition (Bianco, Zellner, 2003). In October 09 2006.Black Agenda Radio reported that Wal-Mart was going to enter Australian market making its first acquisition in Australia this year. They announced that Wal-Mart made investments in Brazilian retail chain Sonae and Central American Retail Holding Company (CARHCO). Also, â€Å"On 28 July 2006, Wal-Mart announced it will exit the German retail market by selling its 85 â€Å"Supercenters† to retailer Metro AG on the back of pre-tax losses of approximately U.S. $1 billion on its German operations† (Wal-Mart’s Germany Exit, 2006). So, acquisition strategy employed by Wal-Mart provides the buyer with quick growth as well as access to existing brand suppliers, distributors, and goods. Retention Strategy Unlike the transactional, functionally-orientated approach, relationship marketing in food retailing industry is a cross-functional process concerned with balancing marketing efforts among key markets. To create a winning customer retention strategy, Wal-Mart expends its product lines and improves its customer services. For instance, Wal-Mart implemented RFDI solutions and handheld computers linked to in-store computers which helped to transform its business worldwide (RFID to Transform, 2004). The strength of retention strategy is that it is on average as dependent on reliable information technology as any other businesses. They care more about reliable service and confidence than about the lowest price. The company implemented IT supply chain solutions and Internet facilities in order to meet customers’ needs and requirements. A critical issue within the customer market domain in the USA is to ensure that customer retention as well as customer acqui ­sition is emphasized. Recognition of the significant link between customer retention and profitability is leading to new and better strategies for strengthening customer satisfaction and loyalty (RFID to Transform Real-Time, 2004). Branding, advertising, promotion, and additional services to customers and product innovation strengthen the company’s image (Sell Your Product, †¦ 2004). In-Store Checkout TV Channels are introduced in different locations around the country aimed improve customer service and engage customers in buying process. This strategy decreases time and efforts that customers must expend to learn about the products. Wal-Mart reduces prices seasonally in order to attract new customers and benefit existing buyers. Wal-Mart’s customers evaluate an item of a given specification in terms of its total expected costs, i.e. acquisition price plus any necessary additional expenses associated with an item: it can be installation, running and maintenance costs, all discounted to the present time in order to take account of cash flows over a period of time. In the same way the cost of a transport movement or service may be expressed in terms of the original price of acquisition plus any additional and necessary costs or expenses (Brown Quintin, 2000). It is possible to distinguish two aspects of costs: price and expenses. Trying to provide customer service an organization considers these two measurements. In evaluating an organization, customers consider or respond to these two measurements. Mobile computing and increased staffing for weekends help to overcome retention and improve customer service (The Big Secret Is Continue†¦ 2006). Strengths and Weaknesses of Wal-Mart’s Acquisition and Retention The main strength of Wal-Mart acquisition and retention strategies is that they improve company’s position on the market; they are customer-oriented and help Wal-Mart to expend internationally. Also, the management team of Wal-Mart takes into consideration that direct Investment involves sev ­eral distinct forms. Ranging from a sales/marketing subsidiary through to a fully operational manufacturing unit producing the same products as the domestic plant, investment includes product specific manufacturing units, plants producing components and facilities which simply assemble products in the end-user market (Davison, Smith, 2005). At the very beginning the strengths included high potential to growth and profitability of the company, and professional management team, customer loyalty and excellent service. It is targeted at the customers, which buy discounted and unpackaged goods from manufactures at extremely low prices (The Ever-Expanding Empire, 2004). For Wal-Mart, acquisition and retention strategies help to save millions of dollars on advertising and market penetration. Wal-Mart plans on a combination of forecasting and budgeting systems can only work if the future is going to be the same as the present or the past. Wal-Mart will succeed in redu ­cing costs in the next few years of the decade by international acquisition strategies. The main weaknesses include negative attitude of foreign competitors and strict government regulations restricted foreign ownership in some countries. For instance, in 2002 Wal-Mart’s attempts to buy Supermercados Amigo in Puerto Rico were blocked in order to prevent anti-competition policies and foreign dominance of Wal-Mart. Also, Wal-Mart has made attempts to acquire Ahold’s operations in Argentina, Brazil and Peru. Another weakness of Wal-Mart is comparatively low wages which increase dissatisfaction with its policies (Is Wal-Mart Good for America, 2004). This situation negatively affects company’s image and causes critics in press. Changes in legislation and international regulations can weaken Wal-Mart’s global presence and limits its acquisition plans. For instance, the end of 1990s was marked by the changes on the European market which altered many of the parameters of competition and thus enforced a period of reassessment and adaptation (Person of the Week, 2006). Recommendations Taking into account current acquisition and retention strategies and activities, the best collusions for Wal-Mart are planning for com ­petitiveness and are actively involved in re-investing profits in new critical assets. Wal-Mart may choose to concentrate on its core strengths and rationalize its portfolio, focus its activities on a particular geographic area or centre on a particular user segment. Wal-Mart, as a result of being able to adapt to changing competitive demands, is likely to survive in the long term. The changes can be incremental or major in their nature, but each type provides specific advantages to deliver customer satisfaction. It is possible to conclude that effective international and national marketing depends upon effective marketing system employed by a company. The company needs better management facilities outside the USA to control and monitor performance around the world. For Wal-Mart acquisition should be key market-entry strategy that entails purchasing multiple existing outlets in a foreign and domestic market. CRM (customer relationship management) can be seen as one of the main tool to improve current service and attract potential target audience. Maintenance of high standards is a key factor to improve customer service. References Bianco, A., Zellner, W. â€Å"Is Wal-Mart too powerful?† Business Week, October 6, 2003, p.5. The Big Secret Is Continue to Do What You Do Best. Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL), November 28, 2005, p. 3. Black Agenda Radio. Wal-Mart’s siege in Chicago. KPFK, October 09, 2006. Brown, R., St Quintin, R.E. Distribution Sector Faces Major Impact. The Birmingham Post (England), February 17, 2000, p. 41. Davison, J., Smith, S.E. (2005). â€Å"Wal-Mart Finds Dominance Harder to Achieve in Europe†. 2 Sept. Gartner Research. Available at: 130800/130826/walmart_finds_d.pdf The Ever-Expanding Empire; after Wal-Mart Chief Talks to Key Men in Europe He Has a Big Message for His Shareholders. The Evening Standard (London, England), May 27, 2004, p. 40. Is Wal-Mart Good for America? TV program Online Nov 16, 2004. Available at: 8.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Oliva, S.M. Price Check on Antitrust: WalMart’s Acquisition of Britain’s Safeway PLC. Capitalism Magazine. Available at: Person of the Week. Braun and Dolores Hummel. ABC’s World News Tonight. Monday, October 09, 2006. RFID to Transform Real-Time Business across Industries; SAP Exec Says Technology Has a Big Future Business Impact. Manila Bulletin August 30, 2004, p. 4 Sell Your Product the Wal-Mart Way. Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL), September 13, 2004, p. 3. Wal Mart. 2005. May, 21. Available at: Watch Out Europe: Here Comes Wal-Mart. Business Week Online. June 28, 1999. Available at: Wal-Mart Home Page. 2006. Available at: Wal-Mart’s Germany Exit Reflects on Its Market Entry Strategy. 2006. Gartner. Available at:   

Monday, September 16, 2019

The Steps in the Business Buying-Decision Process

First process is problem recognition in which someone in the company recognizes a problem or need that can be met by acquiring a good or service. It can result from internal (a machine break down and need new parts) and external stimuli (buyer receive a call from a salesperson who offers a better machine or a lower price). Next stage is general need description in which a buyer describes the general characteristics and quantity of a needed item.An example, for complex items, the buyer needs to work with others-engineers, users, consultants to define the item. Third step is product specification. The buying organization decides on and specifies the best technical product characteristics for a needed item by using product value analysis. Supplier search is another step in which the buyer tries to find the best vendors. They can compile a small list of qualified suppliers by reviewing trade directories, doing computer searches, or phoning other companies for recommendations.Another stag e is proposal solicitation. In this stage the buyer invites qualified suppliers to submit proposals. Business marketers must be skilled in researching, writing, and presenting proposals in response to buyer proposal solicitation. Next step is supplier selection in which the buyer reviews proposals and selects a supplier or suppliers. The buying center often will draw up a list of the desired supplier attributes (product and service quality, reputation) and their relative importance.Order-routine specification is the next step of business buying-decision process. the buyer writes the final order with the chosen supplier(s), listing the technical specifications, quantity needed, expected time of delivery, return policies, and warranties. Final stage is performance review in which the buyer assesses the performance of the supplier and decides to continue, modify, or drop the arrangement. The seller’s job is to monitor the same factors used by the buyer to make sure that the sell er is giving the expected satisfaction.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Womens Day

Women’s Day Women are not an asset, nor are they mere human beings – they are the pride of society. From raising the children through to educating our youth, they carry the largest burden of helping us in comprehending how important life is and why it should be preserved for the greater good of mankind.In Pakistan, we do not need to look any further – from our households through to our sociological development, they are the pillars upon whom we depend for our emotional and spiritual support, and even at times our economical, social and political fabric coherence. From the youngest to the oldest, they are equivocal representatives of the brighter side of Pakistan. Kiran Khan, for instance, represented Pakistan in swimming on an international platform – the Commonwealth Games, and the 2008 Summer Olympics to name a few; Dr.Attiya Inayatullah and Mrs. Safia Ameen, who were prominent members of the Population Council and brought to the fore the importance of e pidemiological analysis in Pakistan; Ms. Fatima Jinnah, who deserves an honorary mention in this regard for laying the foundation stone of the All Women Association; Mrs. Bilquis Edhi, wife of Abdul Sattar Edhi, is in her own right a testament to the Edhi Foundation.Her concentrated efforts in maintaining the humanitarian relief efforts for the people of Pakistan are at par with her husband and Pakistan is in debt to her patriotic passion for the nationalistic cause that she continues to pursue to this day; the numerous laureates of Pakistan are endless and deserve wreaths of praise for their contributions to Pakistan. That isn't to say that they alone are representatives of our society. On a daily basis we see them strive to bring a shining image of Pakistan that has been earned through fair means and admirable efforts.Notable mentions include; Mrs. Fauzia Kasuri, who pioneered the concept of ‘international level higher education for the masses' to noteworthy effect – with the advent of the Beaconhouse School System that, to this day, is the most diverse private school network that teaches Cambridge assorted GCEs to the masses; with the Educators providing an equal opportunity for the less affording stratum of Pakistan; Ms. Fatima Riaz, an undergraduate student of Ata-ur-Rehman School of Applied Biosciences (ASAB) in National University ofScience and Technology (NUST), who has instituted the start of a NUST-level society titled â€Å"Bioreach† – the prime objective being to ‘reach' out to the general public and provide a ‘researcher's contributions' towards understanding diseases in Pakistan better and, furthermore, helping understand how they can be caused and avoided; to the numerous female students of Pakistan whom have represented Pakistan on numerous platforms – school, college, and university level – internationally and nationally; the mothers of children guiding them towards the right path; the elder ly women whom have provided their undivided attention in providing advice and counselor support to our veterans in their time of need; they are the numerous ‘silent heroes' whom have held our society's fabric together since Pakistan's inception. This article is a testament to the women of Pakistan, without whom Pakistan would have been different. We, the people of Pakistan, salute you for your untiring efforts and tip our hats in praise and support of your relentless pursuit of the national cause. And with this, we would like to conclude this dedication to you.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Organizational Communication

Shockley-Zalabak (2009) suggests the major characteristics of the scientific management school are carefully developed chains of command and efficient division of labor† (p. 68). The netmba. com (2010) website, which cites Taylor (1911), suggests the following four major characteristics of the scientific management school: * Replace the rule-of-thumb work methods based on a scientific study of the tasks. * Scientifically select, train, and develop each worker rather than passively leaving them to rain themselves. Cooperate with the workers to ensure that the scientifically methods are being followed. * Divide work nearly evenly between managers and workers, so that the managers apply scientific management principles to planning the work and the workers actually perform the tasks. (p. 1) The scientific method implication on communication is manifested in management controlling the chain of communication. Shockley-Zalabak (2009), who cites Faylor (1949), suggests â€Å"orders should come from only one superior and that a bypass of the chain of command would be a source of problems† (p. 9). I believe this suggest that communication is organized from the top down. In addition, I believe this communication method does not afford any input form subordinates or other stakeholders. I believe it assumes that management is always right and is the only source of solutions. Thereby, I believe subordinates are somewhat disenfranchised. Shockley-Zalabak (2009) suggests, â€Å"The human behavior [school characteristics] assumes that work is accomplished through people and emphasizes cooperation, participation, satisfaction, and interpersonal skills† (p. 72). Therefore, I believe this theory encourages open, participatory communication between management and subordinates at all levels. In my organization, I believe our school based management and planning team utilizes this management style in making decisions. The worldbank. org (2007) website suggests school-based management â€Å"is the decentralization of authority from the central government to the school level† (p. 2). Our school based planning management team encourages cooperation, shared decision-making, and participation among all stakeholders, which are tenets of the human behavior theory. Shockley-Zalabak (2009) suggests, integrated perspectives characteristics â€Å"attempt to explain how people, technologies, and environments integrate to influence all that happens in organizations† (p. 77-78). I believe this theory, as Shockley-Zalabak (2009) suggests, affects â€Å"the effectiveness of communication [not only] within the organization, but also to how the organization communicates with its environment, its customers, and community† (p. 88). In my organization, technology is used to communicate real-time attendance, schedule, and grading data to parents and students through a system called SchoolMax. The K12progrms. com website suggests, SchoolMax is one of the most technologically advanced web-based student information systems available on the market today that addresses the broad needs of today's K-12 school districts with a fully integrated and feature rich solution for the management of student information. In final analysis, I suggest scientific method, human behavior, and integrated perspectives influence organizational communication. References Organizational Communication Shockley-Zalabak (2009) suggests the major characteristics of the scientific management school are carefully developed chains of command and efficient division of labor† (p. 68). The netmba. com (2010) website, which cites Taylor (1911), suggests the following four major characteristics of the scientific management school: * Replace the rule-of-thumb work methods based on a scientific study of the tasks. * Scientifically select, train, and develop each worker rather than passively leaving them to rain themselves. Cooperate with the workers to ensure that the scientifically methods are being followed. * Divide work nearly evenly between managers and workers, so that the managers apply scientific management principles to planning the work and the workers actually perform the tasks. (p. 1) The scientific method implication on communication is manifested in management controlling the chain of communication. Shockley-Zalabak (2009), who cites Faylor (1949), suggests â€Å"orders should come from only one superior and that a bypass of the chain of command would be a source of problems† (p. 9). I believe this suggest that communication is organized from the top down. In addition, I believe this communication method does not afford any input form subordinates or other stakeholders. I believe it assumes that management is always right and is the only source of solutions. Thereby, I believe subordinates are somewhat disenfranchised. Shockley-Zalabak (2009) suggests, â€Å"The human behavior [school characteristics] assumes that work is accomplished through people and emphasizes cooperation, participation, satisfaction, and interpersonal skills† (p. 72). Therefore, I believe this theory encourages open, participatory communication between management and subordinates at all levels. In my organization, I believe our school based management and planning team utilizes this management style in making decisions. The worldbank. org (2007) website suggests school-based management â€Å"is the decentralization of authority from the central government to the school level† (p. 2). Our school based planning management team encourages cooperation, shared decision-making, and participation among all stakeholders, which are tenets of the human behavior theory. Shockley-Zalabak (2009) suggests, integrated perspectives characteristics â€Å"attempt to explain how people, technologies, and environments integrate to influence all that happens in organizations† (p. 77-78). I believe this theory, as Shockley-Zalabak (2009) suggests, affects â€Å"the effectiveness of communication [not only] within the organization, but also to how the organization communicates with its environment, its customers, and community† (p. 88). In my organization, technology is used to communicate real-time attendance, schedule, and grading data to parents and students through a system called SchoolMax. The K12progrms. com website suggests, SchoolMax is one of the most technologically advanced web-based student information systems available on the market today that addresses the broad needs of today's K-12 school districts with a fully integrated and feature rich solution for the management of student information. In final analysis, I suggest scientific method, human behavior, and integrated perspectives influence organizational communication. References

Friday, September 13, 2019

Botanic Gardens Tourist Management Strategies

The â€Å"City Botanic Gardens† is one of the heritages gardens which are located in the Brisbane, Australia. It is bordered by the Alice Street, Brisbane River, Parliament House, George Street and Queensland University (, 2016). The Gardens display most mature gardens in Brisbane with some rare botanic species. The collection of garden includes rare collection of palms, cycads, bamboo and figs. The site was added to the â€Å"Queensland Heritage Register† on 1997. The site is being described as most significant â€Å"non Aboriginal cultural† landscape in the heart of Queensland. The site is known to have a continuous horticultural heritage which has suffered minimal land loss area or modification in use (Cowell, 2015). The site is considered as a premier â€Å"public heritage park† which is used for recreational facility. The park is prises of three main sections such as Queens Park, Botanic Gardens and former Government domain (Brisban, 2016). The gardens are bordered with mature trees which create avenues as well as grooves. The site provides ample avenues for recreational activities such as lake, gardens, formal lawns and structures (, 2016). The site successfully displays the evolution pattern of the Queensland history. It also prises of the endangered ponents of the cultural history of Queensland. There are several varieties of plants at Queensland that are ornamental in nature or agricultural which can be traced back to the â€Å"Brisbane Botanic Gardens†. This site is an important ponent in displaying particular class characteristics of particular cultural place (Sutherland, 2014). There are several historic structures in the park such as band pavilion, Walter Hill Drinking Fountain, boundary stone walls, bear pit shelter and cast iron railings (, 2016). The site also presents aesthetic significance which provides visual amenity and values prising of natural wildlife (, 2016). There has been strong association of the culture, munity and spiritual ponents with this park. The park is a mon place for several social events as well as popular tourist description. The heritage site has provided with ample cultural solutions to the general public. However, the site faces the issues of urban conservation. There have been inadequate conservation measures towards the natural botanical habitants. This creates challenges for the park authorities. There are issues with the erosion and conservation of the plants. The nutrient levels get degraded that prise of damage due to pet waste, fertilizers and pollution (Miller et al., 2016). There is degradation of the natural land cover. There are issues with the horticulture research that is faced by the heritage park. It doesn’t engage in sufficient scientific research. The park provides limited opportunities for the education of the school as well as college students. There are not enough facilities for the purpose of education regarding the plants and the natural habitats. The garden is prone to the damaging effect of the climate change (Derkzen, Van Teeffelen & Verburg, 2017). The plants need healt hy atmosphere to survive for a long period. The environmental damage is having an adverse effect on the maintenance of the botanic habitats. The botanic garden is facing the issue of water shortage. The increased human demand has reduced the water supply on which the plants are dependant. The botanic garden faces constant challenges of lack of funds which creates difficulty for smooth functioning of the garden. The lack of funds creates problems in the operation of the garden (Moody, 2013). The authorities are unable to perform routine maintenance of the gardens due to limited funds (Derkzen, Van Teeffelen & Verburg, 2017). They are also unable to carry out any beatification project for the garden. This makes the garden unable to attract tourists in large numbers. The garden management is unable to protect the park from overuse which often causes exploitation of the plant life. The non-development of the botanical life is a matter of concern for the garden authorities. This implies that the existing botanical life would not be replaced by newer ones which would decrease the value of the garden (Thorpe, 2014). The non-addition of the plants would lead to stagnant position of the botanical garden. The site also faces the issue of littering and vandalism. There are instances when the garden authority has received plaints of littering. There are instances when the waste material, rubbish, glass, paper, debris and the garbage are spread here and there within the garden authorities. The public often litter on the sidewalks, alleys and the streets of the botanic garden. There are mercial wastes which are always disposed at the garden premises. There are often instances of vandalism which occur at the garden premises. It is often seen that there are ruthless acts of damage to the garden properties which often causes issues for the garden management. The unlawful destruction of the properties of the garden authorities has caused issues in the past. Erosion and conservation of the plants- In Australia, there is significant development in the science and development field which have increased the participation of the farmers in the innovative systems (Uphoff, 2013). Horticulture research- The horticulture science societies have successfully managed to implement a large number of changes in fields such as ecology, botany, genetics, plant physiology, plant breeding and others. Limited opportunities for the education- There are botanic gardens which engage in education of the mon people including the school going students. They impact learning based on the importance of the plants and the global ecosystem at large. The information should be provided on the plant species distribution and plant taxonomy (, 2016). Climate change- The botanic gardens face constant challenges of the climate changes which have major impact on the natural ecosystem. The International Agenda of the Botanic Gardens in conservation has led to clarify the roles of the botanic garden in international market (, 2016). One key role identified in the process is the conservation of plant. Emphasis is also being laid on the providing safety net through the process of living plant collections and seed banks as well as germplasm collections (, 2016). Water shortage- The concerned authorities are engaging in water conservation measures that emphasis on the reduced water consumption. The trees as well as plants are of great cultural value and the survival of the plants is dependent on the water supply. In the Royal Botanic Gardens of Australia, the turf areas are being converted to the â€Å"warm season grasses† such as Kikayu (, 2016). They are more water efficient than others. Lack of funds- The botanic gardens strive to aim for international investors and try to engage in international partnerships in the horticulture sector (Beer, 2016). There should have supplement activities as well as programs which would lead to greater revenue generation. Overuse- The biodiversity should be used to improve the current condition of the botanic gardens and a conscious effort has been made to reduce the exploitation on the plants (Beer, 2016). Non-development of the botanical life- A dedicated effort of garden restoration should be carried out to preserve the native plants and increase the diversity of the plants (Beer, 2016).   It is important to implement changes in the day to day functioning of the botanic garden so that the necessary problems can be solved. The erosion as well as conservation of the plants is of utmost importance which should be given utmost importance. The development of the science would enable the conservation of the plants in the botanic garden. The garden authorities should focus more on the research concerning the horticulture and the related disciplines such as genetics, botany, plant breeding, plant physiology. The authorities should concentrate more on the education opportunities, which would increase the attraction of the botanic garden. The garden should engage in devising strategies which would fight against the increasing climate change. It should also concentrate on the conservation of water and increase the areas which focus on warm season grasses.   The garden authorities should concentrate on the generation of funds through different sources. The private donors as well as the corporate sponsorships should be focused on so that the garden can have smooth functioning. It would also try to make conscious effort towards maintenance of the garden. An increased effort should be undertaken for the development of the botanical life. Both hard and soft approach of management should be taken for improving the current situation. The littering should be strictly penalized and strict supervision should be done that would ensure no person can engage in unlawful activities. This is a hard approach which needs to be implemented. If anyone found doing littering, then strict fine should be imposed on them. The issue of vandalism should be dealt with strict action and if necessary, adequate legal action should be taken. A soft approach may also be taken which would ensure that the garden authorities would ensure that sufficient sign boards are put on the garden which would educate the tourists. The City Botanic Garden is one of the most popular heritage gardens in the Australia. There is great collection of natural botanic collection in Australia. There are several problems with the botanic site which are discussed in detail. There are several issues discussed such as erosion as well as conservation of the plants, issues with horticulture research, limited opportunities for education purposes, climatic variations, water shortages, issues with financing, exploitation of the plant life, littering, vandalism and the non-development of the botanic life. The concluding part of the report has given suitable suggestions to improve the current problems. Australian National Botanic Gardens - Botanical Web Portal. (2016). Retrieved 29 December 2016, from Beer, D. (2016). The Australian national botanic gardens.  Australian Garden History,  28(1), 24. Brisbane City Council. (2016). Retrieved 29 December 2016, from Cowell, J. (2015). Brisbane: Our active, healthy city.  Australasian Parks and Leisure,  18(2), 38. Derkzen, M. L., Van Teeffelen, A. J., & Verburg, P. H. (2017). Green infrastructure for urban climate adaptation: How do residents’ views on climate impacts and green infrastructure shape adaptation preferences?.  Landscape and Urban Planning,  157, 106-130. Miller, J. S., Lowry, P. P., Aronson, J., Blackmore, S., Havens, K., & Maschinski, J. (2016). Conserving biodiversity through ecological restoration: the potential contributions of botanical gardens and arboreta.  Candollea,  71(1), 91-98. Moody, E. J. R. (2013). The Implementation of munity Gardens to Address Interconnected Problems Related to Food Deserts in Urban Memphis, Tennessee. (2016).  Home | Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria. Retrieved 29 December 2016, from Sutherland, A. (2014). Playful access.  Australasian Leisure Management, (105), 58. Thorpe, D. (2014).  The'one Planet'Life: A Blueprint for Low Impact Development. Routledge. Uphoff, N. (Ed.). (2013).  Agroecological innovations: increasing food production with participatory development. Routledge. 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Thursday, September 12, 2019

Determining Your Perfect Position Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Determining Your Perfect Position - Essay Example It is natural for every business student to aspire to be a successful businessperson at a reputable organization. These positions could be of an entrepreneur, the chief-executive office, the departmental heads - marketing, sales, production, and finance or even the president and chief supervisor. Everybody has a different perfect position in mind; a different dream; I aspire to be an entrepreneur and start up a business of designer personal computers. The reason that I believe that the position of an entrepreneur and then the CEO of the organization once it is in existence is perfect for me is due to my personality and passion put together. The enthusiasm that I hold for designer personal computers is extraordinary; I want to pass on this fervor to other people too by opening up my own venture. An entrepreneur is somebody who takes major risks; he employs all the money that he has towards his business plan in the hope of earning profit. However, this profit could very well be major losses as well; the entrepreneur might be left with no capital by the end of the project. However, I am a very adventurous person by nature - risk taking and gambling is a part of everyone's life; taking risks for something one really desires is a positive risk. Also, I possess a high energy level, self-confidence and an awareness of passing time. I tend to make the best use of time that I have along with a managed awareness of my surroundings. These a re all the qualities that an entrepreneur should possess ideally, and with these qualities and commitment, I believe I can reach new heights as an entrepreneur myself. Leadership: The second prerequisite of a running an organization successfully at a certain position is 'leadership'; a leader is somebody who manages the entire organization and its operations, controls all activities, monitors each act and most importantly, motivates other employees to work for the progression of the organization. Employees tend to slack off and become uninterested in their job; it is the task of this leader to exhibit his leadership skills and talk these employees into working hard and become motivated. One of the most important jobs of the leader, who mostly is the manager, is to plan out a mission and then guiding and directing it to success (Thompson, Strickland, Gamble; 2008). Leadership Styles: The way a person plans to lead his organization of his subordinates depends on basically two things; firstly, his nature and personality attributes and secondly, the circumstances at hand and the type of organization he is running. There are several types of leadership styles - authoritative, participative, delegative, autocratic, charismatic, democratic, people oriented, task oriented etc (Glanz, 2002). However, the three main categories are 'authoritative/autocratic', 'participative/democratic' and 'delegative/free reign'. A leader can only be successful if he knows which side of this leadership to apply in which situations. 'Participative/democratic' is a style that focuses more on team work and building great interpersonal relationships with one's colleagues. Such a leader does not believe in ordering or bossing around his/her subordinates; this also gives birth to a level of respect among the team members. This strengthens the ease and comfort of sharing ideas and innovation techniques and negates the idea of suppressing one's suggestion in fear

The British Government, the Bank of England, and the British Economy Essay

The British Government, the Bank of England, and the British Economy - Essay Example Presently, it is the bank in charge of the financial activities of the U.K government (Capie 2010). The bank has its headquarters at London, and has been the case since 1734. As from 1946, the bank was nationalised, and it has since monopolized the provision of banknotes in England and the Wales. The Bank’s roles of managing the country’s monetary policy are overseen by the Monetary Policy Committee (Goodwin, 2013). During times of public interest issues and economic adversity, the committee is authorised by the parliament and the treasury to employ the strategies it deems fit towards correcting the issue or situation in question. The major roles of the bank include supporting the country’s price and economic stability. Monetary stability is pursued through employing strategies to ensure that price increment does not go beyond the inflation projections of the government. Financial stability is pursued, by the bank, through the well-timed neutralization of the thr eats facing the country’s financial system. Financial and monetary stability are attained through the stimulation of the economic system and the manipulation of policy instruments. These strategies entail the bank’s cooperation with the treasury and the FSA (Financial Services Authority) (Capie 2010). The British Economy 2011 was a difficult year for the global economy with the UK not spared. In effect, this forced many forecasters to revise their yearly forecasts throughout the year. An example is the case of the OBR (Office for Budget Responsibility), which cut its GDP projections for the period between FY 2011 and 2013; it cut the projections from 2.4 percent, for the previous year, to 1.2 percent for a financial year, during November 2011. Furthermore, the events that followed continue to raise questions as to whether the revised figures will be realised following the worsening of the situation by the crisis in the Euro zone (Goodwin 2013). This outlook demonstrate s that the financial and the monetary strategies that are altered by the bank of England, which works under the directives of the British government particularly the parliament and the treasury, which determine the stabilization strategies adopted. The poor outlook of the economy shows that the two actors have not been effective, in manipulating financial and monetary instruments to the favour of stabilizing the British economy (Gordon, Scanlon, Travers and Whitehead 2009). The Double Dip of 2012 The UK economy entered year 2012 from a weak point. The preliminary projections of GDP growth from the fourth quarter of 2011 showed that the output of the economy had contracted by 0.2 percent at the end of year 2011. The monthly output projections from official reports demonstrated that manufacturing capacity had reduced throughout the summer time. The reports showed that the service sector had demonstrated higher resilience during the same period. However, the worsening of the Euro zone crisis, starting July of 2011, triggered a sharp price decline and an increase in the volatility of equity pricing that consequently affected the outlook of both consumers and businesses. These changes demonstrate that the British Government and the Bank of England had failed in controlling price levels, and employing the strategies of containing price volatility. Partly, the situation could have been triggered by the Euro zone crisis, but it demonstrated a lack of competitiveness and skilfulness, among the two economic controllers, in manipulating financial and monetary policy to favour the resultant economic outlook (Goodwin 2013). The adverse effects of the non-controlled economic outlook were evident from the downturn evident among many businesses,

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Cars Technical Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words

Cars Technical - Essay Example After World War I, the United States became a renewal of economic growth, from new inventions to growth of an expanding road infrastructure. This economic growth helped accelerate the need for the automobile. The automobile industry grew quickly because of many innovative inventions. In the 1950's innovation was getting greater speed through the design of more powerful engines. In the 1960's innovation was building a sleek but performance driven auto. In the 1970's, the automobile and gas shortage led many automakers to look for innovative ways to control emission and decrease gas consumption. The convergence of computer and auto industries helped improve gas mileage and cut down on emission. The last 25 years of the car industry has seen technical and design advances that increased standardization, platform sharing, and CAD design. Body styles have changed to include the hatchback, minivan and sport utility vehicle (Consumer Guide p 10). Automotive engines are called internal combustion (IC) engine because the fuel that runs them is burned internally, or inside the engines. There are two types, reciprocating and rotary. Reciprocating means moving up and down, or back and forth. Almost all automotive engines are of the reciprocating type. In these engines, pistons moves up and down, or reciprocate, in cylinders. This type of engine is called piston engine. Rotary engines have rotors that spin, or rotate. The only such engine now used in automobiles is the Wankel engine. 1 )Types of Engine System: 1.1 Car Engine: The main function of a car's engine is to make it move. Engines come in a range of strengths as well as speeds. All recent engines are made of vital parts. Car engines are built around cylinders (generally something from 2-12 of them, however usually 4, 6 or 8) in which the fuel is burnt. Super-strong metal and sealed shut, arte used to make these cylinders however at one end open and closes exactly like bicycle pumps: these consist of tight-fitting pistons (plungers) that may slide up as well as down in them. At the top of every cylinder, there are two valves. The inlet valve permits fuel as well as air to go into the cylinder; the outlet valve lets the exhaust gases loose. At the very top of the cylinder, a sparking plug (or spark plug) is present, this is a device which is controlled electrically as well as makes a spark to put fire to the fuel. At the base of the cylinder, the piston is connected to a continually turning axle that is known as a crankshaft. The crankshaft's function is to powers up the gearbox of the car which then drives the wheels. The capacity of an engine function is depends on the power or the horse power that i t develops. This in turn is reliant on the ability of the engine. 2.)Diesel Engines: In 1892, Rudolph Diesel, a German engineer developed the "diesel" engine. Unlike the gasoline engine, the diesel engine is capable of spontaneous combustion of liquid fuel without requiring spark ignition. "The key advantage of the diesel engine over the gasoline engine is its fuel economy as well as durability" ( Known as a "workhorse" the diesel engine became the engine of choice for heavy construction machinery, mining