Saturday, September 7, 2019

Bumble Products and Services Company E-Commerce Proposal Research

Bumble Products and Services Company E-Commerce - Research Proposal Example The online technologies would act wonders for BP & S enterprise in giving them a global stand and make them quite susceptible to attract competition. Presently it caters to a limited amount of consumers. Its desire to enlarge its wings to international market makes sure that the global demands of the consumers would result it fostering standard practices in line with international standards. The products would be made to compare with the competitors and would further add the brand and quality for sale in the international market. The international consumers would be at ease to purchase products at their convenience and would get across its message with the help of online technologies. Its products would fetch better acceptability in the foreign market and would comprise quality and international standards in the making of things. A widely connected public networks which transmits data using the packet switching mechanisms with the help of Internet Protocol (IP) (Forouzan, 2003). It can also be termed as network of networks that connects all the various networks in the world to access information. An enterprise can use internet to interconnect with other businesses or its own in connecting for information sharing and knowledge resources. The business across geographical locations can interconnect with ease. It offers an inexpensive way to get connected and keep in synchronization with resources and events. It is a privately owned network that uses internet protocols to connect to each other. It is usually within a certain premise to interconnect all the network topologies to be implemented and connected. It is restricted to the business which implements it and not accessible to the public domain (Forouzan, 2003). Used for almost all businesses where information must be shared and the organization needs to keep in synchronization with resources. The business information and access privileges are strong enough to prevent malicious access. It is a

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