Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Recruitment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Recruitment - Assignment Example 38). These stages give recruitment the outlook of the tool that finds the right person for the right job that goes beyond an activity for the human resource team to involve line managers as well. This paper will discuss recruitment in terms of the different ways and methods it is conducted, the wrong and right ways is usually done, and what the individuals conducting it should act. Recruitment methods that are available to organizations can be categorized broadly into two: internal and external recruitment, which can then be broken down into smaller methods (Alrichs 2000, p. 14). Internal recruitment aims at personnel already on the recruiting organization’s payroll and is a significant source of recruitment as it offers opportunities for the utilization and growth of the current human resource. The organization’s management may approach internal recruitment from the aspect of either promotions or transfers. Promotions involve upgrading existing employees by upward shif ts in responsibilities, status, facilities and remuneration (Maloney 2008, p. 114). On the other hand, transfers provide an alternative procedure to promotions, whereby employees are moved from their present work locations to new ones, and not necessarily on upward or downward shifts in their positions. Rather, transfers are simply an interchange of responsibilities, duties, departments or geographical locations. Transfers are the best way to generate qualified personnel from departments that are either over-staffed or redundant. Under the internal recruitment, two methods are available, which are employee referrals and job postings. Employee referrals do not recruit internal employees, but all potential candidates are nominations by current employees, mostly supervisors. The effectiveness of employee referrals is seen in how organizations can capture critically skilled employees known to their general workers. Job postings are open and equal-opportunity invitations to employees in an organization to submit applications for arising vacancies. The announcements are made via lists and bulletins accessible by all employees. Generally, internal recruitment methods are characterized by the advantage of being quicker and cheaper than most external methods. Internal recruitment also targets personnel the management already knows and can quickly evaluate their capabilities from their performances even without looking at their portfolios. Further, such targeted candidates are already familiar with the operations of the organization and are suitable for filling higher vacancies in the organizational hierarchy because they can psychologically motivate former peers to perform better. However, internal recruitment, with the exception of employee referrals, limits the chances of bringing in new talent because of its nature of restricting the number of applicants. This shuts out the introduction of external business ideas and may draw bitterness from candidates dropped by th e selection process (Herman & Joyce 2001, p. 186). Ultimately, internal recruitment will create another vacancy that will need to be filled. Some of the

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